Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 683 Competition

Chapter 683 Competition
This person is none other than Wu Sangui, the General Soldier of Dongjiang of the Ming Dynasty.

According to the news that Zheng Zhilong gave him, explaining about the situation of Wa Kingdom in North Korea, he deduced that there must be something wrong here in Busan.Therefore, when sneaking south, he didn't attack other targets at all, and came straight to Busan.

Looking through the telescope now, he really guessed it right.

Not to mention the continuous stream of Japanese people being transported to North Korea, there are also various grains and materials, which are also piled up like mountains.

Speaking of this, it is still the credit of Jianlu.

Before Jianlu handed over North Korea to Japan, he plundered North Korea's population and materials. At least in the southern part of Seoul, it was basically plundered by Jianlu.

Thanks to the quick arrival of the Japanese army, they negotiated with Yingerdai in Seoul, negotiated with Dorgon in Shengjing, and competed in martial arts, etc., and finally left behind the remaining population and materials of North Korea.

However, North Korea was not considered a rich place in the first place. It was plundered several times by Jianlu, coupled with the incompetence of the imperial court and incompetence in governing the country, the total amount of food and materials was small, and the food and materials available to the Japanese were also limited.

However, Wu Sangui is still making trouble in the north, which means that normal farming cannot be carried out in northern North Korea.

In this way, the Japanese on the North Korean side could not achieve self-sufficiency at all, and could only rely on the support from the Japanese mainland to save the hungry Japanese on the Korean territory.

In the first year, the imported grain and grass materials were the most, and after that, it was less and less year by year, but even so, with the large-scale migration of the Japanese to North Korea, the ensuing grain and grass materials were also astronomical.At least it is necessary to ensure that the grain and grass materials migrated by the Japanese can last until the grain is harvested.

At this moment, one of Wu Sangui's generals asked worriedly, "Marshal, is this man a little too much?"

As far as the Japanese in Busan are concerned, Mao estimates that there are tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.But on their own side, there are only more than three thousand.

After hearing this, Wu Sangui put down the binoculars and turned his head to look. He saw more than one of his subordinates, all looking a little worried.

So, he pointed to the Japanese in the direction of Busan and said: "Look carefully, although there are many Japanese, but most of them are ordinary Japanese with big bags and small bags. The number of Japanese troops, according to my estimate, is probably about [-]." Just over five thousand."

After a pause, Wu Sangui added: "Look carefully, those Japanese soldiers are all crooked melons and cracked dates. They are probably just the local defense of the Japanese army, and they are definitely not elite! Just relying on them, [-] is not enough for us to kill. !"

His subordinates, listening to his words and his confident tone, began to re-observe the Japanese people in Busan.

It has to be said that Wu Sangui is indeed capable of leading an army in battle. He observed carefully and quickly assessed the general strength of the enemy.

His subordinates, after receiving his reminder, looked at it, and their confidence gradually recovered.

The foundation of the Guanning Cavalry Army was that they dared to fight with the Jianlu Cavalry Army back then. They are really not afraid of the Japanese in front of them.

Because they are also veterans who are used to fighting, and understand a truth, if it is ordinary people, when facing the charge of cavalry, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

They were watching, but Wu Sangui suddenly ordered: "All generals listen!"

When his men heard this, they immediately turned and stood facing him, waiting for the military order.

Only Wu Sangui began to order: "The commander-in-chief has decided to rest today and have dinner before dawn tomorrow. When the road can be seen clearly in the early morning, all the cavalry will charge. Request, prepare more fire starters and burn the house , burn tents, burn boats, and drive all the Japanese into the sea!"

After a pause, he added another order: "Leave two hundred horses, tie branches to the horses' tails, and bluff to prevent the Japanese from knowing our truth."

Speaking of this, Wu Sangui turned his head to look at the following North Koreans. There were about [-] infantry troops. He also said to their commander: "You are also bluffing, creating the momentum of tens of thousands of infantrymen charging later."

"Obey!" All the generals responded in unison, with obvious excitement in their voices.

With less than [-] people, he dared to fight [-] Japanese. After this battle, he would have the capital to brag when he went back.

In the following time, Wu Sangui continued to observe the enemy's situation.

He found that the Japanese army in Busan had no vigilance at all, and they were more concerned with maintaining order.

Some Japanese people set off to go north, but there are more Japanese people who are pitching tents around Busan, probably waiting to be assigned somewhere.

These Japanese people can be seen through the telescope, all of them are very happy. They must be very yearning for the days after arriving in North Korea, right?
Wu Sangui thought in his heart, but sneered: Tomorrow, there will be a time for you to cry!
Until the evening, Wu Sangui did not find anything new, no new Japanese soldiers appeared, and no elite Japanese soldiers were seen. There were twenty-three Japanese ships parked at the pier in the morning, but in the afternoon , five ships left, and no new arrivals.

Seeing that the enemy's situation would basically not change, Wu Sangui called up his generals again and began to assign specific tasks to the specific enemy situation in Busan: who was in charge of which piece, which piece to burn, how to drive out the Japanese, and so on.

As night fell, the Ming army in the mountains rested.However, the Japanese people in Busan still kept making noises.

It must be that they feel that when they set foot in North Korea, they will start a new life. They have a house, a field, and North Korean slaves. They are so excited that they can't sleep because of the days when they are masters?

The people in the mountains, thinking so in their hearts, are all angry, especially those North Koreans, who can't wait for tomorrow to come early and blow up all the Japanese pirates who invaded their homes!


The guard of Busan is Matsudaira Nobuta's son, Matsudaira Nobuta, who has just turned twenty years old.

For outsiders, Busan is the port of Wa to North Korea. It is very important, so it must be guarded by trusted people;

In fact, the Busan defender is a fat job with no danger!
South Korea, at least the area south of Seoul, was not only looted by the Qing Dynasty, but also swept and suppressed by the Japanese army. It is considered the most peaceful place in Korea.This can be seen from the settlement of ordinary Japanese people.

There may still be some Koreans in the mountain, but the number is definitely not many. Not to mention posing a threat to Busan, even ordinary Japanese villages have not heard of a case of being attacked by North Koreans for a long time.

Unless the enemy came from the sea, but where did the enemy come from at sea?

Therefore, Busan is actually not in danger at all.

Why fat deficiency?
Because all the materials transported from the Wa country were piled up in Busan, and if they get stuck a little bit, a lot will fall.In addition, which daimyo's civilians will be sent away first depends on the Busan guard.

Therefore, whoever wants to leave first has to give gifts to the Busan guard, which is another big income.

In addition, the people below can punish these civilians through inspections, and they can make a lot of money in private;

If this is not a fat gap, then what is a fat gap?

Nobuzuna Matsudaira was the one who spoke of Wa in North Korea, so this fat job would naturally not fall into the hands of others.That is to say, Yagyu Jubei's side can only share some.The lieutenant general guarding Pusan ​​was Yagyu Zongdong, the younger brother of Yagyu Jubingwei.

At this time, the two of them were drinking as usual, from evening to night.

As soon as he drank too much wine, he started bragging and chatting again.

Songping Xinding's face turned red from drinking, and he said to Liusheng Zongdong: "Liusheng-kun, I heard that you can still pretend to be a woman, why don't you show me one?"

"That won't work!" Liu Shengzongdong refused after hearing this, "Anyone who sees my women's clothing will die!"

He is a ninja. At the age of 15, he was blindfolded, his hands and feet were tied, and he had a tooth extraction operation. After that, he was fitted with a full set of boxwood dentures, just to facilitate him to perform tasks in female disguise.

However, as the situation in Japan stabilized and Tokugawa Iemitsu completed the seclusion of the country, he lost his usefulness and never wore women's clothes again.

That is to say, both the Matsudaira family and his Yagyu family are the right-hand men of General Tokugawa, so they know this.

At this moment, after Liu Shengzongdong finished speaking, he hiccupped and said: "After the war against the Ming country begins, I can't be so decadent. I have to cheer up and let the emperor of the Ming country see my women's clothing." ,how do you feel?"

Hearing this, Matsudaira Nobudaka was also excited, and immediately slapped the table and said: "If you go to assassinate the emperor of the Ming Kingdom, how about I lead troops into the capital of the Ming Kingdom to meet you?"

"That's impossible. You can go to the capital of the Ming Kingdom if you want?" Liu Shengzongdong said with a wave of his hand after hearing this, and then went to get the wine glass.

Matsudaira Xinding was young and energetic, and drank too much. When Yanagi Zongdong said this, he immediately became unhappy, and immediately shouted: "My sword skills are no worse than yours. Big, I'll cut one with the knife, believe it or not?"

Speaking of this, he snorted again: "It means that the Ming people are too far away, otherwise, believe it or not, I can kill a Ming person to show you if you drink enough time!"

When Liu Shengzongdong heard it, Dang even patted the table and said: "Okay, then let's make an agreement. When the Ming Dynasty is attacked in the future, the two of us will compare and see who can kill more Ming people? Kill a hundred first." Just win, how?"

"It's a deal!" Matsudaira agreed immediately after hearing this, and then said triumphantly, "To tell you the truth, I have already practiced with Koreans, hehe, I have experience in killing people! "

"Hehe, do you think I don't have one?" Liu Shengzongdong listened, not to be outdone, "I can tell you, admit defeat early, and I can teach you the experience of killing wise people, I mean those people who are tall and powerful!"

"I still need you to teach?"


The two pirate leaders were bragging while drinking, as usual, until very late, when they were drunk, they fell asleep under the service of their subordinates.

For them, life in Busan is so pleasant!
The night was getting darker and darker, and finally, a fish-belly white appeared in the eastern sky, and it was another new day.

(End of this chapter)

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