Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 530 Responsibilities

Chapter 530 Responsibilities
After Zeng Ying arranged for his men to conduct a vigilant investigation, he came to He Renlong's side to check the situation.

Seeing this friendly army watching one by one, they were all exhausted.But even so, the soldiers in the army were all helping the wounded.

Seeing this, Zeng Ying hurriedly asked her subordinates to help, and then came to He Renlong's side.

It was found that he was staring blankly at the rows of corpses lying in front of him, with a very ugly expression on his face.

So, Zeng Ying followed his gaze and was immediately surprised.

He Renlong's general Gao Jie, whom he knew, was lying there, motionless.From the point of view of the injury, there was no fatal injury with missing arms and legs, but he died of poisoning!

Similar to Gao Jie, there are many others, all in the same situation.

Seeing this, Zeng Ying looked up, and finally he found that most of the imperial soldiers who had died in battle had symptoms of poisoning.

Although he was not from Sichuan, he grew up in Sichuan with his father who was an official, and the wife he married was from Sichuan, so he naturally knew that this kind of poisoning trick must have been done by the chieftain here.

If you want to say how poisonous these poisons are, those who get hit will die immediately, and their throats will be blocked when they see blood, that is impossible.

But if you didn't care about it at that time, or if you didn't have time to treat the wound at that time, it would become dangerous.

He Renlong's troops were ambushed, and there was no chance to bandage and treat the wounds, so they kept fighting.In this case, this kind of poisonous injury is fatal!

"don't want……"

Hearing the sound, Zeng Ying turned her head to look, but saw that it was the movement from the wounded soldier.

He Renlong also seemed to have been awakened, and strode over.

Zeng Ying naturally followed suit.

The military doctor who was treating the wound was sweating. Seeing He Renlong approaching, he hurriedly said to He Renlong: "Marshal, his leg can't be kept. It must be amputated immediately, or there is a possibility of saving his life." !"

"Marshal, how can I live if I'm crippled, I haven't married a wife yet..." The wounded soldier also cried when he saw He Renlong.

During the fight just now, not a single man shed tears.

He Renlong saw that the wounded soldier's legs were already swollen and thick, and he knew that the doctor said that, so he must have no choice but to say it.

Therefore, his eyes were red, and he yelled at the wounded soldier: "What's wrong with the cripple? It's not that I want you to be an eunuch. I want you to go back alive!"

After yelling at the wounded soldier, he looked at the other wounded soldiers, and shouted still with red eyes: "Listen to the doctor, too many brothers died in battle today, you all have to live, be obedient!"

Zeng Ying at the side listened, dejected and speechless. After being silent for a while, he ordered the guards around him to take out all the medicinal materials he carried in the army and give them to the brother troops.

Seeing Chuan Bing helping Qin Bing, He Renlong just patted Zeng Ying on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "I'll make a note of it!"

After hearing this, Zeng Ying opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.Because he knew that what he said at this time was actually useless.

According to a rough estimate, there were about [-] troops under He Renlong's troops, at least [-] were killed and about [-] were injured.Even senior generals like Gao Jie were killed in battle.

This battle was the heaviest loss of the imperial army's elite in recent years.

A few days later, the battle report reached Sun Chuanting.

The loss of He Renlong's troops was greater than what Zeng Ying had estimated.

There were about [-] forwards who opened the way for the army, but none of them escaped back.The soldiers who died of serious injuries accounted for about [-]% of the wounded soldiers, and it is estimated that there are still about [-]% of the wounded soldiers who may not survive in the end.

Basically, in this battle, nearly [-] soldiers of He Renlong's troops were killed or missing, and the battle damage was very serious.

On Sun Chuanting's side, He Renlong was not punished. In his memorial to the court, he attributed the responsibility for the defeat to his own inadequacy of the thieves and chieftains, and underestimated the enemy.He also said that when He Renlong was ambushed by the enemy, he was able to retreat with the dead and wounded soldiers in the end, which was meritorious.Of course, he also asked for credit for Zeng Yingbu who responded.

After this memorial was rushed to the capital, it immediately caused a sensation.

Many censors and civil officials have impeached Sun Chuanting and asked Emperor Chongzhen to deal with Sun Chuanting.

Although Sun Chuanting's rectification did not attract as much attention as Ma Shiying's, relatively speaking, Sun Chuanting's rectification far exceeded Ma Shiying's.Therefore, there should not be too many people who hate Sun Chuanting.

It's just that before, they couldn't find enough reasons to impeach Sun Chuanting. Now that Sun Chuanting had lost the battle, he said that he had a heavy responsibility, so it happened to be an opportunity, so they quickly impeached Sun Chuanting.

Emperor Chongzhen was also a little surprised to get this memorial from Sun Chuanting.

Since the reorganization of the new army was completed, whether it was the battle of Jizhou, the battle of Ningyuan, or the battle to eliminate Zhang Xianzhong, there were not so many soldiers who died in battle, and there were several high-ranking generals.

Faced with the impeachment of the censor, Emperor Chongzhen would certainly consult with Liu Weichao.

As soon as the video was connected, Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen's expression was not right, so he asked curiously, "Why, what happened?"

In the recent videos, Liu Weichao has rarely seen Emperor Chongzhen's face look bad.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen replied: "Sun Chuanting sent a memorial, and his general He Renlong's troops were ambushed by the allied forces of the bandits and chieftains..."

He is used to speaking with Liu Weichao, so under the influence of Liu Weichao, when talking to Liu Weichao, he usually calls him by his first name, with a clearer meaning.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen relayed Sun Chuanting's memorial to Liu Weichao in a tone close to later generations.

Liu Weichao was also a little surprised when he heard this.However, if you want to say how surprised it is, there is actually no such thing.After all, for him, only a thousand people were killed in battle, which is not even ranked in the wars of later generations.

In the same way, the two of them have communicated for a long time, and Liu Weichao will also be influenced by Emperor Chongzhen.Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, I realized that it is not a trivial matter to kill more than a thousand elites in battle.

However, Liu Weichao did not say anything negative, because his ass was actually sitting on Sun Chuanting's side.

Therefore, when Emperor Chongzhen asked his opinion, he immediately replied: "I think this battle should be worthy of publicity and reward. After all, I was ambushed by several times the enemy, but I was able to fight to the death and retreat in the end. I haven't fallen yet." The injured comrades, and even the remains of the comrades who died in battle have been brought back! Not an elite army, not a real warrior, I don’t think this will be the result!”

Hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen's spirit immediately lifted. He even remembered what the imperial army was like in the past. Fleeing in battle is everywhere!

In such a comparison, the battle under He Renlong's troops is definitely worthy of praise, and he is very pleased!
Hearing a nice word, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said to Liu Weichao in great spirits: "Go ahead!"

Although he didn't express his opinion, Liu Weichao had seen his psychological change, so he continued: "Second, I think the responsibility for this battle should actually belong to the two of us!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect him to say such a thing, so he asked a little puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao explained to Emperor Chongzhen: "You shouldn't forget it. At first, we two thought that we could drive the thieves away to Yunnan and Guizhou, and solve the chieftain problem along the way, right?"

"Yes!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen did not deny it, but simply admitted it.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he said with a serious expression: "This strategy of driving away wolves and tigers comes from the fact that we saw that the local gentry were cleaned up through the thieves. So I thought about using this method to get the chieftain Cleaned up. However, the two of us talked about wars on paper and neglected one point!"

"Which point?" Emperor Chongzhen asked immediately with a serious expression.

Liu Weichao immediately answered him: "The biggest difference between the local gentry in the Central Plains and the chieftain is that they lack military power. If they don't have guns in their hands, they are naturally easy to be dealt with. However, the chieftain is different. He has military power in his hands, which belongs to him. They must want to resist, and it is easy to resist. It is easy for things like this to unite with thieves to fight against the imperial court! On this point, we didn’t think enough about it at the beginning, and we were too optimistic, didn’t we?”

Emperor Chongzhen listened, nodded after thinking for a while, and said seriously: "It is indeed a bit of an empty talk. If we want to complete the land reform, it is definitely not as easy as we say!"

Liu Weichao also had a bit of self-criticism, and thought about some information about reforming the land and returning to the local people in his mind.

Emperor Chongzhen saw that he was thinking, so he said to him: "From this point of view, I am indeed at fault! Sun Chuanting is willing to take responsibility for this battle, and I can do it too!"

In the past, Liu Weichao pointed out one of his shortcomings, that is, he lacked responsibility as Emperor Chongzhen.When something happened, the responsibility was often shifted to the subordinates, so that in the end, none of the officials dared to take responsibility, and they became afraid to do things.

In this regard, at the beginning, he was a little unconvinced.

The emperor can never be wrong, if he is wrong, the courtiers are wrong.They don't take the initiative to take responsibility for their faults, and they also say that the emperor is wrong. Is this the way of courtiers?
However, after dying once and communicating with Liu Weichao from another world, Emperor Chongzhen was obviously more persuasive than ever.After thinking about Liu Weichao's words after the video communication, he finally accepted Liu Weichao's accusation.

At this time, Liu Weichao listened to Emperor Chongzhen talking, he put his mobile phone on the mobile phone holder, and searched for information on the computer with his hands free, in order to confirm the information he thought of.

(End of this chapter)

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