Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 695 Chemical Industry

Chapter 695 Chemical Industry
Now Emperor Chongzhen has more than Song Yingxing who is a master of Gewuxue.

Roughly speaking, Song Yingxing is the chief person in charge of Gephysics under him, and he is the first person whose practice is better than theory.

Next came the top three, namely Fang Yizhi, the number one person in physics, and Zhu Yuxi and Xia Wanchun, the two in chemistry.

The three of them have solid theoretical foundations. It can even be said that, in terms of theoretical foundations, they should be in the first echelon of Ming Dynasty, stronger than Song Yingxing.

At this time, Song Yingxing was still taking the lead in building a real iron-clad warship at the Tianjin Shipyard, not in the capital.

Therefore, it was Fang Yizhi, Zhu Yuxi and Xia Wanchun who were recruited by Emperor Chongzhen.

In fact, Liu Weichao sent the minimum requirements for the structure of the internal combustion engine and the assembly line manufacturing method.However, the popularization of Gephysics in Ming Dynasty has only been done for less than five years, and the foundation is too weak.

If you want to say that it is handmade, that’s fine, it’s just a question of how much time it takes, and it will definitely be made in the end.However, if you ask Daming at this moment to mass-produce internal combustion engines on an assembly line, it can only be the famous saying: Chenqie can't do it!

In fact, even the steam engine is not mass-produced on the assembly line, but most of the parts are mass-produced, but a small part of the parts still need to be polished by hand and then assembled by hand.

The same is true. The cost of steam engines has not been able to be reduced to a price that is close to the people. The main uses are steam trains and steam ships.

The internal combustion engine handed down by Emperor Chongzhen is similar to a steam engine. Most of the components are still made by hand. In terms of cost, it is much higher than the steam engine.

However, the reason why the internal combustion engine is still not implemented is the problem of fuel.

Liu Weichao offered three solutions to Emperor Chongzhen, the first one is to try with gas;
The second is biogas;

The third, naturally, is to separate the oil.

Among them, there is no oil near the capital of the Ming Dynasty; one of the oil in Daming is in Liaodong, which is still in the hands of Jianlu, so it is not considered.The other one is in Jiuquan, Gansu, far away from the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

It is not easy to obtain the raw material of oil alone. Therefore, the third option is not realistic for the current Ming Dynasty.

The second type of biogas has limited output, and it is not practical in terms of Daming's current situation.

On the contrary, the first type, that is, gas, is no problem.

Since the Song Dynasty, China has had large-scale coking.In this process, gas will be produced, but the ancient people still know very little about this gas.

With the further development of the Ming Dynasty, especially under the support of Liu Weichao's plug-in, both glass and steel smelting have made great progress, and the technical level has further matured.Naturally, the level of coking has also been improved.

If it was before, because the gas is poisonous, the gas generated during coking will be passed into the coking combustion chamber for circulation and heating.But now there is a demand for gas, it is simple to modify it.

As long as the exhaust pipe at the top of the coking chamber is slightly modified, the crude gas that comes out can be further processed to obtain useful gas.

In fact, in the original history, in 1876, the German Otto made the first four-stroke reciprocating piston internal combustion engine, which used gas as fuel.

With Liu Weichao's reminder, there will also be enough reminders in terms of safety for the extraction of gas.

Now, according to Liu Weichao's proposal, Emperor Chongzhen assigned this task to his three generals.

Of course, this task is mainly for Fang Yizhi to do, with Xia Wanchun and Zhu Yuxi assisting.

However, Xia Wanchun and Zhu Yuxi also have an important task, which is to make three acids and two alkalis.

The industrial revolution actually had two legs, one of which was the machinery manufacturing industry, and the other was the chemical industry.The basis of the chemical industry is these three acids and two bases.

The so-called three acids refer to sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid; the second alkali refers to caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) and soda ash (sodium carbonate).

Among them, soda ash is a natural ore that can be taken, and it was used as a detergent and used in printing and dyeing in ancient times.Caustic soda was invented in ancient times during alchemy.

In addition, the mass production method of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid was invented around 1625.

Generally speaking, it is not difficult to realize the mass production of three acids and two bases in the late Ming Dynasty.The only difference with later generations is the size of the output and the cost.

The mass production of sulfuric acid is actually very simple. It is to add a small amount of water into a large glass bottle, place a pottery pot and an iron plate, put a mixture of sulfur and saltpeter on it, light it with a small red-hot shovel, and then close the bottle mouth with a wooden cork. Plug tightly and repeat the apparatus after a period of time until the desired concentration of sulfuric acid is achieved.

This is the initial industrial production of sulfuric acid. Generally speaking, the output is still limited to a certain extent, but in the initial stage, it must be enough.

The purpose of Emperor Chongzhen at this time was not to mass-produce, but to train his talents in Gephysics.Therefore, what is handed over to them first is simple and understandable.After they are familiar with this chemical production principle, if the production of sulfuric acid increases in the future, they will use the tower method to produce sulfuric acid.

With the mass production of sulfuric acid, the mother of industry, the other two acids are easy.

In the original history, the method of producing nitric acid by reacting saltpeter with sulfuric acid was invented in 1625 and took nearly 300 years until 20 at the beginning of the 1903th century.The disadvantage of this method is that it needs to consume a lot of sulfuric acid, but there is no problem with Emperor Chongzhen.

The specific method is to use saltpeter and concentrated sulfuric acid to heat and react in a closed non-metallic container. Since nitric acid is relatively volatile, the reaction produces nitric acid vapor, which is exported and condensed to become a liquid.In fact, it is no different from the mass production of sulfuric acid above.

As for hydrochloric acid, it is actually the same as nitric acid. When concentrated sulfuric acid is added to table salt, hydrogen chloride gas is produced when heated, and hydrochloric acid is produced when it is introduced into water.The specific method is as above.

In fact, in the original history, the practice of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid was discovered by the German alchemist Glauber in 1625 when he was playing with concentrated sulfuric acid, salt and saltpeter.

Soda ash has ready-made mines. In the early stage of the shortage of geophysical talents, it can be directly mined; the production principle of caustic soda is to add lime water to a solution of soda ash (sodium carbonate) for causticization reaction to generate caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) solution and calcium carbonate precipitates (caustic sludge).After filtering off insoluble matter such as calcium carbonate precipitate, evaporate the solution to obtain liquid caustic soda or solid caustic soda.This kind is also not difficult, and it can be done during the period of Emperor Chongzhen, it is nothing more than a little more mass production and a little less.

Fang Yizhi, Xia Wanchun, and Zhu Yuxi also had the task of self-study and the task of teaching their classmates. These two things were also the most important. For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen did not have a special time limit for this task.

For him, now is no longer the critical time of the [-]th or [-]th year of Chongzhen. He is patient and can wait.


In Busan, North Korea, hundreds of thousands of corpses have long since disappeared, replaced by a sea of ​​people, and the port is full of warships, most of which are closed ships.

On the shore, there were groups of Japanese soldiers who got off the boat, carrying large bags and small bags, and also carrying a matchlock gun, marching inland from Busan.

Matsudaira Nobuzuna, the Japanese leader of the North Korean side, is here. Watching the transport ships going to and from Busan and Tsushima Island, and watching batch after batch of warships heading north along the coastline, I feel a little excited.

With his nickname of "Wisdom Izu", he can naturally understand why he was not punished by Tokugawa Iemitsu. No, he looked at those daimyos who came to North Korea, and he was very grateful: Thanks to their impeachment, otherwise He was out of luck.

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at the person beside him, raised his head to look at the other person's face and said, "Why, I don't have any secrets in Dawa Kingdom!"

The man next to him, who was much taller than him, was the diplomatic Ingerda.After the meeting between Daishan and Matsudaira Nobutsuna, Daishan was too old to run, so Ying Erdai followed Matsudaira Nobutsuna to Busan to see the situation.

At this time, hearing Matsudaira Nobutsuna's question, Ying Erdai quickly replied: "Don't worry, my lord, our Qing Dynasty will definitely keep our promise and participate in the attack on Phi Island."

After a pause, he added: "We are familiar with the topography of the island, we have already destroyed Phi Island once!"

At that time, it was North Korea's naval forces that allowed Jianlu to attack Phi Island.It was in this battle that Oboi was the first to attack Phi Island and opened a breach in the coastal defense, and was named Batulu by Huang Taiji.

After hearing this, Matsudaira Nobuzuna was very happy and said: "You and our two countries cooperate sincerely, and the destruction of Dongjiang Town in the Ming Kingdom is just around the corner!"

Having said that, he pointed in the direction of Tsushima Island with his finger, and continued: "I still have more than half of the warships and troops of the Great Wa Kingdom, and they are still on the other side of the island, and they are coming one after another. Hehe, throwing the whip to stop the flow, Is it not an exaggeration?"

Hearing this, to be honest, Ying Erdai was actually a little envious.If the Qing Dynasty had so many troops, it is estimated that the Ming Dynasty would have been conquered long ago!

In the past few days, the number of people who have arrived in North Korea is quite a few hundred thousand. These are all Japanese soldiers, not civilians. I don’t know how many there are on the mainland of the Japanese country?

With this in mind, he bid farewell to Matsudaira Nobutsuna, and wanted to go back to join Daishan before returning to Liaodong.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna did not keep him, but said to Ying Erdai: "Then, after half a month, we will meet in Pyongyang!"

The army that attacked Phi Island actually had the Japanese army itself, that is, the Japanese army that was already in the north.However, the Qing side showed sincerity, and he didn't mind, so he used the Qing infantry to attack Phi Island.

Therefore, on his side, it is only necessary to assemble the warships to go north, and the transportation of the army and supplies naturally needs to be transported back and forth by transport ships.

It's time for the traitor Zheng Yiguan to be punished!

(End of this chapter)

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