Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 532 is different

Chapter 532 is different

Liu Weichao stretched out his fourth finger, and continued to say to Emperor Chongzhen: "In all parts of the Central Plains, you can use the welfare lottery to raise special free education funds, open free schools for children to study, learn scientific knowledge, etc. But , this is not in line with the actual situation in the southwestern chieftain area, at least no one buys lottery tickets, and even if there are, there should be very few!"

"En!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded again in response.

"Then, for the southwestern chieftain, I think you still have to spend money to set up a free school!" Liu Weichao said seriously, "You can just use simplified Chinese characters and pinyin, these two are sharp tools to promote education. Educate the common people over there, so that they and Da Ming can truly be of the same clan, recognize Da Ming, recognize the imperial court, and recognize you as the emperor!"

This is one of the money that must be paid for reforming the land and returning to the local people!
Emperor Chongzhen thought about it, and immediately nodded and said: "No problem, even if I don't rob the house in the future, I can still have money. This money to educate the world must be paid out as it should be!"

According to the grain fields that have been checked out in the rectification areas across the country, even if there are still many provinces in the south that have not been rectified, Emperor Chongzhen has already made an estimate.Not to mention this year, next year, the field grain tax will reach the level of the Yongle period.

If the previously announced policy of exempting taxes and restoring people's livelihood due to the war expires, the world will be peaceful, and the Ming Dynasty will recuperate, then the tax revenue will reach its peak at that time, and [-] million taels will not be a dream!

Also, according to Liu Weichao's suggestion, when transportation is convenient and commerce is developed, the income from business tax will definitely be a very astonishing amount.

Therefore, at this time, Emperor Chongzhen already had the confidence to spend money!Even if you don't rob the house anymore, it's okay!
When Liu Weichao heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, he just smiled, and then stretched out another finger. The fist finally turned into a palm. I don’t think there is any need to cover things up. Just follow the items I just mentioned and make an official announcement. In addition, for chieftains, give them a way. For example, to cooperate with the chieftains of the court, give them a title and let them Come to the capital and other prosperous places to enjoy the splendor and wealth. Of course, you can also assign different jobs according to their talents, and give them an explanation."

The reason why this point is brought up is because the Ming Dynasty did not exist before, and the reform of the land to return to the bloc would only be done when the chieftain died and there was no direct heir.But now, all the existing chieftains have been changed.

Liu Weichao checked the information just now, and in history, there were indeed chieftains who cooperated with the land reform.For example, in the Tibetan area at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Dorji Sengge, the chieftain of Dege, supported the reform of the land and returned to the people, and even attached great importance to the education of the people.

After Duoji Sengge arrived in Batang at the end of the first year of Xuantong, he was very happy to see that the students in the Mandarin school were polite and changed their bad habits before entering the school, showing a new atmosphere.So in the following year, he donated the remaining 1000 taels of silver to build a boys' school; and his wife Si Langcuom also generously donated 1000 taels of silver with jewelry and clothing, and donated it to build a girls' school.

Just after reading this passage of information, Liu Weichao does not think that once the imperial court actually implements the policy of reforming the land and returning the natives, all the chieftains will rebel.A very simple example, Shizhu chieftain, definitely not.

For these chieftains, the imperial court would naturally give them preferential treatment, shifting their status, but depriving them of military power, personnel rights, etc., all of which must be brought under the jurisdiction of the imperial court.

Liu Weichao said, thought for a while, and then added: "Of course, whether it is a knighthood or other corresponding treatment, I am actually just saying it casually, and you need to discuss it specifically. suitable."

Emperor Chongzhen nodded his head, taking it for granted.

Later, seeing that Liu Weichao seemed to have stopped talking, he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Liu Weichao listened, thought for a while, and then replied with a smile: "Well, isn't Old General Qin living in the capital for the elderly? I think you can also communicate with her about this matter first, and explain the necessity and The importance, I think she should be able to understand it. Then Shizhu chieftain should set an example, which should effectively reduce the possibility of Southwest chieftain rebellion. According to the conditions of the court, it can be resolved peacefully, that is the best."

"It makes sense!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded happily after hearing this, and then continued to look at Liu Weichao with expectant eyes.

Seeing this, Liu Weichao felt a little helpless, spread his hands together and said, "That's all I can remember for now!"

"Okay, I'll go back and sort it out, and then discuss it with the officials!" Emperor Chongzhen smiled a little embarrassedly when he heard it, and then said to Liu Weichao.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought that this video communication was coming to an end.

Unexpectedly, after Emperor Chongzhen looked down at the memorial, he raised his head and said to him: "By the way, there are two more things. Can you help me?"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he didn't even think about it, and said directly: "If you can help, you will definitely help, just say it!"

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen was not polite, and said to Liu Weichao: "From the memorial, one of the bigger difficulties in conquering the southwestern chieftains and thieves is that the soldiers are not used to Yunnan and Guizhou, and far more people are sick than the soldiers." Injured in battle. Look at the situation, do you have any good solutions?"

Liu Weichao was not surprised when he heard it, and immediately replied: "Those who are really unaccustomed to the environment, there is nothing to do. However, most people should still have no problems. What's more, it is hygiene problems. Get sick!"

Without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to ask questions, he took the initiative to popularize the common sense of future generations to Emperor Chongzhen: "Didn't I tell you when the microscope was invented before? In this world, there are tiny creatures, bacteria, viruses, etc. They can easily make humans sick..."

"So, you have to boil the water before you can drink it!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately interjected after hearing this, "I told Sun Chuanting about this a long time ago, most of the people in the army should have done the same!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao emphasized: "I feel that there will still be people who are greedy for convenience and drink unboiled water directly. It is best to emphasize this matter. By the way, it is best to equip each soldier with a kettle , I guess not. If you want them to drink boiled water, at least let them have this condition!"

In fact, in ancient times, soldiers would distribute a coconut ladle. This has been the case since the Song Dynasty, and it was even more common in the Ming Dynasty. It was written in the equipment of the Qi family army.

When Qi's army was fighting, the Huotou army had to carry water. When the soldiers were thirsty, they used coconut ladles to ask for water.Of course, more soldiers probably saw clean water, so they directly used coconut ladles to drink raw water.

For the northern Mongolian tribes, they used cowhide bags and the like. In addition, they were found to be made of ceramics and bamboo tubes, but they were not common and inconvenient. They were either fragile or unhygienic.In summary, drinking water has always been a problem.

Emperor Chongzhen at this time was also unclear about these.Hearing what Liu Weichao said, he asked with great interest: "What do you mean by the kettle?"

This is very simple. Liu Weichao casually found a picture of a military water bottle on Baidu, pointed his mobile phone at the computer, let Emperor Chongzhen look at it, and said: "In my era, every soldier was issued one. After boiling the water in advance, take it with you It's easy to carry."

Speaking of this, he added: "Well, let me look back and see how to mass-produce this kettle. If possible, I will give you the information. After you manufacture it, you will distribute it to the entire army to improve the situation of the soldiers. It is useful to increase combat effectiveness."

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard this, and quickly nodded in response.

Afterwards, Liu Weichao continued to popularize science with Emperor Chongzhen: "There is another reason for getting sick easily, which is the bites of snakes, insects, rats and ants, especially mosquitoes..."

As for malaria, he said before that among the specialties that Zheng Zhibao went to South America to obtain, there was cinchona tree.But at this time, he introduced artemisinin to Emperor Chongzhen.However, the ancient artemisinin could not be purified, so Artemisia annua was mentioned, and then the pictures were sent to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied, and finally said to Liu Weichao: "The last question, the terrain on the Yunnan-Guizhou side is completely different from the Central Plains, with high mountains and steep roads, and forests everywhere. Can you pass the map over there to Give me a copy, so that I can send it to Sun Chuanting, and it will be easier to enter Yunnan and Guizhou!"

Liu Weichao laughed when he heard it, and immediately shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this is not suitable. The world in my world is different from that in your world!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was a little speechless when he heard it. Looking at Liu Weichao's face, it was obvious that he was saying that he didn't believe it.

Not to mention, what is the theory of parallel universes, history develops in another direction, can this terrain have an impact?

Looking at his expression, Liu Weichao could see his inner thoughts at once, and immediately laughed and said: "Don't believe me, then, I'll show you some photos, and you should be able to understand what I mean! I'll hang up first !"

After hanging up the video communication, Emperor Chongzhen was very puzzled. What kind of photo could show that his world is different from his own?

High mountains, deep valleys, and hundreds of thousands of mountains, where can they be changed?
Thinking of this, he didn't even bother to review the conversation with Liu Weichao first, but looked at his phone, waiting for Liu Weichao to send a photo so that he could clear up the confusion as soon as possible.

After a while, the mobile phone sent out continuous notifications, and Liu Weichao sent him many pictures at once.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he quickly clicked on the picture to read it.

It's okay not to look at it, but when he saw it, he was immediately dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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