Chapter 575
At this time, Liaodong was already covered in silver and white.

On Jianlu's side, there is no manpower to clean up the official road covered by white snow, so that it is difficult to travel at this time!
A row of war horses walked in front of them one foot deep and one foot shallow, sticking out the official road covered by snow.Occasionally, a war horse deviated from the official road and stepped on the ditch beside the official road. Either it sank completely, or turned its back on its back.

Prince Heshuoli, Aixinjueluo Daishan, naturally couldn't walk ahead, but proceeded according to the path opened by the personal guard.

Even so, he still couldn't help but said to Hong Chengchou beside him with a little emotion: "Ah, this king is old, otherwise, why should we walk so slowly!"

Being old means that the bones will not be broken. If the horse stumbles, it may hurt the muscles and bones.

"What did the lord say, it's good to be old and strong!" Hong Chengchou responded quickly when he heard this, "Even if Lian Po is here, he will be willing to bow down!"

"Hahaha..." Daishan couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this.Walking with Hong Chengchou is really very comfortable, the flattery is not the kind of blatant flattery, which has always been very useful to him.

The intelligence of the Han people is not comparable to that of ordinary people even if they are flattering people!
After laughing, Daishan still shook his head and said: "After all, I'm old, and now I've only been away for more than half a year, and I'm homesick, thinking about returning to Shengjing as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Hong Chengchou pointed to the front and said: "Don't worry, my lord, now we are getting closer to Shengjing, our speed will be much faster, and we will be able to reach Shengjing soon."

"Oh, why did you say that?" Dai Shan asked a little puzzled when he heard it.

Although there is no snow now, the road is still covered with snow, how can we speed up?
"My lord, near Shengjing, there must be traces on the official road, so there is no need to proceed so cautiously." Hong Chengchou explained quickly after hearing this.

Upon hearing this, Dai Shan patted himself on the forehead, smiled and shook his head and said, "Look, this king says he's old, so he's forgotten all about it!"

If the original history develops according to the original history, not only is he old, but he will also die soon.Of course, Daishan didn't know at all at this time, he just felt that his body was getting worse and worse.

Just as Hong Chengchou expected, when he was more than ten miles away from Shengjing, he saw traces of people on the official road and in the fields; when he was only about five miles away from Shengjing, he encountered a group of scouting horses.

When he saw the city wall of Shengjing, Daishan said with emotion: "This old bone, this king, has finally lived up to the regent's entrustment and returned!"

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Hong Chengchou, and said sincerely: "This trip has achieved such a great harvest, you have contributed a lot. Don't worry, this king will not break his promise!"

When Hong Chengchou heard this, he quickly rolled off the saddle and got off the horse, knelt down on one knee, shook off the horseshoe sleeve, and said to Daishan: "The merit of this trip is all due to the master's strategizing, and the servant dare not take credit for it!"

"Hehehe..." Seeing that he was so good at talking, Dai Shan couldn't help laughing again and again. After a while, he told Hong Chengchou: "Get up, let's go see the regent, I believe the regent will be very happy!"

This time I went to Japan as an envoy, and I gained a lot by accident, which was much better than the original expectation.When Dorgon finds out, he will definitely be pleasantly surprised!

To be honest, Daishan at this time suddenly wanted to see how excited Dorgon would be after knowing the harvest this time!

The shadow of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty should be lessened, right?
Thinking of this, he urged his horse and headed for Shengjing.

Before he got to the palace, he saw the regent Dorgon leading Duoduo out to welcome him.They started to say hello from afar, a little excited, really like brothers, the kind they haven't seen for a long time.

Of course, they are indeed brothers, half-brothers.However, in the past, their relationship was absolutely impossible to be so good.

Regarding this, Daishan knew very well in his heart that the pressure brought by the appearance of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty was too great, forcing their brothers to unite sincerely.

Without waiting for Dorgon to ask questions, Daishan smiled and said to him: "This trip to the Wa Kingdom has finally fulfilled its mission, and there are unexpected joys!"

When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly took Daishan's hand and said: "Okay, it's really hard work, it's too cold here, let's go into the hall to talk."

Afterwards, he added: "I also have good news from my side, go to the temple to tell it!"

When Dai Shan heard this, he couldn't help being a little curious. There is still good news here in Liaodong. What good news is it?

Seeing Dorgon's happy face, it seems that this good news is not a trivial matter!
Thinking about it this way, he became even more curious, what good news would it be?
But at this time, Daishan did not forget Hong Chengchou, and immediately turned around to greet Hong Chengchou and asked him to go to the Chongzheng Hall to discuss matters.

When they arrived at the Chongzheng Hall, the little emperor Fulin also came to greet him at the gate of the hall, and exchanged greetings again.

Behind the little Emperor Fulin is Bumbutai, she has nothing to say about the intrigue.This is a must if you want to be good friends.Only Daishan is qualified to check and balance the regent Dorgon.

Therefore, according to his mother's instructions, the little emperor Fulin greeted Dai Shan for a while, and after half a day, the real discussion began.

I saw Daishan carefully took out something from his arms, then walked forward, spread it out on the table in front of Dorgon, and said at the same time: "This time I went to the Wa country, and I did not disgrace my mission. The Wa Kingdom formed an alliance to fight against the imperial court together. And, there are surprises, just wait and see!"

While talking, he tapped a place on the covenant, which was Zheng Yiguan's name.

This covenant was written in Japanese, Chinese and Manchu.Dorgon couldn't understand Japanese, but Chinese and Manchu were of course no problem.

Just looking at it like that, he was a little confused, and immediately asked: "Who is this Zheng Yiguan?"

It's just a person's name, but it's juxtaposed with the Qing Empire and the Wa Kingdom. What's the situation?
If Dorgon was not surprised by this, it would be strange.

Dai Shan laughed silently when he heard this, and then answered him: "This Zheng Yiguan is Zheng Zhilong, who is currently the commander-in-chief of the Denglai Navy of the Ming Dynasty...the Denglai Navy."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the people in the Chongzheng Palace looked at each other in blank dismay except for the little emperor Fulin. For a moment, they didn't understand what was going on with this covenant?

Of course Daishan knew that Dorgon would be hard to understand if he didn't explain it, so he took Zheng Zhilong's power, including the rampage along the southeast coast of Daming, the influence of the Wa kingdom, and how the Ming emperor treated Zheng Zhilong. It's all said and done.

His narration made everyone in the Chongzheng Palace dumbfounded, except for the little emperor Fulin and Hong Chengchou who knew the truth.

I really never expected that there would be such a powerful character!No wonder, this name can be juxtaposed with the Qing Empire and the Wa Kingdom.Because this name actually represents a kingdom on the sea.In short, Aquaman too!

Dai Shan then reminded Dorgon, "Now he is the commander-in-chief of the Denglai Navy of the Ming Dynasty, and he has not exposed his injustice. At the critical moment when our coalition forces with the Wa Kingdom are about to fight the Ming Kingdom, suddenly behind us When the main force of the Ming Dynasty is stabbed, it will be the time when the fate of the country will change. With this hidden game, the coalition forces will surely win!"

Dorgon was full of joy when he heard it, and nodded repeatedly.Then he immediately thought of something, glanced at everyone in the hall, and finally looked at Hong Chengchou, but said to everyone: "This matter is of great importance, no one should disclose it, otherwise the family will be ransacked and wiped out!"

In the Chongzheng Hall at this time, there were only Bumbutai, Little Emperor Fulin, Daishan, Duoduo, Hong Chengchou, and Dorgon himself, and besides that, there were a few maids and servants.

It is impossible for him to say this to a person surnamed Aixinjueluo, otherwise, if he ransacked his family and wiped out his family, he would destroy himself too.

When Daishan heard what he said, he immediately understood what he meant, and quickly said: "By the way, the success of this alliance is all thanks to Heng Jiu's efforts!"

Hengjiu is Hong Chengchou's character, so it can be seen that Hong Chengchou has won Daishan's heart.

Seeing Dorgon and others looking at him, Daishan continued: "At the beginning, the shogun who was in power in Japan didn't want to form an alliance with our Qing Empire. It was Heng Jiu who came up with a way to force the shogun The general did not deny it outright, and the alliance was finally completed after Zheng Yiguan arrived in Wa Kingdom!"

Before Dorgon could speak, he went on to say: "Also, Heng Jiu was concerned about my lack of materials in the Qing Dynasty, and reminded me of the exchange market with Zheng Yiguan. Now that we have made an agreement, we will talk about it later. In addition, We also negotiated with the Wa country about the mutual market."

Speaking of this, Daishan took out another thing from his arms and spread it on the table.

Dorgon hurriedly went to see it, and found that it was indeed some rules for trading with Japan, which greatly supplemented the urgently needed supplies of the Qing Empire. He couldn't help being very happy, this is really a good thing!
This Hong Chengchou is really dedicated to making suggestions for the Qing Dynasty, he should be rewarded!
At this time, of course Dorgon could see that Daishan's words were obviously for Hong Chengchou's credit.

If you want to say that in the past, high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty like Hong Chengchou, on Jianlu's side, whether it was Huang Taiji or Dorgon, were all on guard.But now, Dorgon was relieved, so he proposed on the spot to raise the flag for Hong Chengchou and be named a bachelor.

Therefore, Hong Chengchou did not enter the flag until 1652. Because of his own efforts to betray the country, he finally won the trust of Jianlu and entered the flag ahead of schedule.

After Daishan finished talking about his side, he asked Dorgon curiously: "Just now you said that there is good news from your side, what kind of good news is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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