Chapter 690

"What? Busan was slaughtered? The Japanese people suffered heavy casualties, and all supplies were burned!"

When Tokugawa Iemitsu heard the report, he couldn't believe what he heard, and suddenly became furious.

This is the Japanese who fled from Busan to Tsushima Island. After returning to Busan to check the situation, they flew to report to the mainland of the Japanese country.

They only know that Pusan ​​will fall because of the sudden appearance of an unknown number of cavalry troops from the Ming Dynasty. The more specific situation is the words "blood debts and blood repayments" to let them know that there are Koreans involved in the massacre against the Japanese. massacre.

At the end of the report, several daimyos whose subjects had just migrated there demanded that the North Korean commander Matsudaira Nobuzuna be held accountable and asked him to apologize!
Originally Tokugawa Iemitsu was very annoyed with Matsudaira Nobuzuna and wanted to deal with Matsudaira Nobuzuna, but after seeing the severe punishment demands of those daimyos, he calmed down instead.

What if he disposes of his cronies, and in such a major event as the occupation of North Korea, what if other big names grow stronger?
To Tokugawa Iemitsu, although he was annoyed by the death of so many people, he cared more about his rule!
Therefore, after discussing with Yagyu Munemo, he finally announced that Matsudaira Nobuzuna had already expected the current situation in North Korea, so he had submitted a request to send troops.

At this time, North Korea sent an official report, stating that with the help of the North Koreans, Wu Sangui's troops sneaked to the south, attacked Busan, and then launched a sabotage campaign in southern North Korea. Matsudaira Nobutsuna , dispatched troops from the north, went south to block Wu Sangui's troops, and with the help of [-] cavalry troops from the Qing Empire, they could have wiped out Wu Sangui's troops in one fell swoop, but Zheng Zhilong sent a fleet to pick up Wu Sangui's troops in the Han River Basin.

Nobuzuna Matsudaira analyzed in the report that Zheng Zhilong was probably double-faced and did not really want to rebel. He is currently contacting Zheng Zhilong for an explanation, but he has not yet replied.

Regardless of what happened to Zheng Zhilong, the current situation in North Korea absolutely cannot allow Zheng Zhilong to stay in Phi Island, otherwise the Ming army's harassment of Liaodong and North Korea will continue.

For this reason, Matsudaira Nobutsuna once again requested the mainland to send naval and land troops to destroy or drive away the Ming army.

For the current situation in North Korea, Nobuzuna Matsudaira is willing to take responsibility and asks the shogunate to punish him.

With this memorial, Tokugawa Iemitsu made up his mind even more. He mobilized warships from various daimyos, built about a thousand ships, and sent an additional [-] troops to North Korea.

In the territory of Wa Kingdom, except for more than half of the troops directly under the shogunate, the troops under the daimyo's command in other places were basically exhausted.

In this way, the rule of the shogunate on the Japanese side is still very stable, while on the Korean side, there are local daimyos to stabilize the rule of the Japanese country, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

But in this way, there are too many troops on the North Korean side, and they have been attacked by the Ming army, so the logistical pressure is very heavy.

For this reason, the grain, grass, and materials on the mainland of the Wa country were piled up in several port cities such as Nagasaki, and part of them were transferred to Tsushima Island. Farmer or something.

As for the punishment of Matsudaira Nobuzuna, Tokugawa Iemitsu's final intention was that this was not Matsudaira Nobutsuna's fault, but he expected that the North Korean troops would be too small, and proposed to expel the Ming army of Phishima as soon as possible. For meritorious service.

In addition, Busan guards Matsudaira Shinsada and Yagyu Zongdong died fighting for the Japanese country. They were commendable for their loyalty and bravery, and they both gave rewards.

At this moment, the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate is considered to be relatively strong, not that of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Therefore, although the subordinate daimyo have opinions on Tokugawa Iemitsu's will, they can only have some opinions.

In the end, on the Japanese side, the armies and warships of daimyo from all over the world gathered in Nagasaki and other places one after another, and set off to North Korea.In the Tsushima Strait, Japanese ships come and go, which is very lively.


In the mid-July of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, in the Naha Port of the Ryukyu Kingdom, sparse ships docked at the port.Zheng Zhou was staying in a cabin on the port side, silently watching the open sea.

Since June, he has been staying like this, waiting, but he has not seen what he wants to see.

Looking at the deserted Naha Port, Zheng Zhou was also very emotional.

In the past, Naha Port was a transit point for maritime trade in the southeast of Ming Dynasty, as well as Nanyang, Japan, North Korea and other places, and it was very lively.The merchant ships coming and going brought prosperity to Ryukyu.

However, with the closure of the Wa Kingdom, the sea trade between them has been greatly reduced, and the prosperity brought by this sea trade to Ryukyu will no longer be there.

Originally, I was still looking forward to the merchant ships of Ming Dynasty, but I heard that the country of Ming Dynasty was not peaceful, and Ryukyu was controlled by the Japanese. The request of Ryukyu to do business with Ming Dynasty was also considered by the Ming court, and doing business with Ryukyu was tantamount to doing business with the Japanese. Trade, thus prohibiting maritime trade and tribute, which made Naha Port even more deserted.

On the Japanese side, Ryukyu is required to bring various materials into the palace every year, which increases the burden on Ryukyu.

The life of the Ryukyu people is really sad!
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhou looked at the pier, and from time to time there were Japanese running rampant there, wantonly robbing the fishermen who returned from fishing, and he sighed even more.

Looking at the scene in the distance, he couldn't help but think of Jin Yingyuan's description of Daming.

"Has Daming changed so much in the past few years?" Zheng Zhou thought in his heart, but he still had doubts, talking to himself.

In particular, Jin Yingyuan said that there was a steam train in Ming Dynasty, which was as powerful as an ox, and could pull many carriages and transport many people and goods at one time.Regarding this, he couldn't imagine it, and he didn't dare to believe it. He even doubted Jin Yingyuan's loss of Daming in other aspects.

However, he couldn't figure out why Jin Yingyuan lied to him in this regard, was it just to let him send Zheng Zhilong's family away?

He was thinking about it when suddenly there was movement outside the boat, and then a person got into the cabin.

Zheng Zhou turned his head and saw that it was Jin Yingyuan, so he asked a little strangely, "Why are you here?"

When Jin Yingyuan heard this, he sighed and said: "The Japanese people pursued them very hard, causing the palace to be disturbed. I can't see it without seeing it."

Zheng Zhou listened and knew what he said.

Not long after his son and grandson sent Zheng Zhilong’s family away, people from the Wa kingdom came to Ryukyu, searched them wantonly, and threatened the king of Ryukyu, saying that Ryukyu had harbored fugitives, and King Shangxian must hand them over. People.

It's just that they couldn't get any evidence, they just suspected that a ship from Ryukyu had been to Nagasaki during the time when Zheng Zhilong's family disappeared.

After Zheng Zhou heard this, he turned his head and continued to look at the sea, and said calmly: "Those Japanese people are greedy, and with this excuse, they just search for more."

Jin Yingyuan sat down beside him, also looked at the sea, nodded and said: "Who says no, otherwise, it's been a few months, and they should have stopped long ago. But from time to time, they use this reason to blackmail the king." , such a day, when will it end!"

After a pause, he added: "Jume Village is also unlucky. The Japanese people are most suspicious of you smart people, who will go to search every now and then. Let me see, if this continues, there will probably be a mess."

Speaking of this, Jin Yingyuan looked at Zheng Zhou and said, "You have to tell them, please bear with it, and when the soldiers arrive tomorrow, you will have a bright future!"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhou turned his head to look at him, stared into his eyes and asked, "Da Ming is really in a peaceful and prosperous age, can he send troops to Ryukyu?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Yingyuan immediately became a little excited, nodded and said, "That's right, you have never seen how prosperous Daming is today..."

Zheng Zhou's question seemed to have scratched his itch, chattering non-stop, talking about the prosperity he saw in Daming.

This gave Zheng Zhou an illusion, as if Jin Yingyuan was from Daming, and he was a native of Ryukyu.

Hearing his exaggeration, Zheng Zhou still didn't believe it. After Jin Yingyuan finally finished speaking, he sighed and said: "Da Ming is more prosperous than Ryukyu, that's for sure, but you don't need to be so exaggerated. I am Daming Man, how is Daming, I don't know?"

According to Jin Yingyuan, Daming today is more prosperous than Taizu Hongwu and Chengzu Yongle. To be honest, how can he believe this?
As soon as Jin Yingyuan heard that he didn't believe it, he stopped doing it immediately, and immediately said to him a little anxiously: "Why don't you believe it? Let me tell you, you are looking at people with old eyes, no, you are looking at Da Ming with old eyes. Now Daming is really unimaginable..."

When he said this, he thought of something, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't say it, I couldn't believe it when I saw it at the beginning. But the facts are there. If nothing else, just the steam Train, if I could tell a lie, how could I make up such a steam train? Why not make up a lie that sounds more plausible?"

Hearing this, it seems to make sense.However, if Zheng Zhou really wanted to believe in steam trains, he still couldn't believe it!

That's it, the two of you look at me, I look at you, for a while, there is nothing to say.

In the end, it was Jin Yingyuan who was defeated, and said to Zheng Zhou: "I can't convince you, anyway, after the Da Ming soldiers arrive, you can find out if I have lied if you ask."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhou couldn't help saying sadly: "It's been so long, and the imperial army hasn't arrived yet. I don't know if I can see it before I die? Can you give my brother justice!"

When Jin Yingyuan heard this, he was also anxious. According to the time, if the Ming Dynasty was going to send troops, it should have arrived.However, I haven't looked forward to it until now, and I don't know what happened?

With that in mind, he raised his head and looked out to sea.

In the end, it's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you will be stupid there!
(End of this chapter)

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