Chapter 656 Triumph
After the Dutch left for the third day, the victory report was sent to the capital.

Afterwards, more than three hundred people, including Kui Yi, the governor of the Netherlands in the East, were escorted to Fujian together, and then to the capital.

On Dongfan's side, Yang Zhan was stationed with [-] horses, and Zheng Zhibao, Zeng Ying and others led the remaining [-] horses and marched towards Luzon.

During the whole process, the Portuguese were very well-behaved, let them be forwards, just be forwards, and dare not have the slightest objection, far more well-behaved than thinking about bargaining before going out!
Obviously, the Battle of Dongfan was won in two days, and it was very smooth. This must have shocked the Portuguese, and they had a new understanding of the combat power of the Ming Dynasty Navy.

In the Ming fleet, there were also three more sailing warships, and Zheng Zhibao dispatched men who were familiar with the posture of sailing warships.The steam ironclad battleship whose iron cover was flattened and affected the navigation was also repaired, and it was also in the sequence of the expedition.


At the same time, Sun Chuanting had led the northerners back to the capital by order, and was warmly welcomed by the people of the capital.

Sun Chuanting, as Minister of the Ministry of War, commanded the world's soldiers and horses to fight in the north and south, and the world can be peaceful.

However, Sun Chuanting didn't take credit for it, because he knew very well in his heart that the reason why the war went smoothly was inseparable from the sudden change of Emperor Chongzhen.

First of all, it is the guarantee of food, grass and military pay, which was absolutely impossible in the past, but he doesn't have to worry about it.This alone can be said to be the first achievement.If Chongzhen could do this in the early years, the world would not be in chaos at all.Sun Chuanting is not the only one who can lead troops to fight.

Secondly, it was Emperor Chongzhen who vigorously developed science and technology, which made the equipment and ordnance of the Ming army look brand new, which greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the imperial army.

There is also a third point, which is the information provided by Emperor Chongzhen, such as the key factors of terrain and terrain, and even the future prediction of the war, etc., which are also important factors for the success of the war.

The last point is that Emperor Chongzhen formulated different national policies according to the situation he faced, which made his conquest smoother.

When encircling and suppressing the rogues, a list of rogues was given, and those rogues on the list were allowed to serve the country. Not to mention the results, these rogues on the list were really good, not only weakening the strength of the rogues, but also greatly strengthening them. The strength of the army.

And when Sun Chuanting was engaged in the Southwest War, Emperor Chongzhen promptly gave a new strategy to reform the land and return it to the people, clarifying how Sun Chuanting should deal with the chieftains everywhere in the Southwest.Benefiting the people at the bottom, hitting the head of the chieftain with heavy blows, and dispatching trained local officials in time to govern, this is the key to the smooth progress of the Southwest War, not just the key to the strength of the court.

Sun Chuanting knew all these things clearly, so naturally he didn't dare to take credit for it.

While marching from the southwest to the capital, Sun Chuanting and ordinary soldiers were all taken aback.

They can be said to have been fighting ahead. Although they knew that the world was peaceful, they did not expect that the development of Ming Dynasty was far beyond their expectations.

In many places, there is no trace of war at all, and it is a scene of prosperity and peace and prosperity.

The official roads paved with cement, the steam trains passing around, and the vitality exuded by the people are really something they have never seen before.

When they arrived at the capital, they were the most shocked.Many people set off from the capital, such as Sun Yingyuan, Huang Degong and their subordinates of the capital, when they arrived outside the capital, they almost couldn't recognize that it was the capital.

In their impression, the outside of the capital's city wall was completely barren, not only because of the previous wars, so the buildings and houses were destroyed, but later, in order to prevent the capital from being attacked, the buildings outside the city that could be used for siege The like is completely disassembled.

All they could remember was the train station outside the capital city.

As a result, I can now see that the outside of the capital city is actually very prosperous. If you don't know it, you may think you are in the capital city.They even have a feeling that one day in the sky is one year on earth, as if they had left the capital for decades.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen was also very happy with the triumphant return of the army. Without any hesitation, he offered rewards for his meritorious service on the third day after the army arrived.

All of them were promoted to ranks, including Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong, who were promoted to marquis, Li Dingguo and Yuan Shizhong, who were granted Danshu iron coupons, and were first-class uncles; The merits of the Northern War;

In addition, the leaders of the Fifth Battalion of Ge Zuo, Ma Shouying, the old Huihui, He Yilong, the eye of Geli, He Jin, the King of Zuojin, and the King of Changshi (also known as the King of Troubled Times, Liu Xiyao, King of Fighting for Times, and Lin Chengcheng, King of Troubled Times) were also appointed as general officers. .

In terms of civil servants, Sun Chuanting naturally made great contributions, and he was also granted the title of Marquis. He was the first civil servant in the Ming Dynasty to be granted the title of Marquis with military merits, and he entered the cabinet as a second assistant, in charge of military affairs.

Ma Shiying took up the position of Minister of the Ministry of War and is currently on his way to Beijing. Sun Chuanting is still holding the post for the time being.

Li Yanci was born as a Jinshi, and he was appointed as Fang Si Langzhong in the Ministry of War, and he was an official of the fifth rank.

Hong Niangzi, who was also appointed as an official, was responsible for the female soldiers under the jurisdiction of the Political and Communication Department. She had two responsibilities, medical care and publicity.Among them, Hong Niangzi is mainly responsible for the training of female soldiers on the battlefield, and Wu Youke of the Imperial Hospital is responsible for the training of medical care, and publicizing this is naturally the job of the Department of Political Affairs and Communications.

Regarding this, there was actually a controversy in the court. The Ministry of War felt that since it was a female soldier, it should belong to the Ministry of War.For example, Duke Zhongzhen was dispatched by the Ministry of War.

However, Emperor Chongzhen finally made a decision. These female soldiers were not soldiers. They were different from the Zhongzheng Gong Qin Liangyu, and their functions were more on the side of the Political and Communication Department. There will be a lot less worry.

The other triumphant soldiers also received rewards, and according to the size of their accumulated contributions, there were a lot of silver rewards.

Subsequently, Emperor Chongzhen also announced that the army would be reorganized according to the household registration of the lieutenants.

Among them, the Qin soldiers will be transferred to the Qin and Jin Dynasties to guard against possible invasions of the Tsarist Russian Empire and Mongolian tribes.

The Central Plains soldiers and the Gyeonggi soldiers will be transferred to the front line of Jizhen and the defense of Shanhaiguan.

The arrival of these troops will greatly enhance the military strength of the Ming Dynasty in the north, and let the people in the north breathe a sigh of relief.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen also decreed that these victorious teachers were given a half-month holiday so that they could return to their hometowns and visit their relatives.

The reason for doing this is, of course, to show the mighty kindness of the emperor. These soldiers have been fighting abroad for several years, and they must miss their hometown very much. It is reasonable to let them go home once.

The second purpose is that these soldiers return to their hometowns in good clothes, so that people in their hometowns can see the glory of these soldiers who have served in the army and returned home, which in turn stimulates local enthusiasm for joining the army and positively promotes the implementation of compulsory military service for all.

At the same time, there is another decree for the local generals, asking them to select high-quality soldiers from the young and old of the right age in various places after they go to the local area, and to replace the disabled in the army and expand the army at the same time.

In addition, the local government must cooperate, and with the cooperation of the troops returning from the battlefield, set up a local army to serve as the second echelon for future wars.

It can be said that after these edicts were issued, the whole army immediately cheered.

After several years of war, who doesn't miss home, who doesn't miss his wife and children, parents and parents!As sung in "Soldiers Should Go to the Battlefield", everyone has concerns, and now that the war has come to an end, naturally they are even more concerned.

As a result, some soldiers immediately took military pay and reward silver to purchase in the capital as gifts to take home.

For the ancients, it was nothing more than basic necessities of life, and the first two were the key points.As for the cloth, the capital here is the cheapest, because the textile and weaving factories run by the royal family have a very large output, which can be regarded as absolutely high quality and low price.

Even soldiers with brains simply bought some more and prepared to take them back to their hometown to sell and earn some travel expenses by the way.

Of course, there are also many soldiers who are reluctant to spend money and want to save all the money and take it home.

At the same time, merchants in the capital also saw business opportunities, and launched discounted sales for triumphant soldiers.

There are direct discounts and price reductions, coupons, and three-for-one offers, etc. Anyway, each uses their own means to attract triumphant soldiers to shop, and they can also make money.

While the people below were bustling, inside the Wenhua Hall of the Forbidden City, Sun Chuanting was meeting alone with a serious face, which showed that he was not as happy as the soldiers outside.

I just heard him play to Emperor Chongzhen very seriously: "Your Majesty, how is the situation around our Ming Dynasty?"

He has always been very concerned about the situation of those forces in the alliance with Jianlu, but helplessly, Emperor Chongzhen asked him to concentrate on the Southwest War and not to worry about other things.

In this regard, he has no choice but to concentrate on the Southwest War first.

Now that he has resolved the Southwest War, Yang Weizhi will handle the rest in Yunnan. When he arrives in the capital, he wants to know the situation immediately.

Emperor Chongzhen was relieved to see him so anxious, so he smiled and said: "Sun Qing, don't worry, the situation has become more clear now, I will introduce you to one or two."

He didn't say that he was actually making a fuss before, but said that the situation became clearer, and he covered up the fact that he was actually making a fuss before.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen told Sun Chuanting the situation that Daming was facing and the real situation of the enemy.Including the assessments of the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Dutch Empire, in a high probability, it actually sounds scary, but in fact it is not a big threat to Ming Dynasty.

Sun Chuanting couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard these words.He is the leader of the army, and he attaches the most importance to knowing himself and the enemy.But among these enemies of Daming, he didn't know about the Xiyi Empire, so he was very worried about it.

Now, I understand it!

(End of this chapter)

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