Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 705 Comparison

Chapter 705 Comparison
I have already hid home, and rushed in to fight, where is Wude?

The goal of the Great Ming Expeditionary Force was to destroy the navy of the Wa Kingdom and completely seize control of the sea. Wude, such a thing, could not appear in the war.Taking advantage of your illness and killing you, and annihilating them in one go, is the essence of the art of war.

It has to be said that in the first round of battle just now, the invincible image of the armored steam warship has already been established.

If you need protection and protection, you need speed and speed, and you need attack and attack. At least at this moment, the Japanese have no power to fight back against the powerful iron-clad steam warship.

Seeing Daming's steaming and smoking warships lined up again, ready to attack Busan Port, the Japanese Navy could only hide inside as much as possible.

In just a short while, in the port of Busan, the ship of the Japanese navy, you squeezed me, and I squeezed you.

Seeing this, Zeng Ying sneered, and immediately asked the standard bearer to issue a new military order.

The paddle wheel of the steam iron-clad warship immediately began to rotate in the opposite direction, causing the speed of the warship to drop quickly, and it did not really rush into the port and collide with the Japanese warship.

Steam armored warships lined up, blocking the port of Busan.Then I saw small boats sailing into the port from the gap between the steam armored warships, rushing towards the Japanese warships inside.

I saw that the prows of these boats were like iron spears, not very long, about as long as a human arm.

The hull is also quite special, with a feeling of being heavy at the front and light at the rear.The mast is also at the front, not to mention advancing with the help of the wind, there are still many things piled up on the ship.

After these small boats passed the armored steam warship, these small boats also started to smoke.

This is not the smoke from the steam engine, because it can be seen with the naked eye, and the fire soon appeared on the ship. Under the blowing of the sea wind, the fire started very quickly, and the open flame could be seen in the front half of the boat, and it burned more and more. bigger.Obviously, there must be something igniting in the cabin, otherwise, it would be impossible for the fire to ignite so quickly!
Seeing that they were about ten feet away from the outermost warships of the Japanese navy, those small boats suddenly broke into two pieces, and the rear section could not enter the water, as if a smaller boat had been separated.There were several Ming army soldiers on the boat, under the cover of one after another large shields, paddling back with their oars.

"Fire attack, Ming army fire attack!"

"Run away, it's going to be on fire!"


Nobuzuna Matsudaira on the shore originally thought that if the iron-clad smoking warship of the Ming Dynasty dared to crash into the port, it would crash some ships, at least he couldn't get out quickly.At this time, he can send troops to climb onto this iron-clad ship of the Ming army, which is his advantage.

Unexpectedly, those armored and smoking warships just drove his naval warships together, and then sent arson boats to burn them.

At this moment, he really had a sentence that he didn't know whether to say or not!
Seeing the Japanese soldiers on the warship scrambling to escape to the shore, Nobuzuna Matsudaira knew that his navy was finished!
Sure enough, after seeing the arson ships of the Ming army collide with the Japanese warships, they were firmly booked together with the Japanese warships.The raging fire quickly spread to the Japanese warship.

Some Japanese wanted to use long spears to push away the Ming army's arson boats, but unfortunately they were in vain. Instead, they were burned and smoked, and many fell into the sea;
Some Japanese rushed to pour water from the boat into the arson boat, trying to put out the fire.However, the fire was so powerful that it didn't go out even after being poured with water. Obviously, it was something that was not easy to extinguish, such as a cupping pot.

Almost at the same time, the bow heavy artillery of the armored steam warships lined up also began to bombard.

"Boom boom boom..."

The iron bullets roared and hit the densely packed Japanese warships in the port, and the wooden blocks flew wildly, accompanied by the ghosts and wolves of the Japanese.

After the steam ironclad warship fired, those Japanese who tried to put out the fire basically collapsed and all fled to the shore.

"Boom boom boom..."

Amidst the roar of the artillery, the blazing flames burned more and more intensely.

Finally, the gunpowder on the Japanese warship was ignited.

"Boom boom boom..."

Accompanied by a huge explosion, the Japanese began to set off fireworks in broad daylight.

This power is greater than that of the Ming army's shelling.

The explosion of a Japanese warship caused disasters to several surrounding Japanese ships, quickly ignited these warships, and caused the gunpowder on board to explode.

"Boom boom boom..."

Amidst bursts of explosions, the Daming armored steam warship began to retreat.

The port is too busy, it's a little dangerous to get close, but a little farther away, you can eat melons and watch a show.

The Japanese soldiers on the port wharf were also affected by the explosion of the Japanese warships. Burning pieces of wood flew all over the sky and splashed everywhere. Wait, a new fire was ignited.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna fled to a distance in disgrace, and when he saw sparks everywhere in Busan, he was so anxious that he jumped up and shouted to put out the fire.

However, Busan is in a panic now, and there is no organizational system at all.It is not so easy to pass on his military orders effectively.

On the sea, all the warships of the Ming Dynasty lowered their sails, watching the bustling Busan watching a play.

The chasing fleet began to return one after another.

Some came back with warships that captured the Japanese kingdom, while others had no ships and only some captives, all of them were wet, obviously salvaged from the sea; of course, there were also nothing.

Three Portuguese sailing warships escorted five Japanese customs ships back. Looking at the burning Busan, they were all silent.

After the Battle of Busan, in the Far East, there was no longer a large-scale navy that could compete with the Daming Navy.

Although the Portuguese also participated in the expedition to Luzon before, at that time, there was no such a large-scale naval battle at all, and it was not too shocking.

But in the Pusan ​​naval battle, the number of warships on both sides, large and small, was nearly [-].However, the situation was completely one-sided, especially the iron-clad steam warship, which played a key role, making it very easy for the Ming army to win this naval battle.

Witnessing such a large-scale naval battle with my own eyes, the Ming army won so easily, the Portuguese couldn't help but be shocked!
The head of the Portuguese army in Haojingao, also known as the Governor of Haojingao, Du Chen, took a deep breath, and subconsciously thought of something in his mind.

What would happen if the Ming army went to war with Portugal?
In other words, what would happen if the navy of the Ming Dynasty went to war with the navy of a European power?

Going one step further, what would happen if the Daming navy and the navy of several European countries joined forces to go to war?
Du Chen thought for a long time, and stared at those steam iron-clad warships for a long time, before he had a care in his heart.

What he thought was that the Ming country is really rich and capable of violent soldiers and boats. If it is on the Ming side, there is no country in the world today that is the opponent of the Ming country.Even if the European countries unite, seven or eight countries and the like send an expeditionary force, they cannot be the opponent of the Ming Dynasty.

However, if the front line is drawn to the midpoint between Europe and the Ming Dynasty, it will not be necessarily the case.

The Ming Dynasty did have more soldiers and ships, but correspondingly, the logistical pressure was even greater.

In addition, although the artillery and firearms of the Ming Dynasty are similar to those of European countries today, their warships are still inferior to European sailing warships during naval battles.

After such a long period of observation, he already knew that the steam iron-clad warships of the Ming Dynasty actually had several weaknesses. These weaknesses were not obvious when dealing with the warships of the Japanese Kingdom, but if it was a sailing warship to deal with it, it would definitely not It's like the current one-sided battle situation.

Once the Ming navy really started to fight warships from various European countries, the timing was very important.As long as the wind and waves are stronger, the speed of those steam armored warships will obviously not be good.

In naval battles, as long as the speed is at a disadvantage, it is passive to be beaten, and it is easy to lose.

In addition, the steam iron-clad warship relies on coal. As long as it is dragged on, once there is no coal, the steam iron-clad warship is actually useless.

Du Chen compared it in his mind, and most likely felt it was a [-]-[-] split.

And once the show moves to Europe, he feels that Ming will definitely lose, because the battle line is too long and the logistics pressure is too great, and a warship of Ming's speed cannot withstand such a long-distance voyage.

Thinking of this in his heart, Du Chen finally felt a little better.

If you don’t need to think too much about these things, at least Portugal is now on the side of Daming. When King Joao IV agrees to Portugal becoming a vassal state of Ming, then this side can immediately do sea trade with Daming and make money. is the first.

Not to mention, the navy of the Japanese kingdom is finished. From now on, the Far East will be ruled by the Ming Empire, and Portugal, as a vassal state of the Ming Empire, will do even bigger business!
Du Chen thinks so, but on Wa country's side, at least Matsudaira Nobuzuna, who is very embarrassed at this time, doesn't think so.

No, he was standing on a small hill a little far away from Busan, looking at the Daming Fleet at sea, and said through gritted teeth: "Don't look at your pride now, wait until the Ryukyu Kingdom is defeated by our Great Wa Kingdom again, and your power will be cut off." Logistics, let's see if you can still be so arrogant!"


On the other side, Munemo Yagyu had already led the cobbled-up navy of the Wa Kingdom, heading south from the eastern section of Kyushu Island, and suddenly launched an attack on the Kingdom of Ryukyu.

Needless to say, Amami Oshima, the closest island to the Wa country, was defeated by Yagyu Somo without much effort.

Then, while reporting victory to Edo, he continued to march towards Naha.

The capital of the Ryukyu Kingdom is there, and the food and supplies hoarded by the Ming army are also there. As long as Naha is captured again, Tokugawa Iemitsu's strategic goal will be completed.

(End of this chapter)

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