Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 619 Ask Your Majesty to be the Last General

Chapter 619 Ask Your Majesty to be the Last General
However, Liu Weichao and Emperor Chongzhen said that for this kind of thing, relying on administrative coercion will not work very well. The best way is to use economic means.

Only by using economic means, instead of the one-size-fits-all commercial tax passed down from Emperor Taizu, can we promote and restrict which industries according to the needs of the court!
In order to illustrate this, Liu Weichao specifically gave Emperor Chongzhen several examples.

Regarding these suggestions, Emperor Chongzhen was very surprised for a while, it turns out that taxes can still be used in this way!
If it is said, if it is changed from the past, or other emperors, I am afraid that even if they know how to do it, it is actually not easy to do it.

Because taxes, such as the commercial tax is one in thirty, was set by Emperor Taizu, that is the ancestral system.If anyone makes such a move, there will inevitably be interest groups using the ancestral system to suppress people.In ancient times, filial piety was the most important. Under the ancestral system, the emperor dared not change it at will.

However, Emperor Chongzhen was different here.

Emperor Taizu has manifested his spirit, and it is very simple for him to dare to violate the ancestral system. As long as he says that it is approved by Emperor Taizu, he does not even need to say it, and someone will imagine that he must have consulted Emperor Taizu Meaning, therefore, the emperor's greatest trump card, ancestral suppression, does not exist.

After Emperor Chongzhen emphasized it in the imperial meeting in the Wenhua Palace, he was ready to use economic means to control it later.However, we must be cautious. Taxation cannot be changed as you want. It involves a game of chess across the country, so it must be considered thoroughly.


On the fifth day after the imperial meeting concluded the first five-year plan, that is, the last day of the food competition, Zheng Zhilong finally arrived in the capital.

Not coming back for more than half a year, Zheng Zhilong felt that the capital had changed a lot and became more prosperous.

Among other things, just the [-]% buildings outside the city opened his eyes.Although there are only a few buildings with [-]% buildings occasionally, it is because of the small number that they are eye-catching.

Feeling the changes in the capital, Zheng Zhilong felt even more certain in his heart that with the current strength of the imperial court, even if there was an additional empire, it would not be an opponent of the imperial court.

Hearing that he had arrived in the capital, Emperor Chongzhen didn't let him wait, and immediately summoned him in the Wuying Hall.

Because it involved Zheng Zhilong's secret mission to Liaodong, without Zheng Zhilong's special request, Emperor Chongzhen only brought Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was in charge of the ceremony, with him.

But as soon as he saw the emperor, Zheng Zhilong paid homage, and expressed his gratitude to Emperor Chongzhen for sending someone to solve his wife and children.Anyway, to let the emperor know, he was really moved.

Sure enough, when Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he was very pleased, with a smile on his face, and immediately said that Zheng Zhilong would do his best, and the court would not ignore his difficulties.

After the formalities were over, Emperor Chongzhen asked, "Have you been to Shenyang, Qing?"

It was the puppet capital of Jianlu, and he was still very curious about what the situation was.

Hearing the emperor's question, Zheng Zhilong didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly replied: "The general will go, and he also gave the set of drinking utensils to Hong Chengchou. In addition, the general also found out very important news!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he didn't speak, but stared at him, motioning him to continue.

Therefore, Zheng Zhilong went on to report: "According to the puppet regent of Jianlu, Aixinjueluo Dorgon, revealed to the general that Jianlu had also formed an alliance with some kind of Tsarist Russian Empire. The latter has never heard of this Tsarist Russian Empire, but Na Dorgon sent the last general a short-handled flintlock gun, so the last general estimated that it was a country in Xiyi. And Na Dorgon also said that the Tsarist Russian Empire is to the west of Ming Dynasty."

Speaking of this, he added: "The short-handled flintlock has already been brought by the last general, and it is just outside the palace gate."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised. This Jianlu really didn't stop, and even drew another Xiyi country to form an alliance?What is the strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire? I don’t know what it is?
At this time, although he was surprised, he did not panic.Because he knew that if he asked Liu Weichao later, he would definitely know the situation of the Tsarist Russian Empire.If there is no Liu Weichao, then he will definitely be worried.

With such a plan, Emperor Chongzhen didn't panic at all, and continued to ask Zheng Zhilong: "Apart from this Tsarist Russian Empire, is there anything else?"

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he reported again: "When the last general left, it happened that the Japanese sent envoys to Shenyang to compete with Jianlu and decide North Korea..."

He explained the general situation, and then said: "The general thought that the Jianlu and the Japanese kingdoms were also in harmony, and it was impossible to achieve a very good alliance!"

After saying this, he took out a memorial from his sleeve, and presented it with both hands: "This is the memorial of Wu Zongbing of Dongjiang Town. Tomo will forward it to the imperial court. He wants to continue to contain Jianlu and Japanese pirates in North Korea!"

When Wang Chengen saw it, he came over to take the memorial and presented it to Emperor Chongzhen.

Here, Zheng Zhilong continued to verbally describe the current situation in North Korea, Wu Sangui's thoughts and so on.

And Emperor Chongzhen, while listening to his explanation, read Zheng Zhilong's memorial.

He was a little puzzled, that Wu Sangui really dared to work so hard?No longer Wu Sangui in history, but a loyal minister and general of Ming Dynasty?
To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen had reservations about this.

When he saw the end of the memorial, he found that Zheng Zhilong's signature was still there, so he asked Zheng Zhilong: "Qing also thought it would be more beneficial to let him be contained in North Korea?"

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he quickly expressed his opinion: "The general feels that Mr. Wu really has to go all out. If the grain and grass reserves are sufficient, the general feels that the Korean Japanese are not familiar with the vast land and sparse population of Liaodong. There is a lot to do. And if there is a lot of movement by General Wu over there, it will also attract Japanese people to continue sending troops to North Korea."

Emperor Chongzhen had told him before that he wanted to lure out the Japanese and eliminate them.That being the case, Wu Sangui's troubles in North Korea can force the Japanese to eliminate Wu Sangui.And North Korea is so big, the Japanese must send more troops from the Japanese country to encircle and suppress Wu Sangui.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he felt that it made sense. The more Japanese soldiers opened the Wa Kingdom, the more beneficial it would be for the future conquest of the Wa Kingdom.

But at this time, he didn't make a decision right away, but said it later, at least he had to ask Liu Weichao's opinion before making a final decision.

Later, Zheng Zhilong talked about the transaction with Jianlu, and how much deposit he had received from Jianlu, and reported everything in detail.Finally, I asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, the last general has already brought the money back to Dengzhou, what should I do with it?"

The amount of money was not small, not that Zheng Zhilong didn't think it was much, but that he didn't dare to stretch out his hand, what if the Emperor Taizu was watching over his head!
The materials Zheng Zhilong traded that Jianlu needed were mainly military supplies such as ironware, grain and grass, and gunpowder, and they were urgent.

However, Zheng Zhilong also said that his territory is mainly in Fujian, which is far away from Liaodong. It will take time to send people back to purchase these materials.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen also did not reply right away.

He had to discuss these matters with Liu Weichao before deciding.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Chongzhen asked Zheng Zhilong, "When do you think Jianlu and Japanese pirates will attack?"

Zheng Zhilong didn't hear the emperor's reply, so he didn't dare to urge him. After thinking for a while, he played back: "Winter is coming soon, and the Japanese are only near Seoul now. It will take at least one year next year before we can get back to the city." Control the entire North Korea. If General Wu does a good job, the Japanese pirates’ control of North Korea will be postponed for at least another year. The general thought that the Japanese would not attack me, Daming, until they completely controlled North Korea!”

Regarding this point, he is still sure in his heart.

It is impossible for the Japanese to divert their attention to other places without first occupying North Korea and carve up North Korea.In other words, the biggest thing for the Japanese pirates in the past two years can only be about North Korea!

Zheng Zhilong thought so in his heart, and continued to introduce to Emperor Chongzhen: "As for the Jianlu side, the general feels that their focus is also on opening up wasteland and farming in the north. In addition, they seem to want to integrate the various tribes of Mongolia and accumulate strength. Although they and the Japanese We have formed an alliance, but it also means to guard against the Japanese. The current strength of the Japanese is definitely not enough."

Having said this, he hesitated for a moment, and finally continued: "In addition, although Dorgon didn't say anything, the general feels that their alliance with the Tsarist Empire has not been finalized yet, and it will take time to determine it." This matter. Therefore, for the Japanese side, they also used the affairs of the Tsarist Empire to increase their bargaining chips in North Korea, but they were not tough."

Emperor Chongzhen did not expect to send Zheng Zhilong to Shenyang, and it was definitely a bit unexpected to learn so much news!

In a good mood, he asked, "Is there any news?"

"During these few days in Shenyang, the general has noticed that the interior of Jianlu is not monolithic!" After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he explained the political situation within Jianlu, especially the conflict of interests between the regent and the little emperor. The different positions of the princes, and the troubles of the queen mother.

When he said this, he really hesitated for a while, and finally decided to confess the truth, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "...When the Jianlu Puppet Empress Dowager entertained the last general, the last general felt that they were fighting openly and secretly. The puppet empress dowager of Jianlu used all means to ensure that her son could conquer in person in the future, and even threatened the last general. The last general accidentally said something, and dared not hide it from His Majesty, and asked His Majesty to make the decision for the last general. What will be done?"

Emperor Chongzhen heard it very strange, what does Zheng Zhilong mean?No matter how the fake queen mother threatens, he can run back to Daming by slapping his butt. How can the fake queen mother blackmail him?
To be honest, he couldn't figure out what to threaten, so he said to Zheng Zhilong: "Speaking of it, Qing, I will naturally decide for Qing!"

(End of this chapter)

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