Chapter 701 Brilliant
"Nani?" Matsudaira Nobuzuna heard the report, as if he saw the sun coming out from the west, his face was shocked, or unbelievable, "Ming army is attacking the mainland?"

The other Japanese also had almost the same expression as him.Even Daishan and the others were shocked.

They couldn't figure it out, how could the Ming army go to fight the Japanese mainland?
"Hey, at least a thousand warships from the Ming Dynasty landed from Satsuma to attack the mainland."

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu, who had already lost most of the warships, almost fainted when he heard that the Ming army attacked Satsuma first.

After finally regaining his senses, he immediately shouted in a hurry: "Quick, come back!"

The eight-hundred-mile rush was sent by Yagyu Shibingwei who stayed behind in Seoul.As for the news of Yagyu Jubingwei, after Kyushu Island was attacked by the Ming army, the Clippers did not report the letter to Edo first, and then sent the military order of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Therefore, this report only stated that there was such a situation, but it did not ask North Korea what to do.

But now that the news has come, the meaning is actually very obvious: the house is on fire, go home and put out the fire!

Nobuzuna Matsudaira didn't lose his mind just because his house was stolen, and he didn't go to Li Shimadzu Mitsuhisa's shout, but frowned and considered the gains and losses.

If it is said that the invading Ming army can be wiped out on the mainland, or the invading Ming army can be repelled, then the North Korean army does not intend to move.

After all, the North Korean troops are advancing northward, and the navy is preparing for a decisive battle with the Ming navy.

It's like sinking into the dantian, ready to punch out.At this time, there must be no air leakage!

But if the mainland can't stop the invasion of the Ming army, there is no other way. No matter how important North Korea is, it is not as important as the security of the mainland. Matsudaira Nobuzuna must return to the old nest to rescue.

In this way, the key is to judge whether the mainland can be defended, or to repel the Ming army!
Matsudaira Nobutsuna still knows the truth and reality in the country of Wa.

The Ming Dynasty had thousands of warships, and it was impossible to pass through North Korea, so it could only pass through the Ryukyu Kingdom.

I just don't know how many transport ships there are in the Ming Kingdom, which determines how many Ming troops will land on the mainland of the Wa Kingdom?
Twenty thousand?Or thirty thousand?
If there are more, the logistics of the Ming army will have problems!
With this force, Kyushu Island may be destroyed a lot by the Ming army, but once the troops directly under Edo are sent to Kyushu, it will definitely be able to fight.

But I just don't know if there will be a follow-up Ming army?

Thinking of this, Matsudaira Nobutsuna was really worried.

Suddenly, he remembered the battle in front of him again.

If you don't take this opportunity to capture Phi Island, you don't know how long it will take to attack Phi Island again!

And if Phi Island is still in the hands of the Ming army, then North Korea will have no peace!
Thinking of this, Nobutsuna Matsudaira gritted his teeth and made up his mind to take Pido away, regardless of the mainland.

Hearing this decision, there were many objections on the Japanese side, but on the Jianlu side, there were hundreds of thousands of people in favor.

After all, Nobuzuna Matsudaira is the commander-in-chief. Once he makes a decision, the subordinates can only implement it and wait for the main force of the navy to arrive.

However, what Matsudaira Nobuzuna never expected was that Mitsuhisa Shimadzu saw that he could not be persuaded, so he went south ahead of time, intercepted the main force of the navy going north halfway, and disclosed the news in advance.

The navy of the Japanese country all mobilized warships from various places, and a large part of the main force of the navy came from Kyushu Island.

When these big names in Kyushu Island heard that their homes were attacked by the Ming army, they panicked immediately.

If the home is gone, what's the point of them fighting the Ming army here?
Not to mention, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu also told them that the Ming Dynasty had a very powerful iron-clad smoking warship, and he was almost wiped out by the whole army. It is foreseeable that the battle of Pidao will definitely be a bitter battle.

The daimyo of Kyushu Island quit first, and immediately ordered their warships to turn around and go south to save their lair; the other daimyo saw that half of their warships were missing, so they quit, anyway, the law does not blame everyone, so they Also followed south.

In order to prevent Matsudaira Nobuzuna from knowing that they turned around and went south and ordered them to fight Pidao first, they simply did not report.

As a result, Matsudaira Nobutsuna waited and waited on Tieshan's side, until the flowers were about to wither, but still did not wait for the main force of the navy to arrive.

After two days overdue, he finally sent someone south to check the situation of the navy, and only then did he know that the main force of the navy had gone south secretly!

The moment he got the report, Nobutsuna Matsudaira was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Even if the main force of the navy goes south, by the time they rush back to the mainland, the reinforcements from Edo must have arrived.If Kyushu is harmed, it will be too late for them to go.

A group of pig brains, can't use their brains?
But when Matsudaira Nobutsuna came back to his senses, he understood.The mainland was attacked by the Ming army, and the Japanese people were panicked, especially the Japanese in Kyushu Island.

People are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead!

In desperation, he could only stay away from Daishan for the time being, and lead the troops to the south first, and then deal with this crisis.

On Daishan's side, there is no other way but to lead the troops back to Liaodong.

Just like that, the vigorous attack on Phi Island ended anticlimactically.

Of course, in order to prevent the Ming army from coming ashore to attack, both the Jianlu in Liaodong and the Japanese in North Korea set up observation posts on the coastline.If it is found that the Ming army has signs of going ashore, they will use the beacon fire to send a message.

Naturally, Wu Sangui and Zheng Zhilong were informed of the movement on the shore, and they naturally guessed that the expeditionary force from the Wa Kingdom must have gone to the Wa Kingdom, so Zheng Zhilong also led the fleet south, but he didn't go directly. The southernmost point, but began to capture the islands along the way, the kind that slowly went south.


In Shengjing, Liaodong, Dorgon was dealing with government affairs. When he heard that Daishan had returned, he was overjoyed. Worry free!"

Since he became the regent, he usually called Daishan as Prince Yili, but this time he changed to the word "big brother", which shows how happy he is.

It's no wonder that the establishment of Dongjiang Town seriously affected the Qing's side and rear, making it impossible for the Qing to focus on dealing with the Ming army on the front line of Guanning.In particular, the Dongjiang Ming Army's combat power is not weak, far better than Mao Wenlong's back then, which made Daqing think about pulling out this thorn in his back as soon as possible.

Now, it finally came true!
But who knows, when Daishan heard his words, he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Stop talking, there's no credit for it, it's a waste of time!"

Those Jian captives who came out with Dorgon, heard Dorgon's words, and looked at the army brought back by Daishan, seemed to have no loss. They were all very happy, cheering "Long live the Qing Dynasty", and found that something was wrong. They all stopped in embarrassment.

"What's going on?" Dorgon was puzzled when he heard it.

At this time, he also felt something was wrong, because Daishan came back much sooner than he expected!

However, this time on the Qing side, they sincerely wanted to cooperate with the Wa Kingdom and pull out the thorn in Dongjiang Town, so that they wouldn't get into trouble with the Wa Kingdom again!
Daishan didn't say it right away, but only explained the situation after returning to Chongzheng Hall.

Finally, he said with emotion: "The navy of the Ming Dynasty is too strong, especially the iron-clad smoking warship, which really opened my eyes. If there are a lot of such iron-clad smoking warships in the Ming Dynasty over the country of Wa As for warships, it will be difficult for Wa country!"

Dorgon's heart was heavy when he heard it, and he felt the great pressure again.

At this time, Bumbutai, who had been hiding behind and not speaking, was curious, and asked in a rare way: "It's an iron armor and a smoking boat, how did you do it?"

When Daishan told the story just now, he especially emphasized the iron-clad steam warship, which naturally became the focus of attention in the Chongzheng Hall.

Hearing this, Daishan thought for a while and said, "This must be the steam engine. Since it can pull the car, it shouldn't be difficult to push the boat!"

"This steam engine is so powerful?" Bumbutai sighed in surprise, and then asked, "Then can our Qing Dynasty build it?"

Who wouldn't want to own a steam engine?

After Dorgon heard about the application of the steam engine, he really came up with this idea. After thinking about it for a while, he issued an order to pass the audience to Turg.

Afterwards, he asked Turger about the steam engine in detail.

Although Turg had worked on a steam train, he was a prisoner most of the time, not to mention that he had no freedom, and he was still locked in a prison, so it was impossible for him to find out anything.

Although he was told to go anyway and sent him to the grasslands to instigate rebellion against the Mongolian tribes, he still left the capital in a hurry and did not stay long.

Therefore, at this time, Turge could only answer Dorgon and the others: "The slave only knows that the steam engine is built by using coal to burn fire and boil water. As for the specifics, the slave really doesn't know."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and quickly added: "By the way, I heard that when the Emperor Ming introduced this steam engine, he said that it is the same as boiling water in a kettle!"

Hearing this, Dorgon thought for a while, and then ordered to pass the decree to let Hong Chengchou and Fan Wencheng have an audience.

After receiving the order, the two traitors hurried to Chongzheng Hall, and then discovered a strange scene.

I heard that there was a stove in the middle of the hall, and there was a kettle on the stove, and the coals underneath were so hot that the water inside was bubbling.

However, there is no lid!

Both Hong Chengchou and Fan Wencheng didn't understand what he meant, so they hurriedly greeted him.

Dorgon waved them to stand up, and then said to the two of them: "You two gentlemen are talented people in the Qing Dynasty, can you understand how to build a steam engine from them?"

While talking, he pointed to the kettle.

(End of this chapter)

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