Chapter 655 Reminder

Kui Yi figured it out!

The Luzon Spaniards massacred the Ming people again, and finally offended the Ming emperor!

And if the Ming Dynasty wants to fight Luzon, it must go through Dongfan.It just so happened that the relationship between the Netherlands and the Ming Dynasty was not good, so the city of Zeelandia was beaten by the way.

If there were no Spaniards from Luzon to do things, the Ming Kingdom might not have come to attack the city of Zeelandia!

In other words, this is all the fault of the Luzon Spaniards!
Xiyi is the same as Wa, the strong are respected!At this time, they were taught a lesson by the Daming Expeditionary Army. They didn't hate Daming, but hated the Spaniards all at once.

So, he quickly said to Lu Jiude: "My lord, we Dutch are willing to help Daming go to the kingdom to fight the Luzon Spaniards, and teach them a lesson!"

In this way, one is to teach the Luzon Spaniards a lesson for their restlessness and cause trouble; the other is that they may be able to take this opportunity to avoid being sent to the capital for trial.

In fact, the Dutch were actually grabbing colonies everywhere.

It is a good location to see the Strait of Malacca, but the Portuguese have already occupied it, no matter what, let's go and drive the Portuguese away.

Seeing that Haojingao was good, I wanted it too, so I fought with the Portuguese again, but this time I didn't win.

Similarly, the Dutch also coveted Luzon at the beginning. They had a fight with the Spaniards and failed to win. They felt that it would cost too much to win Luzon, so they gave up.

However, in Dongfan, the Dutch and the Spaniards also had a fight, won the fight, and completed the situation of dominating Dongfan.

At this time, Lu Jiude flatly refused when he heard what the interpreter turned around, saying: "I am the rebel of the Ming Dynasty who built the prisoner, and it is a serious crime for you to form an alliance with the rebel, and you will be sent to the capital first, it all depends on Long Live Lord. "

If there is no such thing, maybe this side might really have granted the Dutchman's request.

Kui Yi really didn't want to go to the capital of the Ming Dynasty, so anxious that he almost cried, and begged: "We are foreign enemies, and we don't know the situation from afar. It turns out that the Qing Empire was just a rebellion from the Ming Dynasty. If we had known earlier, we would have It is absolutely impossible to do business with them. Really, besides, we have not done business with them yet, and the goods are all sent to Daming Shangguo. We are still willing to help Daming Shangguo to fight Luzon since our first offense Spaniards, please forgive me, my lord!"

After hearing this, Lu Jiude was unmoved. It had already spread throughout the country that the Dutch Empire had formed an alliance with Jianlu, and he had no right to deny this matter.

However, seeing Xi Yi so humble, he felt comfortable, and pointed out: "Our family just said that your affairs must be judged by the Lord Long Live! You can talk about these words after you arrive in the capital, maybe things will happen Not as bad as you think."

Speaking of this, thinking of the war on Dongfan's side, it was resolved in two days. This is simply amazing speed, and it is definitely a great achievement to report it.

Lu Jiude was in a good mood, so he reminded again: "Our family is in a good mood, let me remind you, on the way to the capital, think about what use you are to Daming? It depends on your Whether it is very useful, whether it can impress the Long Live Lord, maybe it will be a blessing in disguise!"

As the confidant of Emperor Chongzhen, he ultimately needs to know a little more than ordinary people.At least he knows that the silk in the hands of the royal family has been greatly increased because of the tools improved by His Majesty. It may still be sold in China in the past two years, but sooner or later it will be sold overseas.

As far as he was concerned, whether the Portuguese or the Dutch, they were all Western Yi. It depended on who could handle the matter. Maybe the emperor would like two Western Yis to compete for it, so he mentioned this matter.

After talking so much, Lu Jiude felt that he had said enough, and he didn't want to pay attention to these Xiyi, so he waved his hand and asked his subordinates to take him away.

Then, he looked at Zheng Zhibao, and said with a smile: "Marshal Zheng, you should prepare a document to report victory to the Long Live Lord. I believe the Long Live Lord will be overjoyed after reading it. Don't worry about some small things, and concentrate on doing the errands that the Long Live Lord has given you. This is the right way !"

"Yes, yes, yes, what the father-in-law said is absolutely true!" Zheng Zhibao knew what he was referring to, felt his kindness, and quickly nodded in response.

Although Zeelandia was captured in two days, there were still a lot of things to do.

First of all, Zeelandia City will be fully taken over, and then transformed into Daming’s first stronghold in Dongfan. In addition to serving as a transit point to Luzon, it will also be formally prepared to develop Dongfan, and the indigenous side will also be cleaned up. once.

In addition, there is a Dutch stronghold in the chicken coop at the northern end of Dongfan. Compared with Zeelandia City, the scale there is much smaller, but it will take manpower, material resources and time to solve it.

Also, there are fifteen Dutch warships floating there at sea, and they must be disposed of.

As for the Ming army itself, statistics of casualties, military achievements, and the entire battle process must be written and reported.There is another point, which was specifically explained by Emperor Chongzhen, that is, it is necessary to truthfully report the actual situation of the steam ironclad battleship in the actual naval battle.

In this battle, only four steam ironclad battleships participated in a small-scale naval battle.

According to Zheng Zhibao's report, steam ironclad warships are not suitable for combat when the wind and waves are relatively strong, which will affect their steering and speed, and are effective without sails.

In addition, although the paddle wheel is covered with iron armor, once it is hit by a shell, there is no problem at a long distance, but at a short distance, the iron cover will collapse, which will affect the rotation of the paddle wheel.

In this battle, the paddle wheel of a steam ironclad warship was destroyed.

In addition, the number of artillery pieces is a bit too small compared to Xiyi's sailing warships.If there are no other warships to cooperate with each other, they cannot be approached by sailing warships, or the opponent's artillery may hit the paddle wheel, thus losing power and having to withdraw from the battle.

However, if there are other warships fighting together, Xiyi's sailing warships dare not approach, otherwise they will be attacked by the Ming army's arsonist ships.Even if it's not an arson ship, once it gets too close and jumps up and a gang fight occurs, the Ming army's numerical advantage will be reflected.

Of course, the advantages of steam armored warships have also been tested in practice.

First of all, it is resistant to beating!As long as the enemy's shells don't just hit the iron cover of the paddle wheel at close range, the steam ironclad battleship can withstand their attacks many times without sinking or losing combat effectiveness.

Secondly, the steam ironclad battleship can ignore the wind and turn directly, and its flexibility is very outstanding. This is due to the fact that the paddle wheels on both sides can have different speeds, and the hard sail can withstand eight winds is also a bonus.

Third, the number of artillery on the steam ironclad warship is small, but the caliber is large and powerful, and it has great destructive power against the wooden sail warship.The main gun located at the bow of the ship can be flexibly rotated by the gun mount to reduce the shooting dead angle, which is also a very good design.

Fourth, in naval battles, if the wind and waves are not strong, the speed of the steam ironclad warship, with the help of hard sails and paddle wheels, is faster than that of Xiyi's sail warship.Of course, the disadvantages have been mentioned above. If the wind and waves are strong enough, the thrust generated by the paddle wheel rotation will be greatly affected, and the speed will not be able to catch up with the sailing warship.

Based on Zheng Zhibao's experience, this steam ironclad battleship is not particularly suitable for fighting at sea, because the wind and waves at sea are often relatively large.The most suitable place is on the river.However, if a variety of battleships work together, they can make up for the shortcomings.

After Zheng Zhibao finished writing the report on the steam ironclad warship, he felt a little uneasy, so he asked Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan to read it, and the three discussed a draft, and finally asked Lu Jiude to make a final decision to see if it could be handed over.

In the past, Lu Jiude might have reported the good news but not the bad news. He would have said that the steam ironclad battleship was good, but would not dare to say bad, lest the emperor would be unhappy.However, since the current emperor possesses a treasure that can contact Emperor Taizu, he dare not hide anything from the emperor.

In case of concealment, Emperor Taizu will count on his fingers, what should he do?
This steam iron-clad warship is not a trivial matter, maybe the emperor Taizu might just let it go on a whim.

Therefore, Lu Jiude dare not instruct them to hide anything, since this is the result of Zheng Zhibao and Zeng Ying's discussion, then report it like this!

The captured Dutch, including their families and servants, totaled about [-] people. Except for the officers who were detained, the others were released.Personal belongings and so on, as long as they are valuable, they are considered as ransom fees, and all of them are kept.

Lu Jiude made the decision and gave them six lucky boats, just enough to squeeze people out.As for the three sailing battleships that are intact, they will not be given.

Before leaving, he said to the frightened and trembling Xiyi gathered in the square: "Go back and send a message to your Batavia governor, treat the wise people over there well, and dare anyone treat me wisely." If it is unfair, our family will lead the army to seek justice!"

"If you are not convinced about this Dongfan matter, just fight again! Long live God will be furious later, and he will end up just like the Luzon Spaniards."

"As for what will happen to the Luzon Spaniards, just wait and see!"

After saying this, he didn't bother to talk anymore.

Under the supervision of the Ming army, the Dutch boarded the ship, and after leaving the port, the Dutch sailing warships that finally joined the sea disappeared on the sea level.

Watching them disappear, Yang Zhan was a little uncertain, and asked Zheng Zhibao, "Commander, will they play tricks on us when we attack Luzon?"

Zheng Zhibao heard this, and before he could answer, Lu Jiude replied first: "Unless they want to kill all those who are escorted to the capital, it is absolutely impossible to mess with me, Daming!"

The people escorted to the capital were military officers of all sizes from Dongfan, and there were more than [-] people in total.As long as they came here from thousands of miles away, they must be related to each other.If he didn't care about the lives of these people at all and continued to offend Daming, Lu Jiude would not believe it anyway.

To some extent, this can be regarded as a kind of hostage.

(End of this chapter)

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