Chapter 567

It was Tian Chuansong who came to disturb Zheng Zhilong and Li Ruolian.

Seeing Zheng Zhilong sitting there with a depressed expression on his face, she went to serve him, and at the same time said softly to Zheng Zhilong: "My child has admired you since he was a child, and missed you. Today, seeing you came back, I was overjoyed for a while, and now I really want to show it in front of you, and I want to attract your attention."

After a pause, she continued: "I told him just now, and he knew he was wrong, I hope you don't mind!"

Tian Chuansong spoke in Ming Dynasty official dialect, which Li Ruolian could understand.It's the same, it's a bit embarrassing to hear.

Husband and wife reunited after a long absence, and they wanted to say some personal words, and I was still listening here, a bit like a light bulb in the Wenhua Palace!
Thinking of this, he looked at another personal guard, who was Zheng Zhilong's real confidant.

The man also understood what he meant, so he motioned quietly and withdrew.

When Li Ruolian saw her, she also quietly retreated out.

Of course, he was quiet, but he didn't say hello to Zheng Zhilong. It's impossible for Zheng Zhilong not to see such a big person.

But at this moment, it was indeed not the time to speak, so he did not stop him.

There was silence for a while, and when Li Ruolian and the others had left, Zheng Zhilong suddenly asked Tian Chuansong, "Usually you speak in Hokkien, why did you speak in Mandarin just now?"

At this time, Ming Dynasty Mandarin was the lingua franca of surrounding countries, especially those with big businesses or high official positions, they generally knew some of Ming Dynasty Mandarin.

However, as for the words between husband and wife, generally speaking, they will communicate in the closest language.

Zheng Zhilong used Hokkien, and Tian Chuansong also used Hokkien.

But at this time, Tian Chuansong was acting uncharacteristically, which surprised Zheng Zhilong, worried about what Tian Chuansong saw, so he asked.

After hearing this, Tian Chuansong didn't hesitate, and immediately explained: "The master was very concerned about Jiro's official language, so I think the official language may be more enjoyable for the master."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being taken aback. Feeling the care of this daughter-in-law, he reached out to touch her face and said, "You have worked hard all these years!"

After hearing this, Tian Chuan Song shook his head, and immediately asked, "Dalang, no, how is Fu Song doing now?"

The eldest son, Zheng Sen, was brought back to Daming when he was seven years old. Since then, the mother and son have never had the chance to meet again.

Generally speaking, parents are very concerned about their first child, because it is their first.In particular, Zheng Sen lived with his mother until he was seven years old, and then he was taken away and never seen again, so he became the existence that Tian Chuanmatsu cared about.

Although there are letters exchanged every year, no matter how many letters there are, how can they overcome the pain of lovesickness!

Knowing that his son has grown up safely, knowing that his son has taken a wife, knowing that his son will also have a son, suddenly, in the past two years, there has been no letters, which makes Tian Chuanmatsu very worried.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong was in front of her eyes, so she naturally wanted to know immediately how her eldest son was doing?

Zheng Zhilong looked at the worried look in Tian Chuansong's eyes, understood his mood at this time, and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's fine! It's just that major events have happened in the past two years, and there is really no time to be distracted, so you are worried !"

Speaking of this, he knew that if she didn't say it clearly, she would still be worried, so he said to Tian Chuansong: "You are now a grandma, and your grandson is called Zheng Jing, and he is two years old now. Fusong is now It's Jin Yiwei from the imperial court commanding Tong Zhi, if I see him under normal circumstances, I have to be respectful."

Fortunately, Zheng Zhilong is now the chief soldier of the navy, and he is a second-rank General Dragon and Tiger. In terms of rank, he is higher than his son, otherwise, he would really be ashamed.

When Tian Chuansong heard his words, he immediately showed a happy smile, but he immediately came back to his senses, and immediately showed a worried expression, and asked Zheng Zhilong: "Why is this happening? Is there something bad? Fu Song shouldn’t be such a high official, right?”

It could be seen that she was not overjoyed, but immediately realized that this was abnormal.

Of course, this may also have something to do with her marrying Zheng Zhilong.Zheng Zhilong was born out of fighting, swords, swords, intrigues, and so on. She has experienced all kinds of things, so she is not an ordinary woman.

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong changed to a comfortable sitting position, continued to receive Tian Chuansong's massage, and then said: "Of course it is my father's contribution that he can have the current official position."

After a pause, he thought for a while and then added: "Of course, this has something to do with his loyalty to the emperor and serving the country. I can feel that the emperor really likes Fu Song! His future should be boundless in the future!"

"Of course, this is all thanks to you!" Zheng Zhilong said with a smile, "Fu Song misses you the most, and has always followed your teachings."

He said this sincerely.

Since Zheng Sen returned to Daming, he has been missing his mother, and always remembers what his mother taught him.

As he said just now, although his son was indeed favored by the imperial court when he started his career, it is definitely not because of his power that his son can be the commanding officer of Jin Yiwei, not other official positions. affected.

You know, Jinyiwei is different from others, this is the emperor's guard, and it represents the most trusted by the emperor.In the future, his son will be the commander of Jinyiwei, which shows that the current emperor really trusts his son very much.And this is the result of his son's own efforts, and also the result of Tian Chuanmatsu's teaching.

Hearing his words, Tian Chuanmatsu showed a gratified smile, his eyes narrowed into a smile, obviously very happy.

The son who is far away in the sky is promising, and the mother can't be more gratified!

However, Ta Chuanmatsu was not happy for a long time, and immediately asked a little worriedly: "From what Jiro said, it seems that the imperial court has some problems with you?"

When Nagasaki Mahogany came over just now, Tagawa Nanazawaemon accompanied her, but she avoided it, so she didn't know the details of the conversation.

Although she believed that Zheng Zhilong had experienced strong winds and waves and could handle everything, she still asked because she cared.

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong knew that her second son knew about it, and she would know about it sooner or later, so she said, "It's just a loss of some money, and it's nothing to worry about."

At this point, he turned serious, and said to Tian Chuansong seriously: "You have to keep your mouth shut about Fusong, and no one can tell it!"

"Okay!" Tian Chuansong was taken aback for a moment, but he nodded immediately, obeying Zheng Zhilong's wishes.However, there was still puzzlement in her eyes.

Seeing this, Zheng Zhilong explained to her: "Fu Song has reached a high position at a young age. I am afraid that I will hurt Jiro, so I can't tell anyone here, or Jiro may know. Wait for my arrangement, turn around Take Jiro to Daming, and arrange a good future for him!"

After a pause, he said again solemnly: "No matter what, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and I won't favor one over the other!"

Hearing this, Tian Chuansong couldn't help but feel relieved, nodded quickly, and assured with the same earnestness: "Okay, I know, I will never say anything about it!"

Afterwards, she said softly: "Weary from the journey, shall I serve the master to soak in the hot spring?"

Zheng Zhilong laughed as soon as he heard it, and nodded immediately: "Okay, we also want to catch up on the old days!"

Hearing this, Tian Chuansong blushed for some reason.

Given Zheng Zhilong's city mansion, he naturally wouldn't rush to find Li Ruolian, at least on the surface, he had to be reasonable in everything he did.

Therefore, it wasn't until the next day that he had the opportunity to send both Tian Chuan Song and Tian Chuan Qizaemon away and talk to Li Ruo Lian alone.

"The Japanese official came to spy on me yesterday!" Zheng Zhilong explained to Li Ruolian, "I can feel that the Japanese are indeed divided into two factions. One faction advocates forming an alliance with Jianlu and swallowing North Korea first. The other faction It means to be cautious.”

Speaking of this, he explained in detail: "The big names from all over the world, that is, those like my Daming King, all advocated taking this opportunity to occupy North Korea. And those warriors, those who joined the army, also belonged to this faction Even the direct descendants of the Tokugawa shogunate, especially the confidantes of General Tokugawa, all advocate caution."

When Li Ruolian heard this, he frowned and thought for a while, and then asked, "Which faction has the upper hand?"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong shook his head and said, "There's too little news, it's hard to tell!"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, and then continued: "Based on my understanding of the Japanese people and my impression of the Tokugawa shogunate, it's hard to say!"

"..." Li Ruolian was speechless, saying this means not saying anything!
Fortunately, Zheng Zhilong was still explaining to him: "The reason why the Tokugawa shogunate was able to win the world is because of the war against me. Therefore, the Tokugawa shogunate has always been very wary of other daimyos, fearing that other daimyos will rebel Success. From the time the Tokugawa shogunate came to power until now, they have tried every means to weaken the daimyos from all over the world. As far as today is concerned, the Tokugawa shogunate has spent a lot of effort and done it relatively successfully!"

Li Ruolian listened and nodded in agreement.

"If you want to form an alliance with Jianlu now, you will probably continue to fight with me, Ming Dynasty. In this way, it will give other daimyos a chance to rise up and repeat the steps of Tokugawa Ieyasu. This is definitely not what the Tokugawa shogunate wants to see "Zheng Zhilong seriously analyzed, "It's hard to weaken the great Ming from all over the world, but now they have to give them a chance to strengthen their strength. What do you think Tokugawa Iemitsu will think?"

Hearing this, Li Ruolian asked worriedly: "Then you mean that the Wa Kingdom will not form an alliance?"

As soon as he finished saying this, he remembered that what Zheng Zhilong meant was hard to say, so he quickly changed his words and asked, "Then why is it hard to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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