Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 618 Three Proclamations and Six Consolations

Chapter 618 Three Announcements and Six Consolations
The communication method of the signal tower can only be used when the weather is suitable, and it can quickly transmit messages over long distances.

Dongjiang town's communication has always been a problem that has been eager to solve.

Therefore, the construction of the signal tower is the top priority in Dongjiang Town.After it was built in Dengzhou, a series of islands in Dengzhou extended to the Liaodong Peninsula.

As far as the current construction progress is concerned, the signal tower has been built to Huangcheng Island, the northernmost of the Miaodao Islands.Therefore, as long as Zheng Zhilong arrives here, if the weather is good, he can send news to the capital.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard Wang Chengen's report, he probably guessed what was going on, and at the same time, he was also curious. Zheng Zhilong went to Liaodong Jianlu to learn how much important news he could get, so he told Wang Chengen: "Yes!"

As soon as Wang Chengen heard it, he immediately walked back to the stairs and passed on the will.

The message sent by the signal tower can only be as brief as possible. If there is something important, it is necessary to use another method to send the message or directly report it in person.Because of signal tower messaging, the more content there is, the higher the potential for error.Once the message is wrong, the consequences are very serious.

At this time, after Zheng Zhilong's incident was interrupted, Emperor Chongzhen had finished filming the video, and returned to the Forbidden City with his cabinet members to hold an imperial meeting of the six ministries and nine ministers in the Wenhua Hall.

Feeling that in the next few years, there might be a three-nation war, Emperor Chongzhen decided to discuss with his ministers the implementation of the first five-year plan and plan for the second five-year plan.

All in all, three years have passed since the first five-year plan, and there are still two years left.The main goal set before is to wipe out the thieves, at least the pass will be peaceful.

Now it seems that it has basically been done.The rogues who were raging in the past surrendered, killed, and escaped. Now only Li Zicheng, the biggest rogue, fled to the southwest of Daming and colluded with the local chieftain, and has not been finally eliminated.

With the biggest goal of eradicating thieves, beating the rabbits, along with the completion of reforming the land and returning to the exiles, this is something that most people did not expect.

In order to complete the land reform and bring about long-term stability in the governance of the chieftain's territory, the imperial court, with the cooperation of the Daming Royal Academy of Officials, trained large-scale officials and sent them to the chieftain's territory as officials.

As for the rectification of the place, it was also completed under the big goal of exterminating the thieves.Matching this is the salary increase of the imperial court and the reform of preferential exemption for officials and gentry.

Listening to the Chief Assistant He Fengsheng reporting all these important events, many people felt a little weird.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to complete only one of these things.But now, five years have not passed yet, and all these things have been completed!
It turned out that the imperial court was able to accomplish so many things when they worked together!
Contrary to their cognition, Emperor Chongzhen knew the reason better.

Not only because there is no party dispute in the court, but it has become his one-word hall.It is also because of the advancement of science and technology with the help of Liu Weichao.

For example, advances in steel smelting and military industry allowed Emperor Chongzhen to master the military power and organize an army loyal to the imperial power.

The construction of railways, cement roads, etc. made it easier to dispatch supplies and troops across the country than before.

Under the condition that the military power is guaranteed, whether it is targeting thieves, Jianlu, or local officials and gentry, Emperor Chongzhen's waist is very hard, which can guarantee the effect of doing things.

Not to mention anything else, it is just a matter of rectifying the local area. If it is not guaranteed by a strong army, but only relying on the local government, let alone five years, it will be ten years or fifteen years. The rectification may not be completed, and the effect is even more unlikely. There are so good.

Of course, another very important reason why this five-year plan can be implemented so ideally is that he can promote talents according to Liu Weichao's recommendation.In terms of Emperor Chongzhen's knowledge of people, there is a bonus like cheating.

For these two important reasons, it is impossible to have such a big effect without one of them.

At this time, after hearing He Fengsheng's report on the current progress, Emperor Chongzhen emphasized to them: "It is advisable to pursue the poor bandits with the remaining bravery. For the remaining two years, we must cooperate with all parties to wipe out the southwestern thieves and chieftains. All yamen should take this as their goal, and there must be no negligence. Especially the appointment of officials must be strengthened."

He also had to emphasize this matter.

Some people always think that the thieves have been oppressed by the imperial army in the poor and remote place in the southwest of Daming, and it is no longer important to the overall situation of Daming, so the degree of importance is obviously not as important as before.One point reflected in this is that the selection of Southwest officials has been relaxed.

In the past, Emperor Chongzhen personally supervised all policies, forcing officials to go to the southwest to serve.

However, serving in Southwest China is hard work after all, and if possible, most officials would not necessarily want to go even with subsidies.As long as the court relaxes, the number of officials going to the southwest will be reduced immediately.

Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's words, Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, hesitated for a moment, and finally coughed, and went out to play to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, regarding the war in the Southwest, I have already done the calculations, and only Yunnan is left. Complete the land reform. Now the selection and training of officials should be enough for all of Yunnan!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately looked at Zuo Maodi and asked, "What about the three announcements and six consolations? Are the officials ready for the three announcements and six consolations?"

"..." Hearing this, Zuo Maodi was stunned.

Thanks to his profound knowledge, he knew what Emperor Chongzhen said.

The so-called "Three Propaganda and Six Consolation Departments" refer to the Guidance Propaganda Department, the Ganya Propaganda Department, and the Longchuan Propaganda Department. Xuanwei Division, Meng Yang Xuanwei Division, Laos Xuanwei Division.

The one established during the Zhengtong period, with the weakening of the Ming Dynasty's national power, has long existed in name only.In the Jiajing period, Mang Ruiti established the Toungoo Dynasty, and the chieftains who belonged to the Three Propaganda and Six Comforts of the Ming Dynasty all belonged to the Toungoo Dynasty.Afterwards, it was the Toungoo Dynasty that reformed and returned these places, and became the territory of the Toungoo Dynasty.

Now that Emperor Chongzhen brought up this matter again, it is obvious that it is going to destroy the Dongyu Dynasty and restore the jurisdiction over Dongwu.

On this point, Emperor Chongzhen did not say hello in advance. Of course, Zuo Maodi subconsciously did not count these places in the reform of land and return.

After hearing this, Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, coughed, and went out to play first Zuo Maodi: "Your Majesty, those places are all really poor mountains and rivers. The imperial court directly governs the land, and I'm afraid it will cost more every year. I don't know. How much treasury silver..."

As far as the current situation is concerned, the wars in the land of Yunnan and Guizhou cost money like water, and are currently the largest consumption of the national treasury.

Now that I finally have some money, there are still many places to use the money. As the Minister of the Ministry of Households, he really does not agree with the court's re-introduction of the three propagandas and six comforts, let alone the reform of these places.

If it is said that Liu Weichao, the military adviser, is not there, then Emperor Chongzhen probably has the same idea as them.

However, the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen far surpassed these courtiers. Hearing what they said, he said lightly: "Who said those places are poor mountains and bad waters? In my eyes, they are all treasures. Although the initial investment will be more money and food , but the rewards in the future will benefit future generations, you know?"

With Liu Weichao here, he knows exactly where there are minerals.

Dongwu, also known as Myanmar in later generations, is still rich in natural resources, including oil, natural gas, tungsten, tin, lead, silver, nickel, antimony, gold, iron, chromium, jade, etc.The most famous, of course, is jade, the most in the world.

Of course, the most important thing is Dongwu's geographical location. After Da Ming occupied Dongwu, he would have access to the Indian Ocean, greatly shortening the distance to the Middle East.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen did not force him, so he went on to say: "Now there is no chieftain in a mess, and I will not include it in the goal that must be completed in the past two years. However, the reserve of officials must be prioritized. Once the grandson Qing wiped out the thieves and chieftains who refused to accept Wang Hua, and then used troops against Dongwu. The most important point of using troops is not to defeat Dongwu, but to govern, understand?"

Hearing this, Ni Yuanlu heaved a sigh of relief, and retreated, her relationship with the household department was not that great.Since the emperor said that there are treasures there, it must be profitable.

After hearing this, Zuo Maodi quickly agreed, saying that he would strengthen the selection and training of officials for future use.

Later, Emperor Chongzhen asked Shangshu of the Lower Ministry of Industry about the construction of railways and roads across the country.

Generally speaking, in the first five-year plan, railways and highways are mainly built along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and they are all located in the most prosperous area of ​​Ming Dynasty. , the place where the big water system is disconnected is not counted.

To the west, the railway has been built to Luoyang, and it is ready to continue to extend to Tongguan and enter Qindi.

As for cement roads, because government offices in various places can repair them by themselves, places with money can repair them faster, and places without money can repair them more slowly.

After listening to these reports, Emperor Chongzhen thought about one thing and said to them: "With the application of flying shuttles and spinning machines, I have received reports from factory guards that more and more people are changing rice to mulberry in the south of the Yangtze River. .Here, I want to emphasize that the grain fields must be guaranteed. Don’t forget the tragedy of the people’s hungry stomachs a few years ago!”

The reason why Daming was able to slow down was that many people died of war and famine, which reduced the consumption of food; the other was that the Zheng family continuously transported food back from Nanyang.

Emperor Chongzhen was very sensitive to famine. After seeing the report from the factory guard, he decided to emphasize this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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