Chapter 674
At this time, Zheng Zhilong was also a little puzzled, who was the emperor sent to pick up Tian Chuan and the second official without anyone noticing?
Jin Yiwei?Have such great ability?
If it is Jin Yiwei, then who is Jin Yiwei?
After thinking about it for a while, Zheng Zhilong couldn't figure it out, so he didn't want to.From the time he arrived at the pier and left by boat, he began to think about what to do next year.

The imperial court had already achieved a great victory in the southwest, and the main force returned to the north. In Dongjiang Town, only Wu Sangui and him knew about it.The reason why we keep it so secret is that we don’t want the people below to know about the situation in the customs because someone was captured by the Japanese or Jianlu.

Because as far as the current situation is concerned, the imperial court adopts a blockade policy on the grasslands and Liaodong, and all internal and external exchanges are prohibited. If Jianlu wants to obtain news from within the pass, he must capture the imperial court's frontier troops.

Ensuring that the news in the pass is kept from being heard by Jianlu and Wa Kingdom will help the court to fight against the captives.

For now, only Zheng Zhilong and Wu Sangui know that the court's war here has changed from a strategic defense to a strategic offensive.With the arrival of the new year, the imperial court will inevitably take action.

For Wu Sangui, his persistence in North Korea is coming to an end, and if he looks back and rewards him for his merits, the credit will not be small.

And for Zheng Zhilong, his identity as an internal response is finally about to be exposed!
Therefore, for both of them, they are looking forward to the coming of the new year soon.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong was thinking about notifying the imperial court as soon as possible that the Wa country was going to send more troops to North Korea.And Wu Sangui, how to end it is also a question!
The Japanese navy attacked Pidao on a large scale, and Zheng Zhilong would definitely withdraw.However, when he withdrew, Wu Sangui was left alone.Moreover, if Wa sent more troops to attack northern North Korea, he would have less room to engage in guerrilla warfare. It's hard to say what the outcome will be!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong also had a headache, and muttered to himself: "This old Wu just wants to make contributions. Now it's all right, it's a headache!"

Thinking about this, he decided to write it together in the memorial, and let the court and Wu Sangui take care of the headaches.

After thinking about these things, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help thinking of his wife and children. Where are they?Is it safe now?


Kume Village in the Kingdom of Ryukyu, that is, the village where Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty sent [-] families of Fujian boat workers to settle in Ryukyu, all of them were Ming people.Zheng Pei, who was born here, was the third official of the Ryukyu Kingdom, similar to the third prince of the Ming Dynasty, with a high position and authority, and presided over the struggle against the Japanese, but ultimately failed.

He himself was executed by Japanese pirates, and his younger brother Zheng Zhou escaped from Kume Village and went to Beizhong City to live in seclusion.

At this time, Zheng Zhou was already very old. Logically speaking, at this age, he should not care about world affairs.

But at this time, the door of his mansion was closed, and he was meeting guests in the lobby supported by his son and grandson.It could be seen from his expression that he was very shocked.

In front of him, there were three people, two men and one woman, and one of them was saying to Zheng Zhou: "It is absolutely true that the Emperor Ming asked us to go to Nagasaki to pick them up, and he would send troops to help us." Ryukyu expelled Japanese pirates."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the woman again and said: "This is the Tian Chuan clan, the wife of Zheng Zhilong, Commander of the Denglai Navy of the Ming Dynasty, and this is Tagawa Qizaemon, whose real name is Zheng Zongming, and is the second son of Zheng Dashuai. .”

Following his introduction, both Tian Chuan and Zheng Zongming bowed to Zheng Zhou.

When Zheng Zhou saw him, he quickly motioned to return the courtesy.The expression on his face was still a little confused, and he asked the person who spoke in front of him, "Then what Master Jin meant..."

This Mr. Jin is Jin Yingyuan, the senior official of Zhengyi who once went to Daming. Hearing Zheng Zhou's question, he quickly replied: "It's the king's intention. I want you to arrange someone to send them back to Daming and go to the capital. I beg to see the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and implore the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to drive out the Japanese pirates as promised."

After a pause, he added: "As you know, there are Japanese pirates in our country, and the palace has been monitored by Japanese pirates all the time. When we came back from the Japanese country, we were afraid that the Japanese will track them down, so it would be difficult to come forward. Daming over there. If you are willing to help, this matter will definitely be accomplished! As soon as the Ming soldiers arrive, Zheng Sansi will be able to restore his reputation, and he will be bestowed upon by the king. He is my Ryukyu’s greatest loyalty!"

For Ming people in Kume village, of course, they can't understand the Japanese pirates running rampant in Ryukyu.As far as the Zheng family is concerned, of course they hope that Zheng Pei, who is now slandered as a traitor, can pay his innocence.

Therefore, after hearing Jin Yingyuan's words, Zheng Zhou's son and grandson couldn't bear it at first, and hurriedly called daddy called daddy, and grandpa called grandpa. Although they didn't specifically ask for it, the meaning was very clear.

In fact, Zheng Zhou didn't need his son and grandson to remind him, he was already overwhelmed with excitement.

You know, his brother Zheng Pei is the first third official with Chinese blood in the history of Ryukyu. He is the pride of the Zheng family and the pride of Kume Village.Now being slandered as a treacherous official, he, the younger brother, of course is not willing to do so.

So, without further ado, he immediately agreed, and said to Jin Yingyuan slightly tremblingly: "Please tell the king, even if the Zheng family goes up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, they will definitely send Marshal Zheng's family back to Daming safely!"

When Jin Yingyuan heard this, he quickly reminded: "I still have to go to the capital to ask the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and beg the Emperor of Ming Dynasty to send troops to Ryukyu to drive out the Japanese pirates!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a letter from his pocket, handed it to Zheng Zhou with both hands, and said, "This is the letter of state written by the king himself, and it must be handed over to Emperor Ming!"

Zheng Zhou motioned for his son to take over, and at the same time made a promise.As a native of Kume Village who has always regarded himself as a Ming person, his biggest dream in this life is of course to meet the Emperor of Ming!
Now that he had such an opportunity, he had already decided in his heart to send his son and grandson to Daming.

Although the Zheng family was hit and fell, it was no problem to get a boat and leave Ryukyu quietly.

Soon, Zheng Zhilong's wife and second son embarked on the road to Daming.

Both of them are looking forward to it.

To Tian Chuansong, she is a Japanese, but marrying her husband and obeying her husband, to her, she is already a wise person.She had been obstructed by the Tokugawa shogunate before, but now that she got her wish, she was finally able to go to Daming, and she was very excited to see her eldest son whom she had missed for many years.

No, when she was on the boat, whenever she and her son were alone, she kept nagging, and she didn't know how the eldest son was doing. I heard that he was already an official in the court, so I didn't know if he could do well?At this age, don't live up to the grace...

Listening to his mother's nagging, Zheng Zongming's impression of his brother was already blurred, and he was also curious about how his brother was doing in Daming?

At the same time, he also yearns for Daming very much. He doesn't know what the legendary Kingdom of Heaven looks like?How prosperous will it be compared to the Wa country?

In short, both of them are looking forward to arriving in Daming as soon as possible.


The days go by day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it will be the end of the first month of the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was watching the memorial sent by the governor of Yunnan, Yang Weizhi.

In this memorial, Yang Weizhi mainly reported three things.

One thing is the current situation in Yunnan. The areas controlled by the imperial government have already appointed Liuguan, and the imperial court has officially begun to govern the area;
The second thing is that the main frontier army of the imperial court has already stationed troops on the border of Dongwu.On Dongwu's side, troops are also stationed in its northern border, trying to resist the imperial army.Yang Weizhi asked for an order when he could attack Dongwu.

The third thing is that it has been confirmed by news that the remnants of Li Zicheng's bandits have indeed fled into the territory of Dongwu.Further details are currently unknown.

After reading it, Emperor Chongzhen asked Sun Chuanting, who had already read the memorial, for his opinion.

After all, Sun Chuanting is currently the most military-savvy official in the court, and he was the one who led the troops in the Southwest War in person before.His opinion is absolutely authoritative.

Sun Chuanting had thought about it a long time ago. When Emperor Chongzhen asked, he immediately played: "Your Majesty, I believe that the combat power of Dongwu soldiers is not enough to compete with the imperial army. The only thing that needs to be considered in the Dongwu war is The supply of food and grass materials."

After a pause, he immediately went on to make a detailed analysis: "Yunnan and Guizhou are barren, and Yunnan has just experienced a war, and there is a lot of waste waiting to be built. I think that it is not appropriate to collect grain and grass materials from Yunnan and Guizhou; and if we want to transport grain and grass materials from Huguang to On the border of Yunnan, if the army goes deep into Dongwu and continues to transport supplies forward, the consumption will be too great."

Speaking of this, Sun Chuanting concluded: "Therefore, I believe that rich provinces such as Huguang can support Yunnan and Guizhou to restore their vitality earlier, and then use Yunnan as a logistics source, so the pressure on food and grass materials will not be too great. During this period, Yang Zhongcheng can make Yang Zhongcheng want to fight, and Dongwu can't relax. Repeatedly, he will consume his food, grass and materials, exhaust the people's hearts, and let his army's morale go, which is beneficial for future crusades!"

Emperor Chongzhen nodded repeatedly when he heard it, and felt that Sun Chuanting's suggestion was very good and a good idea.

Unexpectedly, before Sun Chuanting finished speaking, he continued to say to him: "In addition, if the Luzon Expeditionary Army goes well and Nanyang is pacified as soon as possible, the navy...the navy can recruit troops from the Netherlands, Portugal and other countries, and start from Dongwu. Attack from the south, pinch Dongwu!"

He had worked hard to review the situation in the whole world before, and he knew that there were actually Dutch and Portuguese forces in the south of Dongwu.He reckoned that if the Luzon Expeditionary Army could wipe out the Luzon Spaniards, it would effectively deter the two foreigners, and it would be no problem for them to become Ming vassals, so that they could mobilize their troops to attack from the south.

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard that, and immediately remembered, how is the battle of the Lu Song Expeditionary Army going?

(End of this chapter)

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