Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 531 Very Happy

Chapter 531 Very Happy
After checking for a while, Liu Weichao looked back at Emperor Chongzhen in the video, and said to him, "I just went through all the information about reforming the land and returning it to the stream."

"Well, tell me!" Emperor Chongzhen had known for a long time that he was looking for information, so he had been waiting for a long time. Now that he heard it, he naturally wanted to hear what he had to say.

I only heard Liu Weichao say to him: "The matter of reforming the land and returning it to the local people must be done. Since it is the world of the Ming Dynasty, it must be brought under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty, and it cannot be special. There is no doubt about this, right?"

"En!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately after hearing this, and responded without hesitation.

This is not only a matter of taxation, money and food, and the prestige of the court, but also because there were too many rebellions by chieftains in the late Ming Dynasty.

One of the most important incidents was the She'an Rebellion that broke out during the Tianqi period. The reason was that the imperial court wanted to transfer [-] soldiers from the Shui'an family to help the war, but they stopped because of fear of causing conflicts. Leading [-] troops to aid Liao, She Chongming, the leader of the Yongning She clan, and his son-in-law Fan Long conspired against each other. In the second year of the Apocalypse, An Bangyan of the Shui'an clan hijacked his nephew to announce the consolation envoy Anwei to respond to She Chongming's rebellion.

This rebellion provided an opportunity for the expansion of the Shapu Rebellion in Yunnan. The policy of "ruling barbarians with barbarians" in the Ming Dynasty led to the evil result of "ruling barbarians with thieves".Therefore, the "She'an Rebellion" and the "Sharp Rebellion" are directly related.

The chieftain rebellion was huge in scale and lasted for a long time. It seriously restrained the military and economic power of the Ming Dynasty in Shu, Chu, Guizhou, and Yunnan provinces, weakened the Ming Dynasty's defense ability against Jianlu, and objectively slowed down the war. The Ming Dynasty's pressure on the thieves put the Ming Dynasty in a situation of fighting on three fronts, not just fighting on two fronts.

It can be said that the southwestern chieftain rebellion in the Ming Dynasty shook the ruling foundation of the Ming Dynasty to a large extent and accelerated the fall of the feudal rule of the Ming Dynasty.

Among the chieftains, those like Shizhu chieftain are really rare.Most of the chieftains kept themselves safe and obedient when the court was strong; once they felt that they were powerful enough to wrestle with the court, they would defy the court, and even later, rebellion was not uncommon.

Regarding these things, Emperor Chongzhen had already seen clearly, and his determination to reform the land and return to the people was naturally greater than that of any previous Ming emperor!

Therefore, when Liu Weichao proposed the policy of driving away wolves and tigers, imitating Sun Chuanting's driving away thieves and harming local gentry, so as to give the imperial court a convenient opportunity to rectify the place, and when he also gave the chieftain to do the same, he immediately agreed, thinking it was a very good idea. pretty good idea.

At this time, I heard Liu Weichao continue to introduce to Emperor Chongzhen: "At this time, of course I have no chieftains. Well, there are basically no chieftains! Throughout history, there have been two relatively large reforms, and I will give you Tell me a little bit!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was very interested and immediately listened carefully.

I only listened to Liu Weichao's introduction to him: "The first large-scale land reform was during the Yongzheng period of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, that is, the third emperor after Jianlu entered the customs. At that time, not only used troops against the chieftain, but also carried out large-scale The Han people were relocated there. Of course, there is also a big reason for the relocation of the Han people at this time, that is, when Jianlu captured the world and killed too many people when he conquered the southwest."

Emperor Chongzhen listened, but did not speak.

"The second time I reformed the land and returned it to the natives, it was when I founded the country at this time. One thing I did was the same. I also relocated the Han people on a large scale, or it was called a garrison, similar to a guard."

Speaking of this, Liu Weichao concluded: "Looking at history, the first thing to achieve is the military. There is no doubt about it. The second is to relocate the Han people. The third, I found that the Stabilizing the chieftain's territory is to educate the people there. Among other things, Min Hongxue of your dynasty once did this in Yunnan and Guizhou. I can see that the evaluation of the materials is good. Of course, I remember this before I mentioned it to you, but now it’s just using soldiers, and I haven’t done it yet.”

"Well, yes!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded and admitted when he heard this, "There are a lot of things right now, and I haven't had time to take care of these things."

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately replied: "That's it. Now that Sun Chuanting's department has started to deal with the matter of the Southwest Chieftain, I think that this matter of the Southwest Chieftain's conversion of land to returnees should be formally brought up and taken seriously. The imperial court has a national policy, and the local government can effectively deal with it, don’t you think?”

"En!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded again after hearing this.

This time, the war put the matter of the Southwest chieftain at the forefront of everything, and reminded Emperor Chongzhen that it was time to face it squarely.Otherwise, Sun Chuanting would not have a principle for doing things when dealing with the southwestern chieftain, which would affect his work.

But fortunately, other things have been sorted out now, and for the time being, it can be regarded as freed up energy, which can be used to solve the Southwest Chieftain.

After all, Liaodong Jianlu has already won two battles, which greatly weakened Jianlu's strength, and Dongjiang Town is also rebuilding. Not a lot.

And the hard bone of rectifying the place in Nanjing has also been gnawed down.Now, according to the Nanjing model, the Jiangnan area is continuing to rectify on a large scale, and no new problems have been encountered.

When Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about this, he heard Liu Weichao suddenly smiled, which felt a little special, and then heard him say: "I think there is a more important point in order to do a good job in reforming the land and returning it to the people, that is, you have to Just throw money at it!"

"Spending money?" Emperor Chongzhen asked subconsciously when he heard the word.

Isn't this asking him to pay for it!

"Yes, spend money!" Liu Weichao nodded after hearing this, and replied, "In the long run, this reformation must be done, and if you want to do this well, you must be willing to spend money in the early stage. Only in this way can the process of reforming the land and returning it to the local people become smoother. Unlike rectifying the locality, it is much easier to use the local thieves, with almost no cost input, and the associated gains are all land and population!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen felt a bit pained, but he still nodded and said, "I will definitely not not spend the money that should be spent. Tell me, what do you think I should spend money on?"

Seeing his expression, Liu Weichao felt amused in his heart, but on the surface, he became serious, and said to him: "In essence, reforming the land and returning the natives is actually depriving the chieftain of his power. Therefore, the target of the struggle is the chieftain. This The most important thing among them is actually the people in the chieftain's territory. If they can get their support, then the chieftain is a bare-bones commander, a commander-in-chief without soldiers, and there will be no trouble at all!"

Having said that, he paused, and before Emperor Chongzhen could ask any questions, Liu Weichao continued to explain: "The most important thing to gain the support of the people in the chieftain's territory is to make them feel that under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, their lives will be better. It is better than living under the rule of Tusi! This is easy to say, but it is a bit difficult to do, and the most important thing is to spend money!"

He had instilled the people-oriented thought in Emperor Chongzhen before.And when something happened, it also affected Emperor Chongzhen from time to time.One of the most direct impacts is that Emperor Chongzhen abolished the humble status of the Ming Dynasty, and promoted universal education and so on.

For this, Liu Weichao is actually quite proud.He was an ordinary person, but in the end he affected people on another plane and improved their lives.Just like doing something good, I am very happy.

At this time, he is also very positive to have the opportunity to continue to influence Emperor Chongzhen and give the Chinese people in that world a chance to improve their lives.

No, Liu Weichao took the initiative to stretch out his fist, just in front of the phone, and then stretched out another finger and said: "First, the key point is to treat people equally, so that the people in the chieftain's territory, like the people in the Central Plains, can educate them. Discriminated against because they used to be barbarians."

"That's no problem. Since the land is changed to return to the people, they are my people, so how can we treat them differently!" Emperor Chongzhen replied without thinking about it when he heard this.

The Han people naturally have the tolerance to be compatible with the world in their minds.In this regard, there is a natural difference between the Ming Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Satisfied, Liu Weichao continued, "Secondly, in terms of details, it is a bit like beating the chieftain and dividing the land. That is, all the grain fields of the chieftain are confiscated, and then rented out to the common people for farming. If some of the common people are improving the land Those who have performed meritorious service in Guiliu can also be given land. As for how much land will be awarded for meritorious service, you can discuss a specific rule with Sun Chuanting."

This kind of generosity is a bit similar to the generosity of others, so Emperor Chongzhen didn't feel distressed.And he also knows that once this method is implemented, those common people will definitely be willing to help the imperial court for their own benefit, and it should be of great benefit to the help of reforming the land and returning to the people.

Therefore, when he heard this, he nodded again.

"Third, as I mentioned just now, it is also essential to relocate the people in the interior. For these people, preferential treatment on the grain fields can also be given, such as how many grain fields are allocated. Of course, here also Pay attention to one thing, that is, you cannot artificially distinguish between the original people and the relocated people, and you cannot govern the place through confrontation. In that case, it will be difficult to assimilate the local people. And what you want is to assimilate them in the end, no different from the people in the Central Plains ,right?"

The reason why he pointed this out was because he checked the information just now and found that some officials like to use this point to govern the place and make them fight.

"Of course!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately after hearing this, without thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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