Chapter 675

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Emperor Chongzhen and Sun Chuanting were talking about Dongwu, and thought of what happened to Lu Song?Hearing Wang Chengen rushing over, and seeing Emperor Chongzhen, he hurriedly played loudly: "Long Live Lord, great joy, the Lu Song Expeditionary Army has achieved great victory with the help of Long Live Lord's Tianwei!"

In the general victory now, it is impossible for the eunuch in charge of the ceremony and the admiral of the West Factory to lose his composure.

On the Luzon side, even if there are twice, twice, or even ten times as many Spaniards, it is impossible.After all, as far as Daming is concerned, it is not unheard of to wipe out hundreds of thousands of enemies in a big war.Not to mention, in the past few years, good news has been reported frequently, and most people are used to it.

But Luzon's victory this time was different from other victories. The report clearly stated that it was the emperor's decree to let the earth dragon stand up, so that the Luzon expeditionary army successfully entered the city and won the battle.

The emperor ordered that Dilong was obedient and turned over on time. This kind of news absolutely shocked everyone. It was reasonable for Wang Chengen to lose his composure.

After all, as far as Wang Chengen is a showman, even if he can think of such a good thing, if he is not too surprised, or if there is a city, he will definitely not show it in this matter.The more happy you gaffe, the happier the emperor will be!And the emperor is happy, that is his purpose!

No, when Emperor Chongzhen heard what he said, he immediately asked in surprise: "Is it Lu Song's good news?"

He was a little unclear about what Wang Chengen said about his Tianwei, maybe this partner was flattering again, so he didn't respond in particular.His surprise was mainly because he was talking with Sun Chuanting about the situation in the south of Dongwu, and there was news from Luzon.

Wang Chengen ignored Sun Chuanting, rushed to Emperor Chongzhen, presented the victory letter with both hands, and said with exaggerated expression at the same time, beaming: "This servant has served the Long Live Lord for so long, and this is the first time I have seen the Tianwei of the Long Live Lord, Lu Song All the earth dragons listen to Lord Long Live, Lord Long Live is mighty!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard that Dilong turned over, he immediately remembered that Liu Weichao had mentioned it to him before, saying that there was Dilong turning over in Lu Song. Therefore, he reminded Zheng Zhibao of this matter in his order.

His original intention was to let Zheng Zhibao know about this, so as to prevent the Luzon Expeditionary Army from suffering heavy losses due to Dilong turning over.

In the end, according to Wang Chengen, it seems that the Lusong Expeditionary Army won a big victory because of the ground dragon turning over?
Thinking of this, he was a little curious, and immediately opened the victory report document and read it.

But Sun Chuanting at the bottom was confused.

Although he also heard Wang Chengen's words, he was a little confused: Why do all the earth dragons in Luzon listen to the Lord Long Live?What does it mean?
He was not there at the time when the Emperor Taizu appeared in the Golden Luan Palace, and he did not see it with his own eyes. Therefore, he naturally would not have much influence on the strange things.If He Fengsheng and the others were around, it would probably not be surprising to hear this.After all, even Emperor Taizu had seen it before, and it was not uncommon for Dilong to obey the emperor's will, or be the emperor's will!

"Hahaha..." Sun Chuanting was thinking about it when he heard Emperor Chongzhen laugh out loud, as if he was in a very happy mood!
He looked up and saw that Wang Chengen was also laughing with Emperor Chongzhen. Are you so happy?

"Come on, Sun Qing also take a look, the process of the battle of Lu Song is really exciting!" After the Emperor Chongzhen laughed, he signaled Wang Chengen to forward the victory document, and at the same time he himself said to Sun Chuanting.

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said, "Your Majesty, watch first, we will discuss later!"

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen turned to the apse, leaving Sun Chuanting to read the victory report quickly.

After Emperor Chongzhen arrived at the apse, he immediately took out his mobile phone and contacted Liu Weichao via video.

He was very excited about the turning of the earth dragon. Such a fantasy thing is very conducive to deepening his authority as the emperor. Therefore, while he wanted to share the joy with Liu Weichao, he also thought about Liu Weichao saying more about earth dragons from all over the world. The matter of standing up so that he can take this opportunity to continue to manifest himself in front of others.

"I'm writing a dissertation. What's the matter?" Liu Weichao said curiously as soon as he connected to the video, looking at the excited Emperor Chongzhen.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't take it seriously, because he knew that Liu Weichao was a graduate student and what it was like to write a thesis, so he said directly to Liu Weichao: "Just now I received the victory report from the Luzon Expeditionary Army. You don't know, you said before that Luzon Did the earth dragon turn around at the end of last year? Just right, the expeditionary army..."

He roughly told Liu Weichao about the situation of the Battle of Manila, and then said with excitement: "Now my people think that it is my decree, and the earth dragon accepts it, so they will stand up and assist. Hehe, my prestige , made the God Realm obedient, haha..."

After hearing this, Liu Weichao also laughed.But looking at Emperor Chongzhen's smug smile on the phone, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and immediately thought of something, and asked Emperor Chongzhen with a little inexplicable meaning: "Do you think this is a good thing?"

Emperor Chongzhen was taken aback by what he said, then came back to his senses, and asked a little puzzled: "Why isn't it a good thing?"

He could tell from Liu Weichao's words that this was not a good thing, but he just couldn't figure it out, how could such a good thing not be a good thing?

Liu Weichao saw that he didn't expect it, so he asked him directly: "Okay, then let me ask you, what will the common people think when the earth dragon turns around in the Ming Dynasty? The earth dragon doesn't listen to the emperor, and the emperor can't suppress the earth dragon anymore. Are you going to rebel? What do you do?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen didn't expect this, and was stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, Liu Weichao continued to say to him: "Earthquakes happen every year, bigger and smaller, this is a natural phenomenon, a release of energy from the earth's crust, you are the emperor of Ming Dynasty, no, you are the leader of the earth , you can’t change it. This time, you may make your people worship you, but what about later, when the earthquake in Daming is severe and people die, what will they think?”

In fact, there was no need for him to explain further, the Emperor Chongzhen who came back to his senses was a little bit dispirited, and this person was unable to play with his previous appearance.

Thinking of this, he asked Liu Weichao: "Then how should I express my opinion on this letter of victory?"

Zheng Zhibao and Lu Jiude have already attributed the credit for the Battle of Luzon to him. Judging from Wang Chengen's attitude, we can see how shocked the government and the opposition will be once the announcement is made.

"It's easy!" He was worrying, when Liu Weichao said to him with a smile, "Just say that Emperor Taizu calculated it, wouldn't it be fine?"

The appearance of the Taizu emperor does not depend on the current emperor. Who knows what the situation of the Taizu emperor is in the sky?And counting things like Dilong turning over, it's also a leak, right?How much will it cost?No one knows this.

There has always been a rumor among the people that the secrets of the heavens should not be leaked, and the emperor Taizu will not reveal the secrets of the sky in the future, and people in the world will not be able to say anything.

But for this matter, when necessary, it may be brought out again and said that it was the emperor Taizu's fortune-telling.Not to mention anything else, I have a heart to intimidate those courtiers, and I have to be cautious before doing bad things. If I want to do something bad, it happens to be a whim by Emperor Taizu, what should I do?
After Liu Weichao's explanation, Emperor Chongzhen immediately became happy again, and felt that this explanation was better!
However, because of the earth dragon's turnaround this time, he was also a little curious, so he asked Liu Weichao: "So in the Ming Dynasty, will there be a big earth dragon turnaround in the near future? The loss caused!"

"Wait a moment!" Liu Weichao listened, and immediately replied, and then looked it up on the computer.

After a while, he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "After a little research, you should be able to encounter a big earthquake in your lifetime. Let me tell you."

On July 1668, 7, that is, when Emperor Chongzhen was fifty-seven, an earthquake occurred in Juxian County and Tancheng City, Shandong Province. The magnitude of the earthquake was estimated to be 25.In addition to the collapse of buildings, people and animals were killed and injured due to the collapse of buildings, ground cracks, water discharge, landslides, etc., and the economic losses and human and animal casualties caused by secondary disasters were also extremely heavy, especially after the earthquake. However, they were devastated by floods and epidemics, and the casualties were extremely serious.

On September 1679, 9, when Emperor Chongzhen was sixty-eight years old, a major earthquake occurred in the Yanshan earthquake zone in northern Hebei.The epicenter was located in Xiadian Town, Dachang County, Hebei Province.This earthquake is one of the well-known historical earthquakes with extensive influence and heavy losses in the densely populated areas of Gyeonggi, and it is the largest earthquake in history near the capital.The magnitude of the quake was estimated at 2.

In fact, on May 1695, 5, the Linfen earthquake in Shanxi was also magnitude 18. At that time, Emperor Chongzhen was eighty-four years old, and he might not live to live.

Liu Weichao introduced the three earthquakes to Emperor Chongzhen, and then said: "I will check later to see if there is more detailed information, and then I will send it to you together."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he quickly thanked him. After Liu Weichao's popular science, he already knew what it was like for an earthquake to reach magnitude 8.

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen had hung up the video first, so he quickly reminded: "By the way, I am writing a thesis of Ming Dynasty literary masters. You have to ask someone to help me analyze some articles for appreciation. Give me a reference."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen chuckled and said: "No problem, I will give them homework later!"

After chatting with Liu Weichao a lot, he sometimes jokes in Liu Weichao's tone.

"Okay!" Liu Weichao listened, and explained, "I have to make a name in the history circle first, and then appreciate the remaining pieces of the Yongle Canon that have survived in the world, paving the way for the reappearance of the Yongle Canon in the world in the future."

"I understand, I understand!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen just replied with a smile, seeing that Liu Weichao had nothing else to do, he hung up the video communication.

(End of this chapter)

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