Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 573 The Dilemma of Emperor Chongzhen

Chapter 573 The Dilemma of Emperor Chongzhen

For people of this era, especially those who have never seen a steam train, they are absolutely shocked when they see a steam train for the first time.Even if he really saw a living god, the degree of shock is probably nothing more than that!

Amidst the rumbling sound, the steam train pulling a dozen carriages, spraying mist, began to slow down slowly when it entered the station.The huge body, the unimaginable way of moving, and the unimaginable strength, everything is so incredible!

"What is this?" Zheng Sishan, the governor of the Ryukyu Kingdom who came back to his senses, asked in surprise.

The Daming man who led them over immediately proudly explained it to them.Invented by the emperor, Gewuxue, etc., these three scholar-bureaucrats of the Ryukyu Kingdom are like three peasants who just came from the countryside to the city.

After a long time, after recovering from his senses, Jin Yingyuan, who was thinking about the matter, hurriedly inquired, "Emperor Ming is so wise and powerful, what happened to the thief?"

"Rebellion? What kind of rebellion? Anthracene, you said that the former thieves have been driven to the southwest by the imperial court. They rebelled together with the chieftain and were suppressed and beaten by the imperial army!"

"Don't worry, the thieves everywhere have been wiped out. Now that I am Ming, it is basically a peaceful and prosperous age."

"By the way, there is also the Jianlu rebellion in Liaodong. When the court is willing, it can be put down. I'm afraid you don't know that the court has won two victories and wiped out [-] or [-] Jianlu. Their princes were all captured and taken to the capital to be chopped alive!"


Jin Yingyuan and the others were dumbfounded again. Is this still the Daming that I came to before?Could it be the Daming from last time, not this Daming?Or is this Daming not that Daming?

Or, is he still sleeping in the cabin, is this dreaming?

For the Ryukyu Kingdom, it is absolutely inconceivable that Ming Dynasty has undergone such great changes in just a few years.

Just like when they stayed in Daming for a few years, and then returned to the Ryukyu Kingdom, they found that the Ryukyu King not only wiped out the Japanese people in the country, but also occupied the Satsuma domain, which is simply unimaginable!
After regaining consciousness, Jin Yingyuan and the others confirmed again and again, and after discovering that it was true, they all couldn't help being ecstatic.

The suzerain state is strong, and the Ryukyu Kingdom, as a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, has the hope of asking the suzerain for reinforcements and driving out the Japanese pirates!

I thought this was impossible, but in the end, there was a surprise!
They were rejoicing, when suddenly they heard a commotion, turned their heads to look, and saw a carriage coming, followed by three carts carrying large and small luggage.

It seemed ordinary, but the people on both sides of the road, regardless of men and women, greeted them warmly.

"What kind of imperial court order is this?" Jin Yingyuan asked a little puzzled when he saw it.

The Ming man next to him saw it, and explained to them with a smile: "This is not an official ordered by the imperial court, this is the old lady of the Xia family who has gone to Beijing!"

"Xia family? What Xia family?" Zheng Sishan was a little puzzled, but still asked suspiciously, "Why does it seem to be very popular? What's the reason for this?"

"Haha, of course I'm popular, one of the three masters, I really envy the dead!"

"You guys definitely don't know. Just over a month ago, in the special examination of physical science conducted by the capital, one man and two women of the Xia family were almost all ranked in the top three. In the future, they will definitely be able to win new titles of!"

"Also, the son of the Xia family has been favored by Princess Kunxing and has already been designated as a son-in-law. The old lady of the Xia family came to Beijing, probably because of this marriage."

"The emperor has made it clear that although the young master of the Xia family will be the captain-in-law in the future, as long as he meets the requirements in geophysics, he will still be able to win a new title!"


Jin Yingyuan and the others were dizzy, and there were so many things they couldn't understand. What about Gephysics, Xinjue, can there be women in scientific research?

Wait, I'm really confused!

At the end of the special examination of Gewuxue, the crown prince Zhu Cihuang told Emperor Chongzhen about Aimee Zhu and Xia Wanchun. Deeds are added, so Emperor Chongzhen made an order.

On the Xia family's side, both Xia Shuji and Xia Huiji supported Xia Wanchun's son-in-law. Teacher Xia Wanchun and his father's friend Chen Zilong also supported him. Xia Wanchun's father, Xia Yunyi, who is now the magistrate of Changle County, Fujian Province, finally agreed.

No, Xia Wanchun's aunt, Sheng, and birth mother, Lu, rushed from their hometown to the capital, and took the train north from Haimen to prepare for their son's wedding.

The most important thing for the cheering and envious crowd on the roadside was not to envy Xia Wanchun, but Xia Huiji and Xia Shuji, two women, were among the best.It's even more amazing to be one of the three masters!
Needless to say, the contributions of the three masters of this school are absolutely inseparable from the teachings of their parents.

And this is Haimen, across the Yangtze River is Songjiang Mansion, where the Xia family lives.After the news of the capital reached Songjiang Mansion, it had already spread in the south of the Yangtze River.

At this time, Jin Yingyuan and the others were shocked and then shocked, and then dumbfounded after being stunned. They were in a state of stupefaction.

Everything about Daming is really too strange!

Shocked Jin Yingyuan and the others were startled when they heard the sound. When they came back to their senses, they saw that steam train let out a long breath, started to move, and slowly got out of the station, and it was getting faster and faster. The sooner it goes, the sooner it disappears from their field of vision.

"This... this..." Jin Yingyuan asked in disbelief, "Sit here, can you get to the capital?"

"That's not true. You have to get off the Huai River and the Yellow River, take a boat to the other side, and then take a train. Basically, you can reach the capital!"

After hearing this, Zheng Sishan immediately asked: "It looks very fast, how long will it take?"

"Generally speaking, about ten days!"

As soon as he heard this, he immediately said to Jin Yingyuan: "We will take this to the capital, we must take this to the capital, it will be much faster!"

Originally their plan was to take a boat.Otherwise, if you go by land, the journey will be exhausting and tiring.

But now, with such a new means of transportation, not only is it much faster than a boat, it can even be used by the elderly, so he naturally doesn't want to miss it.

Jin Yingyuan has the highest official position, he has the final say, needless to say, he also agrees.

But they can't take the train right away, but they have to report to the government first, and then they can go to the capital to see them after they get permission. For the time being, they can only stay on the Jiangnan side.

Then, they discovered cement roads, glass and so on. Anyway, they were in Daming, and they were dazzled by shopping.


Not to mention the three envoys from the Kingdom of Ryukyu, let’s just say that Emperor Chongzhen of the capital asked Liu Weichao for mathematics, physics and chemistry textbooks from high school and university after the special examination of Gephysics, and used them for these first-time students. candidates study.

There are [-] male students and [-] female students. With such an increase, the original Daming Royal Academy of Sciences will not be enough.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen decreed that a piece of land was specially designated outside the capital city to build the new Royal Academy of Sciences of Ming Dynasty.

The designer of this new Royal Academy of Ming Dynasty is Liu Weichao.

Because according to the request of Emperor Chongzhen, this new Royal Academy of Ming Dynasty is actually a university for later generations.Naturally, Liu Weichao told Emperor Chongzhen everything that future generations of universities should have.

Needless to say, classrooms, in addition to classrooms, there are laboratories, including physics and chemistry laboratories, as well as libraries and so on.

At this time, the advantages of imperial court construction came out.

Reinforced concrete is the foundation, which speeds up the construction. Emperor Chongzhen had a glass factory, and various instruments needed for physical and chemical experiments. Before that, he had actually instructed the glass factory to do trial production, so as not to delay the new Ming Dynasty. Used after the Royal Academy of Sciences repaired.

As for the library, most of the books will be about Gephysics, not only mathematics, physics and chemistry, but also biology, botany, medicine and so on.Most of the books come from the content copied from the mobile phone in the past few years, and there are a small number of books, such as medicine, agriculture, etc., which were originally available in Ming Dynasty, so they are included here.

Because Emperor Chongzhen was very concerned about this "university in the Ming Dynasty", the construction progress was very fast.

By the end of the year, it was basically finished.It is expected that next year, that is, in the spring of the eighteenth year of Chongzhen, it will be ready for use.

However, there is also a problem, which is placed in front of Emperor Chongzhen.

Where did the teachers who taught these first batch of candidates come from?

For high school mathematics, physics and chemistry, Emperor Chongzhen could still find a few people to serve as teachers, but it was also very difficult.Not to mention, the knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry in those universities, no one in the Ming Dynasty learned it at all.

Even Song Yingxing didn't dare to say that he had mastered all mathematics, physics and chemistry in high school, let alone others.

Emperor Chongzhen was the first person to acquire this knowledge. After all, he owns the mobile phone, but the point is, he is the emperor, so how could he have so much time to learn these things.

Besides, even if he has time to learn, he must learn it well!

Emperor Chongzhen also tried it, and found that he, who has always been diligent and able to work late into the night, dozed off while reading those chemistry books!
While this made him speechless, he also discovered a benefit, if he couldn't fall asleep or suffered from insomnia in the future, he could use this trick.

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't solve it by himself, so he could only discuss it with Liu Weichao.

Hearing what he said, Liu Weichao immediately thought of something, and said with a smile: "If you do this, you will be ashamed to say that Gewuxue was created by you in the future, otherwise, how can you, the master of the school, not know it yourself?" what?"

(End of this chapter)

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