Chapter 627 Promotion
After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, the Wenhua Palace fell silent.

If the number of recruits is not large, there is no problem; but if the number of recruits is large, there will be a big problem.

It is only a few years away from the troubled times, and most people have experienced the days when human lives are worse than dogs in troubled times. If it was possible, who would want to live a life of licking blood?
Not to mention, life is better now, and there are opportunities to work everywhere. As long as you have physical strength, you can do some work casually to support people. Then, for most people, they will not be willing to take risks!
After the first assistant He Fengsheng considered half the salary, he played to the Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that we can first recruit soldiers and horses to see how many we can have. If there are still shortages, we can think about it later!"

What if it is possible?
After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was noncommittal, and turned to look at the others.

When Chen Yuanyuan saw it, he coughed and went out to play: "Your Majesty, maybe we can let the people in the world know that if the imperial court is not enough to deal with so many crises, the world may be in chaos, and the people in the world will suffer in the end." In this way, I believe that there will be more people willing to serve as soldiers and eat food to protect their families and the country!"

"That's a good idea!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately nodded in approval when he heard it, "Yes, I agree!"

Ruan Dacheng was very anxious when he heard this.

Although Chen Yuanyuan and him had no feuds, they got along very well and admired each other's knowledge.However, Chen Yuanyuan's abilities are all visible, and she is inferior to him. This situation will definitely not last long.

Finally, he regained his official position.Of course he didn't want Xian to give up his place to Chen Yuanyuan.

But, no, Chen Yuanyuan's proposal was appreciated by the emperor again, and he was once again compared to his envoy!

Burning with anxiety, thinking about the difficulties the emperor said just now, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he was overjoyed immediately, so he hurriedly coughed, and went out to play: "Your Majesty, I believe that those who protect the world are as low as ordinary people." , has nothing to do with responsibility.”

This sentence, in the original history, was said by Gu Yanwu, a famous thinker in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.The background at that time was to establish captives and invaders, and the general trend of the world was basically determined to be owned by the Manchu Qing.Summing up the past, Gu Yanwu only said this sentence.

However, on this plane, the seventeenth year of Chongzhen had already passed, and Jianlu was firmly controlled in Liaodong, and could no longer pose a threat to the pass. At least in the eyes of ordinary people, the world is now more peaceful.Even if there was no butterfly effect, Gu Yanwu would not be able to say these words under such a major background change.

Not to mention, at this time, Gu Yanwu gave up the imperial examination because he failed the imperial examination many times.It just so happened that Emperor Chongzhen set up a special scientific examination of Gewuxue. Therefore, at this time, Gu Yanwu had changed to study Gewuxue.

On Ruan Dacheng's side, his literary talent is definitely one of the top few people in the late Ming Dynasty.Half his life's ups and downs in the official career made him very concerned about whether he could be reused by the emperor, and he only wanted to please the emperor.

It just so happened that he was present at this imperial meeting.Therefore, he had a part to hear that the Ming Dynasty under peace was already in danger, at least in the view of the officials in the palace, it was in danger.If one is not careful, Daming may be divided up by the surrounding barbarians, and then fall into blood and fire again.

The wars of the past few years are still in front of us. In the days to come, it is possible to fall into wars, and the lives of people will be devastated.

Against this background, Emperor Chongzhen made it clear that he should recruit troops as soon as possible to deal with future challenges, but the source of troops is a big problem.

Thinking of these, Ruan Dacheng accidentally uttered this famous saying that originally belonged to Gu Yanwu in history.

Hearing this, other people in the Wenhua Palace were still thinking about it. When Chen Yuanyuan heard it, she was startled. Immediately thinking of something, she said in surprise: "Master Ruan's words are the same as those in the fairy world. , it's exactly the same!"

Upon hearing his words, everyone was taken aback: What a coincidence?
What are the words of the fairy world?

To be honest, everyone is very curious about the affairs of the fairy world. After hearing this, of course they want to know, what is the fairy world talking about?

Even Emperor Chongzhen himself did not expect anything from the Immortal Realm to be the same as Ruan Dacheng's.

But he is the representative of the fairy world, so he has to know, and can only maintain that "yes, you are right" expression.

Fortunately, if he didn't ask, someone would naturally ask for him.

No, when Ruan Dacheng heard her words, he asked Chen Yuanyuan curiously: "The words of the fairy world? What are the words?"

The others were staring at Chen Yuanyuan and listening with pricked ears.

Chen Yuanyuan belonged to the least qualified official junior in this Wenhua Palace, let alone in front of the imperial court, so she immediately replied obediently: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!"

As soon as these words were uttered, like a thunderbolt, it exploded on the heads of everyone in the Wenhua Hall.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible!
This sentence does have the same meaning as what Ruan Dacheng said, but it is far more understandable and shocking than Ruan Dacheng's words!

Thinking back to the chaotic times a few years ago, it was a state of wanting to subjugate the country, and human life was as cheap as a dog. Why was it like that?

Isn't it just that there are constant party disputes in the court, and the localities are sweeping the snow in front of their doors. What's more typical is that those vassal kings are facing a siege, sitting on countless money and food but unwilling to pay.

If everyone is working hard to change this chaotic world, can the previous chaotic world still be chaotic?
These people in the Wenhua Palace may not have had such thoughts before, but when they heard Chen Yuanyuan's words, they were suddenly awakened!
Yes, the rise and fall of the world is not only the responsibility of the king, but the responsibility of everyone!

Even Emperor Chongzhen himself was shocked by these words.

Of course he knew that the so-called words of the fairy world must be the words of later generations, passed down from Liu Weichao.

The reason why he didn't remember it should be that this sentence was mixed in some information. When Tian Guifei was in charge of copying it from the mobile phone, Chen Yuanyuan memorized it.

At this time, seeing the shocked look of the officials below, Emperor Chongzhen said lightly: "Yes, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. This matter should be informed to the subjects of the world! The Secretary of Political Affairs, think about how to do this matter!"

Originally, the words that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world were already shocking, and adding that this is still a fairyland, it added a lot of authority.None of these people in the hall had any doubts or opinions, and they all agreed.

Immortal world is different, they speak so well!

Naturally, they don't know that the saying that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world is actually a sentence that Liang Qichao, a great writer in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, read Gu Yanwu's words and first changed it to "the rise and fall of the world, everyone is humble, and there is responsibility."On this basis, he was the first to summarize the eight words "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" in the same year, which was passed down to later generations.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen took this opportunity to say: "Jianlu and other barbarians don't know when they will invade Daming, and the time is not waiting for us. The sooner the responsibility of the people in the world should be awakened, the better. I decided to set up a political department in the accompanying capital. One south and one north, work together to get twice the result with half the effort."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ruan Dacheng and said, "Ruan Qing is the most familiar with Jiangnan, so how about Ruan Qing going to Jiangnan to prepare for the establishment of the Department of Political Affairs?"

Although the emperor's intention was in a deliberative tone, Ruan Dacheng knew that he had no reason to refuse, and he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only play back: "My minister leads the order!"

Although it is said that Emperor Chongzhen let him go to the south to be the original official and be responsible for doing things, but after all, he is not as good as the official in the north.

However, it was impossible for Chen Yuanyuan to suppress it anyway.Instead of being overtaken by Chen Yuanyuan in the end, the current arrangement may be considered a good result.

Even though he thought so, he still felt a little lost in his heart after all.

After hearing his reply, Emperor Chongzhen still told him: "Ruan Qing went to Nanjing, so don't slack off, I will keep an eye on it, but you have to work hard!"

Hearing his words, Ruan Dacheng was a little surprised, but then he was overjoyed.The emperor is still reusing him!That's right, under the pressure of the enemy, the north and the south must simultaneously propagate in order to recruit more troops.

Thinking of this, Ruan Dacheng not only didn't worry, but as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, he quickly bowed and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best, and I will never disappoint Your Majesty!"

Emperor Chongzhen listened, nodded, then turned his head to look at Chen Yuanyuan and said, "Ruan Qing went to Nanjing and wanted to set up a new Nanjing Political and Communication Department. Qing is in charge of the Jingshi's Political and Communication Department. From today, Qing will be Jingshi Zhengtong. Messenger, you must do the errands I entrusted to you!"

Regarding Chen Yuanyuan's promotion, no one thought it strange, because this position must belong to Chen Yuanyuan.

"The humble minister leads the decree!" Chen Yuanyuan responded quickly after hearing this, and she was naturally delighted that the official residence was the third rank.

After the discussion in the Wenhua Palace was over, Ruan Dacheng left immediately, and hurried to Nanjing without waiting for the end of the Chinese New Year in the capital.

And Chen Yuanyuan took over the yamen of the Beijing Normal University and became the top leader. Regardless of whether or not the Chinese New Year is coming, he immediately began to deploy tasks and set fire to the new official's appointment.

All available channels, including operas, songs, sketches, cross talk, storytelling, newspapers, etc., have been fully launched to announce the current situation of Ming Dynasty to the world, publicize heroic deeds, emphasize the principle of "the rise and fall of a country, everyone is responsible", and call on Ming Dynasty The young and strong join the army, defend the family and the country.

At this time, the traffic in Daming has become more and more convenient due to the construction of cement roads and railways. Therefore, the news spread to the whole country faster than before.As a result, many Ming people did not celebrate the [-]th year of Chongzhen as much as they did last year.

The fear of the troubled times in the past dilutes the happiness of peace now!

(End of this chapter)

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