Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 657 Introduction

Chapter 657 Introduction
However, Sun Chuanting's expression was still serious, and after thinking for a while, he played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, I believe that the imperial court's current countermeasures need to be adjusted. It is better to take the initiative to attack and defeat them one by one, rather than prepare for them." attack us together!"

Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said to him immediately: "Sun Qing's words are reasonable, but there are still a few things that I haven't told you yet!"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he was a little surprised, and immediately asked: "Please show me, Your Majesty!"

Emperor Chongzhen did not answer right away, but asked the rotating eunuch Fang Zhenghua to take out a map of East Asia, hang it on a screen, and then walked down in person, pointing at the map in front of the map, and explained: "Now the most The enemies that need to be paid attention to are mainly three, Mongolia, Jianlu, and Japan."

"The Mongolian tribes are mainly divided into Western Oirat Mongolia, Mobei Mongolia, and Eastern Mongolia. Among them, the Eastern Mongolia suffered a lot of losses in the battle in Jizhou. The Tumed tribe was also raided by the Qin frontier army, and their strength is also weak. And, Shanhaiguan sent Mongolian soldiers back last year to lurk."

"Oirat Mongols, the troops have already been divided at this time, and their Khan led the elite conquest of Qinghai and Tibet, so it is impossible to participate in the war with Ming. And the remaining Oirat Mongolian tribes actually have disputes with the Tsarist Russian Empire. Can Jianlu Finally mediate and let them reach an agreement, this is hard to say!"

"Mobei Mongolia and Oirat Mongolia have a grudge against each other. They have attacked each other for many years. Now the Oirat Mongolia is superior, but as I said just now, the Oirat Mongolia has divided its troops. Whether Mobei Mongolia will respond to Jianlu's invitation to attack my Daming is unknown. "

"On Jianlu's side, they moved all the Han people to the north to open up wasteland and farm in this area. In addition, hundreds of thousands of young and strong Koreans were also moved to this area to farm. It can be seen that they want to get rid of food. Constraints. For this reason, I gave them cement formula, let them speed up land reclamation, construction of water conservancy, paving roads and bridges..."

Speaking of this, Emperor Chongzhen saw Sun Chuanting's expression was very shocked. He wanted to say something, so he stretched out his hand to stop him, and then said: "What I mean is to let them develop Liaodong first, and when the peaches are ripe, I will pick them again." !"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting's expression became more serious. He couldn't help it, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this is raising a tiger! If the battle goes wrong, Jianlu's strength will definitely increase!"

Seeing the way Emperor Chongzhen wanted to explain, he felt that Emperor Chongzhen might not understand how dangerous this kind of playing with fire would be, so he hurriedly continued to play: "Your Majesty, there is an old saying that soldiers are fierce, and there is no war. You can win with [-]% certainty. For example, the Battle of Feishui, the Battle of Guandu, the Battle of Chibi, etc., are all unexpected battles! Not to mention, there are also Japanese troops on the side of Jianlu, and even more It cannot be underestimated..."

Listening to these words, no matter what tone Sun Chuanting said or how serious he was, Emperor Chongzhen always smiled and was not moved by it.

Seeing him like this, Sun Chuanting became more excited, but suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately thought, didn't the Emperor Taizu show his spirit?In the hands of the emperor, is there any treasure that can contact the emperor Taizu?Seeing that the emperor is so calm, maybe there are other cards in his hand?
Thinking about it this way, he suddenly came to a sudden stop while he was talking, changed his tone, and asked with a little curiosity: "Could it be that Your Majesty still has a hole card?"

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised to see that he could think of it.For Sun Chuanting, he still trusted him very much, so he nodded and said: "Yes, in fact, there is another faction that is allied with Jianlu and Wa, and I have not announced it, nor have Jianlu and Wa. ..."

Sun Chuanting was surprised when he heard it. Since it was not announced, how did the emperor know?How could the party that didn't make an announcement be the imperial court's hole card?
Thinking curiously, he was spotted by Emperor Chongzhen, and he didn't want to whet his appetite, so he said to him: "This force is Zheng Zhilong of the Denglai Navy. internal response."

"..." Sun Chuanting was speechless when he heard this.

Zheng Zhilong, the commander-in-chief of Denglai, formed an alliance with them and acted as their internal response, but in fact, he was the emperor's internal response. Is there such a complicated relationship?
How exactly is this done?
He was a little puzzled, and based on his own thinking, he quickly reminded Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, since this Zheng Zhilong is so important, how can we ensure that Zheng Zhilong will not really become their internal response? It is imperative to guard against others!"

Fortunately, Zheng Zhilong was not here, otherwise, he would have scolded Sun Chuanting as an old man!

But this can't be blamed on Sun Chuanting, who made Zheng Zhilong a pirate!

Seeing Sun Chuanting's cautious appearance, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help smiling, and immediately said to him: "Of course I know this! Not to mention anything else, it's just that the strength of the imperial court is not what it used to be. You led the main force of the imperial court back to the north. In addition to strengthening the strength of the north, the strength of the imperial navy is even more invincible. Then Zheng Zhilong is the most discerning, and he will not fail to see the situation!"

Sun Chuanting listened carefully. He had no doubts about the first half of Emperor Chongzhen's words. This is why he wanted to return to the north after he was eager to resolve the Southwest War.However, he still has doubts about the second half of Emperor Chongzhen's words.

No, just listen to him ask Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, didn't you say that Zheng Zhilong's navy is very powerful, the best in my Ming Dynasty? And the Japanese navy is also very powerful. If the two of them are combined, The strength of the imperial navy can also win the battle?"

Emperor Chongzhen nodded with a smile, and said confidently: "Qing has been in the southwest for the past two years. I don't know the specific situation. I can tell you first. Now the imperial court has two shipyards that are renovating the original warships. Become a steam iron-clad warship, respectively Tianjin Shipyard and Nanjing Shipyard."

After a pause, he continued to introduce: "Among them, the Nanjing Shipyard started construction later, but a month ago, eight No. [-] blessing ships had been rebuilt and delivered to the Luzon Expeditionary Force. And Tianjin At the shipyard, not only nearly fifty steam ironclad warships were remodeled by No. [-] Fuchuan, but even Fengzhou has been remodeled."

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting was still puzzled, and immediately asked, "Your Majesty, is this steam iron-clad warship really powerful?"

He left the capital very early. First he fought in Kaifeng, then led his troops south to drive away the thieves, and at the same time rectified the place. He has only returned to the capital now, and he has not visited the steam iron-clad warship.

However, listening to the name, it seems to be very powerful.Referring to the iron armor, flintlock guns, artillery, gunpowder, etc. produced by the Bingzhan Bureau, he still has some confidence.

But after all, it is a major military matter, and imagination alone will not do.And there is no doubt about the strength of the opponent's navy, so Sun Chuanting still wants to confirm how powerful this steam iron-clad warship is!

Emperor Chongzhen liked to introduce these new achievements the most, and he didn't find it annoying, so he answered Sun Chuanting's question and said: "Let me just say this, before I met Zheng Zhilong for the first time, I asked him to look at the experiments that are still underway. He has become very obedient and has been cooperating with the court to do things with the steam iron armored warship!"

Sun Chuanting was very surprised when he heard it, so he confirmed: "Is this kind of steam iron-clad warship really invincible? Is there no weakness that will be exploited by the enemy?"

As a military commander, I always feel a little unreliable. No matter how good the weapon is, it needs a good person.For example, firearms, the flintlock guns in the hands of the imperial court officers and soldiers are indeed very powerful.However, if it is raining, it is best to avoid combat, because the power will be greatly reduced.

After hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and admitted: "Of course there are weaknesses, that is, the current steam armored warships are driven by paddle wheels, and they are rebuilt from Fuchuan, so they are not particularly suitable for future mainstream warships."

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting's face changed, but before he said anything, Emperor Chongzhen continued to say to him: "However, it is the simplest thing to transform the existing blessing boat into a steam paddle-wheeled warship, and it is also to deal with This is due to the current situation. For now, there are enough warships that have been remodeled. Song Qing has already begun to build the next generation of warships that are truly invincible at sea!"

"Invincible warship at sea?" Sun Chuanting was very sensitive to this word after hearing it, and always thought it was too exaggerated. How could there be any warship invincible at sea?Don't be the underlings bragging to the emperor, right?
"It's the power of science and technology. Once there is a generation gap, there will be invincibility!" Emperor Chongzhen said here, seeing that Sun Chuanting seemed a little confused, he felt relieved, and immediately explained lightly, "It's like the enemy is made of stone. Spears, ragged and unarmoured; and we have flintlocks, steel spears and such, and wear steel armor!"

This metaphor is very vivid, and it explains what a generation gap is.If this is the case, then it is truly invincible!
After thinking about this, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but be very happy and said: "Then what is the next generation of truly invincible warships at sea like?"

Seeing his expectant expression, Emperor Chongzhen felt inspired, and replied, "It's a real steel warship, instead of a wooden boat wrapped in iron. Besides, the shape of the boat is no longer a lucky boat. It is a battleship style that is really used for combat, and most importantly, the driving method of the battleship is no longer a paddle wheel, but a propeller hidden in the water!"

As he told Sun Chuanting before, he started to transform the existing Fuchuan into steam paddle steamers for emergency use.The main purpose is to deter Zheng Zhilong, a fierce sea tiger; the second purpose, of course, is to deal with the main enemies of Ming Dynasty, the Korean navy and the Japanese navy.

(End of this chapter)

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