Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 533 Sun Qing is not to blame

Chapter 533 Sun Qing is not to blame

In the midst of the high mountains, there are bridges connecting the north and the south, and the natural moat becomes a thoroughfare; or, a road goes directly into the cave; and, on the choppy water, there is also a spacious bridge connecting the two banks...

Seeing all these things, Emperor Chongzhen was really dumbfounded.At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind: Can this be made?

He had seen the Yangtze River Bridge before, but the infrastructure in the mountains still shocked him very much.

Words such as ingenious workmanship, ingenious workmanship, and so on, all flashed through his mind.

In fact, not to mention him, even Liu Weichao himself was shocked when he saw the famous infrastructure in the west for the first time.

Emperor Chongzhen was just an ancient man, even if he already knew something about later generations, he couldn't have a broader vision than Liu Weichao, so naturally he was even more shocked than Liu Weichao.

At this time, Liu Weichao was still sending photos to Emperor Chongzhen.

However, the photos passed on to Emperor Chongzhen later are not just infrastructure, but old local photos from the late Qing Dynasty or the Republic of China, and then compared with his modern photos at this time.

The intensity of this visual impact made Emperor Chongzhen stunned.

Not to mention high-rise buildings, the scope of human activities has expanded even more.Places that were originally just wilderness are now human settlements or factories.

It is not an exaggeration to say that earth-shaking changes have taken place.

The earliest official roads may become later provincial roads, national roads, etc. However, by the time of Liu Weichao, these provincial roads, national roads, etc., were actually not commonly used anymore.

People travel on high-speed, high-speed rail and the like.It will not be restricted by the terrain and terrain, and there will be nine bends and eighteen bends, so as to truly build a bridge across the mountains and open the road and meet the water.

No, Liu Weichao finally sent a sentence to Emperor Chongzhen: "So, I will provide this to you, and there is no way to refer to it. In the end, Sun Chuanting should ask the local people to check and verify when he is marching."

"I know!" Emperor Chongzhen saw him, replied a voice, and then put down the phone.

But just put down the phone, but saw him pick it up unwillingly, with a glimmer of expectation, he sent a voice over and said: "This, can I do it here? Not to mention doing the same, even if it can be done on the first level." Row!"

Whether the transportation is convenient or not is the most direct factor affecting the strength of the central government's control over the local area.After having the steam train, Emperor Chongzhen felt more deeply about it.Looking at those photos, to be honest, he was extremely envious.

After Liu Weichao heard his voice, he quickly returned the voice: "You should spread the scientific foundation first. Once you have the foundation, you can go further! You have to eat one bite at a time!"

Hearing this voice, Emperor Chongzhen regretfully put down his cell phone and did not speak to Liu Weichao again.

Science!When will I enjoy the benefits of more science!

He didn't care if he hadn't seen it; after seeing all the benefits of future generations, Emperor Chongzhen's heart was in a commotion!

Sitting there, looking at the photo of the Beipanjiang Bridge, he watched it silently for a long time, then suddenly, he slapped the table suddenly, and at the same time his face was full of excitement, he must have made a certain decision.

Afterwards, I heard Emperor Chongzhen speak to the outside of the hall: "Decree, summon the chief inspector, the cabinet, and the six ministries and nine ministers to discuss matters in the Wenhua Hall!"

"Observe the decree!" Hearing the movement at the gate of the hall, he immediately responded, and then hurried to deliver the decree.

On the Emperor Chongzhen's side, he picked up the imperial pen on the side and began to write something, which was all the content of the conversation with Liu Weichao just now, and he summed it up and wrote it down.

As for meetings, he is the emperor, and he can arrive whenever he wants, and there is no such thing as being late.

The weather on this day is a bit cloudy. Although it is afternoon, the light is not very good.

However, inside the Wenhua Hall, rows of electric lights were turned on, and the lights were bright.

These senior officials of Ming Dynasty are already used to this.Because the yamen where they work is now also using electric lights.It is only based on the problem of wires, and it cannot be promoted in the whole city. For now, only they can enjoy the light brought by electric lights.

When they arrived at the Wenhua Palace, Emperor Chongzhen naturally did not come over, so they whispered to each other, probably guessing that it must be about the war between Yunnan and Guizhou.

Of course, they knew about the impeachment of Sun Chuanting by the Censor Yanguan, and even some of them were behind the impeachment.

In the hall, there was never a single voice.The different interests, the different positions of the buttocks, and the struggle between them are inevitable.

It's just that when the emperor was wise and powerful, he could suppress these battles to a controllable level; like the previous Emperor Chongzhen, he didn't have this means at all, and this kind of battle affected the court situation and the entire Ming Dynasty.

At this time, these senior officials of the Ming Dynasty knew in their hearts that it was impossible to bring down Sun Chuanting with such a defeat.At most, the emperor reprimanded him, or fined him a salary or something like that.

While they were thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen came, so they hurriedly greeted each other, and all of them behaved well, waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak.

Sure enough, Emperor Chongzhen said to them after they finished seeing the ceremony: "Now that Sun Qing has gone to Yunnan and Guizhou to suppress the thieves, and encountered some troubles, what do you think?"

Hearing this, before the others could speak, Wang Cheng'en, the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies, stepped out of the line and played to the Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, my servants thought that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, and now it's just a small defeat, which is not enough. Discuss in the court hall, Sun Benbing will mobilize troops to punish the generals, and do a good job of suppressing the bandits!"

He very much believed that Emperor Chongzhen would never punish Sun Chuanting.For this reason, before other people put forward their opinions, he set a tone. Unless these civil servants want to tear their faces, they will not argue about this again.

Sure enough, he withdrew after finishing speaking. On the civil servant's side, you look at me and I look at you. In the end, no one said anything.

Emperor Chongzhen saw that they didn't speak up, so he said: "I think that the root cause of Sun Qing's small defeat in suppressing thieves lies in the fact that the court did not plan ahead and set the tone in advance. This matter is not Sun Qing's fault, but the court's, and mine's! "

"..." None of these people in Wenhua Palace thought that Emperor Chongzhen would say such a thing, and they were stunned for a moment.

The fault lies with the emperor?

When they came back to their senses, they all knelt down and pleaded guilty, headed by Chief Assistant He Fengsheng.

In the past, when Emperor Chongzhen issued an imperial edict to sin against himself, it was actually instigated by his courtiers, all of whom had the mentality of watching a show; but now, the prestige of Emperor Chongzhen has become higher and higher. The real kind of emperor.

In this case, the emperor said that he was guilty, and the courtiers below could not bear this self-blame: the most normal point of view is, what do you courtiers do for food?
The same thing, emperors with different powers, have different results.

At this time, if the Emperor Chongzhen wants to issue an imperial edict, believe it or not, all the ministers in the Wenhua Palace will try their best to stop it!
No, Emperor Chongzhen saw He Fengsheng and others, and they all claimed to be guilty!
Hearing their confession, the Chongzhen Emperor, who had issued several edicts of guilt, was actually very emotional in his heart.

However, the past has passed, and he has no intention of pursuing it. After all, the ministers at that time are not the people in front of him now.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at these courtiers, and then asked indifferently: "Then Qing and others, what are you going to do to prepare for a rainy day, set the tone in advance, and Sun Qing will be defeated?"

He Fengsheng and the others were dumbfounded upon hearing this.Yes, what's the matter?

Why did Emperor Chongzhen say this, and what in the court could be related to this defeat?
If no one spoke, the pressure on Fu He Fengsheng would be even greater.He couldn't guess it all at once, so he simply said: "Please let Your Majesty express it!"

In this way, he is considered a bachelor.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen didn't pursue their intentions, so he said: "Yungui area, including Shu, has many chieftains. However, chieftains are very different from the government offices in other parts of the Central Plains. Now that the bandits are coming to Yunnan and Guizhou, the chieftains must also be involved. Consider setting the tone in advance, what do you think?"

Before Sun Chuanting led his army to drive the thieves to Yunnan and Guizhou, the people in the court naturally saw that this was a strategy to drive away wolves and tigers, thinking that even the chieftain would be cleaned up.

At this time, after hearing what Emperor Chongzhen said, they naturally remembered that the emperor was actually referring to the chieftain.

Thinking of this, He Fengsheng hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's words are very true. The chieftain is different from the Central Plains. Perhaps the imperial court ordered the chieftain to assist in suppressing the bandits. Based on the original meaning of the Ming court, it is not the court's order to suppress the chieftain!"

"Sun Benbing must be thinking about the strategy of reforming the land and returning to the exiles!" Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, followed suit, "However, the exiles have not been eliminated, and the world has not been peaceful, so we are more anxious!"

After hearing this, the others expressed their opinions one after another, basically echoing what the two of them meant.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little unhappy when he heard it. These courtiers couldn't even understand what he meant.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Wang Chengen.As a result, this time, he found that Wang Chengen didn't understand, and he didn't say anything silly there.

At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen finally understood, or Liu Weichao was right. The Ming Dynasty’s policy of reforming the land and returning it to the local people had always been the policy of reforming the land and returning the land to the local people when the chieftain died and had no direct heirs.This approach restricted the thinking of his courtiers to death.

Thinking of this, he no longer waited for these courtiers to understand, and said directly: "I think it's time to change the soil and return to the brigade, and really solve the chieftain problem! In short, the chieftain and the thieves, We have to solve it together this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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