Chapter 673 What Big Winds and Big Waves Haven’t Been Seen (Addition for May 5 Monthly Pass)

"That's true!" Dai Shan nodded after listening to Hong Chengchou's words, "I saw them in the Wa country before, they have a large population, not to mention a million troops, there must be half a million, right? Now it is estimated that even one-third None of our troops have been sent to North Korea!"

After hearing this, Dorgon looked at Hong Chengchou thoughtfully and said, "It seems that Wa really just wants to run North Korea first, and doesn't want to send troops to defeat Ming. For them, it is reasonable to adopt such a strategy. .”

That's what he said, but he immediately changed the subject and said, "However, I don't think it's appropriate to procrastinate. At least the Ming army on the front line of Ningjin should be destroyed. Otherwise, it's not a problem to threaten Haizhou from time to time. Son!"

Haizhou is only [-] miles away from Liaoyang, and another [-] miles away is Shengjing, which is really a bit unsafe.

Even Hong Chengchou's previous suggestion was to move strategically to the north to lengthen the logistics supply line of the Ming army.However, in the past year, the Ming army has never really attacked at all.Obviously, the Ming army may not have settled the war in the pass.If one day, the war in the pass is really settled, the flames of war will inevitably burn on the Qing Empire first.On the other side of North Korea, the Wa Kingdom always has the posture of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

In short, Dorgon doesn't want to be a snipe or a clam.

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou thought for a while, hesitated a little, and finally said to Dorgon: "The slaves think that the Ming country is always our great enemy. Before defeating the Ming country, we still have an open and honest relationship with the Wa country. A little bit is better. The slaves are willing to go to the Wa country to clarify the powerful relationship, and they are all sincere, and it is better to defeat the Ming country first."

These words were his original intention.

What he said at the beginning was echoed by Dorgon and others.Deep down in his heart, he felt somewhat short-sighted whether it was the Qing Empire or the Wa Kingdom.

As soon as he uttered these words, Doduo immediately flew into a rage, and no one could understand the real meaning of his words.

But when Doduo was about to reprimand him, he coughed again. It was a continuous cough, and he almost coughed up his life.

When Dorgon saw it, he was very worried, and immediately said to Duoduo: "You should go back to rest first, and wait until your body recovers!"

Daishan is also a little worried. In the eventful autumn of the Qing Dynasty, Duduo, who can take care of himself, is seriously ill, which is really a bad omen.

So, he also persuaded: "I am already old, the future of the Qing Dynasty depends on you, you should go to rest first, and only when you are healthy can you really help with things!"

Duoduo was a little reconciled, but the blood on his mouth was also a fact. In desperation, he gave Hong Chengchou a look, and finally left the Chongzheng Hall with the support of his subordinates.

Seeing him disappear at the door, Dorgon turned his head to look at Hong Chengchou, not angry, and said quite generously: "You are right, the Ming Dynasty is always the enemy. But there is one thing, I hope you can understand In the past, we couldn't afford to fight a war. Now the grain fields in the north are expected to have a bumper harvest in the coming year, and we will have the confidence to fight a big war!"

When Hong Chengchou saw it, he was terrified, so he beat Qian and knelt down to plead guilty, saying: "It's the slave who didn't think carefully and was self-righteous. I ask the master to punish me!"

When Dorgon saw him, he waved his hand and asked him to stand up to speak: "I didn't blame you, as a counselor, I still have to say what I should say."

Among the slave chieftains, in terms of heart, he is indeed bigger than Haoge, Duoduo and others.

After a pause, he turned his head and said to Daishan: "The matter of attacking the Ming Kingdom is of great importance. Otherwise, why don't you go and discuss a specific plan with the Wa Kingdom?"

If this kind of thing is just Hong Chengchou, the level is not enough.Therefore, Dorgon hoped that Daishan would go again.

Daishan listened, nodded and said: "Forget it, then I'll go meet those Japanese people again!"

But right now, it is snowing heavily, and the land of Liaodong is covered with heavy snow. At least we won't be able to go there until after the beginning of spring.

After discussing for a while, after Hong Chengchou withdrew from Chongzheng Hall, Dorgon ordered Fan Wencheng, who was in charge of farming in the north, to form a Korean firearms army after the beginning of spring.

After Hong Chengchou heard about this news, he was slightly disappointed.

No matter how much he thinks about the Qing Dynasty, he is still only a counselor, but Fan Wencheng has access to military power!


At the same time, far away in Seoul, North Korea, there was also an unpleasant conversation in the palace of the original Korean king.

The original seat of the King of Korea was vacant.An additional seat was added under this empty seat. The person sitting at this time is the old middle school of the Tokugawa shogunate, similar to the cabinet ministers of the Ming Dynasty. The Chuan Shogunate is currently the top official in charge of North Korean affairs.

And on the left side below him, there is a guest, who is not a Japanese, but a Ming person.This person is none other than Zheng Zhilong, Commander of the Daming Denglai Navy.

At this time, Matsudaira Nobuzuna said to Zheng Zhilong with a gloomy face: "You are the party that is allied with our country, why do you keep helping Wu Sangui, disturbing the restlessness in North Korea, and killing and wounding me? Do you know how many warriors? "

Zheng Zhilong knew that it would definitely not be a good thing for the Japanese to send a letter asking him to come to Seoul.

However, he was not afraid of it, nor panicked at all. He just looked at Nobutsuna Matsudaira and replied: "What can I do? I am now the chief soldier of the Daming Denglai Navy, and my duty is to cooperate with the general soldier of Dongjiang. If I don't cooperate , the imperial court immediately dismissed me from my post, and maybe I will be punished, so tell me, can I still be an internal response?"

Speaking of this, he paused, and seemed to be a little angry and said: "Otherwise, I'm not responsible for this, and I will directly cooperate with you to destroy Wu Sangui, and when I look back, promise me that the provinces cannot be changed, how about it? "

Hearing this, Nobuzuna Matsudaira immediately smiled and said, "That won't work, I just said it. You know that Wu Sangui made a fuss that our Wa country doesn't control northern North Korea. The general is very angry, and our pressure is also great." Big!"

Seeing him like this, Zheng Zhilong also softened his tone and said: "It's not easy for me either. I can't persuade Wu Sangui not to make trouble, can I? You also know that this Wu Sangui was punished by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he only wanted to make more military achievements. I advise you He's useless at all!"

"Understood, understood!" Matsudaira Nobuzuna heard this, and immediately agreed, which made Zheng Zhilong feel a lot better.

However, suddenly, Matsudaira Nobutsuna asked with a smile: "Second Officer's hand injury, is it healed?"

When he said this, his eyes were fixed on Zheng Zhilong.Not only him, but also Yagyu Jubingwei who was accompanying him, stared at Zheng Zhilong's face.

Zheng Zhilong was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked, "What's wrong with the second official? Did he hurt his hand? When did it happen?"

The second official is the nickname of Zheng Zhilong's second son, Tagawa Qizaemon.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna kept staring at Zheng Zhilong's face, didn't see any abnormality, and immediately said: "You don't know? I just heard that I thought you knew, so I asked you. Hehe, maybe it's all The rumors are wrong. Well, how can you get hurt, right?"

"What are the rumors?" Zheng Zhilong seemed uneasy, but still asked, with a worried expression on his face.

Seeing this, Nobuzuna Matsudaira looked at Yagyu Shibingwei and said, "Who got the news, you go and ask the specific situation, hurry up and come back!"

After listening to Liu Sheng's ten soldiers, he quickly agreed and left the palace gate.

However, he just walked around outside the gate of the hall, and after waiting for a while, he turned back to the hall, looked at Zheng Zhilong's anxious eyes, and immediately said: "It's really a mistake, it's not the second official, it's Xiantai." Erguang Jiro of the feudal clan, injured his hand in a martial arts competition."

After hearing this, Matsudaira Nobutsuna immediately laughed and said, "Now, the official should be relieved, right?"

Zheng Zhilong laughed when he heard this, and asked about the situation in Nagasaki.

The atmosphere in the hall has improved a lot.

At the end, Matsudaira Nobuzuna said to Zheng Zhilong: "The general is very dissatisfied with the situation on the North Korean side. I am going to report back to the general and send more troops to North Korea, and the navy will also increase. In this way, you will withdraw from Phi Island and face the Ming Dynasty. There is an explanation from the emperor. We wiped out Wu Sangui, and it has little to do with you. What do you think?"

"Is that so?" Zheng Zhilong listened, thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I have more than [-] warships here in Liaodong, and you need at least twice as many, so that I can have an excuse to say that I can't stop them." Your navy will not be punished too much!"

"Okay, I'll report this to the general!" Matsudaira Nobutsuna nodded after hearing this, and then asked his subordinates to send Zheng Zhilong away.

As soon as Zheng Zhilong left, Liu Sheng Shibingwei immediately asked him, "Didn't he send someone to do it?"

Matsudaira Nobutsuna listened, nodded and said: "I didn't see it, he probably didn't know."

Zheng Zhilong's wife and son in Japan suddenly disappeared.This made the Japanese side suspect that Zheng Zhilong secretly sent someone to pick him up.

However, after the investigation, it was found that there was no evidence to prove that Zheng Zhilong had sent someone.

However, Wa Kingdom is still worried, wondering if Zheng Zhilong might have a problem.After all, without his wife and son, it was tantamount to having no hostages.

But in the test just now, Matsudaira Nobutsuna didn't find any doubts, and Zheng Zhilong's answers to the questions were all reasonable, so he ignored Zheng Zhilong's doubts, and just ordered: "Let Nagasaki, After a thorough investigation, why did this person suddenly disappear?"

They wondered, but Zheng Zhilong knew it well.

Earlier, Emperor Chongzhen had told him that he would send someone to rescue his wife and son.

From the reaction of the Japanese, he concluded that he must have been rescued by someone sent by the emperor.

As for the Japanese's temptation, hehe, what scene has he never seen before, and he still wants to try him?
(End of this chapter)

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