Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 689 Fanaticism

Chapter 689 Fanaticism
About an hour later, Su Minggang was invited to the Governor's Mansion.

This time, it was still the Governor who made the coffee himself, reminded him that it was a little hot, and brought it to him.

But at this time, Su Minggang didn't care about these details anymore, he already had a premonition that his wish for many years might come true.

Therefore, he couldn't wait for these, and asked directly: "Your Excellency, what is the summon?"

After finishing speaking, Su Minggang glanced at another Dutchman sitting on the side, and he recognized that this was the Governor Kui Yi who was originally sent by the Governor of Batavia to the city of Zeelandia.But he didn't greet him, just stared at Anthony.

If it was the past, he would not dare to be so rude.However, when he was getting old and suddenly knew that his desire to return to his roots might come true, he really didn't care about other things. He only cared about whether he could go back to his hometown. Look at the haunted hometown!
Anthony is very clear about Su Minggang's wish. He used to be annoyed by this old man, so he would bring it back every now and then.

At this time, he said happily: "After Batavia's unanimous decision, our Netherlands is very willing to form an alliance with the Ming Empire. Well, it is to agree to the emperor's will and become a vassal state of the Ming Empire. But , you also know that we have nothing to say about this matter, and we must return to the mainland. However, we are willing to show our sincerity first. I hope you can help us communicate with the Ming army in Luzon first, and then go to Communicate with Daming officials to explain our difficulties and sincerity!"

While speaking, he had already sat back in his seat, and before Su Minggang could speak, he went on to say: "It was a misunderstanding with the Qing, no, it was a misunderstanding with the Ming Dynasty before. Davia’s Mingren, have you been doing well? This actually explains the situation. I hope you can explain it to us when you go back.”

After hearing so much from him, Su Minggang only knew one thing, that he could really go back, and he was very excited immediately.

But in the end, he suppressed the excitement in his heart forcibly, and replied to Anthony: "Your Excellency, I want you to understand one thing first. I am just the most ordinary people in Ming Dynasty. If you really want to resolve the misunderstanding with the court, the best way , you can do whatever the imperial court asks you to do!"

After a pause, Su Minggang thought for a while and then added: "Based on the impression in my memory, my Ming Dynasty is a kingdom of heaven, and I will certainly not treat a small foreign country that serves the court badly..."

When Anthony heard the words "Fanbang Xiaoguo", he felt a little harsh.However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that the current Netherlands is just a small country to the Ming Empire!
As he was thinking, Su Minggang was still saying: "...Of course, if the imperial court wants to ask me about my situation in Batavia, of course I will answer truthfully. Personally, I also hope that you and I will be the same good."

Hearing this, Anthony asked another question that both he and Kui Yi cared about: "We don't know much about the Ming Empire, so we want to ask, if our Netherlands becomes a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty will not come back. Let the princes of Ming Dynasty be granted to Batavia?"

The Ming Empire granted their King of Zhou to Luzon, which the Dutch knew.And Kuiyi brought back news that the Ming Empire still has many vassal kings waiting to be sealed overseas like King Zhou.

Anthony was worried, because he was afraid that the Ming Empire would enshrine another vassal king in Batavia, which they could not accept.

If it is said that the Netherlands is not a vassal state of the Ming Empire, but is still in a hostile relationship, then it goes without saying that the Ming army will definitely attack Batavia, and then just like Luzon, a vassal king will be sealed over directly. It doesn't matter, because they are either killed or driven, and it doesn't matter to Batavia.

However, if the Netherlands became a vassal state of the Ming Empire, it would be impossible for the Ming Empire to entrust their vassal king to Batavia.

Therefore, after asking the question, whether it was Anthony or Kui Yi, they all watched Su Minggang very nervously, listening to how he explained this question?
After hearing this, Su Minggang thought for a while and replied: "In the past, it was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to send a vassal king to a vassal state, or even send any imperial officials. It's just that when the throne of a vassal state changes, it must be canonized by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty. It is considered effective. In addition, there is a regulation to pay tribute to the imperial court, other than that, there is nothing else."

After finishing speaking, he went on to say in his heart: "At least it didn't happen before, but there was no such thing as the imperial court going overseas to entrust vassal kings before."

Su Minggang wouldn't say this in his heart.Otherwise, he was sure, the Dutch would have hesitated.

As he said before, he really hopes that the relationship between Holland and Daming will be good.

As soon as Anthony heard his words, he was overjoyed, and immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay, my friend, I hope that one day, I can visit your hometown."

Afterwards, he talked with Su Minggang about some specific things, and finally they had a good time talking.

In the middle of the night, when Su Minggang walked out of the governor's mansion, he burst into tears.

His son had already been waiting outside with the others. Seeing him coming out, he rushed over and was surprised to see him crying silently.

"Father, what's the matter?" His son asked nervously.

Su Minggang looked at his son, looked at other Ming people, and saw their concern. Although there were still tears, he smiled and said, "I'm going home!"

In the following days, Batavia made the following three decisions.

First, send a fast boat, and Yu Kui will go back to the Netherlands to report on the Far East, lobbying there to agree to the conditions of the Ming Empire, and strive to become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty and do business with the Ming Dynasty.Emphasize two things, becoming a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, there is a lot of money to be made; in addition, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is the chosen son favored by God, otherwise, the battle of Manila cannot be explained!

Second, send someone to contact the Ming people in Luzon, explain Batavia's situation, and express their willingness to accept Ming's recruitment. From then on, Batavia and Daming are friends rather than enemies.It doesn't matter whether it is fighting the Japanese country or letting the Dutch on Annan's side cooperate with the counter-insurgency.

Thirdly, I just want to know when can I really do business with the Ming Empire?
As a result, Su Minggang also embarked on the sailing clipper again, left Batavia, and embarked on the road home again.


Besides, in Edo, far away in Japan, Tokugawa Iemitsu, the ruler of the Tokugawa shogunate, was returning from inspections in other places, and he was in a very happy mood.

Although the original Wa country had completed the policy of closing the country, various problems caused by the suppression of daimyo in various places, especially those unemployed samurai, amounted to more than half a million, which caused local turmoil. This is one that he is very concerned about. A big hidden danger, if one is not handled properly, it may cause unrest.

However, it is impossible not to do so. The strength of the daimyos in various places must be weakened.It turned out to be a good thing, the strength of the daimyos in various places was finally weakened, and they encountered natural disasters again, and the harvest was not good.It is even more difficult to stack so many unemployed warriors!
It is also for this reason that the Tokugawa shogunate established the official position of Ometsu to monitor the local daimyo overtly and secretly to prevent local rebellion.

But unexpectedly, the Qing Empire rushed to form an alliance eagerly, and gave North Korea such a large area for nothing, which immediately eased the social conflicts in the Wa country and relieved Tokugawa Iemitsu's troubles.

No, those who fought over and over for a piece of land were not robbed now, as there are a lot of land in North Korea;

Those unemployed samurai also had work to do, reorganized the army and sent them to North Korea, and then used the land of North Korea to support them, and his Tokugawa family didn't need to spend a penny.

In short, because of the addition of such a large piece of land in North Korea, the social conflicts in the Wa country have been greatly alleviated.He went out to inspect a circle of places, and wherever he went, he was warmly welcomed by the Japanese people.With that level of fanaticism, Tokugawa Iemitsu felt in his heart that even if he abolished the Emperor, it probably wouldn't be a big deal.

Of course, at this time, he did not think about abolishing the emperor.

Those big names who can speak in front of him and powerful people from all over the world are trying to beg in front of him, and they want to move to North Korea as soon as possible!
The popularity of Korean land in Wa country can be seen from this.

Of course, Tokugawa Iemitsu naturally arranged people who went to North Korea according to their closeness.Those who are loyal to him can move first and get good North Korean land; those who made him dissatisfied before, then go to the back row.

He even considered whether he would move the Tokugawa shogunate to North Korea after North Korea became a well-known place for the Wa country, and focus on North Korea in the future.In the future, it is possible to move the capital inland, away from tsunamis and earthquakes!

Thinking of this, Tokugawa Iemitsu was a little annoyed again, he was very unhappy that northern North Korea could not become the territory of Wa Kingdom for a long time!
If this delay continues, once the immigration in southern North Korea is full, it will affect the continued immigration of Wa country.

Although Yagyu Zongju emphasized that the Ming army was a cavalry army with too much mobility, and said that Zheng Zhilong could not be exposed as an internal response, the reason for this and so on was to make him unhappy, and he only looked at the results.

From Tokugawa Iemitsu's point of view, Yagyu Somoki was too old to be able to deal with northern North Korea, so he finally decided to transfer Yagyu Somoki back and send Matsudaira Nobuzuna to North Korea.

For Matsudaira Nobutsuna, he is very confident.In the past, the Shimabara Rebellion could not be handled by others. After Matsudaira Nobuzuna went there, the Shimabara Rebellion was quelled, and people called it "Wisdom Izu".

Tokugawa Iemitsu was a little surprised that after Matsudaira Nobutsuna left, he even sent people back to urge the reinforcements, saying that North Korea was too big and needed more troops and naval divisions in order to control the whole of North Korea under the control of Japan. hands.

He was still thinking about this, when suddenly he received an urgent letter.

(End of this chapter)

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