Chapter 672
It can be said that the Dutch are very familiar with the Portuguese.They can all guess that the Portuguese are likely to accept the request of the Ming Empire and become a vassal state of the Ming Empire.

Because at this time Portugal had already become independent from Spain, but it was alone, and it wanted to prevent Spain from attacking. It was looking for allies in Europe, and they were hugging their thighs everywhere!

The proposal of the Ming Empire made Portugal a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. Although it is said that the army of the Ming Empire would not be able to go there to help the Portuguese because it was too far away, but the Portuguese can make money with Daming’s maritime trade, which is enough for them to win over France. Help them fight Spain with England!

Thinking of this, Kui Yi couldn't help it anymore, and quickly replied to the Minister of Rites: "My lord, we are very happy to become a vassal state of the Ming Empire, but the matter is of great importance. This matter must be sent back to the country for discussion. It's up to you to decide!"

When the Minister of Rites saw that the Portuguese had moved out, the Dutch immediately bowed their heads, admiring the strategy given by Emperor Chongzhen, and said lightly: "Of course the imperial court knows this, but I will tell you something, the so-called If you don’t get rewarded for nothing, you can’t get the status of the vassal state of Daming for nothing, you must first make certain meritorious deeds and get the approval of Daming before you can have the status of this vassal state.”

After he finished speaking, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice also said: "The vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, you can become the vassal state of the Ming Dynasty if you want to! There are many small countries in the foreign countries, all rushing to become the vassal state of the Ming Dynasty!"

If you say this at the beginning, the Dutch may have resistance.

However, they were first attracted by the benefits of the Daming vassal state, and then stimulated by the fact that the Portuguese would be the Daming vassal state. When they already wanted to be the Daming vassal state, after hearing this, their mentality changed.They felt that the Ming Empire should not go back on its word and not allow the Netherlands to be a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty!If you really want to do that, you will fly away again when you see the wealth you are about to get!
Based on this thought, Kui Yi quickly asked: "My lord, what do we need to do in order to obtain the status of this Daming vassal state?"

Before they knew it, they had been led by the nose.

Of course, this may not be leading the way.Daming has the greatest wealth in the world. If any force does business with Daming without restrictions, it means a huge amount of wealth.

The Minister of the Ministry of Rites heard this, and turned his head to look at the Minister of the Ministry of Justice. They both smiled slightly, then turned around, and said to Kui Yi: "First, assist the Ming Dynasty in suppressing the rebellion, including destroying the Liaodong Jianlu rebels and Annan. Rebellion. Second, if Ming wants to conquer the Wa Kingdom and destroy it, you will also send troops. Third, inform Batavia and treat the Ming people well without any injustice. These three things mean that you Dutch people will become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty premise!"

As soon as Kui heard this, he looked at his companion, hesitated a little, and then replied: "I can't decide this matter, at least the governor of Batavia can do it, but I can persuade him."

The Dutch helped Annan's side, and the ultimate goal was to do business.There is a stronghold in Wa country, and it is also a trade.However, no matter where it is, or all of them added up, it is not as much money as trading with Daming!It can even be said that it is much more!

Having been in the East for so many years, they will naturally be able to settle this account, and how to do it is cost-effective!
The Minister of Rites listened and nodded, but he still reminded: "The Portuguese have joined the Luzon Expeditionary Army one step ahead of you and served the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, Portugal has always performed well after arriving in Ming Dynasty. After returning from Luzon, The imperial court’s will will be given to them. As for you, you are still prisoners of war and have not yet been recognized by Ming Dynasty, and it will take time to get the imperial court’s will!”

Hearing this, Kui Yi became even more anxious, and quickly stated that he wanted to go to Batavia immediately to lobby the governor of Batavia.

In this regard, the court's attitude is to let them leave in the past years.Based on their willingness to become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, they are allowed to walk around the capital and let the wind go, accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Punishment at a certain time.

This intention, of course, is very obvious, it is to let the Dutch truly experience the prosperity of Ming Dynasty!
So far, the matter of dealing with the Dutch has come to an end.The whole court is busy with Chinese New Year.


At the same time, far away in Shenyang, Liaodong, that is, Shengjing, the puppet capital of Jianlu, the atmosphere is not bad.

No, in the Chongzheng Hall, in front of the little emperor, a group of princes Baylor were having a tea party, talking and laughing.

The regent Dorgon said to the people below: "This year, we have recuperated in the Qing Dynasty, and now we have added countless grain fields in the north. It is estimated that in the new year, it will be enough to solve the food and clothing of the Qing Dynasty!"

After hearing this, Dai Shan echoed with emotion: "Yes, I really didn't expect that the northern land is bitterly cold, but the crops are growing gratifyingly, not bad, not bad!"

Hong Chengchou obviously gained the trust of Jianlu, and he was there too. Hearing this, he quickly complimented: "It's all because His Royal Highness the Regent planned a strategy. He immediately knew that the land in the north is fertile, and he dug cement from the Ming Dynasty." The formula is an absolute weapon for building water conservancy, so it is reasonable to have a good harvest!"

Dorgon was very happy to hear this, this is his greatest achievement since he became a regency.

But hearing Hong Chengchou's words reminded him of something, so he frowned and said, "By the way, can Zheng Zhilong get in touch? Although he gave us the cement formula, there are still some grain and grass materials that have been agreed upon, most of which have not yet been delivered." Bring it over!"

Dai Shan heard this, and said with a smile: "This year, Dongjiang Town of the Ming Kingdom fought fiercely with the Wa Kingdom, so he probably won't be able to escape!"

Upon hearing this, Doduo gloated and said, "Let those Japanese pirates be arrogant and dare to come to our Qing Dynasty to find trouble, it should...cough...cough..."

Before he could finish speaking, he coughed.

When Dorgon saw it, he hurriedly asked with concern: "You are not in good health, rest at ease and stop talking!"

I don't know why, but Doduo's body has always been very strong, but since this year, he has started to get sick, with headaches, abdominal pains, and even coughing up blood.

No, after he finished coughing, there was indeed blood again.

Dorgon was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly exhorted: "Are you seriously ill again? Have you been drinking again?"

Since Duduo became ill, the doctor prescribed medicine for him, and at the same time told him not to drink alcohol.Then the illness kept recurring, and finally, they summed up an experience: Duoduo's illness is probably related to drinking, so Duoduo should quit drinking.

However, when Duduo was seriously ill, he gave up drinking. However, after he got better, he saw other people eating large pieces of meat and drinking in large bowls, and he broke the precept again.

So repeated, so that the disease repeated, the body is getting worse and worse.

No, when he heard Dorgon's advice, he said helplessly, "I haven't had a drink for a long time!"

At the beginning, Emperor Chongzhen and Liu Weichao made wine utensils into poisonous utensils containing lead. They probably didn't expect that when a person was sick, the doctor would often tell him to quit smoking and drinking.

At this time, there is no smoking yet, but alcohol will still be told by the doctors of this era to quit drinking or drink less.So much so that Duoduo has been dragging on and did not die this year.

At this time, Dorgon heard Duduo's answer, and felt that Duduo probably died soon, and his original joy was gone.

You must know that Duoduo is not only his brother with the same father and mother, but also has always stood by his side, and is his most staunch and powerful ally and supporter.

Without Duduo's support, his strength would be greatly reduced.Hauge, who was driven to the north by him, is likely to act like a monster again, and Bumbutai's little tricks are probably more.

Thinking of this, it was strange that he was in a good mood.

So, Dorgon told Duoduo again, telling him to take good care of his illness!

After such an episode, the atmosphere in Chongzheng Hall became solemn.

When Dai Shan saw it, he spoke quickly, diverting the attention of everyone in the hall and said: "Wo Kingdom has sent people over to urge us several times, asking us to send troops to help them encircle and suppress Wu Sangui's troops. This latest time, they have already threatened them with the covenant , what should we do about this?"

Wu Sangui was very active in northern North Korea, and he beat the Japanese side to the brink of death.The main reason is that Wu Sangui's army is a cavalry army, which is very mobile.At the same time, the combat power is also strong, so that the Japanese side failed to control northern North Korea after a year of trouble.

Therefore, the Japanese side wanted to send cavalry troops to the Jianlu side to cooperate with them to encircle and suppress Wu Sangui.

Hearing this, Dorgon turned his head to look at Hong Chengchou and said, "Sir, do you think it's hot enough?"

Obviously, Hong Chengchou came up with another idea on this matter.

No, when Hong Chengchou heard Dorgon's question, he quickly and respectfully replied: "The slaves thought that the Japanese kingdom hadn't fired a real fire yet. Otherwise, with their strength, they could have gradually formed a camp and sent large troops to garrison all the traffic. Essentially, if we advance slowly to the north, Wu Sangui's troops will have no room to maneuver. Now, Wa Kingdom just wants our Qing Dynasty to help them, so that they can rest easy."

After a pause, he explained again: "The reason for this is that the Wa Kingdom should still mainly manage the southern part of Korea. Only if Wu Sangui's subordinates hurt the Wa Kingdom more, and the Wa Kingdom destroys Wu Sangui's subordinates, then the Wa Kingdom and the Ming Kingdom will The enmity is deep, so what if there is no covenant, they have already entered the water, so don't even think about going ashore!"

Speaking of this, Hong Chengchou raised his voice a little more: "Besides, the Ming army on the front line of Ningjin did have a change, threatening the safety of Haizhou, and our Qing Dynasty has enough reasons. If the Japanese do not believe it, they can send people to Haizhou Verification is it!"

The implication is to let the Qing Dynasty sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

(End of this chapter)

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