Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 682 Spring Ploughing

Chapter 682 Spring Ploughing

He Renlong was stationed in Guihua City and did not launch an offensive eastward.

Therefore, on the eastern side, there are naturally Datong, Xuanfu, Jizhen and other court frontier troops attacking.

A little different from the Hetao area, on the eastern side of Mongolia, Du Yinxi, governor of Jiliao, sent Mongolian imperial soldiers back to hide in advance. Therefore, more accurate information and responses were only aimed at the upper echelons of the tribes. action.


When there was a big move on the grassland, the son and grandson of Zheng Zhou, the Ryukyu envoy, had arrived in the capital and presented the letter of credence.In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen personally met them and told them clearly that the imperial court was already forming the Ryukyu Expeditionary Army and asked them to return to Songjiang Mansion and report to the Ryukyu Expeditionary Army.

The accompanying Tian Chuan family and Zheng Zongming, Emperor Chongzhen also cordially received and took photos as souvenirs, and named Tian Chuan family as the first-rank wife, and Zheng Zongming sent him to Denglai Navy to serve under his father.

The nineteenth year of Chongzhen was the first year of Ming's strategic offensive, and both the north and the south had to launch an offensive.But in the pass, it didn't have much influence, and it was still a peaceful and prosperous age.

Before leaving the capital, the Ryukyu envoys, Zheng Zongming and others witnessed another prosperous era in the capital.

On this day, outside the capital city, there were huge crowds of people, all of them gathered on the edge of an endless farmland in the suburbs.Of course, ordinary people can only stand outside the line guarded by the soldiers and horses of the five cities.

Everyone is discussing, everyone is excited.

"It's true that the imperial court attaches great importance to spring plowing, but why is there such a big scene this year's spring plowing?"

"Don't you know? The emperor is going to come over to do eye contact in person! Of course it's grand!"

"Dotting? What's the situation?"

"Fortunately, you are still from the capital. There have been rumors two days ago that the branch of the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences has ordered an iron bull to be built. Don't you have to come and see it!"

"Iron ox? There are steam trains, so this iron ox is not uncommon, right?"

"That's what I said, but have you ever seen Tie Niu? Isn't this just for fun!"


The people here in the capital are used to seeing steam trains, so naturally they can no longer imagine the Iron Bull.However, it is somewhat surprising that the steam engine can also be used in farming.

Those who are close and in a good position can see a huge monster covered with red cloth in the farmland. That should be the Iron Bull, waiting for the emperor to touch it.

Generally speaking, all dynasties, no matter what emperor they are, have attached great importance to spring plowing.Even before spring plowing began, some emperors would offer sacrifices to the fields, and then personally plow the plows to show that the court valued them.

Emperor Chongzhen was no exception. Liu Weichao introduced to him that although there were few people in Liaodong, after the restoration of the imperial court, it could become a grain factory area with mechanized production, which aroused his great interest.

After watching the video Liu Weichao sent him, Emperor Chongzhen immediately asked Liu Weichao to give him these mechanical design drawings, and he wanted to build them as soon as possible.

In fact, mechanized production is not difficult, the main thing is the power system. Other molds used for farming are unexpected at most, but with the drawings of later generations, it is not difficult to create them.

Generally speaking, at least an internal combustion engine is good.

From the steam engine to the internal combustion engine, although the original historical process is relatively long, with the help of Liu Weichao, various drawings of internal combustion engines in various historical stages can be provided in the past, so that Daming's skilled craftsmen who have experience in building steam engines can create them. It is not difficult, at most it cannot be mass-produced, the cost is too high, and it cannot be promoted on a large scale.

However, Daming's foundation in the chemical industry is actually zero, and the experience gained from alchemy is basically useless, and it is only done by Taoist priests, and it is not popular.

Although chemistry has begun to be promoted, the highest level is only based on the foundation of later generations of universities, and only a small number of people are studying it.For petrochemicals and three acids and two alkalis, the imperial court is actually still in the preparation stage, and the couple Xia Wanchun and Zhu Yuxi are the leaders.

This time, the Iron Bull is still using a miniaturized and modified steam engine. If you want to use an internal combustion engine, it will take at least a year or two.Because Xia Wanchun, Zhu Yuxi and other first batch of talents in Geology were too busy.

On the one hand, they have to continue to learn the most cutting-edge Gewuxue knowledge by themselves, and on the other hand, they have to pass on their digested Gewuxue knowledge to the second batch of Gewuxue talents as teachers.

Only by having a few more generations of Gewuxue talents, so that Daming's background in Gewuxue can be more solid, can someone start the large-scale application of Gewuxue.

For Emperor Chongzhen, he was still very young, only in his thirties, and he had plenty of time, so he didn't want to go fishing in the dry lake, and only caught a few scholars of geophysics to use it hard.What he wants, not to mention that everyone is Gewuxue talents, at least when he wants to use them, there will not be such a shortage, so that Daming will flourish, and all walks of life can flourish with the addition of Gewuxue talents .

That is to say, according to Liu Weichao, productivity will be greatly improved as a result.

No, under the attention of all the people, Emperor Chongzhen led all the civil and military officials to the ground, and after worshiping the gods of heaven and earth, he finally had the red cloth removed, revealing the figure of the iron bull.

This opening made many people a little disappointed. Although it was named Iron Bull, it was really not like Iron Bull. It had a strange shape, which was very awkward.

Under the attention of everyone, Emperor Chongzhen stepped forward and tapped twice with a red pen on one of them, which looked like a steam engine, which was regarded as the completion of the dotting ceremony.

Afterwards, everyone watched the next move.

The steam engine started to ignite, and thick smoke came out of the chimney. After a while, the operator pressed the switch, and the power of the steam engine piston was transmitted to the iron bull's feet.

Among them, the iron bull's front feet are holding a layer of iron skin, which can turn and drag the iron bull forward, but it will not let the iron bull fall into the ground and cannot move.

In addition, the back feet of the iron ox are a bit like a horizontal mace, with curved sharp knives on it. As the iron ox advances, the row of sharp knives rolls, inserts into the soil and then brings it out, completing the turning of the soil.

The iron ox rolled forward, and the hind legs of the iron ox completed the renovation of the soil in the grain field, so that the long mace passed was full of renovated soil.

If this is changed from the past, it will have to be refurbished by farmers one by one with hoes.Those who have more money have to use oxen to plow the fields.

It's just such an iron ox who can do the work of at least four or five oxen at the same time.

Looking at this scene, everyone was a little dumbfounded: Isn't this efficiency too high?
Fang Yizhi from the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences was in charge of building this iron ox. He was a master of physics with a perfect score. At this time, he was beside Emperor Chongzhen, and he introduced with a little regret: "The steam engine is still too heavy, so this The iron ox has requirements for the hardness of the land to be refurbished. If it is too soft, the iron ox will sink and cannot move.”

At present, the steam engine used by this Iron Bull has been miniaturized as much as possible and the weight has been reduced as much as possible, but the restrictions are still relatively high.

Emperor Chongzhen listened, looked at the Tieniu that was smoking away, but smiled and said: "It's not bad, you should first think about how to make batches of Tieniu, or try to make batches of Tieniu as much as possible, and when the chemical industry is mature, there will be more." After the good fuel is used, the internal combustion engine is used, and these are not problems!"

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Fang Yizhi and encouraged him: "Work hard, even if it's just this step by step, our Daming's technology will be advancing with each passing day!"

The iron ox powered by the steam engine in front of him is also what Daming needs at present.The North China Plain, the Central Plains, and the newly conquered Hetao Plain all need this kind of iron ox to supplement the shortage of manpower.

Or, as Liu Weichao said, we should use mechanization to liberate more farmers and free them from the shackles of the farmland.Coupled with the nationwide promotion of literacy, when the Ming Dynasty transforms from an agricultural country to an industrialized country, it will have a good talent base.

And in today's world, Ming Dynasty is the most powerful country, and the government is the whole world, so the whole world will be inclined to the goods produced by Daming's industrialization.

This is Daming's future plan!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen's gaze focused on the distant Tieniu again.A farmer on the side was adding coking coal and water to the iron ox, and then continued to drive the iron ox to plow the field.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a group of people waiting by the side. If the iron ox plows the field and reaches a place that is too soft, it needs to be pulled out by manpower or animal power, bypassing the too soft field and continuing to plow the field.

In other words, special prospecting personnel evaluated the grain fields in advance to see if they could bear the weight of iron oxen, so as to decide whether to plow the land with iron oxen or with animal power.

After all, Tieniu is still inconvenient.

However, Emperor Chongzhen, who knew the future direction, looked at Tieniu in the distance at this time, but he was not dissatisfied at all. Just as his counterpart Yizhi said, this was only the first step, and Daming was already on the right path. All that needs to be done is to solve the problems that arise and move on.


On the side of the Daming capital, when it was time to start busy with spring plowing, Busan port in the southernmost part of North Korea was also crowded with people, very lively.

The Japanese side is no exception. Before the spring plowing, move as many Japanese farmers as possible to North Korea.

No, these days, there has been an endless stream of ships traveling between North Korea and Japan.

The farmers who arrived first are still waiting for distribution here; the farmers who arrived later are crowded in the port again.The large population is estimated to be the largest in Busan's history.

However, they didn't know that in the mountains in the distance, someone was watching the situation of Busan port with the help of binoculars.

(End of this chapter)

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