Chapter 654
Seeing that the Ming warships on the Taijiang Inner Sea had assembled and were heading towards Zeelandia City, Kui Yi's subordinates became anxious and said to him, "Your Excellency, if our warships really disappear, we will Everyone is going to die here!"

These people are all colonists. In other words, they are desperadoes who dream of getting rich. They actually have psychological expectations for death.

However, their psychological expectation of death is the expectation of storm, illness, heroic battle, etc. They never thought that one day, they will be beaten by the superior enemy and have no power to fight back.

Therefore, at this time, many people are actually afraid.In other words, even these desperadoes will be afraid when they really face death.

In the original history, Kuiyi refused to surrender to Zheng Chenggong at the beginning, because he believed that relying on the strength of the city of Zeelandia and the hope that Batavia would send reinforcements, there was hope of winning .

However, once the war developed to the later stage, Batavia's reinforcements could not reinforce, and when Fort Uletchi was captured by Zheng Chenggong's men, he surrendered the next day.

At this moment, when he heard the words of his subordinates, Kui Yi's forehead was covered with sweat, and suddenly he said to his subordinates: "Quickly, find out the list of materials in the castle and send it to the Ming army, and say, if we are allowed to surrender, let us go." We leave, we can leave these supplies to them, otherwise they will get nothing!"

Needless to say, this time, after Zheng Zhibao saw the list of supplies in Zeelandia City, even if he followed Zheng Zhilong, he had seen many supplies and had never seen so many supplies. There were five thousand flintlock guns alone. In addition, there are also a lot of materials such as artillery and gunpowder, as well as sulfur, silver and other things that were all transported from the Japanese kingdom. Roughly estimated, they are worth at least one hundred thousand taels of gold.

Originally, there were not so many materials on the Zeelandia City side. It happened that the goods traded by the Dutch and Jianlu also arrived in Zeelandia City, so there were so many materials.

When the supervisor Lu Jiude saw it, his eyes lit up, and he immediately made a decision and said, "Our family agrees to let them surrender. After handing over the supplies, I will let them go after confirming that there are so many!"

He has been silent all this time, and of course Zheng Zhibao listened to him.

So, after the Dutch envoy went back and talked about it, the answer they gave back was that they would ask Ming to send important hostages to ensure that Ming would not go back on their word after they handed over the supplies.

When Lu Jiude heard this, he cursed immediately: "You Xiyi don't know etiquette, and you are the most capricious. What if you send important hostages and you don't surrender?"

After Zheng Zhibao heard this, he said directly to the Dutch envoy: "If you want to surrender, if you want to be tough, then just see the truth!"

After speaking, he drove the Dutch envoy away.

In the original history, when Kui Yi and Zheng Chenggong negotiated, they also took hostages, and when they left, the hostages were returned.However, the surrender was conditional. Zheng Chenggong suffered heavy losses, and he didn’t want to spend any more. Basically, he agreed to the request of the Dutch, taking everything away, and returning the money left behind. In short, the Dutch side is considered Withdrew from Dongfan in a more dignified manner.

The other one is that when the Dutch dealt with the Ming people, they were cheated several times, or that the people did not fulfill the agreement.For example, when the peace talks with the Fujian region were made, they were said to open up trade, but they were ignored at all.

When Kui Yi heard his subordinate's reply, he immediately hesitated.He was really afraid that the Ming country would turn their backs and deny people, and they would lose money and people.

On the side of the Ming army, they saw that the time for the agreed reply had passed, but this time there was still no movement from the Dutch side, so they didn't wait.

The fleet assembled, taking advantage of the range of the artillery on the ship, and regardless of the accuracy, the bombardment began outside the range of the Dutch.

"Boom boom boom..."

The iron bullets roared and smashed towards the inner port of Zeelandia City, splashing huge waves, but after all, the distance was a bit far, so it would be good if one of the ten shells could hit.

However, this momentum is a bit scary, and it is foreseeable that if the fight continues like this, the few ships parked in the inner harbor will definitely be finished.

On the side of Fort Ultchi, the Ming army also began to bombard the city of Zeelandia.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantages, iron bullets were thrown condescendingly into the city of Zeelandia, posing a greater threat to the Dutch.

"Boom boom boom..."

After less than a quarter of an hour of bombardment, a white flag was raised inside the city of Zeelandia, and the Dutch surrendered.

About half a day later, under the supervision of the Ming army, the Dutch lined up and left the city with weapons to surrender.Zeelandia City also opened its gates wide, allowing Ming soldiers to enter and control the entire castle.

Looking at the men and women of the Dutch outside the city, Lu Jiude was in a very good mood. The alliance between the Dutch Empire and the Jiankui sounded very powerful at first, but it turned out to be so ignorant. After two days of fighting, they surrendered Yes!

Kui Yi took the command saber, led his men, and under the supervision of the Ming army officers and soldiers, came to the Ming army coach to surrender.

"Your Ming Kingdom is a kingdom of heaven and a country of etiquette. I hope you will abide by the agreement and let us go!" Kui Yi asked helplessly.

After hearing the translator's message, Zheng Zhibao turned to look at Lu Jiude. He couldn't decide on this matter.

When Lu Jiude heard this, he turned his face again, and said with a sneer, "Others can be let go, but you who are officials must stay and be taken to the capital for trial!"

"Why?" Kui Yi and his subordinates were shocked when they heard this, and the most worrying thing happened, and they asked immediately, "Is that why you Ming people are so dishonest? Are you still a kingdom of heaven?"

After hearing this, Lu Jiude was not ashamed at all, but asked back with a sneer: "You didn't agree to the promise our family made at the time, why didn't our family keep promises?"

"..." When Kuiyi and the others heard this, they were immediately dumbfounded.

If you really want to say that, it seems to be true!


Of course, Kuiyi and the others could not agree, so they argued again: "You came to attack us this time. If this is your place, I...we don't know. Since you want it, just give it back to you." , why should we be detained for trial, what kind of reason is this?"

To be honest, when he said this, he actually didn't agree with it, thinking that Dongfan was their Dutch territory.But now the situation is stronger than others, and their fists are big, so in desperation, he has no choice but to admit it.But, to be honest, he couldn't understand or accept that they were going to be sent to trial.

Seeing that he had softened, Lu Jiude immediately sneered and reminded: "Have you forgotten that you are rebelliously forming an alliance with my Ming Dynasty and coveting my Ming Dynasty? Such things are also crimes committed by the imperial court. Naturally, you will be escorted to the capital for trial. !"

"..." Hearing this one by one, Kui was a little dumbfounded, he had forgotten about this before.

If this kind of thing is true, then there is really no way to go back, so he quickly argued: "No, no, no, we didn't form an alliance with the Qing Empire, we just did business with them. Really, it's just doing business .”

Speaking of this, when I saw Zheng Zhibao, I immediately thought of something, and quickly said: "The Zheng family also does business with the Wa Kingdom and the Qing Empire, isn't it all right? We are just doing business with them, and we really don't covet it." The meaning of Great Ming Shangguo."

When Zheng Zhibao heard this, his forehead was sweating.

No one knew that Zheng Zhilong was ordered to be an undercover agent.No one here knows about doing business with Jianlu, but doing business with Wa is well known.

These Dutch people are really bad, they want to drag the Zheng family into the water, damn it!
Fortunately, Lu Jiude was originally the eunuch guarding Nanjing, and he was regarded as one of the confidantes of Emperor Chongzhen.As an eunuch, one of the basic skills is to figure out what the current emperor means.

In the past, the emperor suddenly changed into a different person, which caught Lu Jiude off guard and almost kept out of the current emperor's sight.

The matter of rectifying the place in Nanjing also shocked Lu Jiude a lot. Therefore, he hastened to analyze what the emperor had done in the past few years, trying to guess what the emperor was thinking.

At this time, although he didn't know Zheng Zhilong's real situation, he was actually doing it at the emperor's will.However, he could guess that the emperor shouldn't mind, otherwise he wouldn't let all members of the Zheng family take up such important positions.

Whether it is Zheng Zhilong's Denglai Navy Commander, Zheng Zhibao's Expeditionary Army Commander, or Zheng Sen's Jinyiwei Commander Tongzhi, they all have to be trusted by the emperor.

As for the affairs of the Zheng family, would the emperor not know about it?Obviously impossible!
Thinking of this, he took a look at Zheng Zhibao, and seeing that he was sweating, he turned his head and said lightly: "You Xiyi, how can you compare with the Zheng family? Ordering Marshal Zheng means trusting, don't be here to sow discord, so as not to be punished!"

When Zheng Zhibao heard this, it seemed to be the case. He couldn't help but secretly wiped off his sweat, and at the same time looked at Lu Jiude, feeling very grateful in his heart.

In the past, he actually had no feelings for this eunuch.In other words, no matter whether it is a civil official or a general, they will not have a good impression of eunuchs.But at this time, his idea changed.

As soon as Kui heard Lu Jiude's words, he was dumbfounded and stammered, "What? You... you didn't come to attack my city of Zeelandia, actually... you actually went to fight Luzon?"

"That's right!" Lu Jiude said flatly after hearing this, "The Luzon Spaniards slaughtered our Ming people several times, and Long Live God was furious, so he sent us to form an expeditionary army to crusade against Luzon Xiyi, and they will definitely regret it!"

Of course, Kui Yi had heard about the Luzon Spaniards massacring the Ming people, but he also heard that the Luzon Spaniards had been fine, but he did not expect that the Ming Emperor would send an army now.

But... But, what's the point of beating me on Zeelandia? It's just a random disaster, isn't it?
Falk, damn Spaniards!

(End of this chapter)

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