Chapter 694
Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong and Wu Sangui glanced at each other, with a look of anticipation on their faces, they both got out of the cabin to see the situation.

Sure enough, there was a fast boat docking at the pier. Judging from the flag on the boat, it was a messenger ship.

Not long after, a Jinyiwei messenger boarded the flagship and came in front of Zheng Zhilong and Wu Sangui.

Seeing that both of them were there, the captain of Jinyiwei just motioned Zheng Zhilong to approach, and then began to whisper.

This scene made Wu Sangui feel a little lost, so he could only comfort himself. After the military merits were reported this time, would the emperor change his impression of him?
"Really?" He was thinking, when suddenly he heard Zheng Zhilong ask in surprise.The voice was a bit loud, so Wu Sangui could hear it too.

The Captain of Jinyiwei nodded immediately after hearing this, and after saying a few more words, he took his leave and disembarked from the flagship, boarded the fast boat and left again.

Seeing Zheng Zhilong, who sent away the captain of Jinyiwei, looked a little beaming, Wu Sangui felt a little sour in his heart. Although both of them were general soldiers, it was obvious that those who won the favor were more nourished!

"Is there any good thing?" Wu Sangui suppressed the jealousy in his heart, and asked with a smile, "Look, old Zheng, you are happy!"

At the same time, he thought in his heart, could it be that your Zheng family has some other titles?

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong immediately stepped forward, walked up to Wu Sangui, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Old Wu, Your Majesty is wise, don't worry about the things we were worried about just now!"

"What?" Wu Sangui was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, and quickly confirmed with a little surprise.

Zheng Zhilong always had a smile on his face, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard Wu Sangui say in a faint voice: "Forget it, if it's not convenient for you to tell me, then don't say it!"

Just now the captain of Jinyiwei told Zheng Zhilong alone, if there was something he shouldn't know, he went to inquire about it, and if it was passed back to the emperor's ears, it would make the emperor unhappy again.

But who knows, after Zheng Zhilong heard it, he smiled and said: "What's the matter, our reinforcements have arrived. On the side of Guanglu Island, there are a total of [-] steam iron-clad warships and [-] No. [-] Fu Ships and warships, hehe, with that steam iron-clad warship, if the Japanese navy dares to attack, the Japanese navy will be knocked apart!"

He was very interested, and without waiting for Wu Sangui to speak, he continued to explain to Wu Sangui: "The warships of the Japanese Navy are mainly Anzhai Ships and Guan Ships. The size of the warships is about the same as our main warships, but, You don't know, their warships don't have watertight cabins, and they don't have keels, so they can't be fought. Also, their warships are mainly made of matchlock guns, large firecrackers and Francois machine guns, and they mainly rely on gang warfare , there is no Hongyi cannon on our ship. Hehe, our steam ironclad warship can be attacked by them casually, just like scratching an itch!"

"Really?" Wu Sangui couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it, "So, the sea will be our world?"

He couldn't say the word command of the sea, but he still knew the meaning.

Now his foundation is Phi Island. If he has the power to control the sea, not only will he have nothing to worry about, but he will also be able to land in North Korea anytime, anywhere to fight against the Japanese, and he can also land in the Liaodong Peninsula to fight against Jiancap.

Wu Sangui may not have known about this when he was the general of Ningyuan, but now he definitely understands the importance of the navy and the importance of sea control.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong listened, nodded first, and then said with a little emotion: "That's right, as soon as the steam ironclad warship comes out, unless the ocean meets the sail warship from Xiyi, it will be invincible!"

If it’s just iron armor, it’s nothing, after all, it’s not real iron armor, but iron clad with wood; the most critical issue is that the steam engine is installed on the ship, which is epoch-making.

Otherwise, the Japanese navy and the Korean navy can also come with an iron-clad one. If you want to say that the warship is as big, the Japanese country also has one. If it is as big as the Fengzhou, Tokugawa Iemitsu has one.However, Tokugawa Iemitsu's super-large Antaka ship, because it is not powered by a steam engine, can only rely on sails and oars. The speed is too slow, like a snail. The cannon, even their own kind of ship, is just a decoration, and they can't catch up with their opponents at all.

In fact, Daming's Fengzhou also has many shortcomings, which are not conducive to naval warfare.The larger the ship, the larger the hard sails and masts, which are easily broken by the sea wind.However, with steam power now, it is completely different.

Zheng Zhilong was the first person in the Ming Dynasty to be familiar with naval battles. When he saw the test ship of the steam iron armored warship, he knew that the ship would be an East Asian warship such as the Kefu ship and the Anzhai ship.Even Xiyi's sail warships can fight.

In the news passed to him by Captain Jin Yiwei just now, there is a clear situation of the Ryukyu Expeditionary Force and the situation of aiding the Phi Island Navy.

For Zheng Zhilong, the comparison of naval strength is a very simple matter. He can know that the command of the sea will be firmly controlled by Daming.

At this time, he said to Wu Sangui: "However, the steam iron-clad warship needs additional coal storage, so the imperial court is still organizing the transportation of coal to Guanglu Island. The steam iron-clad warship will be hidden there, and wait until the Japanese navy When it is really necessary to attack Phi Island, we will reinforce our side, so as not to be informed by the Wa Kingdom in advance and miss the opportunity to severely damage the Wa Kingdom Navy!"

Wu Sangui listened, nodded, and approved of this approach, but then he asked Zheng Zhilong again: "Since it is kept secret, why did you tell me? Old Zheng, I don't want you to be held accountable by the court for this!"

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he immediately laughed, and then said to Wu Sangui who was a little puzzled: "I tell you, of course His Majesty agreed. Your Majesty is very satisfied with your initiative to use guerrilla warfare in North Korea to attack Japan."

"Really?" Wu Sangui was overjoyed when he heard it, and quickly confirmed.

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he nodded immediately and said, "Of course, His Majesty sees everything about you! Originally, your raid in North Korea made the Wa Kingdom decide to recruit soldiers, but now there is a big disturbance in southern Korea, which will inevitably lead to the war of the Wa Kingdom. Increase the strength of the troops and create a good opportunity for the Ryukyu Expeditionary Army to attack the Japanese mainland, this is a great achievement!"

Wu Sangui was delighted to hear that, and quickly became humble again.

Afterwards, in addition to reporting victory to the capital, on Pidao's side, both the navy and army began to prepare for the upcoming counterattack of the Wa Kingdom.

At this time, they didn't know that apart from Wa's plan to attack Phi Island, Jianlu also sincerely cooperated with Wa and also participated in the war against Phi Island.


At the same time, far away in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen sat on the Golden Luan Hall, and the civil and military officials in Beijing were on both sides, discussing matters.

Deliberations in the Golden Luan Hall are generally relatively rare, except for the grand court meetings, there are only some special or important occasions.

For example, the last interrogation against the Confucian family in Qufu was held in the Jinluan Palace. With the participation of more officials, Emperor Taizu and Master Kong Sheng appeared.

But this time, it was not a similar thing, but a farewell.

No, I saw King Zhou standing in front of the palace listening to Emperor Chongzhen's words: "The state of Zhou will rule over Lu Song. Set an example for other princes."

Speaking of this, Emperor Chongzhen paused and added: "Of course, if there is something difficult to solve, I will help you, so there is no need to worry about the future."

In the past, most of the clan princes of Zhou Wang's lineage had already gone to Luzon in advance.Only Zhou Wang remained in the capital, and he was the last to leave.

Around the Kaifeng mansion, the population has decreased a lot, and the land, shops, etc. have all been transferred to the imperial court.All of these have been handed over, otherwise, King Zhou would not be able to leave.

But at this time, King Zhou was also excited when he thought about finally leaving Daming and the situation of being kept in captivity. Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's explanation, he quickly agreed.

Luzon Island is far bigger than Kaifeng, and it must have been pointed out by Emperor Taizu, so the current emperor told him all the treasures buried in the ground, and there will definitely be no shortage of money.He is looking forward to the future.

Afterwards, King Zhou bid farewell to the other vassal kings who were also in the hall, and then left.

Among the vassal kings who saw him off, many of them obviously envied King Zhou very much.Especially Tang Wang, who was abolished by Emperor Chongzhen and banned Fengyang, and then pardoned a few years ago to return to the feudal lord.

To be honest, he really wanted to do something.However, the vassal king of Ming Dynasty really didn't allow him any chance to display his skills.Before Jianlu invaded the Gyeonggi area, he raised troops and was deposed as a vassal king, so he knew that in Daming, it was impossible for him to hold military power.

However, if it is still sealed overseas, it will be different. He has military and political power, which is what he yearns for.

The reason why King Zhou was the first to entrust overseas was because of his generosity to the court.For this reason, after he became the king of Tang again, he also actively donated money, responded to the court's call, and looked forward to being able to seal it out as soon as possible.

In fact, not only him, but also other feudal lords, seeing that the king of Zhou really had to be sealed off, and that he also had mineral advice in the feudal country, all of them were very envious.

Emperor Chongzhen had seen these situations for a long time, which provided good conditions for him to continue to rectify the place.

But there is one thing that he is also considering.His own son will also be a vassal king in the future, where should he be entrusted?
If you seal it too far, you will never see it again after it is sealed.Although he himself is stubborn, the people in the harem will miss him very much!

Thinking of these, an idea strengthened in Emperor Chongzhen's mind: vigorously develop transportation!
Among them, the most important thing is the internal combustion engine.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen decided to increase the resource allocation in this area, and strive to build the first internal combustion engine as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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