Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 576 Another ally?

Chapter 576 Is there another ally?
Even Hong Chengchou, who prides himself on his shrewdness, can't think of any good news from Liaodong, at least good news worthy of the regent's opinion. What is it?
Therefore, he also listened with pricked ears.

Hearing Dai Shan ask this, Dorgon immediately laughed, and then said to him: "Do you still remember when you went to Japan as an envoy, did you find that there were cannibals in the north?"

"Well, I remember." Dai Shan heard this, and immediately thought of it. When he plundered the Jurchen, there was news that there was such a thing. There are relationships?"

When Dorgon heard this, he immediately nodded and said: "I rushed over to deal with this matter myself, only to find out that they were not cannibals at all, but the pioneers of the Russian Empire. They were red-haired and blue-eyed, like devils, and because of threats So they are regarded as cannibals by the Saurons."

"The Tsarist Russian Empire?" Daishan immediately asked suspiciously after hearing this, "There is such an empire in our north? When did this happen?"

Since the founding of Dajin, there has been a practice of constantly going north to plunder the Saurons to replenish Dajin's military strength.This matter has continued, but even with the qualification of acting as a good man, I have never heard of it. In the north of the Qing Empire, there is actually a Tsarist Russian Empire.

Dorgon's words were not good news for him, but they shocked him even more.

As soon as Dorgon heard Daishan's words, he knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "No, the Tsarist Russian Empire is in the far west. It's just that they sent troops from the north to the south. Go south, and you will meet our Daqing!"

"The far west?" Dai Shan couldn't help being surprised when he heard it, "Could it be that they are still in the west of the Ming Dynasty? They came from the Mongolian grassland to the east?"

Judging by the terrain, it is impossible to pass through the Ming country.

Dorgon listened, nodded again, and continued to introduce Daishan: "This Tsarist Russian Empire has sharp firearms. It is said that it is a powerful empire in the far west. It came to the east mainly for furs, not for furs. To expand the territory."

Having said that, seeing Daishan listening carefully, he went on to say: "I contacted them and finally reached a covenant. We have the furs they need, and their firearms are also what we need. Both sides Mutual market is something that benefits both parties!"

After a pause, Dorgon raised his voice a little more excitedly, and continued: "Besides, I told them that the Ming Kingdom is extremely prosperous, if we can unite and attack the Ming Kingdom together, Huahua World will be as prosperous as possible." It belongs to the two countries. Their leaders were very moved, and after inquiring about the specific situation of the Ming Dynasty, they said that they would go back and report this matter to their emperor immediately."

"Will their emperor agree?" Daishan finally showed joy when he heard this, and hurriedly asked.

Dorgon listened, nodded, and said with a smile: "They have actually heard about the wealth of the Eastern countries. Hehe, the rumors are ridiculous, which means that the country's land is paved with gold. If you can grab it , I feel that they will definitely come to snatch it!"

As soon as Daishan heard it, he immediately heard that Dorgon might have followed their tone and emphasized the wealth of the Ming Dynasty, right?
Sure enough, as soon as he came up with this idea, Dorgon expressed his merits to him: "In order to get their emperor to agree, I sent them a batch of gold items, all of which were the trophies we got from the pass before." By the way, I want to show them that although the Ming Dynasty is rich, its military strength is not very good. We have already gone to the pass to rob many times in the Qing Dynasty alone. It’s just that the Ming Dynasty is too big and our population is too small to eat it alone. .”

"Okay, well said!" Daishan immediately had an impression in his mind when he heard it, and immediately nodded in praise, "This man from the Tsarist Russian Empire can travel thousands of miles for a mere fur, so now there is a Ming country who is rich and powerful." If it is a bait, it may arouse their greed. This is great, and our Qing Dynasty will have one more ally!"

He actually didn't know that fur was a hard currency in Eastern Europe and was very valuable. It was also for this reason that Tsarist Russia sent colonists to the east to plunder fur.

Moreover, Tsarist Russia at this time was not considered powerful.At least at this time, Sweden was stronger than Tsarist Russia.Tsarist Russia is aggressive. At this time, it is bullying the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth together with Sweden, but at the same time, it is also a little afraid of Sweden and dare not expand too far east.

Of course, because the distance is too far, just like Tsarist Russia did not understand the Qing Empire, Dorgon, Daishan and others also did not understand Tsarist Russia.Anyway, listening to the bragging of both sides, they both think that the other side is a good ally.

At this time, Dorgon said excitedly after hearing Daishan's words: "It seems that we have formally formed an alliance with the Wa Kingdom and Zheng Yiguan, and will also form an alliance with the Tsarist Russian Empire. The situation will improve a lot. Grassland It’s time to sort out all the ministries here.”

The grassland tribes can be roughly divided into four groups.That is, Western Mongolia, also known as Oirat Mongolia; Mobei Mongolia, mainly composed of three tribes, as well as Eastern Mongolia and Central Mongolia.

Among them, the Great Khan of the Chahar Mongolian tribe, who was originally known as the Golden Family, was Lindan Khan. He was frightened by Jianlu, so he ran west and occupied the Tumed tribe of the Mongolian tribe in the central part.

At this time, the Tumed Department was no longer in the era of Alta Khan, and ran away if he couldn't beat Lin Danhan.

On the eastern side of Mongolia, all surrendered to Jianlu, and under the unity of the people, they all followed Jianlu's lead.

Later, Huang Taiji personally led the army to conquer Lin Danhan who was still unconvinced, and frightened Lin Danhan into fleeing to the west, and died of illness halfway.Later, his son surrendered to Jianlu, and his wife became one of Huang Taiji's wives.

The Tumote tribe surrendered to Jianlu, and was split into two left and right banners by Jianlu, and two capitals were established;
In addition, Mobei Mongolia and Western Mongolia are mortal enemies, attacking each other, but they all send envoys to submit to Huang Taiji's Qing Dynasty.

Nominally speaking, the entire Mongolian steppe is the domain of the Manchus.

The previous policy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was to take precautions against the Mongolian tribes, split them up and make peace.In addition, some Mongolians were recruited and the Mongolian Eight Banners were established as a standing army.Other Mongolian tribes are relatively independent, and they only go to the government when they need it.

However, at this time before, the Manchu Qing suffered two major defeats, suffered heavy losses in strength, and was too busy to take care of themselves. Naturally, they would not worry about the affairs of the Mongolian ministries.

However, the situation in the Manchu Qing Dynasty has improved, at least in terms of the overall situation and strategy, it has improved.Not only formed an alliance with the Japanese country and introduced strong aid, but also ambushed a dark game over the Ming country, which could give the Ming army a fatal blow at a critical moment, and even ally with the Tsarist Russian Empire far in the west, just waiting for the Tsarist Russian emperor made a decision.

Under such a situation, Dorgon naturally thought of the necessity of integrating the Mongolian tribes in the grassland.

Not to mention anything else, a minimum requirement, if the Tsarist Russian Empire really has to form an alliance with the Qing Empire and attack the Ming Kingdom from the west, then the western Mongolia will give way, and even Western Mongolia will follow the Tsarist Russian Empire to attack the Ming Kingdom.This is something that the Qing side needs to coordinate and consider in advance.

At this time, Daishan heard this, and asked quickly: "How is the situation of reclaiming wasteland in the north?"

As soon as Dorgon heard this, he immediately replied: "Don't tell me, the land over there is fertile. Next year, if we continue to move Koreans there, we can open up more grain fields."

After a pause, he remembered that North Korea was going to be handed over to Wa, so he immediately went on to say: "The food and supplies from North Korea, after this winter, can be moved back to Liaodong as much as possible. As far as current estimates are concerned, at least As for the food and supplies, if we work harder tomorrow, we should be able to feed more people without any problem!"

Hearing this, Daishan was very happy, and he also said: "Ming Jiangnan is prosperous, and there must be a lot of food. When Zheng Yiguan sends people to trade, we can ask for food purchases. It will definitely be a great addition.”

Dorgon was very happy to hear that, it is definitely not easy to have enough grain under self-reliance, but if the gold and silver treasures he plundered were used to buy grain from the Ming Kingdom, this would be the best way.Therefore, he quickly asked: "Since this is the case, why don't we go to that Zheng Yiguan and urge him to make a deal earlier?"

After hearing this, Daishan shook his head and said, "At that time Zheng Yiguan was in a hurry and didn't discuss more details. But I gave him my badge so that he can contact us!"

When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful, but he had no other choice, so he asked about the details of Wa Kingdom.

It's a pity that as far as food and materials are concerned, Japan itself is not rich, and many of them are hungry.

So, he turned to discuss with Daishan and others about handing over North Korea to Wa, and how to coordinate with Wa to deal with the Ming army.

In the middle, whether it is Dorgon or Daishan, when discussing everything, they will ask Hong Chengchou what he thinks.

In this regard, Hong Chengchou knew everything and said everything, and he showed the self-consciousness of a dog leg very well.

On these matters, Dodo basically said nothing.It's just that when he was going out, he suddenly asked Hong Chengchou a question, and cared about his lifelong affairs.

Time soon came to the eighteenth year of Chongzhen. For some reason, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be very happy about this new year. The rewards for the New Year in the palace were much more than before.

For ordinary people, it is thought that the emperor is rich, so he is generous.Only Liu Weichao knows that this is because in the original history, there was no eighteen years of Chongzhen, but now, there is!

In the first month, when Emperor Chongzhen was happy, Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, finally rushed back to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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