Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 681 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 681 Touching Porcelain
Wu Sangui doesn't care about this at all, if he does big things, he will do big things, and the credit can be even greater!
The reason for such an attitude is because he has confidence!

One of the reasons is that the Japanese pirates and the Koreans have enmity. The old people who are still alive in North Korea have basically experienced the wreckage of the Japanese pirates when they were young.

The Japanese occupation of North Korea this time did not mean that they would send their ass away after burning, killing and looting, but that they would occupy it for a long time.Not only the army, but also civilians migrated here.

They occupied the villages of the former Koreans, occupied their houses, grain fields, etc., and reduced the Koreans to slaves and used them as cows and horses for the Japanese.

In this way, we must beware of Korean rebellion and suppress them, and those Koreans who fled into the mountains may also attack the Japanese.Therefore, at least in the first few years of occupation, troops must be deployed everywhere.

And North Korea is very big for Wa country!The Wa State sent troops into North Korea, even if [-] troops came and were distributed to various places in North Korea, there would not be many.Not to mention, a big town like Seoul needs more garrisons.

The second reason why Wu Sangui has confidence is that he has no logistical worries.

The imperial court used a province of Shandong to support Dongjiang Town, so they didn't have to worry about food and drink, and could even distribute food to the North Koreans who came to seek refuge.

Under the background of the current situation in North Korea, for the North Koreans, the Jianlu are wolves, and the pirates are tigers, and they all eat them.Even though Jianlu pretended to be benevolent at the beginning, as if he wanted to make decisions for the North Korean pariah, but after a long time, they naturally saw it clearly.

On the contrary, on the side of the Ming army, it has always been the kingdom of heaven, not to mention, now they can have a bite to eat, and they can rely on the Ming army to avenge themselves.

No matter from which aspect, taking refuge in Daming Dongjiang Town is the way out for all North Koreans.

The same is true, as long as they can go to Dongjiang Town, they will think of going to Dongjiang Town, just like when Mao Wenlong first established Dongjiang Town, the Han people in Liaodong have been risking their lives to flee to Dongjiang Town.

Therefore, in the hands of Wu Sangui, in addition to the three thousand Guanning cavalry as his trump card, there are actually countless North Korean infantry.

The equipment of these North Korean infantry is simple, and they have not even been systematically trained, but they are familiar with the mountains and rivers of North Korea. Take a bigger hit.

It is for this reason that although Wu Sangui is only a cavalry army of three thousand Guanning, he is doing well in northern North Korea, and the Japanese pirates can only stare blankly.

Relatively speaking, there are more Japanese troops in the south of North Korea, and because it is too far away from Phi Island, the logistics are not convenient.Therefore, he didn't go there before, but that doesn't mean he couldn't go to southern North Korea.

Now that he has received the order from the imperial court, he knows that a big war will be held to attract more Japanese troops to North Korea, so he immediately gears up, prepares enough food, grass, gunpowder and lead bullets, and selects many familiar people from the North Koreans. The subordinates of the terrain in southern North Korea let others continue to make trouble in northern North Korea. At the same time, he led the main force, bypassed the place where the Japanese army was stationed, and went quietly to southern North Korea.


On Zheng Zhilong's side, he also received the imperial court's order.Of course, it was later than Wu Sangui's side, and he only received it after Wu Sangui was ready to leave.

Looking at the secret decree in his hand, Zheng Zhilong was a little disappointed, but also a little surprised.

To his surprise, he didn't expect his fifth younger brother Zheng Zhibao to be knighted!In his generation, the Zheng family actually got a knighthood!
Somewhat disappointed, the first one to be knighted was not him, the eldest brother!
The emperor had promised before that the fifth younger brother would be rewarded with a knighthood when he came back from America.Now being named the uncle of the Americas, other people may not know what it means, but Zheng Zhilong knows that the emperor has fulfilled his promise.

Thinking of this, he was also happy, because the emperor also promised him that as long as the current affairs were done well, he would also be knighted after the war was over.

Ah, the battle here has been dragged on for too long, and the title was delayed, and the fifth brother preempted it!

Zheng Zhilong thought so in his heart, but he was actually happy.

In this secret decree, the imperial court will then send poisonous food and supplies to Jianlu. After the transaction is completed, it will be time to tear your face apart. It's a good thing he's about to make it through!
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong felt that the time passed too slowly!
Waiting and waiting, finally waited until the imperial court sent several large ships of grain and grass supplies, he checked in private, but did not find any problem with these grains?
So, he hurried to Zhenjiang Fort to seize it, and collected the remaining half of the money.

On Jianlu's side, he was actually quite dissatisfied with his delay in paying the goods, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, seeing him deliver the goods to the door, the guard of Zhenjiang Fort said happily: "His Royal Highness Prince He Shuoli has just passed by Zhenjiang Fort not long ago, and he still misses you, saying that you are not a person who broke his promise. When I see you now, I really don't mind you." Wrong!"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong had no choice but to explain again: "I have to send so much food without telling the court, and I need a suitable opportunity to do it. I believe His Royal Highness Prince Li and His Royal Highness the Regent should understand this truth!"

The guard of Zhenjiang Fort didn't care about his reasons, just nodded, and then ordered his subordinates: "Quickly, send a thousand people to carry the grain!"

"Wait a minute!" Zheng Zhilong immediately stopped him when he heard this, "In business, you must be fair. Pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. Da Qing still owes me half of the payment for the goods, and the goods can only be delivered after paying!"

When the guard of Zhenjiang Fort heard this, he was a little dazed. He has no money here!
Asking him for money, if it was someone else, he would probably get angry, but facing Zheng Zhilong, he had no choice but to explain, but Zheng Zhilong didn't listen, which made the guard of Zhenjiang Fort very unhappy, he didn't look like an ally of the Qing Dynasty at all , in desperation, had no choice but to send a fast horse to Shengjing to report. Naturally, there was dissatisfaction with Zheng Zhilong in the words reported.

While waiting for Sheng Jing's reply, he deliberately ignored Zheng Zhilong and left him alone.

From Zhenjiang Fort to Shengjing, it's less than [-] li, and there's no need to expedite the [-] li, and it's only a day to rush the [-] li.

On the afternoon of the third day, the guard of Zhenjiang Fort received Dorgon's order, saying that Zheng Zhilong is a businessman, so don't worry too much about it.At least Zheng Zhilong is pretty good, he gave the cement formula before.

Unlike those Dutch people who said it nicely before, after receiving the deposit, they didn't even see a trace, cheating Daqing a lot of money!

The guard of Zhenjiang Fort heard this, so he hurriedly invited Zheng Zhilong out, waited with a smile on his face, said he was busy these days, he was a little neglected, the rest of the money was on the way, and it would arrive soon, followed by good food and drinks.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Zheng Zhilong received the money as he wished, all in gold, and a few knights came with their backs, a day later than the messenger.

This made Zheng Zhilong laugh and accept, but what he never expected was that one of the Jianlu who came from Shengjing secretly slipped him a letter, which made him dumbfounded!

This letter was given to him by the Empress Dowager Jianlu, Bumbutai. First, he talked about the pain of missing Zheng Zhilong, and complained why Zheng Zhilong didn't go to Shengjing for so long?
In the end, Bumbutai told Zheng Zhilong that they had a common child, a son, who was now secretly raised in the palace.

Zheng Zhilong was speechless for a long time, why did he have it?
No, the emperor said, this cannot be true, as the empress dowager, conceived in ten months, not in ten days!
This dead woman, dare to blackmail herself, touch porcelain?

But what the emperor said is right, it should be impossible to create something out of nothing, but it is possible to let the maid rob one's own seed.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Zhilong decided to leave it alone and fled Zhenjiang Fort in a hurry.

If that child really exists and is really his kind, once his identity is revealed, it will probably be dangerous!

However, Zheng Zhilong felt that he had no choice but to resign himself to fate!


Wu Sangui was still prowling in the mountains of North Korea, but the grasslands were bustling.

As soon as spring came and the grasslands were green, the Daming Cavalry went out.

Originally Li Zicheng's subordinates, such as Gao Yigong, Li Guo, Li Laiheng, etc., were all included in the original Qin army, and they were all in the team going out of the fortress.

When they returned north with the main force of the imperial court, they could hardly recognize what they saw and heard along the way. There was no sign of troubled times, but peaceful and prosperous times. Lively children, all let them full of emotion.

Especially seeing the steam train and the bustling capital shocked them even more.

After Qin Bing returned to Shaanxi, they were even more envious of seeing the court soldiers returning home in fine clothes.

As a result, they all took a deep breath in their hearts, thinking about fighting for a piece of military merit too!
After going out of the fortress, the performance of Gao Yigong, Li Guo, Li Laiheng and others made He Renlong, known as "Madman He", dumbfounded, and felt that his nickname of "Madman" would not be able to keep.

On the Hetao Plain, the Tumed tribe was divided into left and right banners by Jianlu, and the two were under the jurisdiction of both, which weakened Tumed's weak strength in the first place.

The attack of the imperial army was also beyond their expectations, and because of Gao Yigong's crazy attack, the people of the Tumed tribe couldn't even escape. The court officers and soldiers chased him for three days and three nights, and all of them were captured.

It can be said that the battle in the Hetao Plain was smoother than expected, but it took less than half a month. Apart from the captives, the Tumot tribe only had their heads!
Afterwards, Gao Yigong went west and Li went north to contact several other Mongolian tribes.

Because Emperor Chongzhen said that instead of waiting for the Mongols to come over, it is better for us to go there!
(End of this chapter)

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