Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 628 God Bless Daming

Chapter 628 God Bless Daming
No one thought that behind the thought that they could live a peaceful life, there were so many crises hidden.

In the past, just one Jianlu plunged the northern part of the Ming Dynasty into war and suffered a lot from Jianlu's looting.

Finally, the imperial court officers and soldiers defeated Jianlu twice in a row and drove Jianlu back to Liaodong.As a result, this Jianlu didn't change his mind to perish Ming Dynasty, and after getting entangled with so many barbarians, he still tried to destroy Daming.

If it's just a change of dynasty, a change of emperor, maybe ordinary people really don't care much about it.

However, Jianlu has a criminal record. When he invaded the customs, he burned, killed and looted every time.They don't care who you are, everyone will suffer.

In addition, the history of the land of China has also proved that as long as there is a change of dynasty caused by the invasion of barbarians, all Han people will suffer a great crime.

In the Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongols, the Han people were the fourth class, the lowest class, and they were bullied.

The Japanese pirates burned, killed and looted along the southeast coast of Daming during the Jiajing period, and the same is true.

What else is there such as the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Dutch Empire, etc. Although most people in Ming Dynasty don't understand, but as barbarians, they are definitely not much better!
With so many enemies united to deal with Daming together, can the court officers and soldiers really stand up to it?
If you can't stand it, how will you live in the future?
Think about that North Korea, now it is divided up by the Jianlu and the Japanese, and their grain and wealth, all belong to the Jianlu and the Japanese, and even their people have become a kind of property, divided by the Jianlu and the Japanese .

If the court officers and soldiers failed to withstand the attacks of so many enemies, wouldn't they also end up in the same fate as the North Koreans?

Thinking of this, the people of Ming Dynasty really understood, what is the rise and fall of the world, everyone is responsible!
Whenever public opinion fermented in a place for a while, more people wanted to sign up to join the army.It's just that at the moment, they don't know how to enroll in the army and defend their family and country.

The fact that Daming was surrounded by enemies was also spread to Sun Chuanting in the southwest.

Sun Chuanting was shocked when he found out, and quickly wrote a memorial to ask about the specific situation.

Naturally, he will not just listen to rumors, but wants to know the details of these countries allied with Jianlu, the distribution of troops, what they are good at, what is the current situation, and so on.

At the same time, he also accelerated the formation of the new local army and expanded it.Yebushou's infiltration against the Yunnan area has also begun to intensify, thinking about resolving the war in Yunnan as soon as possible.

The loyal Duke Qin Liangyu, who had already retired in the capital, also heard the news and asked to see Emperor Chongzhen, expressing his desire to serve the court again and wrap his body in horse leather.

The situation of the various classes of Ming Dynasty in this "crisis" is completely different from that in the original history, when they sat and watched the Ming Dynasty perish at the end of Ming Dynasty, but they fought for power and profit.

And the reason why there is such a big difference is nothing but the guidance of public opinion!

Chen Yuanyuan and Ruan Dacheng's political and communication departments have contributed a lot!

Besides, on Emperor Chongzhen's side, when talking with Liu Weichao before, he talked about Zheng Zhibao's going to South America.Calculating the time, if there are no accidents, it is time to return to Daming.

The other one, Wang Xiangjin, who was in charge of agricultural improvement in Qiongzhou, was already [-] years old in the [-]th year of Chongzhen.Although I heard that he was in good health, Emperor Chongzhen was still a little worried, so he finally sent Chen Zilong to Qiongzhou after the Spring Festival in the [-]th year of Chongzhen to take over Wang Xiangjin's job.

Before Chen Zilong passed by, Emperor Chongzhen deliberately copied all the information about South American specialties from his mobile phone and asked Chen Zilong to take it with him.If Zheng Zhibao can bring back the special products from South America, he will not delay planting.

Of course, there are other materials on improving crops in Qiongzhou, let Chen Zilong bring them there, and combine them with Wang Xiangjin's practical experience in the past two years to improve the crop varieties of Ming Dynasty.

In addition, what Chen Zilong brought over was also an imperial decree for Wang Xiangjin, conferring Wang Xiangjin a first-rank special honor doctor, allowing him to decide whether to stay or not.

Special Jin Ronglu doctor is a loose official, has no power, and is used for promotion, in recognition of Wang Xiangjin's agricultural contributions in the past two years.

After all, Wang Xiangjin is very old, eighty-five years old, even in later generations, it is not easy to live to this age.But in the original history, he lived to be ninety-two years old, which is really rare in this ancient times!

At the end of January in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Chen Zilong arrived in Qiongzhou.

In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Guangdong was pacified, and the Ganning Pacifying Department was promoted to Qiongzhou Prefecture, which governed 13 counties in Danzhou, Yazhou, and Wanzhou, and put the South China Sea islands under the jurisdiction of Yazhou.

In Qiongzhou Prefecture, although it is very remote, it used to be a place where officials were exiled, and it was a place where the ends of the earth, but there were also celebrities.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were two most famous ones.

One is Qiu Jun, styled Zhongshen, born in Qiongshan, a famous thinker, historian, statesman, economist and writer in the mid-Ming Dynasty. There is a family of civil servants in the Ming Dynasty."

Another person is even more famous.

Hai Rui, whose name is Ruxian and whose name is Gangfeng, is also from Qiongshan. He was a famous and upright official in the Ming Dynasty.Throughout his life, Hai Rui experienced the four dynasties of Zhengde, Jiajing, Longqing and Wanli.In the seventeenth year of Wanli, Emperor Wanli specially sent Xu Ziwei to Hainan to supervise the construction of Hai Rui's tomb. This kind of treatment is very rare among civil servants.

If you really come to Qiongzhou, at this time in the late Ming Dynasty, you may not think that this is a place of bitter cold, a place of exile.

No, after Chen Zilong arrived, Wang Xiangjin was actually satisfied with life here.

The first rank of the official residence is regarded as an honorary retirement, but he can still do what he likes to do.

The weather here in Qiongzhou is not extremely cold. Although it is a little hotter, as long as you don't go out, it's still okay.

With Chen Zilong's arrival, Chen Zilong will do all the work outside.Because of their proficiency in farming, the two of them can be regarded as one old and one young, and they also have common topics and have a chat partner.

The weather in February is still cold and windy in the north, but in this Qiongzhou, I just wear thin clothes, lie on the lounge chair in the lobby, look at the sunny outside, and chat with Chen Zilong about farming. !
"The hybrid rice His Majesty ordered is really difficult to make!" Wang Xiangjin looked at Chen Zilong and said, "Some of the rice seeds His Majesty mentioned are still missing, so we can only try slowly."

After hearing this, Chen Zilong said respectfully: "However, during the few years that the boss has been here, the yield of the new rice cultivated has indeed increased. This is a good thing for the benefit of all people!"

Hearing this, Wang Xiangjin was particularly pleased, and immediately smiled and remained silent.

He is already over [-] years old, and he has already looked away from others.He still cared about the only thing about living forever.

At this time, after Wang Xiangjin thought for a while, he suddenly asked: "You said, on the other side of the ocean, there is such a strange tree, a tree that can shed tears, it is so strange!"

Obviously, Chen Zilong had already read the materials about South American specialties brought by him.

His interest in agronomy made him very concerned about such a strange variety.Not only does this tree shed tears, the most important thing is that the emperor said that it sheds tears, and it turns out to be a very multi-purpose thing!

Chen Zilong was also curious after hearing this.Like Wang Xiangjin, he only read the information, and it is impossible to see the real thing.

However, he believed in the emperor's words.Hearing Wang Xiangjin's doubts at this time, he replied: "Then I hope that Zheng Zhibao will come back smoothly!"

That's what I said, but in Chen Zilong's heart, he still didn't give much hope after all.

This is the ocean, to be crossed!
Under normal circumstances, even if you just go out to sea along the coastline, there may be many accidents.Not to mention, such a dangerous thing as crossing the ocean!

The most important thing is that this is the first time that Ming has sent a ship across the ocean. There is no precedent before, and no one is sure.

No, just listen to Wang Xiangjin stroking the white beard under his forehead, and said with emotion again: "I don't know if I can see the flowers and plants on the other side of the ocean in my lifetime. If nothing else, just take some cinchona tree, the old man really wants to see it, to see if the effect is really that good!"

In addition to being good at farming, he also dabbles in medicine, which is probably the reason. He knows how to keep in good health and has a long life span, which is very rare among ancient people.

Cold and fever diseases are not considered rare diseases. Once they become popular, they will die.But I heard that this kind of cinchona tree can cure this disease, which really surprised him.

There are other flowers and plants in the information. Although he is very much looking forward to it, in the end, these two kinds of trees are the most curious and looking forward to.

After hearing what he said, Chen Zilong had no choice but to comfort him: "My lord is in good health, I can definitely see it!"

When Wang Xiangjin heard this, he cried and laughed, and when he was about to speak, suddenly, he heard hurried footsteps coming from outside.

So, he stopped saying polite words, looked up, and saw a yamen servant turn out from the screen wall on the other side of the yard, hurried across the yard, came to the hall in front of them, and said with a surprised expression : "Master Wang, Lord Chen, three lucky boats came to the port, saying that they came back from South America according to the emperor's order, and they want to hand over things to Lord Wang."

"What?" Wang Xiangjin didn't look like an old man at all when he heard it. He jumped up from the recliner and confirmed with surprise, "Really? He came back from South America?"

Chen Zilong was also very surprised to hear that, if this is the case, then God bless Daming!

After the yamen servant confirmed it, Wang Xiangjin immediately laughed and said, "I really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, let's go, hurry up and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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