Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 502 Congratulations to Daming

Chapter 502 Congratulations to Daming
The city of Shafu, a high-ranking official in Huguang, is located, that is, Changsha Mansion. Du Yinxi was originally the magistrate here, but he was promoted in a hurry.

However, in Changsha City today, there is also a big man, he is Sun Chuanting, Minister of the Ministry of War who leads troops all the year round.

At this time, he had already led the army to press southward and crossed the Yangtze River.

With enough troops in hand, and already in control of Huguang, a land of fish and rice, the logistics of the army has been greatly eased, and it is even easier for the war.

Especially not long after the year, the entire army of Zhang Xianzhong on the east side was wiped out, which made him no longer worry about the east front.

Perhaps it was also because the entire army of the rogues under Zhang Xianzhong was wiped out, which accelerated the speed of the rogues under Li Zicheng. Ran.

However, Sun Chuanting still had a dead fish face, and he didn't look very happy.

The important matter of the country of soldiers must be cautious!
The next step to suppress bandits is to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the superiority in military strength cannot be fully utilized. This is the first point of his concern.

The second worry is that the places to be attacked next, especially Yunnan and Guizhou, are not only full of miasma, but also have difficult roads, which is also a challenge for him.

The third point is to use this strategy of driving away wolves and tigers, which is tantamount to treating the chieftain as an enemy.And the chieftain is a local snake. In this vast mountain, it is definitely not an easy task to wipe out these enemies.

The fourth point, and the most important point, was the situation in the court, which made him very worried.

In fact, Sun Chuanting was not worried about the difficulty of fighting abroad. It was nothing more than soldiers coming to block him and water coming to cover him.

But according to his many years of experience, party disputes in the court, open guns and hidden arrows, are the most difficult to guard against.

He himself had a very deep experience. He used to lead troops to suppress thieves without fear, and even beat the thieves to flee.However, after King Qin arrived in the capital, he was thrown into prison by those people in the capital.

Now, he has heard the battle in the court again, and he is deeply worried.

Sun Chuanting couldn't figure out why the Confucian family in Qufu meddled with the affairs of the court, let alone why the emperor sent troops directly to copy the Confucian family in Qufu.

Although the Confucian family in Qufu is not a royal family, from a certain point of view, it is more than a royal family!Why is the emperor so reckless, shouting and killing the Confucius family in Qufu!

He is a bit far away from the capital, and he is at war, so the news is naturally lagging behind.

After a long time, he finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

The Confucian family in Qufu was afraid that science would impact Confucianism and thus shake the status of the Confucian family in Qufu. He could understand this; roughly, he also knew that it was impossible for the Confucian family in Qufu to have the courage or possibility to rebel.

The current emperor confiscated the Confucian family in Qufu for the crime of gathering a crowd to rebel. This must be difficult to convince the public.

No, in Huguang Province, after hearing this, many scholars began to complain for the Confucian family in Qufu, and some even wanted to go to the capital.

In this regard, he used his military power to directly mobilize troops to suppress all the scholars under his command.

Sun Chuanting knew that the pressure on the emperor was very high!

As far as he is concerned, he is different from ordinary civil servants. Regarding science, he sincerely agrees with the vigorous promotion of science.

He is both civil and military, and he knows how much science has played in the process of turning things around in the past few years!
Faintly, he also guessed that the emperor's attack on the Confucian family in Qufu was probably just to pave the way for vigorously promoting science!
However, Sun Chuanting also knew that the vast majority of literati in the world would not agree with him.In the current situation, in other words, if the emperor deals with the Confucian family in Qufu, it is tantamount to fighting against the scholars in the whole world!
Can the emperor win?
How did the emperor break the situation?

To be honest, Sun Chuanting is a bit pessimistic!
Because he knew very well in his heart that although the general situation in the world had improved, the prestige of the current emperor was slowly increasing.

However, no matter how promoted, it is impossible to have the prestige of Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu back then.

Only Emperor Taizu back then, or Emperor Chengzu in his heyday, could subdue scholars all over the world, right?
Thinking of this, Sun Chuanting still couldn't help shaking his head.

Relying on imperial power to suppress scholars in the world, they can suppress their mouths, but they cannot suppress their hearts.In later generations, I don't know how many articles will criticize the emperor!
It is unwise to rely on the imperial power to deal with the Confucius family in Qufu without thinking of a good countermeasure!
It was too far away from the capital, so Sun Chuanting could only look in the direction of the capital and worry.Facing the world's scholars, his personal strength is too small!
At this time, unless it is a generation of grandmasters, it may be useful to come out to stand for the emperor like Wang Yangming!
This is only possible!

Once this crisis is not handled well and the court falls into civil strife, the situation in the world, which has been won so hard, is likely to deteriorate again!
Thinking of this, Sun Chuanting sighed silently again.

On this day, he watched the farmers working outside the city from the top of Changsha City, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, there was movement behind him, and a voice shouted with excitement: "My lord, good news, good news..."

Sun Chuanting recognized the voice and couldn't help being a little curious. He turned his head and saw that Li Yan was holding something in his hand, and he happened to be on the top of the wall and ran towards him.

Isn't this Li Yan usually very generous?Why are you so happy?What is it that made him lose his composure?
To be honest, Sun Chuanting was a little curious at this time.

"Master, please slow down, slow down..."

Good guy, Li Yan actually dumped the red lady, what is it that makes Li Yan so excited?

Sun Chuanting became even more curious when he saw the red lady chasing after Li Yan.

Seeing Li Yan running to Sun Chuanting panting, after a hasty greeting, he hurriedly said to Sun Chuanting: "My lord, please read the latest issue of the residence newspaper!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting couldn't help being a little disappointed: Li Yan lost his composure like this, thinking that something earth-shattering happened, but it turned out to be just a mansion newspaper?

With that in mind, he was ready to pick up the residence report.

At this time, Hong Niangzi finally arrived, she was not out of breath like Li Yan, she said to Li Yan in a puzzled way: "Your Excellency read a mansion newspaper, why can't even call you, what's the matter? "

She was assisting Li Yan with official duties in the mansion, and suddenly she saw Li Yan holding the mansion newspaper and yelling, before running away, which really frightened her.

After hearing this, Li Yan had the opportunity to reply at this time: "A major event has happened to the capital! It is simply unheard of..."

Something happened to the capital?When Sun Chuanting heard this, he became anxious immediately. What he was most afraid of was not how fierce the thieves were, but that something happened to the capital!
Therefore, the movement of his hand quickened, and he snatched the mansion newspaper from Li Yan's hand with a "swish". Just as he was about to ask what paragraph it was in, he was attracted by the eye-catching title: Emperor Taizu's Jinluan Hall appeared...

Naturally, needless to say, he immediately scanned quickly, unconsciously, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

On the other side, Hong Niang heard this, but asked suspiciously: "Master, what happened to the capital, I hope it pleases you, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Ah!" Li Yan only realized at this time that he had made a slip of the tongue when he heard it, so he hurriedly replied with a smile, "It's a good thing, a good thing! The emperor Taizu has appeared, and the most holy teacher has also appeared, right in the Golden Luan Hall Come on, in front of all civil and military officials!"

"What?" After hearing this, the red lady thought she had heard wrong, so she hurriedly asked.

Sun Chuanting's guards were all dumbfounded, staring at Li Yan with disbelief.

They don't know what the most holy teacher is. It sounds like a powerful person, but they all know who the emperor Taizu is!Emperor Taizu's appearance in front of people is definitely the most shocking thing!

Just when Li Yan wanted to repeat it, he saw Sun Chuanting, who always had a fishy face, but also showed an ecstatic expression, patting the mansion and saying repeatedly: "Okay, okay, okay! Everything is solved, it's solved!"

Afterwards, he said with great regret: "It's a pity, I don't have the chance to see the emperor Taizu appear, the most holy teacher appears!"

If you are in the capital, you will definitely see it.This kind of thing is really rare, which makes him very regretful!

Even Sun Chuanting is like this, needless to say, this thing is definitely true!
All of a sudden, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"My lord, we will have no worries in the future!" Li Yan said to Sun Chuanting with a happy face.

Now he is the head of Sun Chuanting's staff, assisting Sun Chuanting in handling official documents can be of great help to Sun Chuanting.Because of this, he knew what Sun Chuanting was worried about, so he said this.

At this time, Sun Chuanting's face was full of red light, as if rejuvenated by the second spring, and he immediately ordered: "Immediately spread the news to the army everywhere, the emperor Taizu will appear, long live the Ming Dynasty!"

When his personal guards heard this, they were so excited that they almost yelled, and they yelled together: "Emperor Taizu appears, long live Ming Dynasty!"

Emperor Taizu started at the end of the century, expelled the Tartars, and returned the clothes of the Han family. He has made great achievements. He is the first person since ancient times. At least among the people of the Ming Dynasty, they all think so.

The appearance of Emperor Taizu is definitely the strongest encouragement for the morale of the Ming army!
"Also, spread the news about the appearance of the most holy teacher!" Sun Chuanting continued to explain, "Also, pass on the military order of my officer, kill pigs and sheep, and have extra meals in the army, congratulations to Daming!"

"Congratulations to Daming!" Li Yan, Hong Niangzi, and the guards nearby all responded excitedly in unison, "Congratulations to Daming!"

Holding the mansion newspaper, Sun Chuanting walked down the city quickly, and at the same time said excitedly to himself, "I have to write a memorial to the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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