Chapter 715
Following the passing of the military order, the soldiers of the Ming army began to pack their things. It seemed that they were about to leave.

At the same time, the Mongolian soldiers of the Ming army began to call out to the Mongolian herdsmen to let them gather.

Although, these Mongols had expected this situation.However, when they really had to start gathering them, they couldn't help but worry again.

They are afraid of the next thing, it is time for the Ming army to tear off the hypocrisy and expose their minions and sharp teeth.

However, they could not help but disagree.There are nearly tens of thousands of Ming cavalry troops, even if they are more numerous than the Ming cavalry, but these Ming cavalry are fully armed, if they are not obedient, they are likely to kill people.

The joy of being able to eat mutton disappeared, and the Mongolian herdsmen began to gather with uneasiness as they kept the unfinished mutton.

The elderly took their children, and the young and strong protected the women and children, and slowly came to the designated place to gather.Looking at the surrounding cavalry of the Ming Dynasty, he waited for the arrangement of fate in fear.

Li Dingguo rode on a horse, surrounded by the generals, and came to the front of the gathered Mongols. Seeing their uneasy faces, he showed a smile and looked more friendly. You already know."

The Mongolian soldiers lined up to translate one by one, and by the way, they acted as megaphones to transmit the content of Li Dingguo's speech to the end, so that as many herdsmen as possible could hear it.

"I still have to lead the army to conquer the other two tribes, so I don't have time to escort you south. Therefore, if you want to live a good life, you should drive these herds south to spend the winter in Guihua City. This commander can fight against the sky here. I swear, your life in Guihua City will definitely be better than that in Mobei!"

After his words were spread by those Mongolian soldiers, these Mongolian herdsmen couldn't help showing incredible expressions.

It never occurred to them that this general of the Ming army would let them drive the herd south by themselves. Aren't they afraid that they would run away?

For the first time, almost every herdsman, no matter men, women or children, thought so.

They don't know, is this Ming general testing them, or is this thing true?
Even many people in the Ming army were a little surprised when they heard Li Dingguo's words.

In their minds, these were all spoils of war. Even if they wanted to fight again, it would be okay to send out hundreds of thousands of cavalry to escort these people and drive the herd south!
No matter what they were thinking, Li Dingguo just waited until the interpreter delivered the message, and continued to say: "Da Ming has undergone earth-shaking changes today. As long as the people of Ming Dynasty are living a good life. Look, if it was before, we would appear Is it in Mobei? Also, do you see our equipment is excellent?"

The Mobei area, that is, according to the legend of the older generation, only the Ming army appeared and appeared during the period when the Ming Dynasty was founded, but until later, the Ming army never visited Mobei again.

The same is true, even if the Zasaktu Khan tribe is the strongest among the three tribes in Mobei, they are regarded as the leader, and they are also under the surprise attack of the Ming cavalry. A prisoner of the Ming cavalry.

The appearance of the Ming army seems to be able to show that the Ming country has become stronger again!

Seeing is believing, most of the herdsmen have this conclusion in their hearts when they look at the elite cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty.

They were thinking about it when they heard Li Dingguo say again: "You go south on your own. If you want to escape on the way, don't go to Guihua City, but go to other places. This commander can tell you clearly that this is your loss. Don't It is said that when you meet other tribes, you will become captives. Even if you meet your original leader, you will continue to be their slaves, grazing for them, and living a precarious life. Think about this winter, what will you do? Pass?"

After a pause, he asked his soldiers to translate, and then continued: "However, after you arrive in Guihua City and submit to the imperial court, you will be able to live a good life like ordinary Ming people. This commander can tell you that Guihua There is food in Huacheng, at least you will not starve to death or freeze to death this winter. How you choose this winter will be up to you. Should you go south or something else?"

"If you didn't choose to go south, then you gave up the opportunity to become a commoner of Ming Dynasty. If you meet again in the future, you won't be so polite."

After Li Dingguo threatened, he immediately continued: "If you choose to go south, I will give you another suggestion here. Men who can fight, follow this commander to fight, make military exploits, and serve your family in Guihua City." Win your own herd, even a grain field, and when you have money in the future, you can even take a steam train to Guannei, as a commoner of the Ming Dynasty, to experience the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.”

Speaking of this, Li Dingguo felt that it was almost done, so he finally said: "I will give you half an hour to think about it. If you are willing to become a commoner of the Ming Dynasty, willing to follow this commander to serve the court, and make military achievements so that your family can live a good life, you can take it with you." Gather your war horses at my commander's side."

After speaking, he ordered the disbandment.Afterwards, no matter what happened to these Mongolian herdsmen, the generals were summoned to discuss the next action.

Li Laiheng scratched his head, and asked Li Dingguo a little puzzled, "Marshal, is this okay?"

To be honest, he was a little puzzled, let these Mongolians go to Guihua City by themselves, would they go?Most likely, he ran away, right?
Li Dingguo heard this, but asked back: "Why not? Their tribal army has been defeated, so what kind of sweat has fled without a trace, and the tribes with little combat power are the prey of other tribes on this grassland. If they If they become captives of other tribes, their life will only be more difficult. How to choose is up to them, and I have told them what to say."

Perhaps Li Dingguo was willing to teach Li Laiheng a little more, so after he finished speaking, seeing Li Laiheng thinking, he continued to remind him: "In addition, severe winter is coming, and the barrenness of Mobei also prevents them from changing their minds." It takes a lot of time to make decisions. Living here is not easy!"

After hearing this, Li Laiheng stopped asking questions and looked thoughtful.

In fact, everyone at the border knows that sometimes, when the Mongolian tribes fight in the autumn valley, it is actually a last resort.If they don't go to the Central Plains to grab one, many people may die in their winter.Therefore, knowing that the Central Plains Dynasty was relatively strong, they had no choice but to fight the autumn valley.

If you can grab something, that's the best; if you can't grab something and some people die, it's tantamount to allowing others to get more supplies in disguise, so as to survive the severe winter.

In addition, there are also some Mongolian herdsmen who sneaked into the pass to join them. As far as the Ming Dynasty is concerned, this has been happening since the founding of the country.There are actually places where these nomads are placed, from the Northwest to the Gyeonggi.

The Mongols served the Ming Dynasty, and the most famous one was the Three Thousand Battalions in the capital camp established by Ming Chengzu. They were all composed of Mongolian soldiers. They followed him to the grasslands and fought south and north.

In the years after the Ming Dynasty, there have always been Mongolian people who started as soldiers and fought for the sky. A more famous example is Mangui in the early years of Chongzhen. When it came to heavy soldiers, he finally died fighting for Daming.

It can be said that in the Ming Dynasty, there was basically no concept of a nation-state on the grasslands.Or it can also be said that the country founded by the Han people is very inclusive.

The reason why Li Dingguo made this decision was not because of his brain, but because of his background.

Besides, after Li Dingguo finished speaking, those Mongols came back to their senses and first whispered among their family members to discuss their future; later, they also discussed this matter with familiar people around them.

They didn't dare to speak loudly, they just talked with their voices suppressed.

As for the soldiers of the Ming army, they were not supervised at all, and they were allowed to do whatever they wanted.

About two quarters of an hour later, there were really two herdsmen leading their horses, and reported to the designated place a little nervously.

Li Laiheng was the first to see it, and was a little surprised immediately, and quickly said to Li Dingguo: "Marshal, look, someone really has applied for it!"

Hearing this, Li Dingguo looked up, and he immediately found that one of them seemed to be the person who hid in the yurt when he sent the children away, probably some kind of relative of the two children.

Seeing that someone had applied, he ordered: "Give them a certificate, so that their family members will be treated as military members when they arrive in Guihua City, and they will receive more preferential treatment than ordinary herdsmen!"

This matter is the responsibility of the military supervisor.Hearing what he said, he naturally agreed, so he went over and asked for his name, and wrote a certificate, asking the two people to give the certificate to their family members, and then show it to the officials of Guihua City, so that they can get military treatment.

Seeing this situation, more onlooker herdsmen joined in one after another.

The leader of Zhasaktu Khan's tribe was either beaten away, or killed when he came over.These low-level herdsmen generally lack autonomy.Someone takes the lead, and there is a high probability that others will follow.

No, when more and more military family members appeared, and knowing that it was the benefit of the military family members after arriving in Guihua City, more herdsmen joined in.

Even later, some children, old people, and even some women all led their horses and wanted to join.

In the end, Li Dingguo had no choice but to come forward, as long as he was young and strong.Just in half an hour, he had an extra [-] cavalry.

Of course, this cavalry army doesn't actually have much fighting power. Whether it's their ordnance, armor or morale, they can only fight with the wind. Once they fight hard and hard, they will probably collapse.

However, Li Dingguo didn't mind!

 In fact, there is a very critical factor in the war on the Mongolian grassland, which is religion.But if you want to write, you may encounter a mythical beast, so you just ignore religion, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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