Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 653 Don't Lie to the Grassroots

Chapter 653 Don't Lie to the Grassroots

As a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty, Zeng Ying had been fighting for several years, so how could he not be wary of possible reinforcements from Zeelandia City?

When five hundred Dutch reinforcements lit torches and left Zeelandia City halfway, suddenly, cold weapons such as crossbows, bows, and throwing axes flew out of the darkness.


Because the Dutch have entered the age of firearms, they no longer wear armor. When they are suddenly attacked, there are screams.

Fight back, can't you see where your opponent is?There is no way to fight back!

After firing randomly for a while, he no longer cared about the reinforcements, and hurried back to Zeelandia City.

On the side of the Ming army, they were thinking about whether they could follow suit.It's just a pity that there are still many Dutch people here in Zeelandia, and there is no chance if they are waiting in full force.

This was an episode, and everyone's eyes turned to the fort on the top of the mountain.

I saw that the fire dragon of the Daming reinforcements had already reached the top of the mountain, and there was no need to climb any more. The city gate had been opened by Li Ding from the inside.In fact, without reinforcements, the battle in the fortress is already stable!

After the sky brightened, the battle in the branch castle was over.Not like in the original history, the Dutch chose to blow up the fortress after Zheng Chenggong's men attacked.

The reason for this is that there is a great possibility that in the original history, Zheng Chenggong's army was besieged for a long time, and the fortress was finally captured by storm.For this reason, the Dutch inside have already made various preparations, and blowing up if they can't hold it is their last plan.

On this plane, on the first night when the Ming army arrived, the Dutch couldn't tell the difference between the internal and external attacks. Under the muddle-headed battle, it was impossible to blow up the entire branch fort.

After all, in this era, black powder is used, and the power of the explosion is limited. It is necessary to lay out the castle in advance, ignite and detonate it together, in order to blow up the castle to the maximum extent.

At this time, the morning light shines, and a new day is coming.The soldiers of the Ming army, wearing red battle robes, stood around the castle, looking at their comrades in the castle, and escorting groups of Dutchmen out of the castle.Those laborers are still busy, carrying those companions who died in battle to the empty square in the castle to check their identities.

Zeng Ying soon arrived at Zhibao. Both Li Ding and Yu Chong were fine, so they rushed over to greet them and at the same time reported the situation of the battle in Zhibao.

"Two hundred and thirty-six Hongyi were captured, and eighty-six of them were slightly injured. The number of dead Hongyi has not yet been counted, and there are probably more than a hundred."

"Thirty-two of our brothers were killed in battle, sixty-three were slightly injured, and five were seriously injured. His grandma, a lunatic, set a powder keg on fire."

"There was no chance, but the people imprisoned inside rose up to resist and gave us a chance to take this city. The leader is him, named Guo Huaiyi, from Xiamen, Fujian."

"Half of the Dutch people were killed by them. They are all men!"


Hearing the report, Guo Huaiyi saw Zeng Ying looking at him, and quickly clasped his fists in salute and said, "Guo Huaiyi, a grassroots man, I have seen you!"

Zeng Ying looked at him, and couldn't help secretly applauding him, he is a man.I saw bloodstains all over his body, but it seemed that he himself was not injured, which meant that the bloodstains on his body were all enemies.

The so-called heroes value heroes. When Zeng Ying saw Guo Huaiyi, he immediately had a good impression of him, so he immediately smiled and said to him: "Yes, he is a man. Would you like to come to our army and serve the court?"

As soon as Guo Huai heard his praise, he was very pleased. At the same time, he said curiously: "Cao Min is willing to work for the Zheng family, but it sounds a little strange. We don't seem to have an accent like an adult in Fujian?"

When Zeng Ying heard this, she couldn't help getting to know the Zheng family's power again.Before that, he had already heard how powerful the Zheng family was in Fujian.But in the past, he didn't have a deep impression, at least he couldn't feel that Zheng Zhilong was in the north fighting against Jianlu; Zheng Sen was the commander of Jinyiwei, and he was not in Fujian.

But listening to the person in front of him, he clearly said it was the imperial court, but in the end he still identified the Zheng family!
After thinking about it, he said to Guo Huaiyi: "This general is from Sichuan, and he was ordered to be transferred to the Luzon Expeditionary Army as a lieutenant general. !"

When Guo Huai heard this, he was stunned: What, the Luzon Expeditionary Army?This means that they are not here to fight the Dutch, but to fight Luzon?
At this moment, he was really a little unbelievable.

As a Fujianese, how can I not know about the massacres of Ming people by Xiyi in Luzon.The imperial court's reaction disappointed them every time.They had already given up any hope for the imperial court, and finally heard that the imperial court formed a Luzon Expeditionary Army!
After being shocked for a long time, he still couldn't believe it. When he came back to his senses, he immediately confirmed excitedly: "My lord, don't lie to the grassroots, this is really not from the Zheng family, it is from the imperial army, and they are going to fight Luzon's." Xiyi?"

Seeing that he was so excited, Zeng Ying nodded and said: "The emperor ordered that Lu Song Xiyi slaughter our Ming people, and this revenge must be avenged!"

When Guo Huai heard this, he was stunned again, looked at Zeng Ying, then at the other court officers and soldiers, and when he suddenly came back to his senses, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Sea Dog, Sea Dog, your revenge can be avenged. You can take revenge..."

Hearing his shout, many people looked at him.One of the workers, who was a little younger than Guo Huaiyi, was overwhelmed with surprise when he heard it. He rushed over and asked Guo Huai, "Brother Guo, what revenge can you take? Can you really take revenge?"

Guo Huai didn't answer him, grabbed his arm, turned to Zeng Ying and said, "My lord, he escaped from Luzon this time, and his whole family was killed by Luzon Xiyi. He knows the situation in Luzon, and he can help your lord effective!"

When he greeted this sea dog before, he yelled in local dialect, which Zeng Ying could not understand, but now when he was reporting to him, he used official language, Zeng Ying naturally understood, and was very happy immediately, so he asked the sea dog: : "Who else escaped from Luzon? Find them all and serve as guides for the army to conquer Luzon!"

Sea Dog was inexplicably excited and nodded repeatedly, but couldn't speak.

Really, he never thought of revenge, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the ability!The pain of missing loved ones who died often tormented him.

At this moment, he suddenly said that this large army was going to Luzon to take revenge. He didn't care about anything, he just knew to take revenge.

When he came back to his senses, he immediately shouted with a straight voice, quickly summoned five or six people, and then said to Zeng Ying excitedly: "Master, there are a few more in the mountains, all of them escaped from Luzon. Yes, willing to lead the way for the army, we want revenge!"

The others didn't know the whole thing, but they just heard that they could go to Luzon for revenge, so they all nodded excitedly, like chickens pecking at rice.

So Zeng Ying asked Li Ding to write down the names of each of them and report back to the army.

At this time, the situation in the castle has also been counted out.

Of the eleven hundred or so laborers, more than two hundred were suffocated to death in the cellar.Most of these are the most obedient workers, the first to enter the cellar, and the group of people farthest from the cellar entrance are mostly local aborigines.

There are more than [-] laborers who died in battle, including those who were seriously injured, and there are more than [-] laborers who were slightly injured.

Afterwards, the military intelligence went to the Central Army, and the branch fort side cleaned up the ordnance, especially the artillery, and readjusted its position, aiming the muzzle at the city of Zeelandia below.

It's numb, it's really numb!

After dawn, all the Dutch people including Kui Yi on the Zeelandia Fort side stared blankly at the Fort Branch.

On the castle, the flag of the Ming Dynasty was fluttering, which was very dazzling.You can also see Ming soldiers in red military uniforms, busy there.You don't need a telescope to know that the Ming army is redeploying artillery.

Kui turned his head and looked at the north side, opposite to the Taijiang Inner Harbor. The artillery of the Ming army had been deployed and blocked the outlet.

In just one day and one night, the city of Zeelandia, which was originally thought to be strong, is facing desperation!

God, even if you don't bless, don't make trouble!
At this moment, Kui Yi really couldn't figure it out, how could this happen?
Turning his head and looking to the east again, on the inner sea of ​​Taijiang River, the warships of the Ming Dynasty began to gather again.

The sailing warship that fled back yesterday said it had destroyed an iron-clad warship like the Ming Dynasty, but there were at least three left, and it seemed that the artillery on the iron-clad warship had a range beyond their side.

Judging by the posture of the Ming Dynasty, is it going to sink all the ships in the port of Zeelandia?

If this is really the case, then there is really no chance of escape.

With that in mind, Kui Yi turned his head to look towards the sea again.

The fifteen sailing warships that went out yesterday can still be seen. However, the Ming army is guarded by two hundred warships, so scared that the fifteen sailing warships dare not approach at all.

At this time, Kuiyi already had experience, and he could see from so many warships that there were also four weird iron-clad smoking warships mixed in.It's really hard to find if it doesn't smoke.

In addition, the three sailing warships of the Portuguese are also there.

After watching this scene, Kui Yi suddenly said to his subordinates: "Send someone to negotiate peace with the Ming army!"

Hearing this, his subordinates reminded: "Your Excellency, the Ming army said they want us to surrender unconditionally!"

Unconditional surrender is absolutely impossible to accept!

This is an insult to Holland!

As soon as Kui heard this, he sternly shouted: "Talk about it again, and if you don't have a good talk, then we will stick to it to the end and see how much they have to pay!"

Hearing this, his subordinates did not dare to contradict the obviously furious Governor, and immediately went to make arrangements.

But this time, those who went came back much faster than yesterday, and there was only one answer: unconditional surrender!
(End of this chapter)

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