Chapter 566
Zheng Zhilong was in the mansion compound in Nagasaki, it was full of joy.

After many years, the master finally came back, and while every servant was rewarded, they all praised the master for his kindness.

As for the owner of this house, he was sitting in the lobby at this time, accompanied by Tian Chuansong, Zheng Zhilong's wife in the country of Wa, looking at the Japanese who was kneeling in front of him and calling him father.

In the past, Zheng Zhilong didn't mind the Japanese or Ming people at all.But at this time, he always felt a little awkward watching the second son's Japanese costume, especially the hair.

Fortunately, at this time, his second son, Tagawa Nanazawaemon, was reporting the family situation to him in Hokkien, which made him quite relieved.

After Tagawa Shichizaemon reported the business situation and property situation here, Zheng Zhilong seemed to just ask casually: "Is there anything going on here in Japan now?"

For the time being, he didn't want to tell his wife and son about his mission to Japan, because the matter was of great importance, and he was afraid that something might go wrong.Let's make some indirect remarks first, and then we can talk about the situation.

But even though it was a casual question, he didn't feel that he would gain much.

Jianlu came to the Wa country, intending to unite the Wa country to attack Daming. If he really succeeded, then when he entered the port just now, it should not have been such a welcome scene.

And for such a major event, Jianlu must go to Edo to discuss it, and Nagasaki is too far away from Edo, even if there is any news, it is estimated that it will not be heard here.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the Wa country rejected Jianlu's request for an alliance without hesitation, so Jianlu had already gone back in despair.

When he was thinking about it, he heard Tagawa Nanazawaemon suddenly say a little excitedly: "Father, my son really has something to do. I want to send someone to deliver a letter to you!"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Zhilong immediately became serious, and immediately asked: "What's the matter?"

He could feel it, it must be a major event, maybe it was about Jianlu, otherwise, this son would not say that he would send him a letter!

After all, this is the country of Wa, and he is in Daming, so it is not easy to deliver a letter.

Therefore, while asking questions, he glanced at Li Ruolian who was pretending to be his personal guard.

However, Li Ruolian didn't respond much, because he couldn't understand Hokkien at all!

Zheng Zhilong also had a lot of experience, and when he saw Li Ruolian's appearance, he immediately guessed it.So, he hurriedly asked Tagawa Qizaemon: "You are my son, can you speak the official language of Ming Dynasty?"

Tagawa Shichizaemon was about to tell something important, when he heard this, he was stunned, but when he came back to his senses, he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, of course!"

"Okay!" Zheng Zhilong said to him after hearing this, "Then tell me in Daming official language, I'll listen!"

"Yes, Father!" Tagawa Shichizaemon hastily agreed, not doubting him, and immediately reported, "Two months ago, an envoy who claimed to be the Qing Empire came to the Wa Kingdom, saying that he wanted to form an alliance with the Wa Kingdom. Later, I went to Edo, but there has been no news..."

Hearing this, Li Ruolian was very concerned immediately and listened with pricked ears.

"...But recently, there have been rumors in the local area, saying that the Qing Empire is willing to cede Korea to Wa, saying that the land there is fertile, and Wa has the land of Korea, and everyone can have a lot of fields. Everyone will have something to eat, and with North Korean servants, everyone can live like the master!"

"Really?" Zheng Zhilong heard it, as if hearing it for the first time, and asked Tianchuan Shichizaemon, "What's the reaction from Wa Kingdom?"

When Tagawa Qizaemon heard this, he immediately continued to report: "The Japanese know that North Korea is a vassal state of the Ming Empire and is protected by the Ming Empire. Therefore, no one believes it and thinks it is a lie. However, there are Rumors say that the current Ming Empire is already very weak. The Qing Empire rose in Liaodong, and the Ming army was forced to retreat to the pass. Their governors of Ji and Liao also surrendered to the Qing Empire. But today's North Korea is already a part of the Qing Empire, and even the jade seal of the king of North Korea is placed in front of the general!"

After a pause, he continued without waiting for Zheng Zhilong to ask again: "Many ronin have already set off to Edo, saying that they want to jointly petition the general to occupy North Korea. The general is the greatest general in the history of the Japanese country!"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Zhilong immediately remembered that according to the information provided by the emperor, at this time, those warriors who lost their masters, as many as [-], were living in poverty and had to do some side jobs to make a living. I am very dissatisfied with the Tokugawa shogunate, and even in the next few years, a person named Yu Jingxue wants to organize these warriors to overthrow the shogunate.

These impoverished warriors heard that there was such a large piece of fat in North Korea that they could eat. This was indeed a very big temptation for them!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong quickly asked, "What's the general's attitude now?"

"It hasn't been decided yet!" Tagawa Shichizaemon heard this, and quickly replied, "I heard that the court is divided into two factions. One party thinks this is a god-given opportunity. If you don't take Korea at this time, you will regret it for the rest of your life. One faction says that the Ming Empire is a giant, although it is impolite for the time being, how can we not know in the future, it is better to be more cautious about this kind of thing!"

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "However, these news are many days ago, so I don't know what's going on now!"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong frowned, looked at Li Ruolian quietly, and then asked Tian Chuan Shichizaemon, "Are those missions from the Qing Empire still in the Wa Kingdom?"

"In Edo!" Tagawa Qizaemon heard this and immediately replied.Then, there was a little eagerness on his face, as if he wanted to say something more.

However, at this moment, he heard hurried footsteps outside, and then a personal guard announced at the door: "Nagasaki Minister Umegawa Uchiku came to visit and said he wanted to see the master!"

Pursuit is an official position that existed in the Wa Kingdom from the Heian period to the Edo period, similar to the local officials in the Central Plains.

Zheng Zhilong hadn't been to the Japanese country for many years, so naturally he didn't know this Meichuan Neiku, but he was in power in Nagasaki, and he had no official position in the Japanese country, nor was he arrogant enough to ignore this Japanese man, so he temporarily interrupted the questioning, and hurriedly took He went out with his son Tagawa Qizaemon.

Tian Chuansong avoided, but Li Ruolian, as Zheng Zhilong's personal guard, followed closely behind.

The Japanese are all like Wu Dalang. When facing Zheng Zhilong, they have no official authority, and their faces are full of smiles.

Under the introduction of Tagawa Shichizaemon, Zheng Zhilong and this Umegawa Uchiku seemed to be old acquaintances, and the atmosphere was very good under the jokes.

But Li Ruolian was a little depressed. Although he was standing beside him, Zheng Zhilong and the Japanese were talking birdsong, and he couldn't understand it at all.

Of course, he also understood that Zheng Zhilong could ask his son to use the official words of Ming Dynasty, but he couldn't ask this Japanese official to do so, and it was unreasonable.

So, he listened from the sidelines, and could only guess by observing their expressions.

After a while, Li Ruolian found that the expressions of Zheng Zhilong and the Japanese official were gradually no longer smiling.Among them, Zheng Zhilong seemed to be depressed, unwilling and so on.

After an unknown amount of time, the Japanese official seemed to have received some important information, and finally left in a hurry.

As soon as this person left, Tagawa Shichizaemon immediately said with an angry expression in Hokkien: "Father, the imperial court treats us like this, so why not turn it around!"

"..." Zheng Zhilong was speechless when he heard it. He immediately glanced at Li Ruolian, and then reprimanded him in Mandarin, "What do you know about your lord's affairs? Don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing his use of official language, Tagawa Shichizaemon naturally also used official language, arguing a little unconvinced: "My child has grown up, and the matter of Nagasaki is now handled by my child. This imperial court..."

Seeing this "brain-problematic" son, who was about to say outrageous words against the imperial court in front of the commander of the Jinyiwei, Zheng Zhilong broke out in a sweat, interrupted him quickly, and shouted loudly: "You are the Wings!" If you are hard, you will not be obedient, will you?"

Hearing that they seemed to be arguing, Tian Chuansong, who had been paying attention to this side, hurried over, reprimanded his son in Daming official language, and then said to Zheng Zhilong with a worried face: "You are also tired, should you take a rest first?"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong nodded, his face was a little unsightly.

Seeing that his son seemed a little unwilling and wanted to talk back, Tian Chuansong dragged him away.

When she got out of the room, she said to Tagawa Nanazawaemon: "Your father has never seen any storms, so don't you know what to do? I need you to give your father advice?"

Hearing this, Tagawa Shichizaemon finally stopped talking.

Even for ordinary people, fathers are generally trusted by their children. Not to mention, Zheng Zhilong's experience is legendary. Today's achievements are so big that few people can achieve them.

Even at this rebellious age, Tagawa Shichizaemon worships him as a father very much under the indoctrination of Tagawa Matsu every day.

As soon as they left, a real bodyguard of Zheng Zhilong immediately stood at the door, guarding the door.

In the house, Zheng Zhilong pretended to be rubbing his forehead and sulked, but actually said to Li Ruolian in a low voice: "Just now, this Japanese official came to spy on me..."

He hadn't finished speaking when he heard the guard at the door cough, obviously someone had come.

Therefore, Zheng Zhilong had to interrupt his words, glanced at Li Ruolian, and showed a wry smile.

He himself had a feeling that this sneaky way of doing things had happened a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to happen again now.

(End of this chapter)

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