Chapter 680

In addition, the capital also gave Wu Sangui a decree, through the signal tower, there are only nine words: attack the south, retreat to the island after the pain.

The more detailed official decree will be sent to Dengzhou by fast horse, and then sent to Phi Island by fast boat.

As a result, Daming's counterattack against the Wa Kingdom officially kicked off.


At the end of February in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, on the side of Ningbo Prefecture of Daming, the prefect hurried to the pier to welcome a ship from Ryukyu.

However, he didn't come to welcome the envoys from Ryukyu. When Jin Yingyuan and others arrived, he didn't come to greet them in person.At this time, he was actually greeted by Zheng Zhilong's family, that is, Tian Chuan and Zheng Zongming.

This made Tian Chuan and Zheng Zongming a little flattered. They didn't expect to be greeted by the magistrate when they arrived in Daming.

Regarding this, the magistrate just smiled and explained: "Your Majesty has already made an order, saying that Madam and Young Master must have been rescued. If they arrive in Daming, they will go to the capital, and His Majesty will receive you."

This is not taking Tian Chuan and Zheng Zongming as hostages, but that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to take a photo and keep a file at someone's request.Of course, in the original history, the Tian Chuan family had more backbone than Zheng Zhilong. When the Jianlu invaded, he committed suicide and died for the country, which made Zheng Sen continue to fight against the Jianlu.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen himself wanted to meet her.

After Tian Chuan heard this, she was even more surprised. She didn't expect that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty would meet her and her son, and she was very excited for a while.

But when she arrived in Daming's land, she was most concerned about her son, so she hurriedly asked about the situation.

The Magistrate of Ningbo heard this, and replied with a smile: "Master Zheng is now the Commander of the Jinyi Guards, patrolling the world, living in no fixed place, Madam may not be able to see him. Maybe Mr. Zheng will meet when he returns to Beijing to hand in the edict."

After a pause, he went on to introduce: "Your husband Zheng Dashuai is still guarding the frontier in Liaodong, and he should not be able to return to Beijing for the time being; in addition, the imperial court just made a decree to confer Zheng Zhibao, the commander-in-chief of the Luzon Expeditionary Army, as the uncle of the Americas. You must guard Luzon. Your Zheng family is really full of loyalty!"

The Zheng family produced three high-ranking military officers, including those who were knighted. From being unknown, they became one of the best military families in Ming Dynasty, which is still enviable and emotional.

Not to mention anything else, it's just Zheng Sen's potential, and he is likely to become the commander of Jinyiwei in the future, so it is worth him to please the Zheng family and establish a good relationship with the Zheng family.

Tian Chuan was shocked and happy when she heard it, but at the same time, she couldn't help but also worried, thinking that Zheng Zhilong was still in contact with the Wa country, if the emperor knew about it, would it have any impact?
Therefore, while she was happy, she also had hidden worries in her heart.

Zheng Zongming didn't have so many thoughts, thinking that his father, his uncle, and his brother all had such great achievements, he immediately held back his energy and wanted to make some achievements.

In this way of thinking, a group of people, including the Ryukyu envoys, were all sent to the capital.


At the same time, on the side of Seoul, North Korea, the country of Wa also welcomed guests.This guest is none other than Daishan, Prince Heshuoli of the Qing Empire.

Although the two sides are actually a little dirty with each other, they are at least allies on the surface, and Daishan's level is high enough. Therefore, Matsudaira Nobuzuna, who is in charge of North Korean affairs, welcomed Daishan in from the gate of the city.

Both of them are old foxes, they treat some nasty things as if they don't have anything, and when they meet each other, they are smiling. If people who don't know see them, they will feel that they are actually friends for many years!
No, I heard Daishan say to Matsudaira Nobuzuna with a smile: "The old man is really good at governing. Along the way, the more people go south, the more crowded it is. Looking at it, I thought it was the place of the Japanese country. It's true. I can't tell at all, it hasn't been long since you Japanese people moved here!"

His words were most touched by Ying Erdai who accompanied him.

Because he was the one who handed over North Korea to the Japanese, of course he knew exactly what was going on at that time.

But this time when Daishan was escorted to Seoul, he found that all the towns, villages, etc. were popular again.Of course, most of these popularity are actually Japanese who immigrated. They used Koreans as slaves to restore farm work in the fields.

For them, this kind of life is really many times better than that in Wa country.

On the Japanese side, there are few grain fields, and most of them are the grain fields of daimyos and warriors from all over the country; it can even be said that many warriors have no grain fields and live in poverty, let alone ordinary Japanese.

However, after moving to North Korea, not only were they given grain fields, but even North Koreans were their servants. If they had the strength, they could go to the mountains to catch those North Koreans who had fled into the forests, and they would have more servants, which made them More motivated to do these things.

After going back and forth like this, the southern part of North Korea is naturally booming.And this, of course, is also the achievement of Matsudaira Nobuzuna.

At this time, after hearing Daishan's praise, Matsudaira Nobuzuna was in a good mood, so he took the opportunity to say to Daishan: "If Wu Sangui's troops can be wiped out, then the northern part of Korea can be like the southern part of Korea. In that case, we The Great Wo Kingdom will be able to send troops to fight against the Ming Kingdom together with the Qing Dynasty!"

Sure enough, the Japanese wanted to run North Korea first!
Dai Shan thought in his heart, and immediately laughed and said: "I came here this time to discuss this matter with Mr. Lao Zhong!"

When Matsudaira Nobuzuna heard this, he was overjoyed. He quickly reined in the pony under his crotch, looked at Daishan and asked, "Really? If the Qing Dynasty can send [-] cavalry troops to station in Pyongyang and other places, then The annihilation of Wu Sangui's troops is just around the corner!"

Although the Wa Kingdom also had some cavalry troops, they were small in number, and they were ambushed and suffered heavy losses during the initial stage of Wu Sangui's disturbance.Later, relying on the mobility of the cavalry, it was impossible to send Japanese civilians over in northern North Korea.

The cavalry troops of the Qing Empire have always been tough, and if they could be sent to encircle and wipe out Wu Sangui's troops, Nobuzuna Matsudaira felt that there would be no problem.

Otherwise, just relying on Japan's own infantry, it would require a large-scale force to blockade, and it would cost a lot of manpower and material resources.Although he has already reported to the Tokugawa family, if he can save this manpower and material resources, of course he would be most happy.

At this time, seeing him stop to ask questions, Daishan also reined in the tall horse under his crotch, and said with a smile: "[-] cavalry is a bit too much, and the old middle-aged adults should also know that the Ming army is about to move. My lord Qing is also under great pressure! Look, is this good?"

Seeing that Matsudaira Nobuzuna was listening with great attention, he continued: "Your country has a large infantry army. Send [-] Musketeers to help my Qing defend the Ming army on the front line of Ningjin. In this way, my Qing will be able to spare Ten thousand cavalry troops came to North Korea to assist your country in encircling and suppressing Wu Sangui's troops."

Matsudaira Nobutsuna heard that it was time to bargain.It was not convenient to say this on the road, so he hurriedly asked Daishan to go to the palace to discuss matters.

Along the way, Daishan discovered that most of the people in Seoul were Japanese, and except for the Japanese soldiers, they were all dressed up as Japanese.There are very few Koreans, and all you can see are the servants of the Japanese, such as those who carry sedan chairs and carry things.

In this regard, he is not surprised.The Japanese occupied North Korea, so the North Koreans were naturally the lowest.

After arriving at the palace, having a banquet and eating and drinking, Nobuzuna Matsudaira felt that it was almost done, so he said to Daishan: "His Royal Highness, North Korea is not peaceful today, and those Koreans who fled into the mountains have sought refuge in Wu Sangui's troops. , My Great Wa Kingdom has held back too many troops in the security war in North Korea. What do you think of this?"

At this point, he paused, saw Daishan put down his chopsticks and listened carefully, and continued: "On the side of the Qing Dynasty, first send cavalry troops to help us encircle and suppress Wu Sangui's troops. On the side of Zheng Zhilong, My lord general will send a navy to force Zheng Zhilong to retreat back to the Ming Dynasty with several times the strength. In this way, we will all have no worries. By then, let alone send [-] infantry, it will be [-], [-] Everything is possible!"

I really don't give up, I just want to take advantage of the Qing Dynasty!

Thinking of this in his heart, Dai Shan also seriously replied: "Master Laozhong, why not send someone to Haizhou to have a look. The state is too close to the capital of the Qing Dynasty, so I dare not be negligent. Ten thousand cavalry is a lot, if too many troops are deployed, the defense of Haizhou will be worrying!"

Well, both sides continue to insist on their respective opinions.

The two old foxes tested each other, but they didn't care, and continued to test each other's bottom line.After talking for a long time, we finally reached an agreement.

On the Jianlu side, five thousand cavalry troops were sent to Pyongyang, and the relevant food and materials were provided by the Japanese side for a period of one month.

These [-] cavalry troops are not responsible for fighting Wu Sangui's troops to the death, but are only responsible for restricting the maneuverability of Wu Sangui's troops. The battle of encirclement and suppression will still be completed by the Japanese infantry.

In addition, if the Qing cavalry army suffered battle damage, the Japanese side would also be responsible for the compensation and other related expenses.

In return, the Japanese side must speed up and drive the Ming army back to the Ming country.In other words, the Japanese Navy will dispatch on a large scale to "drive" Zheng Zhilong back to the Ming Dynasty to ensure that there is no Ming army on the Liaodong Peninsula.

After annihilating Wu Sangui's troops, the Japanese side sent [-] musketeers to Haizhou to assist in the defense.At least before the winter in the second half of the year, send a large army to launch the Jinzhou War, drive the Ming army to the front line of Shanhaiguan, and launch a war against the capital of the Ming Dynasty as planned.

This agreement, in fact, is that Jianlu wants to push the progress of the Ming war as soon as possible.

Both parties were quite satisfied, so Daishan went back to Liaodong to make a business trip.

At the same time, Wu Sangui also received a decree from the capital. Although the number of words is very small, the meaning is very clear, that is, let him do big things!
(End of this chapter)

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