Chapter 571
"Yiguan, you are a dark chess player in our alliance. If you don't move, you will be fine. One move will determine the outcome." Tokugawa Iemitsu showed a kind expression, and said kindly to Zheng Zhilong, "For the time being, the announcement will be made without you." Yes. But our covenant is in triplicate, but it is a certificate, so you can rest assured!"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong nodded clearly and said, "Of course I know this. It would be more appropriate for the general to make an announcement after I go back first."

Tokugawa Iemitsu listened and agreed very much, looked at Daishan again, and after setting a time, he said to Zheng Zhilong: "Then it's settled, in order to avoid attracting attention, the general will not send you off!"

After Zheng Zhilong and Daishan heard this, they quickly responded that there was no need to send them away, and then they left.

Seeing the two of them disappear at the entrance of the courtyard, Tokugawa Iemitsu, who was sent to the entrance of the lobby, turned back to the lobby.

His right-hand men, Yagyu Tamaru Mamoru and Matsudaira Izu Shounobutsuna also turned around the hall. After taking their seats, the three of them looked at each other and suddenly laughed in unison.

It can be seen from their demeanor that they are in a particularly good mood.

No, after laughing almost, I heard Matsudaira Izu Shouxintsuna, who is known as "Wisdom Izu", said to Tokugawa Iemitsu with a smile on his face: "The people of the Qing Dynasty also underestimated our Wa country. After our country swallowed North Korea, it is up to us whether we should go to war with the Ming country. If the war goes well, then it is easy to say. If the war does not go well, it is a good idea to unite the Ming country to attack Liaodong. chess!"

Hearing his words, Yagyu Danma Shouzong, who is equivalent to the leader of the factory guard, did not smile, but said seriously to Tokugawa Iemitsu: "Zheng Yiguan's family is small, so he must not let him take it away. It's a big deal, I'll go there in person to prevent Zheng Zhilong from sneaking away my little one!"

Zheng Zhilong had thought about taking away his wife and children before, but the Japanese side had always disagreed.If the original history develops according to the original history, the Japanese side will eventually agree to let Tagawa Song go, but Zheng Zhilong's second son Tagawa Nanazawaemon never lets go.

Now, with the flapping of the butterfly's wings, Tokugawa Iemitsu, even Tagawa Matsu didn't want to let go.

Iemitsu Tokugawa felt complacent when he heard the words of the two right-hand men, so he praised the two confidants.Thinking that he, the great general of the Wa Kingdom, would become the first one in the history of the Wa Kingdom to expand the territory to double, and the key point is that the territory of the Wa Kingdom is finally more than an island, and must be famous in history, he couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, Zheng Zhilong, who was walking outside, suddenly stopped and asked Hong Chengchou, who was a few steps behind, "The condition for you to form an alliance with the Japanese country is the news that you let people release it?"

Hong Chengchou listened and smiled without saying a word.

Dai Shan saw him, looked at Zheng Zhilong, took up the topic with a smile, and said, "That's right, I got Mr. Hong in the Qing Dynasty, just like Liu Bei got Zhuge Kongming! When I go back this time, my Qing Dynasty will definitely add an official to Mr. Hong." Become a noble, and reward Mr. Hong for his help!"

What he said made Hong Chengchou immediately humble himself, but felt very comfortable in his heart.

Daishan is the Prince Heshuoli of the Qing Dynasty, the oldest prince, his compliment is the highest compliment of the Qing Dynasty, and his promise will definitely be fulfilled.

At this time, Dai Shan started to praise Zheng Zhilong after he had finished praising Hong Chengchou: "In the future, the Qing Dynasty will rely more on Zheng Dashuai's navy. If there is any need, you can send someone ashore to contact you. As long as the Qing Dynasty can do it, It must be done.”

Zheng Zhilong holds a powerful navy in his hands, which is the shortcoming of the Qing Dynasty.If the relationship between Daqing and Zheng Zhilong is good, even if they have to deal with the Wa Kingdom in the future, there is a great chance of winning.Of course, this is just in case.

"Your Highness is really polite!" Zheng Zhilong listened, and quickly said politely, and then said: "I am also very interested in Liaodong's specialties. If possible, I might as well do some business in the future. What do you think, Your Highness?"

His words fit his identity very well.When Dai Shan heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, nodded quickly and said: "Okay, okay! Marshal Zheng has this intention, and I can't wait to ask for it!"

The Qing Empire is located in the remote Liaodong, and the only partner that can trade with each other is the Ming Dynasty.However, the relationship with the Ming Dynasty is now hostile, and there is no chance of mutual market at all.If we can trade with Zheng Zhilong, it will greatly improve the material demand of the Qing Empire.

Thinking of this, Daishan became closer to Zheng Zhilong, holding Zheng Zhilong's hand, and couldn't put it down.The one in front of me is indeed the God of Wealth!

When approaching the courtyard where Zheng Zhilong lived, Dai Shancai let go of his hand reluctantly, and said with some regret: "It's really helpless that the commander-in-chief will rush back immediately. I don't know when we can discuss the exchange market." matter?"

Daishan has been on a mission to Wa for a long time, and he is in a hurry to go back; and the result of the three parties' discussions is that Zheng Zhilong will leave Wa first, and then the covenant will be announced here, and Daishan will return to China only then.

On the Japanese side, facing the increasingly severe social situation, Tokugawa Iemitsu actually had a headache, so he also wanted to announce the covenant as soon as possible.

In other words, Zheng Zhilong has no delay and must leave as soon as possible.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong was just acting, how could he really have to do business with Jianlu, the reason why he said that was more in line with his identity.

At this time, when he heard Daishan's question, he pretended to think about it and said: "Well, after I go back, I will find an opportunity to contact you, how about discussing this business matter then?"

"Okay, okay!" Dai Shan said happily when he heard it, "Then the king will wait for the good news!"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, took out a waist card from his body, handed it to Zheng Zhilong and said: "As long as you go to the Qing Dynasty and show this waist card, you will be the king's person. If you want to see the king, no one will come." stop!"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong pretended to be happy and took it over, wishing both parties a prosperous business, and then they broke up.

Dai Shan did not receive the same treatment as Zheng Zhilong, and lived in a post house. After walking out of the general's mansion, Hong Chengchou suddenly said to Dai Shan: "What the prince said to Marshal Zheng just now is also a reminder to the servants. We will stay here for a while, why don't we talk to Dai Shan?" Is Wa country also talking about the mutual market?"

When Dai Shan heard this, he couldn't help but slapped himself on the forehead, and immediately said with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes, look at this king's brain, it really is, thanks to your reminder, okay, okay, I'll leave this matter to you!"

"Cha!" Doing as the Romans do, Hong Chengchou has become more and more like a prisoner.


At the same time, Zheng Zhilong returned to his yard, and loudly ordered his guards to pack up his luggage and prepare to leave.

Of course, things like packing luggage are done by his subordinates. Under Li Ruolian's expectant eyes, he hurried into the room, and then reported the situation to Li Ruolian. After speaking, he took out the card he kept covenant.

Li Ruolian couldn't help boasting after listening and reading the covenant: "You have done a good job. I didn't expect this matter to be resolved so easily. The emperor will be very happy!"

In fact, in his heart, he was still a little scared.

The strategy established by the alliance between the Jianlu and the Japanese is indeed very dangerous for Daming.

According to this plan, Shanhaiguan will become a decoration.And the capital is very close to Tianjin. If the allied forces of Jianlu and Japan landed from Tianjin and directly attacked the capital, then the capital would become very dangerous!
If there is no strong navy, or if the navy protects the coast of Daming, the capital is really not suitable for the capital, it is too dangerous.

At this time, he naturally didn't know that his worry had really become a reality in the original history.However, Jianlu was not the one who attacked, but the one who was attacked, and the whole of China was affected by it, slipping into the abyss of history.Thanks to countless people with lofty ideals who threw their heads and sprinkled their blood, Huaxia was dragged up from the abyss again.

At this time, this covenant is still kept by Zheng Zhilong personally for the time being, at least it will not be presented to the imperial court until after leaving the Wa country.

After talking about the situation, Zheng Zhilong remembered something, and said to Li Ruolian: "By the way, there is one more thing, I think it is necessary to say it!"

"Say it!" Li Ruolian listened, and when he saw him like this, he made a serious expression, and immediately replied.

I heard Zheng Zhilong say to him: "The reason why Jianlu came to form an alliance with the Japanese country was Hong Chengchou's proposal; also, the alliance between the Jianlu and the Japanese country was actually led by Hong Chengchou, who came up with ideas. It even leaked information to lure the Japanese kingdom The ronin forced the Tokugawa shogunate, and he was also the one who made trouble!"

"Damn it, he is determined to be a barbarian!" Li Ruolian couldn't help cursing angrily when he heard this, "It's a good thing that His Majesty wanted to give him a chance. Now it seems that he is looking for his own death!"

Although, on the surface, Hong Chengchou facilitated this alliance, which is the same as what Daming wants to achieve.But in fact, there is an essential difference.

The reason why Ming Dynasty wanted to do this, or in other words, the reason why Emperor Chongzhen wanted to do this, was because he was sure that he could kill all the allied forces of Jianlu and Wa;

However, Li Ruolian would not have known about the fact that the imperial court had such strength, let alone other people, if it had not been said by Emperor Chongzhen himself.

In other words, it was impossible for Hong Chengchou to know the true strength of Daming, but he made this alliance with all his efforts, so he really wanted to help build the captives and put Daming to death.

Li Ruolian was very sure that as long as he reported this matter, the emperor would definitely be furious.This Hong Chengchou will definitely die!
This kind of person who is so determined to work for Jianlu, or his death will be cheap for him!
Thinking of this, he soon followed Zheng Zhilong, escorted by the soldiers of the general's mansion, and traveled day and night, rushing back to Nagasaki.

(End of this chapter)

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