Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 548 Father's Guilt

Chapter 548 Father's Guilt

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being taken aback. His son and daughter also participated in this special scientific examination of Gephysics?
Instinctively, he felt that it was not good to do so!
No matter how unconventional Emperor Chongzhen was, he still had a limit.

So, I saw him shaking his head and saying: "They forget it!"

Concubine Tian Gui didn't give up when she saw it, and continued to fight, "Didn't your majesty just say that anyone can do it, so why can others do it, but not my own son or daughter?"

Emperor Chongzhen listened, and when he was about to explain, Concubine Tian Gui said first: "The purpose of your Majesty's special scientific examination of Gewuxue is to discover talents in Gewuxue, right? Your son and daughter are all Gewuxue What’s more, you said that if you pass the scientific examination, you will reuse it. I think your reuse is not to let them become officials, but to engage in further studies in physics and train them so that they can It's better to do some physical things, right?"

If we say that in this world, after fifteen years of Chongzhen, the person who knows Emperor Chongzhen best is definitely Concubine Tian Guifei.Except for Emperor Chongzhen, she had the most dealings with Liu Weichao and watched the most videos of later generations.Even Queen Zhou is not as many as her.

Therefore, she knows the purpose of Emperor Chongzhen's special scientific examination of Geology best.Emperor Chongzhen could only nod in response to what he said at this time, admitting that she was right.

Seeing this, Tian Guifei continued to strike while the iron was hot, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Then why can't your majesty's sons and daughters participate? Their knowledge in Gewuxue will definitely be among the best. If you can meet your requirements for them in Gewuxue , let them also have the opportunity to learn more knowledge about Gewu, and make more achievements in Gewu, isn’t it good for you and the Ming Dynasty?”

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help pondering.

He admitted that for those who passed the special examination of Gephysics, he planned to let them engage in Gephysics, not to let them become officials and give them fame.In other words, these people are still different from those who take ordinary scientific examinations.

That being the case, if his son and daughter are outstanding in this respect, it will not conflict with the current official system.

There is another one. When Liu Weichao chatted with him, he once strongly criticized the existing vassal system in the Ming Dynasty. The king was entrusted out.

If they are allowed to master more knowledge of Gephysics, it can be regarded as teaching them the ability to become useful vassal kings, so that they will not be entrusted out, and they are still the kind of people who eat and wait to die.

For other vassal kings, Emperor Chongzhen may have seen it through because he knew the original history. If he didn't care much, his own son still attached great importance to it.After all, he is a father, so how can he not care about the well-being of his son and daughter!

Of course, even if his son and daughter don't take the special examination of Gephysics, they can still have the opportunity to continue their studies.

Emperor Chongzhen was still thinking about it. Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Concubine Tian Gui was obviously still hesitating, so she continued to lobby and said, "If they can take the special examination of Gephysics, they can know their level in the entire Ming Dynasty." , can whip them to continue to work hard in Gephysics. Don't worry, Your Majesty, I think they are all good, and they will not disgrace you. Otherwise, let them not reveal the identity of princes and daughters, and treat them as ordinary Let's go to the scientific examination!"

"That's not what it means!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately explained. Suddenly, he came back to his senses and asked curiously, "Who asked you to persuade me?"

Concubine Tian Gui now has only one son, Zhu Cizhen, who is only twelve years old. The most important thing is that this is an honest child. At least in Emperor Chongzhen's opinion, it is impossible to come to his mother to talk about this matter.

And he also knew Concubine Tian Gui. Generally speaking, she wouldn't do such outrageous things.At most, it's an innocuous thing, which she does occasionally.

At this time, without waiting for Concubine Tian Gui to answer, Emperor Chongzhen guessed: "Is this girl Aimee come to pester you?"

After much deliberation, he found that the only person who was most likely to have such thoughts on this matter was his eldest daughter.

I have reached the age to talk about marriage, but I don't agree to talk about marriage, I just indulge in Gewuxue.Now that there is a special scientific examination of Gephysics, talents are still selected in an eclectic manner, regardless of whether they have fame or not, it will be strange if she is not tempted!

Concubine Tian Gui laughed immediately after hearing this, and without hiding anything, she nodded and said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

Aimee Zhu knew that if she went to find her mother, Empress Zhou would be serious and would definitely not agree, so she came to pester Concubine Tian to talk to Emperor Chongzhen and give her a chance to prove herself.

At this time, Concubine Tian Guifei saw that Emperor Chongzhen still seemed to disagree, so she helped Aimee Zhu and said, "Didn't Your Majesty worry about her marriage? She said that she wanted to marry a son-in-law who was capable in geophysics, so that in the future The two of you will not be bored, and you can go further in Gephysics together!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless, unable to understand Aimi Zhu's thoughts.

After lamenting the generation gap, he said: "After the special examination of physical science is over, I will choose the unmarried young talents among them to marry, wouldn't it be good?"

"No, she said that her future husband will live a lifetime, and she wants to choose first!" After Tian Guifei finished speaking, she pretended to be angry and said, "You can't let yourself be the master of marriage! I have already scolded her, but She said that freedom of marriage is advocated in the fairy world, and she just wants to find someone she is satisfied with, otherwise she will not be happy for the rest of her life, can we bear it?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless when he heard this.

Obviously, this daughter is probably influenced by things like film and television songs of later generations, so she has such an idea.

But thinking about it, it seems to be true. After all, it is a matter of her daughter's life. If she is not satisfied, it will be difficult for her in the future.

The marriage of the royal family in the Ming Dynasty is different from other dynasties and is quite special.

The emperor's concubines, including the emperor, cannot come from official families, and they all come from common people's families.

And the emperor's daughters, that is, princesses, can only marry those who are not officials, that is, sons-in-law cannot enter the Super League as officials.This also led to the fact that none of the outstanding young talents in the Ming Dynasty would become consorts.

Of course, the son-in-law is also treated, and the son-in-law is well-known, that is a kind of title, and there is no problem with being rich and powerful.

Emperor Chongzhen thought about this matter, and thought that the talents he had selected to specialize in Gephysics did not enter the court as officials, but they were also suitable candidates for son-in-law.

Generally speaking, if you are willing to spend your time on Gephysics, if your level is among the best, you probably prefer Gephysics more, and you have little interest in becoming an official, which is in line with the conditions of a son-in-law.

Thinking of this, the face of his daughter appeared in Emperor Chongzhen's mind, waiting pitifully for his answer, and even brought out Liu Weichao's statement.

Really, it's not easy to have a daughter!

Thinking of this, when he came back to his senses, he saw Concubine Tian Gui staring at him.Although Concubine Tian Gui said that she had reprimanded her just now, but looking at Concubine Tian Gui's eyes at this time, she was clearly hoping that she would agree!
Knowing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but smiled and said: "Forget it, it's hard to beat around the bush for you. If she wants to participate, then go ahead and find a husband, but you can't reveal your identity. I will still have to look at it later. If I If you’re not satisfied, that’s okay too!”

Hearing this, Concubine Tian Gui couldn't help laughing and said: "I knew that His Majesty loves her the most!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless for a while after hearing this.

The reason why he agreed was because he felt a little guilty about his daughter.Because he knew from Liu Weichao that in the original history, on the day of the country's subjugation, he cruelly killed her with a sword, but in the end cut off an arm but survived, what a crime he had to suffer!
Not only that, but also experienced the pain of subjugation. Under the rule of Jianlu, it was estimated that every day was miserable, so that he died of depression at a young age.

In this life, his fate was changed by Liu Weichao.The fate of the entire Ming Dynasty has also been changed.The fate of his daughter will also change.

Emperor Chongzhen was already capable at this time, and under Tian Guifei's persuasion, he naturally thought that if he could make his daughter happier, then he would be happier.

This point, others do not know, he will not tell others.On weekdays, he treats this daughter better. Even though Concubine Tian Gui saw it, she couldn't know the real reason.

At this time, after Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, he said to Concubine Tian Gui: "Forget about the other princes and princesses, don't join in blindly. They are capable in geophysics, just take the materials from you and continue to learn."

Although he was looking for talents in an eclectic manner, his son and daughter went to take the exam with ordinary people. The topic was too high, and he was too lazy to think about the consequences, so he directly denied it.

It was his eldest daughter who wanted to find a husband-in-law, so she had to take the special imperial examination for Gephysics, and just now, he also ordered her not to reveal her identity.

Concubine Tian Gui said so much, but she was actually helping Princess Kunxing. The emperor agreed to this, and she would not fight for other princes and daughters.

Otherwise, she knew Queen Zhou would be unhappy.That's in charge of the harem, and she doesn't want to have conflicts with Queen Zhou.

The reason why she can help Princess Kunxing is actually simple, not only because they have a good relationship, but also because she is the one who is most influenced by the values ​​of later generations!

Emperor Chongzhen didn't stay with Concubine Tian for long, and the maids copied the information on the cell phone about the signal tower and the situation in Japan.

So, he didn't stay long, and sent the decree to the technology Bo Song Yingxing to see him.

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(End of this chapter)

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