Chapter 706
However, there are no Ming people on Amami Oshima Island, but a group of Ryukyu people. They only know that Ming people are in Naha, but they don’t know the specific situation in Naha. of.

He didn't believe that Naha, as a transfer point for logistical materials, would not have the Ming army staying behind!I just don't know, how many Ming troops will stay behind?

The reason why Yagyu Munemo knew very well that the shogunate needed a great victory to boost morale was the reason why Tokugawa Iemitsu reported victory after defeating Amami Oshima.

As for Naha, he led more than a hundred warships, and even if he died, he would take them down, so he had the right to claim victory in advance.

According to Tokugawa Iemitsu and Yagyu Somoki's own estimates, since the Ming Expeditionary Army attacked Kyushu Island, it must concentrate as many troops as possible, and the number of troops staying in Naha is bound to be impossible.

As long as they can attack Naha, there will be [-] samurai directly under the shogunate in the fleet. These are the elite Japanese army. Including other soldiers, the total strength is about [-]. They will definitely defeat the Ming army and regain control of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Along the way, Munemo Yagyu thought about this, and finally saw the shadow of Naha Island.

The Ming army on Naha's side naturally discovered this fleet at the same time, and at a glance they knew it was a warship from the Wa Kingdom, and the alarm gong sounded.

As Yagyu Sotomo expected, there were not many warships left by the Ming Expeditionary Army in Naha. There were only five steam ironclad warships, fifteen No. [-] Fuchuan warships and twenty other small Fuchuan warships. A total of forty warships.

Although the number of warships of the Ming army was less than half of that of the Japanese navy, the warships of the Ming army did not show any weakness and went out of the port to meet the battle.After seeing this, Liu Sheng Zongju finally let go of his heart: "Yaoxi, as expected by the general, the number of warships left behind by the navy of the Ming Dynasty is not many!"

The iron-clad steam warship began to boil water, and thick smoke came out of the chimney, which immediately attracted the attention of the Japanese army.

Although Munemo Yagyu was taken aback, he didn't pay much attention to it. With the number of warships here, the advantage is obvious.

He immediately issued a military order, the Anzhai ship was the main force, and [-] warships were assigned to meet the battle. The other warships were divided into two groups, bypassing the Ming warships, and attacking the flanks of the Ming navy if possible, forming a pincer attack. , Without a chance, they directly attacked Naha Port, attracted the Ming navy to return to aid, and annihilated the Ming navy in one fell swoop in a panic.

After the arrangement was completed, Munemo Yagyu couldn't help but sneered and said, "I don't know who the Ming general on the other side is, but he didn't rely on Naha to guard him, but rushed out recklessly, what a fool!"

The implication is that if it were him, he would definitely not rush out to fight, so that the fleet might fall into the risk of being flanked by the opponent.

The general of the Ming army who was despised by Liu Sheng Zongju was Zeng Ying's general Hu Mingfeng. He was indeed a brave general, but he was not a reckless general.After seeing the division of warships of the Japanese state, he also adopted corresponding deployment.

When Liu Sheng Zongju saw that the navy of the Ming Dynasty ignored him and went straight to his path, regardless of the other two paths, he burst out laughing.

This general of the Ming army probably got his position because of his connections, right?To use such a reckless style of play?

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered that the warships on his side deal with this Ming army first, drag this Ming army down, and let the other two Japanese navy take the opportunity to steal their home and capture the Naha port.

However, what Yagyu Zongju never expected was that his military order had just been handed down, and the fleet had not yet turned around to deal with the Ming Dynasty Navy, when he saw the iron-clad smoking warship at the front of the Ming Kingdom Navy, Even ignoring the direction of the wind, he rushed straight towards his fleet.The speed was far beyond his expectations.

What's happening here?
Munemo Yagyu was even a little skeptical. Could it be that the wind on the side of the Ming warship was strong and the wind on his side was weak, so the Ming warship was so fast?
However, seeing that the hard sails on the warships of the Ming Dynasty were blown by the wind, they were not much different from his side, so the question arises, why is the speed of this iron-clad ship faster? Shouldn’t it be heavier after being wrapped in iron armor? , so slower?

At this moment, before he could think of something one, two, three, four, he saw gunpowder smoke rising from the Ming warship, followed by a jet of water from his side, and pieces of wood that were hit by the warship flying around.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar of the artillery was not heard until this time.However, Yagyu Munemo had no time to be shocked, and was crushed by his bodyguards.

Because the flagship is the main object of care for the warships of the Ming army, even if it is hiding behind, it is still within the range of the heavy artillery of the Ming army. Several rounds of artillery took care of it, and the flagship suffered an iron bullet on the head of the ship, and sawdust flew around. middle.

Munemo Yagyu straightened up, looked up, and saw those iron armored warships smoking, they were already very close to him, and the iron armor reflected the sunlight, making them even more majestic.

At this moment, even though Yagyu Zongju's sword skills were astonishing, a kind of fear surged in his heart, and he quickly shouted: "Retreat, retreat quickly, stay away from the warships of the Ming Dynasty!"

In fact, without his order, his subordinates had already done so.

In addition, the frigates of the flagship, those closed ships saw that their flagship was about to be attacked by the warships of the Ming Dynasty, and they all went crazy.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Blah blah blah..."

The Fran's machine guns began to shell rapidly, and the musketeers also fired rapidly, and suddenly, there was a lot of momentum.

Because of the proximity, most of the iron bullets and lead bullets hit Ming's armored smoking warship. However, the iron skin of the ship is very thick, and at most it is dented, or the hard sail is damaged, and the hull is basically useless. No problem, it doesn't matter at all.

On both sides of the armored steam warship, the windows of the muzzle were lowered, revealing the dark muzzle.

"Boom boom boom..." Ming army artillery began to fight back.

I saw that the Japanese ship was like paper paste. At such a short distance, the iron bullets of the Ming army smashed through the ship, and even before the kinetic energy was exhausted, it smashed into the second ship, like a string. Candied haws are average.

At the same time, the five steam warships did not slow down at all, and continued to advance at a high speed. The target: the flagship of the Japanese Navy.

In just a short while, these five steam ironclad warships pierced through the formation of the Japanese navy.

Among them, the ramming angle of the steam iron-clad warship rushing to the front had already been aimed at the flagship of the Japanese navy, and hit it at once.

Munemo Yagyu stared blankly at this scene, and didn't move at all.It's not that he doesn't want to command, but that he can't command at all.The performance of warships like this of the Ming Dynasty far exceeds that of our country's warships, and it is impossible to fight at all.

If you fight, you can't fight; if you run away, you can't escape; what else can you do?
At this moment, Munemo Yagyu had a clear understanding of why the Ming expeditionary force dared to attack the Wa kingdom, and why the number of warships left by the Ming kingdom in Ryukyu was small.

People have full confidence!

At this moment, Munemo Yagyu looked at the iron-armored and smoking warship that crashed into it, and muttered to himself, "If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"


With a loud noise, the armored steam warship smashed the Anzhai ship into two pieces.

The Japanese warships around saw this scene and watched their flagship being smashed into two pieces by Ming warships, as if someone had tapped their acupoints, and they were stunned for a moment.

Although they had already foreseen that their flagship would definitely not be able to keep, the psychological shock brought about by watching the flagship being smashed into two and the battle just started was absolutely unimaginable in their lifetime.

As for the Ming army, after seeing this scene, they did not hesitate at all. The remaining four steam ironclad warships immediately turned around and rushed towards the remaining uninjured Japanese warships.The ordinary warships that followed followed suit.

It was the flagship of the Ming army that crashed the flagship of the Japanese Navy. Hu Mingfeng looked at a large group of struggling Japanese people on the sea, and he didn't care if there was a Japanese commander inside, and immediately ordered the warship to turn around and continue to join the battle.

However, although the flagship turned around, it found that it did not speed up, and his subordinates quickly reported to him: "My lord, the left paddle wheel cover was hit by an iron bullet, and it was dented a lot, and then it was hit by a wooden block." The paddle wheel can only be used after the sundries are blocked and the sundries need to be removed.”

When Hu Mingfeng heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful, so he ordered: "Hurry up and repair it. In addition, salvage the prisoners and see if the leader of the Wa Kingdom is dead!"

"Obey!" His subordinates quickly agreed, and then went to work.

The paddle wheel has this problem, and it is easy to be blocked by sundries.

After a while, the soldiers of the Ming army quickly escorted a Japanese man with white hair and white beard to Hu Mingfeng and said, "My lord, this should be the commander of the Japanese navy, but he just refuses to explain it!"

At this age, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an ordinary soldier. In addition, there are a group of Japanese floating around him in the sea. It is basically certain that the Japanese coach did not run away.

Hu Mingfeng listened, but didn't care, just ordered: "Press it down!"

At this moment, another huge artillery sound was heard in the distance.

"Boom boom boom..."

Hearing the sound, everyone on the deck turned their heads to look, and saw the coastal defense guns on the side of Naha Port fired. It was visible to the naked eye. Rows of coastal defense guns bombarded the Japanese warships that wanted to steal their homes. heavy.

This side has already defeated the navy of the Japanese flagship, and Ming's warships have also returned to aid.

Those Japanese warships that sneaked up were bombarded by coastal defense artillery and then covered up by the Ming army's return division. It is almost certain that the Japanese navy is doomed.

Seeing this scene, Hu Mingfeng couldn't help laughing and said: "This battle is very happy, very happy, but there are a little less Japanese ships, which is not enough to fight!"

The white-haired old man next to him who was about to be taken down was Munemo Yagyu. Hearing what he said, he couldn't help feeling sad: General, he still wants to cut off the logistics supplies of the Ming army. It's really a dream!

He was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a Ming soldier exclaiming: "My lord, there are fifteen Xiyi warships!"

When Liu Shengzong heard it, he immediately turned his head to look, and then he burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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