Chapter 698

The development of Daming in the past few years is unimaginable to anyone or the country!
It can even be said that even Daming himself will be very surprised by the development of the past few years, it is unbelievable, let alone others!
This is not to say that others are less knowledgeable, but that Daming's golden fingers are too strong!
"Boom boom boom..."

When the Satsuma Clan's ship reacted, and the oarsmen rowed together to pursue the Daming warship, another round of artillery rang out.

I saw the water column around the frontmost Guan boats, and some Guan boats were hit by iron bullets.It's just that those who are hit on the deck will die at most some Japanese soldiers, and if they are hit by iron bullets on the closed ships near or below the waterline, they will start to flood in continuously, and they will lose the ability to pursue them immediately.

Japanese warships had neither keels nor watertight cabins, so if you beat them yourself, they were half a catty, and the shortcomings were not obvious.But once the battle with the Ming warship started, this shortcoming became obvious immediately.

The Japanese soldiers on the coastline, from the original cheers and screams, suddenly became quiet.

They saw that although there were indeed a lot of warships in the Wa country, they were beaten but not returned. Only two rounds of shelling, and about five closed ships lost their combat effectiveness.

As for the Ming army, they were unscathed!
Mitsuhisa Shimadzu screamed in anger, and sent an order again, regardless of the disabled ships, just one word, catch up, and you will win if you catch up!
In fact, even if he doesn't say anything, all the ships know that only after catching up with the Ming warship, or in other words, after catching up with the Ming warship and within the range of the Fran's cannon, can they attack the Ming warship causing harm.

In this way, those oarsmen will be miserable!

When the military order was passed down, they had no choice but to paddle desperately.

The ships in Asia are all hard sails. The difference from Xiyi soft sails is that no matter which direction the wind blows from, they can adjust the direction of the hard sails to borrow wind power.

Although Guan boats also have sails, most of them have only one sail.Manpower paddling can increase the speed of the ship in a short period of time. Once it is a chase on the sea, the manpower will sometimes be poor!
The Fu Chuan of Ming Dynasty was developed to adapt to offshore and long-distance voyages.In particular, Fuchuan No. [-] basically has three sails, and it is far faster than shutting down the ship when there is wind.

Under the support of the oarsman, Guan Chuan was only able to hold back for three seconds. After chasing for a while, he was quickly opened up again by the warships of the Ming Dynasty.

Then, the warships of the Ming Dynasty slowed down again, and all the cannons were ready.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Japanese ship was "baptized" by artillery fire again, but they were unable to fight back, so angry that the Wa people screamed, but there was nothing they could do.

"God Amaterasu, stop the sea breeze, don't let it blow!" Mitsuhisa Shimadzu prayed, while commanding the Guan boat to disperse as much as possible, and continued to pursue.

If there is no sea breeze, or if the sea breeze is very weak, the speed of a ship powered by sails will be very slow.At this time, the advantage of having oarsmen on the boat can be reflected.

But at this time, the sea breeze seemed to be neither big nor small, and it didn't reflect the advantage of shutting down the ship at all.

On the coastline, after watching this scene, Daishan said with a little emotion: "The battle at sea is very similar to the tactics of the Mongolian Qingqi back then!"

When the Mongols ruled the world back then, they relied on the mobility of the cavalry to drag their opponents to death.

After hearing this, Ying Erdai nodded and said suddenly: "Don't we still have the allies of the Dutch Empire? Their ships, I have seen, are very fast. And I heard that their artillery is also heavy! If Against the warships of the Ming Dynasty, it will be the same as they are dealing with the warships of the Wa Kingdom at this time!"

Hearing this, Daishan was also a little puzzled and said: "I don't know what happened, but if I lost the news, it's impossible to just look at our Daqing's little deposit and run away?"

Long past the agreed time frame, the Dutch never showed up again, which made them very strange.

"Isn't it because I encountered a stormy sea and then sank?" Yingerdai couldn't help guessing after hearing this.

After hearing this, Dai Shan nodded and said, "It's possible, the sea is still too dangerous after all!"

"Why didn't you sink these warships of the Ming Dynasty? This would save a lot of things!" Obai heard from the side, and interjected.

Although he was Batulu, the number one warrior in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he was still a little timid in the face of the giant ship cannon, and said such words.

Hearing this, several people were silent for a while. With such a good thing in the world, Qing Dynasty is invincible!

After a while, Daishan looked at the chasing warship and said in a deep voice: "If we want to build a navy in the Qing Dynasty, we must be the best."

At this time, Jianlu actually attached great importance to military industry.

Most of the firearms of the Ming army, from firecrackers to cannons, were rotten, and their chambers exploded from time to time.But on the Jianlu side, they strictly build the process, and their own firecrackers and artillery rarely explode.

The reason for this is that Daming is greedy from top to bottom, so it doesn't care whether you are life-saving food for disaster relief or a weapon to kill enemies on the battlefield.In this case, it is no wonder that the quality of the firearm is good!

Of course, this is all past history.

At this time, on the sea surface, the Japanese warships had already dispersed to catch up with the Ming warships, and the effect of the shelling was not very satisfactory.

On the side of the Ming army, they stopped firing and concentrated on escaping.

Seeing Shimadzu Mitsuhisa, he looked back at the seven or eight ships that had been crippled, and shouted sharply, "See where you are going!"

Phi Island is already within sight, where can the Ming army escape again?Unless the Ming army wants to abandon Phi Island, otherwise, there is no way to escape from Phi Island!
On the high place on Phi Island, Zheng Zhilong and Wu Sangui are watching the battle with binoculars.Seeing the situation in the distance, Wu Sangui hastily reminded: "Don't let the Japanese warships rush ashore!"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Zhilong immediately put down the binoculars, and said to Wu Sangui with a smile: "Just relying on these Japanese warships, let him land, and he must first pass the barrier of coastal defense artillery."

After a pause, he looked at the flag on the side, estimated the wind force, and added: "This is the forward of the Japanese Navy. When they get close to Phi Island, I will deal with them!"

"You mean to dispatch the steam iron armored warship?" Wu Sangui was overjoyed when he heard this, and asked hastily.

The Japanese navy went northward on a large scale, and first went to Pyongyang to gather and rest.During this process, the North Koreans sent news, and Zheng Zhilong also sent a ship to confirm the news, and then sent an order to the reinforcements on Guanglu Island, so that they rushed to Phi Island first and hid in the opposite direction from North Korea.

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong nodded immediately and said, "The closer we are to Phi Island, the greater our home court advantage will be. It's just a dream to fight with only a hundred warships!"

Having said that, he pointed to the flag next to him and said, "Look, the wind has weakened. This is the time for the steam ironclad warship to attack. When they get closer to Phi Island, let's watch the performance of the steam ironclad warship." !"

According to the Luzon Expeditionary Army's experience in using steam ironclad warships in actual combat, Zheng Zhilong already knew that the greatest power can be exerted when the wind and waves are small.And the closer you are to Phi Island, the more convenient it is to supply, so you don't have to worry about running out of coal halfway through.

Upon hearing this, Wu Sangui said with great anticipation: "I have long wanted to see the power of this steam iron-clad warship. Old Zheng, open my old Wu's horizons!"

At the same time, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu, who was chasing the Ming warship, also found that the sea breeze was slowly weakening. He couldn't help being very happy and said: "God Amaterasu responded, and the sea breeze has calmed down. Let's see how the Ming warship is doing." escape!"

Hearing his words, his subordinates were also very excited.

He was humiliated by the warships of the Ming Dynasty before, and now it's time for revenge.

In addition, there is another rule in the Wa country, that is, whoever gets the spoils will belong to him, and at most they will hand over some to the shogunate.In this way, if the Satsuma clan can capture the warships of the Ming Dynasty, it can greatly enhance its strength, at least it will be more powerful than other daimyos.

However, Matsudaira Nobuzuna, who was watching the battle from the coastline, frowned.Because according to the news, there are more than one hundred warships in the Ming Dynasty, and in terms of military strength, they are no less than the number of warships in the Satsuma Domain.

As for the battle just now, it can be clearly seen that the firepower of Ming warships is much stronger than that of Japanese warships.

There is no advantage in the number of warships, but the firepower of warships is still inferior. This is not easy to fight!
However, Nobuzuna Matsudaira did not send an order to stop the attack from the Satsuma domain.

As Tokugawa Iemitsu's confidant, he certainly knew that the shogunate suppressed the Satsuma clan and had been restricting the Satsuma clan financially.

If in the original history, Shimadzu could not bear it for a long time, he sent people to mine gold mines privately, but was stopped by the Tokugawa shogunate.

It was also the Satsuma clan that had been suppressed by the Tokugawa shogunate, so that when the curtain fell later, the Satsuma clan became the vanguard.

At this time, Matsudaira Nobutsuna just frowned, watching the warship of the Satsuma domain rush towards Phi Island.He intends to let the Satsuma clan test the strength of Zheng Yiguan's fleet!
In fact, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu is not stupid. If he knows that he will lose the battle, he will never bite the bullet and rush forward.In his estimate, Zheng Zhilong's warships are estimated to be equipped with heavy artillery only after the twenty or so warships that have just been released. The other warships should be the same as before. war.In this way, who is afraid of whom?

"Dong dong dong..."

The thunderous war drums rang, and the Japanese soldiers on the coastline were all shouting to cheer for the Japanese Navy.

On Phi Island, the soldiers of the Ming army and the Koreans were also watching the Japanese warships attacking them.

The Ming warships that were originally docked at the port left the port one after another, and set up on the south side of Phi Island.

At the same time, on the other side of Phi Island, more than [-] warships slowly appeared in the sight of the Japanese.

Although the number of warships here is small, they immediately attracted the attention of the Japanese people.

(End of this chapter)

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