Chapter 572
Zheng Zhilong hurried back to Nagasaki. To be honest, he was really tired.

When Tian Chuanmatsu saw him, he was very distressed, and naturally asked how the situation was going.But Zheng Zhilong didn't talk to Tian Chuansong about the alliance, because he knew that if he told Tian Chuansong about it, there might be some problems.

Tian Chuansong is an orphan girl whose mother married a blacksmith in Daming. It can be said that Daming raised her up.Then she married Zheng Zhilong again.

As the saying goes, when she marries and obeys her husband, she already considers herself a wise person.Not only do they dress in plain clothes on weekdays, but they also speak Hokkien or Ming Mandarin.If people who don't know just come into contact with Tianchuansong, they definitely don't know that she belongs to the Japanese.

The teaching of children is the same as that of Ming people teaching their children.Hua Yi's debate is proud of being a member of the Ming Dynasty.

Zheng Zhilong knew Tian Chuan Song well, so naturally he wouldn't talk about the alliance, but just urged Tian Chuan Song to let her and her second son pack up their things and leave Wa Kingdom with him.

In the future, if they turn against the water and stab Jianlu and Waguo in the back, if Tian Chuanmatsu and his second son stay in Waguo, they will definitely be implicated.

Therefore, he was going to take their mother and son away.

After hearing this, Tian Chuansong thought that Zheng Zhilong and the General's Mansion had something unpleasant, so he quickly packed his things without asking any further questions.In fact, she has long wanted to go to Daming.

However, what Zheng Zhilong didn't expect was that when he was about to leave Nagasaki and boarded the ship back, Japanese soldiers were dispatched in a rare way. But he firmly disagreed with Zheng Zhilong's taking away Tagawa Song and Tagawa Qizaemon.

Li Ruolian knew the inside story, and seeing this situation, she was very worried for Zheng Zhilong, so she took this matter to heart.

In the end, the group could only leave Nagasaki first and return to Dongjiang Town.

On the third day after they left, Tokugawa Iemitsu couldn't wait to announce the news of the alliance with the Qing Empire and to send troops to take the Korean territory.

With this announcement, everyone in the Wa country burst into cheers.It is a very big expectation for everyone in Wa to get North Korea without fighting.

With more territory, they might be able to share their own fields, and Koreans can be slaves. This kind of life is only like a master, and Japanese people will have it in the future. How can they be unhappy!
Especially those poor and down-and-out warriors are even more exciting.

When Tokugawa Iemitsu announced that he would reorganize the army and reorganize the army, they all signed up enthusiastically, eager to become a direct army under the command of the shogun, so that they would get more benefits.

In this way, the army directly under Tokugawa Iemitsu had an overwhelming advantage over the major names. Now that he has the North Korean territory as a bargaining chip, he will form more directly under the army, and he will be able to suppress the daimyos from all over the world. This is also why he decided to form an alliance. The reason for sending troops to North Korea without worrying about the rebellion of daimyo from all over the world.

As for the daimyos from all over the world, they were suppressed to death by the Tokugawa shogunate, and both financial and human resources were weakened to the extreme. Now that they have a chance to take a breather, they naturally agree very much.

It can be said that the alliance between the Wa Kingdom and the Qing Empire, and the fact that North Korea was won in vain, was praised by almost everyone on the Wa Kingdom.Tokugawa Iemitsu's prestige instantly rose to an unprecedented height.

Of course, it will take a lot of time for Wa to complete the reorganization of the army, arrange domestic forces, who will stay behind, who will go to North Korea, and how to divide North Korea's territory specifically.

As for the envoy of Jianlu, he received a very high welcome from the Japanese country. When he left, it was almost empty, and almost all the Japanese people went to see him off.

To them, this is not a barbarian, but the God of Wealth!
It was also at this time that Tian Chuanmatsu and her son felt that they knew the truth.The reason why Zheng Zhilong left like that was because he knew the news about the alliance between Jianlu and the Japanese National Congress.Keeping her and Tian Chuan Qizaemon in the Wa country is to blackmail Zheng Zhilong, not to tell the news of the alliance to the Ming country.

For this reason, she was very worried.But at least at this time, she couldn't think of a way.

On Daishan's side, he was also very happy, as he had successfully completed the mission of going to Japan as an envoy.No, I overfulfilled the mission of this mission.

He originally came to the country of Wa, and his purpose was to form an alliance with the country of Wa.

Unexpectedly, they even recruited a pirate king from the Ming country, and now, as the internal support of their allied army, they are lurking in the Ming country first.Moreover, he negotiated with the Japanese side about the mutual market. In the future, the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese country can complement each other and solve some material matters of the Qing Dynasty.

For example, gunpowder was scarce in the Qing Dynasty, but it was available in the Wa State.The Qing Dynasty lacked food, and the Wa country had seafood, which was very cheap and so on.

When he left, Daishan was very satisfied with being greeted so warmly by the Japanese.

What everyone didn't expect was that such a big scene finally led to another force.

This force is the Netherlands, which has a business point in Nagasaki, and it is also the only country allowed to stay and do business on the Wa country.

Originally, the Dutch had no idea that there was still a Qing Empire in this world.

Now that the noise is so loud, the Dutch also know that there is such a powerful country in the northeast of the Ming Empire.

They traveled thousands of miles to the Far East to make a fortune.In the end, they failed to do business with the Ming Dynasty, and Zheng Zhilong rode him on his neck. They could only obey Zheng Zhilong's threat and buy Lingqi to do business obediently. It's just a solution.

Now, they know that there is such a powerful country, so they naturally think, go to this powerful country to see if there is any business they can do?

Of course, when they thought about it, Daishan had already left.

Therefore, the Dutch decided to send someone to check the situation before reporting to Batavia.


At the same time, Shangxian, the king of the Ryukyu Kingdom, had not been canonized by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. At this time, he sent Jin Yingyuan, the official doctor, Ji Shifeng, Zheng Sishan, etc., and came to Daming again. logged in.

They had actually been here once before, but at that time, there were wars everywhere.Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about the Ryukyu Kingdom at all, and in the end, they returned disappointed.

Come again this time, in fact, they don't have any hope.However, the Japanese became more and more rampant in the Ryukyu Kingdom, and basically became the overlord of the Ryukyu Kingdom, which made the Ryukyu people a little unbearable.

If it is too late to get the canonization of the Ming Emperor, then the position of the Ryukyu King will be unjustified.If one day in the future, the Japanese really messed up, they wouldn't even have a place to cry.

For this reason, even if it is difficult for Daming to know himself, and there is little hope, the King of Ryukyu still sent them.

When Jin Yingyuan and the others were drowsy in the cabin, suddenly, they heard a boatman knock on the cabin door hastily, and shouted loudly: "My lord, we have arrived, we have arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River in Daming!"

When Jin Yingyuan heard it, he became more energetic, but he was not too excited, and just replied lightly: "Got it!"

But who knows, the boatman didn't finish, and continued to report: "My lord, come out and watch, it's so lively, it's completely different from last time!"

"Huh?" Jin Yingyuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard it.

When I came last time, I basically didn't see many ships, and people were panicked when they got ashore.It's only been a few years, what has changed?
I didn't believe it in my heart, but the action was very fast. Jin Yingyuan was the first to get out of the cabin, and when he looked up, he was really stunned.

I saw a lot of ships at the mouth of the Yangtze River, some of them went into the Yangtze River, some went out of the Yangtze River, some went south, and more went north.

The prosperity of the Yangtze River estuary alone is by no means comparable to what it used to be.

As a result, Jin Yingyuan wondered, it's only been a few years, how can there be such a big change?
He was in a daze, when he suddenly felt someone touch his back, Jin Yingyuan came back to his senses and realized that he was blocking the cabin door.

So, he quickly stepped aside and strode onto the deck.

Behind him, two other people also got out, and one of them said in a tone of disbelief: "What can I see..."

Before the words were finished, people froze, and naturally they couldn't continue.

Just for a while, I saw these three officials of the Ryukyu Kingdom standing on the deck together, staring blankly at everything in front of them, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Although they also know that with the background of the Ming Dynasty, this level of prosperity is not even considered very prosperous.However, the key point is that when they came last time, there were wars everywhere, and the Jian captives outside the pass were almost killed when they came to the south of the Yangtze River.Why is it so fast, it feels like the world is at peace?

With such doubts in mind, Jin Yingyuan and others ordered the boat to berth to the nearest pier, and they wanted to go ashore to inquire about the news.

The place where they landed is a port city under the Yangzhou government, and it is also Haimen, where the Yamen in the south of the Yangtze River is located.It is also for this reason that there are many ships here, all of which come to trade with the imperial court.

Materials were transported from various places, and after being sold to the imperial court, most of them were transported to the north by sea.In any case, as far as freight is concerned, sea freight is more cost-effective after all.Generally speaking, the destination is Tianjin, and then it will be transported to the capital by train after landing there.

In addition to these, there are also some merchant ships that transport their own goods to the north for sale.

If there are not many boats here, that would be a strange thing!
No, Jin Yingyuan and the others were stunned when they went ashore to inquire.They never dreamed that such a big change had taken place in Daming.

At first, they couldn't believe it.Then the good-natured people saw Fanbang coming and wanted to show off, so they took them to the train station.

(End of this chapter)

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