Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 547 Unconventional

Chapter 547 Unconventional
When Liu Weichao heard this, he immediately clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's time for Jin Yiwei to make contributions! To be honest, I like Jin Yiwei better, but Jin Yiwei's merits passed down to future generations are relatively few. The most commendable one is Back then, the news that the Japanese pirates were going to invade North Korea was sent back to Daming!"

After a pause, he explained: "For the people of later generations, Jin Yiwei punishes corrupt officials with a majestic style, which is very popular. What is done for the people must be handed down to future generations!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said "oh".The most important duty of Jin Yiwei is to be the minion of the royal family!
But Liu Weichao liked it, and he didn't want to disappoint, so he didn't say anything.

When Liu Weichao became less excited, Emperor Chongzhen asked him a question: "However, Dongjiang Town and the country of Wa are too far away. Let's see if there is any technological power like this It’s the same as a mobile phone, can it allow me to communicate in time?”

In fact, he had mentioned this request before.However, Liu Weichao said at the time that with his technological foundation, it was not possible for the time being.

Now, having encountered this problem again, Emperor Chongzhen brought it up again.

This time, let alone, I heard Liu Weichao say to him: "Generally speaking, communication can be divided into two types: wired and wireless. However, there is still a lack of technological foundation. To implement it in a country as large as the Ming Dynasty, some Difficult. But there is a method, although there are many restrictions, but it can be added to strengthen long-distance communication.”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was overjoyed and asked quickly, "What method is it, tell me quickly!"

"Actually, the principle is very simple!" Liu Weichao introduced it to Emperor Chongzhen after listening to it, "It's similar to the kind of beacon fire, but instead of using beacon fire, some bars are placed on the flagpole. Different arrangements can express different meanings. In this way , in a place far away, if you regularly use a telescope to watch the arrangement and combination on the flagpole, you can know what meaning you want to convey. It’s like this, passing it down step by step. Theoretically speaking, it can be spread very far in one day The place!"

Others may not understand some of the modern words in his words, but Emperor Chongzhen has talked with him for several years, and he has no problem.

Therefore, when he heard this, he immediately remembered the code Liu Weichao had told him before.This permutation and combination should mean that.

Emperor Chongzhen thought about the scene Liu Weichao said in his mind, and felt that it could indeed spread far, so he couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face.

However, after Liu Weichao saw his expression, he immediately hit him and said: "However, this method is subject to many restrictions. This method cannot be used in rainy, snowy weather, foggy weather and other weathers that affect the line of sight. Also , The location of this method is also very important, it must be far enough to see the arrangement and combination of the flagpole clearly, and it is also required to agree when to initiate such a communication..."

In one breath, he said a lot of shortcomings.

However, Emperor Chongzhen was not disappointed, and still had a happy expression. When Liu Weichao finished speaking, he smiled and said: "This method is good! I have a telescope! As for the manpower, you can use the manpower of the ready-made station. The site selection will take some time, and the people below should verify it.”

Having said that, he raised his voice a little, and immediately said: "I have decided, this matter must be done."

No matter what you do, it costs money.However, the current Emperor Chongzhen has confidence, and he doesn't feel sorry for spending this money.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Liu Weichao said to him: "That's fine, I'll give you the information on this method later, you can use it!"

The communication method he mentioned was originally called the Sharp signal tower in the original history. It was a signal tower proposed by Claude Sharp during the French Revolution, that is, in the eighteenth century.

This kind of signal tower is a device that installs two huge cantilevers at both ends of the beam, which are respectively controlled by cables. The cantilever can form seven angles, with a difference of 2 degrees between adjacent ones. The beam itself can also rotate, but the sand Generally, there are 7 angles for the beam and 98 angles for each cantilever, so this signal tower can transmit a total of [-] possibilities at a time.

In its heyday, this kind of Sharp signal towers spread all over France, from Toulon in eastern France to Paris, spanning more than [-] kilometers, and it may only take ten to twenty minutes.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious, and Liu Weichao and Emperor Chongzhen have already mentioned it in their speeches.

After all, the Ming Dynasty was far bigger than France, and it was very likely that the sun would rise in the east and rain in the west, which would cause such communication interruptions.

However, before the invention of the telegraph, this kind of Sharp signal tower was still necessary.No, Emperor Chongzhen thought that this communication method was fast enough, so he also wanted to establish one.

After hanging up the video communication, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while, and instead of sending an order to the Commander of Jinyiwei immediately, he picked up his mobile phone and voiced Liu Weichao, asking him to sort out a piece of information about the situation of the Wa Kingdom during this period. .

Not long after, he received the information that Liu Weichao passed on to him.There are Wa country, and there are also Sharp signal towers.

As for this Shapu signal tower, Liu Weichao also has suggestions. This one, which was originally suitable for French, is not suitable for the Ming Dynasty.Simply use this kind of digital encoding.

His proposal to Emperor Chongzhen was to summarize the Chinese characters of Ming Dynasty and record them on a large piece of paper without repetition.According to the data of later generations, a thousand commonly used Chinese characters can cover [-]% of the writing.

That is to say, one thousand Chinese characters can be written on one piece of paper. If it is not enough, then two pieces of paper are fine.However, Liu Weichao estimated that as long as Emperor Chongzhen was willing, he could also make a large piece of paper and write small enough characters on it. It would be no problem to write a thousand Chinese characters on just one piece of paper.

Then, it is simple, as long as the numbers combine the abscissa and ordinate, a Chinese character can be located.Basically, it can be done, the two-digit abscissa and the two-digit ordinate can express the meaning of a Chinese character.

The ancient literati, on the other hand, paid attention to conciseness and short speech, similar to sending a telegram, they could quickly transmit a message.

And this Sharp signal tower does not need to be copied, because it does not need so many combinations, it can be as simple as possible, only needs ten expressions, and can even be marked with colors, such as red on the front and black on the back. , red represents the abscissa, and then turn it down, and then use black to represent the ordinate, which can also reduce errors in information transmission.

Liu Weichao brought up this idea, and told Emperor Chongzhen to try it first, and if there is a better way, he will replace it with a better way.

After reading these materials, Emperor Chongzhen liked it very much, so he drove to Concubine Tian Gui.

"Your Majesty, what's the good thing?" Concubine Tian Gui knew that there must be something good when she saw Emperor Chongzhen's smiling face, and asked immediately.

Emperor Chongzhen took out the mobile phone and asked Concubine Tian's confidant to start copying out the information inside, he watched from the side, and then said to Concubine Tian: "Chen Yuanyuan, who came out from you, did a very good job! "

For the time being, he doesn't want to tell anyone about the Wa country.

Concubine Tian Gui has already heard about Chen Yuanyuan.At this time, she couldn't hear anything new, so she took advantage of Emperor Chongzhen's joy and said: "The special scientific examination of Gewuxue is coming soon. Your Majesty is an eclectic talent in Gewuxue. I thought, as long as you have Gewuxue Those who are talented in other fields can participate, right?"

Emperor Chongzhen lay on the reclining chair, tapped the armrest with his hands, and said with a smile: "Of course!"

In fact, this matter had already caused a lot of trouble before.

If you think about it, there are three generations of grandparents and grandchildren, and even four generations under the same roof. They took the preliminary examination of Gewuxue together, and many even passed it, and then went to the capital together to take the scientific examination.This kind of thing may happen in ordinary imperial examinations!
Regarding this situation, some people feel unreliable, feel that there is a problem, and some have reacted upwards.

However, when Emperor Chongzhen was discussing matters in the Wenhua Palace, he made it clear that he was thirsty for talents in Gewu.

Because, the officials below judged according to this will, and they all allowed this rare thing to happen.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen affirmed it, and was even a little proud: the master of Zhongxing, the one emperor through the ages, is capable of what no one can do, and it is unprecedented.

In the ethos of the late Ming Dynasty, there was the kind of openness, the pursuit of freedom, and the kind that went its own way.Emperor Chongzhen was in this great era, and he was somewhat affected.Without the pressure of subjugation, when the spirit is high, it also has the meaning of being unconventional.

At this moment, after hearing Emperor Chongzhen's affirmative answer, Concubine Tian Gui immediately asked: "Then, can these maids and servants around me also participate in the special scientific examination of Gewu?"

Speaking of this, she immediately answered Emperor Chongzhen too quickly, and immediately added: "Anyway, your majesty wants to study physics, don't ask about background, right?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless when he heard this.

But if you think about it carefully, when you said that everyone can participate regardless of whether they are famous or not, it really means that they don't ask about their background.

Emperor Chongzhen thought about his original intention, then nodded and said: "Yes, you can participate!"

Hearing what he said, the maids and servants who were copying by the side burst into joy.It was obvious that they had been eavesdropping just now.

After hearing this, Concubine Tian Gui smiled, rolled her eyes, showing a hint of playfulness, and then asked Emperor Chongzhen, "In this case, the princes and daughters can also participate?"

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(End of this chapter)

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