Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 658 Sun Chuanting's Proposal

Chapter 658 Sun Chuanting's Proposal
In addition, it can be regarded as a chance to practice, so that there will be no situation where the eyes are high and the hands are low.Obviously know how to do advanced warships, but actually can't do it. After gaining a certain amount of experience, it will be easier to do it.

Generally speaking, the transformation of the original Fuchuan is mainly covered with iron and installed with steam engines, which is not difficult; however, this and the construction of a brand new real iron-clad warship are completely two concepts.

Ship type design, seaworthiness, power system, propulsion system, artillery layout, artillery improvement, etc., if they were developed by themselves in the late Ming Dynasty, it would be impossible at all.

However, Emperor Chongzhen has the golden finger of Liu Weichao, so that's another matter.

In the original history, the earliest steam ironclad battleship in the world was the British armored ship Warrior. Because it did not participate in any naval battles, it was preserved intact.

When the ship is propelled by steam power alone, the fastest speed can reach 14 knots, and when it is propelled by steam engine and sail at the same time, the speed can reach 17 knots.However, the speed of ordinary sailing warships is only 8-9 knots, and the speed difference is very obvious.

Compared with the previous warships, which only fixed the armor plate on the wooden hull, the armor of this Warrior is riveted and fixed by bolts and nuts. A single armor plate weighs 5 tons and is 5 meters long and 3 meters wide. With the addition of the 14mm armor on the hull, the total armor weight of the entire ship reaches 1310 tons, needless to say the protection capability is the strongest.

Liu Weichao sent all the data about the Warrior armored ship to Emperor Chongzhen, and there were improvements, such as propellers.In the original history, ship propellers were not invented and improved until the [-]th century.

However, on Liu Weichao's side, he could directly select the propeller design drawings that have been modified in history and proved to be excellent, and send them to Emperor Chongzhen for him to do.

No, the propeller he gave to Emperor Chongzhen was still made in China, and it was called Guandao Paddle.

In terms of artillery, like the model battleship, there is only one layer of artillery, instead of using Western multi-layer artillery, but these artillery are all front-loaded rifled artillery.In the era of Emperor Chongzhen, there were no rifled artillery.

On the bow deck, there is also a turret equipped with two cannons, the kind that can rotate, which makes up for the defect that the cannons of this era are all flanking.

With the addition of so many advanced technologies, one can imagine the manpower, material resources and time it will take to successfully build the first real iron-clad steam warship on this plane.

Made these in the first place, that was too slow!

It is only now that the existing Fuchuan is transformed into a steam paddle wheel warship for emergency. After gaining confidence, it will be easy to build a truly invincible warship.

At this time, Sun Chuanting was dumbfounded when he heard Emperor Chongzhen's introduction.

No way, it was beyond his imagination.

So, after he came back to his senses, he immediately proposed that he wanted to see the new warship with his own eyes.

Before, he felt that knowing the enemy was not enough, but now, even a confidant is not enough!
Of course, Emperor Chongzhen had no objection to this, so he allowed him to go out of Beijing to Tianjin Shipyard and his party.

Sun Chuanting couldn't wait, he couldn't even wait for the next day, so he immediately took the train to Tianjin.

Early the next morning, he arrived in Tianjin.

To be honest, Sun Chuanting was a little dumbfounded!

In his impression, Tianjin is just an acropolis consisting of Tianjin Wei, Tianjin Zuowei and Tianjin Youwei.

When Jianlu looted the land of Gyeonggi before, he returned to the north from Tianjin in a grand manner. Thousands of Tianjin defenders hid in the city and trembled in fear. Jianlu didn't even look down on Tianjin at all. A poor man It's just a place, and I don't even have the motivation to fight.

But now, what Sun Chuanting saw was a large city with countless buildings.

But this is not true, as for a city, it has a city wall.But this Tianjin has no city walls, and its area is so large that although it is not as big as the capital and Nanjing, it is not much different than the average city of Ming Dynasty.

Seeing Sun Chuanting's shocked look, Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch who accompanied him, smiled and introduced: "Tianjin is now the largest port for cargo in the south, and a lot of port laborers gather here to make a living. Shops have been set up here one after another, and their families have followed, and the population has increased."

After a pause, he continued: "In addition, there are at least [-] craftsmen in Tianjin Shipyard. Their income is higher, which attracts merchants from all over the world. There is also a navy stationed here. The army is also stationed nearby, and slowly, it has grown to such a scale. If nothing unexpected, there will be more and more people here in the future!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting asked in surprise: "There are more than [-] people in the shipyard alone?"

When Fang Zhenghua heard this, he smiled and replied: "This is just what our family knows. From this year onwards, the shipyard will be fully taken over by the Technician, so we don't know, but we estimate that there are only a few Quite a lot! Fortunately, the artillery used on the warship is still ours, otherwise, it will be under the overall planning of the shipyard, which is probably even bigger!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting fell silent.

He is a civil servant and reads a lot. He has also read that when the country was founded, the shipyard was very prosperous. The Nanjing shipyard alone covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu.It was just a wooden warship, not as complicated as Emperor Chongzhen described.

It seems that even if the Tianjin Shipyard today is not as good as the Nanjing Shipyard in its most prosperous time, it will definitely surpass it in the future.

Sure enough, when he arrived at Tianjin Railway Station, he found that there was a railway track that went to the shipyard alone, and ordinary people could not take it.According to Fang Zhenghua's explanation, this is used to transport materials, otherwise, if only relying on manpower, the distance is too far and it is very inconvenient.

As for Sun Chuanting, of course it goes without saying that you can take the train here to go directly to the shipyard.

He found that the shipyard was divided into two parts, inside and outside, separated by military guards.

Song Yingxing received the news of Sun Chuanting's arrival, came out to greet him, took him to visit the entire shipyard, and asked the navy stationed here to give Sun Chuanting a drill.

At this point, Sun Chuanting really understood what the steam paddle wheeled warship is, how it is different from the previous warships, and what the real iron-clad warship that Song Yingxing is currently developing will look like!
The power of these new warships may not be fully understood by merely explaining them verbally. Only by seeing them with one's own eyes can one truly appreciate them.Even if Sun Chuanting doesn't know much about naval warfare, he can still feel it.

He stayed in Tianjin Shipyard for two days, learned about all aspects before returning to the capital, and then immediately went to the palace to have an audience.

Just after the salute, Sun Chuanting played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, I think that the previous plan was extremely inappropriate, and we must not wait for the enemy to attack!"

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen attached great importance to his opinion, so he asked with great interest: "Please tell me, sir!"

I heard Sun Chuanting play very seriously: "Although Tianjin is stationed with a powerful navy, Tianjin is now a very prosperous place. Not to mention, the shipyard alone must be safe. Therefore, I think that we can't let The Japanese pirate navy attacked by bypassing Shanhaiguan from the sea, so as not to cause accidents and harm Tianjin."

Emperor Chongzhen had introduced to Sun Chuanting that Jianlu and Waguo planned to attack Shanhaiguan at that time, but the main force was transported by navy to bypass Shanhaiguan and attack Gyeonggi.Their initial plan was also to make Zheng Zhilong turn his back on this crucial battle and stab the court.

At this time, after listening to Sun Chuanting's words, Emperor Chongzhen asked with great interest: "What do you think, how should the battle be arranged in the future?"

"Attack first, defeat each one!" Sun Chuanting immediately replied, "Order Wu Sangui's troops to make a big noise and attract the Japanese to continue to send troops to North Korea as much as possible. Afterwards, the imperial court sent an expeditionary army to attack the mainland of the Japanese, attracting the Korean Japanese. The army returned to the defense and sank the Japanese army at sea, so the loss was minimal."

"Secondly, in order to prevent Jianlu from sending troops to assist the Japanese army in encircling and suppressing Wu Sangui's troops, Shanhaiguan was ordered to threaten Haizhou on the front line, forcing Jianlu not to divide his troops."

"Thirdly, for the Mongolian tribes, we can't wait for them to move, but let the northern frontier army take the initiative to attack. If they can destroy one, they are one, and if they can take in one family, they are one. If they are not used by the court, they cannot be used by Jianlu. Reduce the pressure on northern Xinjiang in the future, and even threaten to build the rear of the barbarians through the Mongolian grassland!"


Sun Chuanting was indeed a leader in battle. Facing Emperor Chongzhen at this time, he immediately talked with eloquence, explaining the strategic layout of the enemy and ourselves in detail, emphasizing the important role of the imperial court's initiative.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen did not immediately agree.Because what Sun Chuanting said so far is all considered from a military point of view, but on the side of Emperor Chongzhen, he has to consider everything.

Such a large-scale battle, not to mention anything else, the establishment of an expeditionary force to conquer the Wa country is a major event.The source of soldiers, warships, food, military pay, ordnance, etc., are not small amounts.If the whole war is fought, it will not be a small number.

In order to conquer the Huns, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty really spent all the money in the treasury and collected taxes, so that during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, although the Western Han Dynasty reached a very powerful period, it began to decline since then.

However, Emperor Chongzhen is now determined to be the leader of the ball, and it is impossible to only focus on the immediate enemy.The vitality that Daming finally regained cannot be lost after a single battle.

Therefore, for Sun Chuanting's strategic proposal, he just asked Sun Chuanting to write a specific strategy memorial, and then found a time to initiate a video communication with Liu Weichao.

(End of this chapter)

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