Chapter 549
To Emperor Chongzhen's regret, Song Yingxing was not in the capital.

Compared with other Beijing officials, Song Yingxing is quite special.

If he is in the capital, he is usually in the Bingzhan Bureau, or in the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty. It is not fixed. It depends entirely on where Song Yingxing wants to go. This is the privilege given to him by Emperor Chongzhen.

In addition, Song Yingxing may not be in the capital, but may be at the Tianjin Shipyard.

An important task entrusted to Song Yingxing by Emperor Chongzhen was the transformation of steam warships and steam pseudo-iron armored warships.

Although the prototype was already available a few months ago, there is still a lot of work to be done to make it practical.And it can only be Song Yingxing who takes the lead in this matter.

The person who passed the decree ran out and found that Song Yingxing was not in the capital, so he reported back to Emperor Chongzhen.

This made Emperor Chongzhen a little regretful, and also very emotional. There are still too few people like Song Yingxing who have a comprehensive grasp of Gewuxue and can provoke the leader.

Song Yingxing's friends, although with the same interests, were also interested in Gewuxue before, but they were not as deep as Song Yingxing, so they could only help Song Yingxing, and could not provoke the leader in Gewuxue.

"I hope that some talents can be found in this special scientific examination of Gewuxue. Let me be pleasantly surprised!" Emperor Chongzhen muttered to himself, and then ordered a decree to summon the commander of Jin Yiwei.

After Li Ruolian returned to Beijing, he would not run around like Song Yingxing.Under normal circumstances, they all stay in the Jinyiwei yamen.Even if something happened, there were people under his command to run errands.

Therefore, as soon as Emperor Chongzhen delivered the decree, Li Ruolian arrived immediately.

After Li Ruolian saw the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen looked at him and said with a smile: "Qing looks much more energetic than before! It's hard work to get out of Beijing!"

"This is the duty of the last general!" Li Ruolian was a little strange when he heard it, it was not the first time he had met the emperor after returning to Beijing, why did he say this now?
Thinking about it this way, he understood, and quickly played again: "Your Majesty has orders, and the last general will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire without fear!"

The emperor's close ministers, such as him, Wang Chengen, Wang Dehua and others, should not flatter the emperor.At this time, he didn't have any embarrassment, and just went up there with a flattery.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to hear it, so he said to him: "You have such an idea, I am so relieved!"

After a pause, he changed his expression and said to Li Ruolian seriously: "I really have an errand, which is extremely important. It is related to the future strategy of the Ming Dynasty. It cannot be made public for the time being. You need to do it in secret."

When Li Ruolian heard it, she was shocked, what is it that is so important?

Including the previous rectification of the place, supervision of the reorganization of the army under the governor of Baoding, etc., these are all major events, and the emperor has never seen it so solemnly!
Thinking of this, he immediately replied solemnly: "Your Majesty, just give orders, and I will guarantee that the errand will be done well in the end!"

Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied with what he heard, and he was really satisfied with Li Ruolian.

Not only was he loyal to Daming in the original history, but also after reusing him in this life, the things entrusted to him can also be handled properly, very good!

After making such comments in his heart, he said to Li Ruolian: "Jianlu has already sent people to the Wa Kingdom, and wants to join forces with the Wa Kingdom to deal with me, Daming. You have to go there in person, and join the navy chief Zheng Zhilong, and get this matter done!"

Upon hearing this, Li Ruolian's heart tightened immediately, and he quickly replied: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if the last general dies, he won't let them unite!"

Jianlu is the fiercest enemy of Ming Dynasty, and the power of Wa is also very strong. If they are allowed to unite, then the situation in Ming Dynasty may become worse again.

When he was thinking this way in his heart, he never expected that Emperor Chongzhen shook his head and said: "No, I just said that you and Zheng Qing are going to settle the matter of the alliance between Jianlu and Japan. It is to promote their alliance and let the Wa country send troops!"

"..." Li Ruolian was stunned when he heard it, and he even suspected that he had heard it wrong.However, looking at the expression of Emperor Chongzhen, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

Seeing his appearance, Emperor Chongzhen knew that he didn't understand, so he explained to him: "Wo Kingdom is an enemy of my Ming Dynasty. Although decades have passed, I will remember this enmity. To conquer Wa Kingdom Rather than sending troops to fight against the Japanese country, it is better to draw the Japanese troops out, it will be easier to destroy, and then go to conquer the Japanese country, it will be much easier!"

Hearing this, Li Ruolian immediately remembered the purpose of Emperor Taizu back then, and listed 15 countries that would not be conquered in the "Emperor Ming Zu Xun", including the country of Wa.

But when he thought about it again, Emperor Taizu had already appeared.Now that the emperor made this decision, he must have obtained the consent of Emperor Taizu, so the regulations in the "Emperor Ming Zu Xun" are useless.

Take a step back and say that Annan is also a country that will not be confiscated, but it has not been occupied by Daming for so many years. Now it is still the territory of Daming in name, and it is the commander of the Annan capital.

After thinking about this point, when he thought about what Emperor Chongzhen said, it made sense.

After all, Li Ruolian is a general, and he knows a lot about military affairs.Emperor Chongzhen's plan, at least in terms of the art of war, is great, to lure snakes out of their holes, encircle and annihilate them!
When he was thinking about it, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him again: "Emperor Taizu praised Jinyiwei for sending back the news that the Japanese kingdom was about to invade in advance, and felt that this was one of the best things Jinyiwei did. Then If you can handle this matter well, it will definitely be passed on to future generations, and you will be regarded as a role model for all generations of Jin Yiwei!"

He can't say that later generations are very sure about Jin Yiwei's matter; so he changed his words and said that Emperor Taizu said it, and the effect should be similar.

Sure enough, when Li Ruolian heard that he was affirmed by Emperor Taizu, he was immediately excited, and immediately said that even if he died, he would still do this.

Of course, at this time, he has no countermeasures at all, he is just shouting slogans.

Li Ruolian immediately remembered this point after she got excited, and suddenly, her heart skipped a beat.

During the Wanli period, Jinyiwei was able to send back the news that the Japanese pirates were about to invade North Korea. It was because Jinyiwei at that time spread all over the world.Because of the ravages of Japanese pirates during the Jiajing period, even the Japanese country was sent there.

But in the Chongzhen Dynasty, in the first few years, not only Jinyiwei, but also Dongchang were suppressed by the emperor in front of him.The factory guards outside the capital were revoked, and even the factory guards in the capital were banned.

Although later, Emperor Chongzhen began to use them as factory guards again.But the power of the factory guard may recover so quickly, let alone affect the Japanese side.

Now in Wa Kingdom, they don't even know what's going on. What to do with the job assigned by the emperor is really a problem!

When he was thinking this way, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him: "Here are the major events that have happened in the country of Wa in recent years, and things that may happen in the next period of time. Please take a look and understand the situation in the country of Wa. And the understanding of the Japanese power!"

"..." When Li Ruolian heard this, she was not only stunned, but also dumbfounded.

He was sure that he heard it very clearly. Emperor Chongzhen said that there were things that might happen in the country of Wa in the next period of time. Isn't this the magic of the legendary gods that can be regarded as the future!

Can this also be available?

But after thinking about it, Li Ruolian naturally thought of it, Emperor Taizu!
That's right, Emperor Taizu must have told the current emperor, otherwise there is no way to explain it!
Thinking of this, he suddenly realized.

At this time, the servant just handed over a piece of information.

So, Li Ruolian immediately took it respectfully, very respectfully.

In this world, there are few people who can get the content predicted by Emperor Taizu!
Emperor Chongzhen took another document from the imperial table, and said to Li Ruolian: "This is the document of Zheng Zhilong, Chief of the Navy, and you should take a good look at it, so that you can cooperate with him and settle this matter." !"

Li Ruolian was surprised again when she heard this.Regarding Zheng Zhilong, he is still sorting out the news, and feels that this Zheng Zhilong is not simple.

On Jinyiwei's side, there were spies who went to work in Fujian before.Of course, Zheng Sen didn't know about this.The more news came back, the more surprised he became.

But at this time, according to Emperor Chongzhen, it seems that he has more complete news, and it is not surprising that Emperor Taizu gave it to him.

Emperor Chongzhen frowned slightly when he saw that he had received the information transferred by the servant again, and said, "After our discussion, it is best for Zheng Zhilong to pretend to be the internal agent of Jianlu and the country of Japan, and provide the troops for the country of Japan. It’s convenient. When the war between Da Ming and the Wa Kingdom and the Jianlu Kingdom really starts, we will use surprise soldiers to attack the Jianlu and Wa Kingdoms. But in this way, Zheng Zhilong is required to perform this play well, I’m afraid it will not be easy!”

Li Ruolian heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, and immediately noticed that the emperor said that this was his idea after discussion, so Li Ruolian immediately made up his mind that this was definitely an idea after discussion with Emperor Taizu.

Otherwise, if I discussed it with other officials, why didn't I get any news as the commander of Jinyiwei?
When he was thinking this way, he heard Emperor Chongzhen still say: "I just thought about a simple situation, such as how to convince the Wa Kingdom and Jianlu that Zheng Zhilong would betray Daming, this is not easy! If you want to play a It's a bitter plan, come to a scene to play against Huang Gai, I'm afraid it will be too late in time!"

Hearing this, Li Ruolian thought of something, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, it's all right, it's already done!"

"Already have it?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help asking a little puzzled when he heard it, "You mean bitter tricks? When did you have it?"

(End of this chapter)

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