Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 700 Night Battle Layout

Chapter 700 Night Battle Layout
The reason for this idea is that Matsudaira Nobuzuna felt that the Qing Empire didn't even have its own navy, so how could they know warships better than him!

However, he also hoped that it was true. Knowing the secret of the armored smoking warship, he could take corresponding measures to deal with it, and maybe the Great Japanese Kingdom could also build such a powerful warship!
Therefore, Nobuzuna Matsudaira stared at Daizen, waiting for his next words.

I only heard Daishan say to Matsudaira Nobutsuna: "The Ming Dynasty invented a thing called a steam engine, which obtains great power by boiling water. The iron-clad smoking warship we saw is definitely installed. This kind of steam engine!"

After Turge fled back to Liaodong, he said this, but he was given a gag order, so Daishan and Dorgon and a few other high-level Jianlu officials knew about it.

Originally, Daishan and the others had slowly forgotten about this matter.As a result, seeing that the iron-clad smoking warship was so powerful, he thought about it again.

"Striving for the chicken? Boiling water?" Matsudaira Nobutsuna was confused when he heard Daishan's words, and he couldn't understand it at all.

This can't be blamed on him, no matter how smart people are in this era, they probably won't be able to understand the principle of the steam engine in the first place.

Daishan himself didn't understand the specific principle, so he couldn't explain it further. He could only express his thoughts: "The smoke on the boat comes from boiling water. In other words, this kind of iron armor Warships must burn fire, and the firewood stored on board must be limited, so as long as it takes time to hold back the Ming navy, the iron-clad warship will consume firewood, and it will not be so strong!"

It has to be said that he can think of this step, which is already considered remarkable.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna is known as "Wisdom Izu". Hearing these explanations, he thought about it and found it reasonable.However, when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was not easy to achieve this step.

That iron-clad smoking warship is very fast, at least the current warships of the Great Japanese Kingdom, no matter what type of ship it is, are not as fast as it. How can it consume?Take your life?This can't afford it!

In fact, the reason why the iron-clad steam warship was so powerful that it shocked the Japanese people at once, the biggest reliance, in fact, has three aspects.

The first, of course, is speed, which is related to the steam engine;

The second is the iron armor, so that Japan, which does not have heavy artillery, can fight an iron-clad ship, even if it is only iron-clad wood, it is just scratching;

Thirdly, the artillery on the Ming warships are all equipped with heavy artillery, just like Xiyi.Long range, powerful.

Nobuzuna Matsudaira is not a fool, so he can naturally sum up these three aspects. Even if he knows the secret of the armored smoking warship, he still feels that he can't really deal with it!

Seeing that Matsudaira Nobutsuna was silent and still frowning, Daizen said to him again: "Besides, our purpose is to capture Phi Island. As long as we capture Phi Island, then the Ming Dynasty Navy will It is rootless duckweed, so it will be easy to deal with. Therefore, I suggest that after the arrival of the navy army of the Japanese state, use the cover of night to transport the infantry to start the battle to seize the island. Don't worry, my warriors from the Qing Dynasty can land on the island first , as long as our warriors from the Qing Dynasty are transported to the island, the island will definitely be captured!"

Upon hearing this, Nobuzuna Matsudaira immediately raised his head, looked at Daishan, and said with a little joy: "Yes, this idea is good, we can consider it!"

He has far more warships than Ming warships. If he transports troops to land on Phi Island under the cover of night, the Ming navy will definitely be unable to stop him. This is the way to give full play to his own advantages.

Of course, it is also foreseeable that there will definitely be a lot of losses in warships and transporting infantry.However, as Daishan said, as long as the Phi Island is forcibly captured, the warships of the Ming Dynasty will have no place to dock. No matter how powerful their warships are, they will inevitably have to retreat in despair.

Just as he was thinking about it, Daishan continued: "However, our warriors from the Qing Dynasty, as the main force to land on the island, should not suffer too much loss. On the Japanese side, we must first cover to attract the attention of the warships of the Ming Dynasty, and then go back to the island." The warriors who transported me to the Qing Dynasty forcibly landed!"

After hearing this, Matsudaira Nobutsuna lowered his head and thought for a while.

Daishan came up with this idea. After landing on the island, the Ming army would definitely resist with all their might, and the losses would certainly be great. Daishan's request is not too much.

Thinking of this, he looked at Daishan, nodded and said, "Okay, then we will carefully deploy the battle according to this idea."

After hearing this, Dai Shan immediately smiled and said, "This Phi Island was wiped out by me once, so I know the topography of the island and which coasts are suitable for forced landing. Let's discuss it together!"

At this time, although the coach already has a countermeasure.However, the soldiers of the Japanese army were hit hard and their morale was low.

For them, the naval battle just now really exceeded their expectations, it was a one-sided massacre, and they, who were full of confidence in occupying North Korea, suffered a heavy blow.

Compared with the Japanese and Jianlu, the Ming people and Koreans on Phi Island are as happy as Chinese New Year.

They all crowded onto the pier to warmly welcome the sailors and sailors for their triumphant return.

Zheng Zhilong did not board the ship to command, but stood with Wu Sangui from a high place to watch the battle.Because there are iron-clad steam warships, and the main thing to deal with is the Japanese Guan ship, which is crushing, and there is no need to command at all, just be reckless.

Now seeing the return of the naval warship and seeing other people are very excited, but Zheng Zhilong doesn't smile much.

When Wu Sangui found out, he said enviously, "Old Zheng, you are still not satisfied with such a big victory!"

He felt that it was much easier for the navy to fight than him, and military achievements were easy to come by. He was absolutely envious!

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong saw that there was no one around but their personal guards, so he expressed his concern: "According to the news, there are more than [-] warships in the Wa Kingdom, although we have destroyed [-] warships. Come, but after the main force of the Japanese navy arrives, the situation is still a bit difficult!"

"Are you worried that they will seize the island by force in the dark?" Wu Sangui immediately thought of the problem after hearing this, and asked immediately.

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong nodded and replied, "That's right! If the Japanese navy seized the island by force in the dark, they would have far more ships than us, and I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them!"

Hearing this, Wu Sangui immediately laughed and said, "Then you have no confidence in our army!"

Speaking of this, he paused before continuing: "As long as it is dawn, you cut off the enemy's follow-up reinforcements and prevent them from continuing to continuously reinforce them. Those enemies who have landed on the island will never come back! "

Zheng Zhilong heard this, and quickly reminded: "Since they want to seize the island in this way, they must use the strongest elite to seize the island!"

"It's all right!" Wu Sangui said confidently after hearing this, "Don't underestimate my army, the army today has already changed its guns, and it is not what it used to be."

To be precise, not only the ordnance and equipment of today's Ming army have been refitted, but even gunpowder and the like are all granulated, which is very different from before.

Not to mention, the former Ming army had difficulty guaranteeing logistics, military pay, food and grass were all problems.But now, not only are these guarantees, even the North Koreans on the island are still guaranteed.

Therefore, Wu Sangui has the confidence to say this.

As long as Zheng Zhilong cuts off the enemy's backup, how many enemies can come to the island after a night of chaos?

Jianlu and Waguo are sure, and Wu Sangui is also sure. For the rest, it depends on whether the spear is strong or the shield is strong!

Zheng Zhilong saw that Wu Sangui was very confident, so he also said to him: "Okay, since that's the case, I will try my best to intercept the Japanese warship!"

He also has the confidence to say this.

In naval battles at night, it is basically difficult to use firearms, and it is very inconvenient to load. You must be careful to ignite the explosives yourself.

However, Zheng Zhilong has about [-] steam iron-clad warships, patrolling the sea facing North Korea back and forth, without firing cannons, he can knock down many Japanese ships in a rampage.

If it is daytime, when the line of sight is good, you can also use the cooperation of coastal defense guns, and the Japanese navy will have no chance.

So, Wu Sangui stopped talking too much, reached out and patted Zheng Zhilong's shoulder, and said with a smile: "When the battle is over, I will invite you to drink at the best restaurant in the capital!"

Relatively speaking, Wu Sangui has a family in the capital, while Zheng Zhilong is from Fujian, and he feels like visiting my house.

After that, he stopped talking too much, and immediately went to arrange the defense of Phi Island.

On Zheng Zhilong's side, there was no delay, and he immediately went to inspect the situation of the warship, make supplies, and then assign the night's defense task.

On the other side of Phi Island, not far from the coastline, Jianlu and Japanese are still discussing in the temporary tent of the Chinese army.

Oboi, who is familiar with the situation of Phi Island, first introduced the situation of Phi Island, which made Matsudaira Nobutsuna know it well.

Afterwards, he pointed to the sketch of Phi Island and said to Daishan: "The Ming army should prevent us from seizing the island in the dark, so in order to reduce casualties, it is best to set it in the middle of the night until they relax their defenses. Then, on the front side, use empty ships to bluff to attract the attention of the iron-clad smoking warships of the Ming Dynasty, and then the troop carrier will go around a little further and make a forced landing on the side of the island, what do you think?"

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and then immediately added: "With the cover of night, even if the Ming army would think of this, they can't prevent the roundabout troop carrier from approaching Phi Island."

"That's right, it's a good idea!" Dai Shan listened, nodded after thinking about it, and praised.

Nobutsuna Matsudaira heard this, and immediately said with a smile: "When the main fleet arrives, use this method. Now, let's show the enemy's weakness and paralyze the Ming army."

After hearing this, Daishan boasted again, which made him very happy, as if there was no big defeat at all earlier.

However, what they never expected was that before the main fleet arrived, the urgent courier from [-] li arrived first.

(End of this chapter)

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