Chapter 699 Fight to Fame

"An iron-clad warship? Is that an iron-clad warship?" On the coastline, the Japanese or Jianlu who had never seen a steam iron-clad warship were all surprised, and they couldn't help shouting, "Why is there an iron-clad warship?"

Among them, there are also some differences. For Jianlu, what is even more shocking is how could the iron boat float and not sink?
Among the Japanese, a large part of them were also shocked, but then, the experienced Japanese began to explain.

"Don't worry, this is definitely not a warship made of iron, it's just wood wrapped in iron sheets, we have had it before!"

"That's right, this kind of boat is too heavy, so it won't be fast!"

"Why did we have it before and then don't have it? It's just too stupid, it's not useful!"


Mitsuhisa Shimadzu of the Satsuma Domain was also shocked at the beginning.The warship reflecting the metallic luster really gave people a sense of oppression.

However, he also quickly came to his senses. The iron-clad warship is too bulky, and it may only be effective if it is taken by surprise. Suddenly.

Therefore, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu immediately issued an order to stay away from the iron-clad warships of the Ming Dynasty and chase other warships of the Ming Kingdom.

But at the same time, he was also a little strange. He didn't know what it meant to have cylinders on those iron-clad warships?
This shape is really weird!
On the coastline, Matsudaira Nobuzuna saw Mitsuhisa Shimadzu's response, and guessed his intention at once, nodded, and commented in his heart: Satsuma is still a bit capable, no wonder he can control Ryukyu by himself .

The comments from the Japanese people quickly spread to Jianlu, making Jianlu understand the shortcomings of the iron-clad warship, and he immediately relaxed.

Only Ying Erdai was a little puzzled, and immediately asked Dai Shan: "Then Zheng Yiguan can become the pirate king on the coast of the Ming Dynasty, he should not be stupid, why would he do this?"

Dai Shan also couldn't figure it out, seeing the warships of the two countries getting closer, and seeing the warships of the Ming Dynasty shrunk behind those iron-clad warships, he replied casually: "Just look at it and you will know!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard Oboi say in that gloating voice: "Look, those iron-clad warships are on fire, haha!"

Daishan and Yingerdai looked, and sure enough, they saw thick smoke coming out of the left and right cylinders in the middle of the armored warships. They knew at a glance that the cabin was probably on fire!

This time, Daishan and Yingerdai looked at each other, they couldn't understand, what's going on?
The other Jianlu and Japanese didn't care about these things. After seeing the smoke from the iron-clad warship, they all laughed and laughed.

"See, it's useless in an armored warship, it's on fire!"

"If you want me to say, this is the prestige of our Great Japanese Kingdom. It frightened those soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to piss, and in a hurry, set their own boat on fire!"

"Long live the Great Wa Kingdom!"


Matsudaira Nobutsuna was not happy, but frowned instead, because he felt that if the iron-clad warships were really going to catch fire, it would be impossible to catch fire together, let alone because the soldiers on each iron-clad warship were in a hurry to cause fire at the same time?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
However, he couldn't figure it out, what's going on?
Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he sensed something, so he immediately checked with the binoculars.

There seemed to be splashes on the side of the iron-clad warship, and at the same time, the iron-clad warship started to move.

But Matsudaira Nobutsuna saw it, and was still puzzled, wondering what was going on?

People who have never seen a steam engine, or heard the principle of a steam engine, how could they imagine that boiling water will generate energy, and it can be converted into kinetic energy!
I saw the speed of those armored and smoking warships slowly getting faster and faster, and they went to meet the warships of the Satsuma clan.

Afterwards, the other Ming warships all followed behind these iron-clad smoking warships, and obviously launched an attack on these iron-clad ships.

The speed of this iron-clad warship is getting faster and faster, so fast that ordinary people can't think of it, and it doesn't look like it will be burned at all. The Jianlu and Japanese on the coastline slowly fell silent, and then looked at it in astonishment. The situation at sea is full of question marks.

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu also laughed at the beginning, and then slowly became astonished. At the end, when he saw the armored and smoking warships lined up, coming towards him at an unimaginable speed, he panicked completely, and quickly ordered to turn around .

Regardless of whether it is real iron armor or iron foreskin, if it collides at such a fast speed, the Japanese ship will never be able to withstand the collision.

However, no matter how hard the oarsmen on the closed boat tried, there was a process for them to turn around and escape.

Seeing that Daming's armored and smoking warship was already very close to the Japanese ship, the artillery on the bow began to bombard it.

"Boom boom boom..."

At close range, more than [-] iron-clad steam warships fired at almost the same time. On the opposite side of them, the locked ships that were targeted were directly hit by the iron bullets and passed through the hull.

The better Guanzhou is just a big hole in the hull. Of course, the Japanese people near this hole are basically torn apart.On the other hand, when the ship was shut down, the iron bullet hit near the waterline, and immediately poured into the hull.

Immediately afterwards, these iron-clad steam warships rammed directly into them.

"Clap clap..."

Amidst the huge impact, the ship of the Wa Kingdom was smashed into two pieces by the armored steam warship like paper.

Afterwards, the armored steam warship continued to rush towards the Japanese fleet, and the artillery on both sides of the ship also fired one after another.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Guan ship of the Japanese country could withstand the bombardment of Hongyi cannons at close range. After a ship was bombarded by multiple artillery pieces, it was like a piece of paper. It was either completely destroyed by iron bullets, or it simply began to sink.

It is impossible for these Japanese ships facing the enemy to be able to counterattack in an orderly manner when faced with iron-clad steam warships approaching. The Japanese on those ships have no time to escape.Even if a few Frang machine guns counterattacked, even if they hit, they would only hit a recessed place at most.

The battle formation of the Japanese navy's forward was immediately overwhelmed by the iron-clad steam warship.

The ordinary warships following behind immediately formed the advantage of fighting more and less, bullying those Guan ships who had lost their fighting spirit.

Seeing this scene on the sea, Jianlu on the coastline and those Japanese people were stunned.

They never expected that the warships with the same number would turn out to be such a one-sided battle!

Those surviving Guan boats are fleeing in all directions. Maybe the oarsmen sensed the danger, and they are all playing super long, flying at an escape speed.

However, those armored and smoking warships still chased them easily, killing their opponents like a tiger eating a sheep.

As far as the eye can see, the wreckage of the closed ship is floating everywhere.On the surface of the sea, the sailors of the Japanese navy floated like dumplings.

The Ming people and Koreans watching the battle on Phi Island cheered loudly.And the contrast with this is very obvious. Although the coastline of North Korea is full of people watching the battle, there is no sound at all!
If it is said that the armored steam warships did not play much role in the battle of the Ming Expeditionary Army to attack the city of Zeelandia and conquer Luzon, then the battle between the Ming Navy and the Japanese Navy in the waters of Pidao was really important. It became famous!
Become famous in World War I!
This battle engraved the prestige of the steam iron-clad warship into the bones of Jianlu and Wa!

It is estimated that the remaining warships and sailors of the Satsuma clan will have nightmares!
Mitsuhisa Shimadzu saw that it was difficult for him to escape the pursuit of the iron-clad and smoking warship of the Ming Dynasty, so he directly let the flagship rush to the coastline regardless.

Standing on the coastline, looking at the messy sea, he fell to his knees on the beach: the navy of the Satsuma domain is finished!
The navy of the Ming Dynasty did not love to fight. After chasing them for a while, they did not care about those Japanese ships that fled far away, and began to return.

For those struggling Japanese on the sea, the soldiers of the Ming army caught and tied one by one, just like catching fish, in front of the Japanese and Jianlu on the coast.

This made the Japanese very angry, but there was nothing they could do. They could only watch their accomplices being captured by the Ming army.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of artillery suddenly rang out again, and I saw puffs of gunpowder smoke coming out of the warships of the Ming Dynasty on the side of the coastline. On the coastline opposite them, iron bullets plowed through the hooks. , and went to see their Amaterasu.The remaining Japanese people were so frightened that they rolled and crawled, and hurried away from the coastline.

In a safe place away from the coastline, Matsudaira Nobutsuna watched the Ming warships arrogance in the sea with a gloomy face, salvaging the prisoners, without saying a word.

Although more than [-] warships were lost in this battle, compared to the more than [-] ships of the Japanese navy, it was not a heavy loss.However, it is foreseeable that even if the number of warships in the Ming Dynasty is small, but with those twenty or so armored and smoking warships, the subsequent naval battle will inevitably be very difficult.

Originally, I thought that the navy would be able to push it across by sweeping along the coastline, but now it seems that I really thought too much!

Matsudaira Nobutsuna kept a gloomy face, and suddenly, he saw people from the Qing Empire approaching.Regarding this, he still had a cold face, and he didn't want to pay attention to it: what the head of Pyongyang said was too much, it is impossible to blush, but it is certain that the face is dull.

"My lord, I probably know what happened to the iron-clad smoking warship of the Ming Dynasty!" Dai Shan came to him, and he didn't mention the Haikou he boasted about, but said with a serious face.

When Matsudaira Nobuzuna heard it, he immediately raised his head, stared at Daishan's face, and asked with a little surprise: "Really? Do you know the secret of the iron-clad smoking warship?"

To be honest, he was actually a little unbelievable.However, he wanted to believe it again!
(End of this chapter)

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