Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 716 Enemy Attack

Chapter 716 Enemy Attack
Li Dingguo did not leave immediately, but once again emphasized discipline to the newly formed "slave cavalry army", reiterating that the main purpose was to attack the leaders of the tribes, and not to plunder and kill ordinary herdsmen.

The emphasis on discipline this time made more herdsmen want to join the team.

Because this proves from one aspect that what Li Dingguo said before is true.This made those herdsmen who didn't believe in the Ming army turn to believe it.

That's it, after another three thousand cavalry troops, Li Dingguo's troops reached more than twenty thousand.

Afterwards, he asked his mother's ordinary herdsmen to drive the herd south, while he led the soldiers to the next target.

Tian Jianxiu's side was no exception. Under the surprise attack, the standing army of the Zasaktu Khan was completely vulnerable. Except for some who escaped, most of them either surrendered or were killed.

The difference from Li Dingguo's side is that Tian Jianxiu's side is holding captives and trophies, and is going to meet Li Dingguo, and has no other ideas.

Therefore, when Li Dingguo approached, Tian Jianxiu was a little dumbfounded.I don't know, I thought it was the heads of the Zasaktu Khan tribe who came back.

Later, Li Dingguo did the same here, announcing new regulations.Let herdsmen go south voluntarily, and those who want to make meritorious service join the army.

This time, because of the example of more than [-] herdsmen brought by Li Dingguo, it was easier.This increased the strength of Li Dingguo's troops by about eight thousand.In this way, the total strength of the cavalry under Li Dingguo reached about [-]; among them, the elite cavalry of the Ming Dynasty had [-] cavalry; the cavalry composed of ordinary herdsmen had [-] cavalry;

According to the approximate ratio of one to two, Li Dingguo asked each ministry to deploy the troops of ordinary herdsmen, but the [-] cavalry army directly under him did not deploy the combat power of ordinary herdsmen.

The joining of these ordinary herdsmen not only enhanced Li Dingguo's available troops, but also provided reliable news from Mobei.An unexpected battle in Mobei entered the second half.


Besides, Zasaktu Khan Subpadi, under the escort of his son, fled to Tuxietu Khan's department with his remnant soldiers, and ran to Tuxietu Khan Gonpo for help.

"What?" Tuxietu Khan looked at the embarrassed Subadhi, and confirmed with some disbelief, "The Great Khan said that the Ming army killed Mobei?"

Just as Subadi hadn't expected before, the Ming army would appear in Mobei, which was unprecedented in hundreds of years.For the first time, Tushetuhan was a little unbelievable.

It would be easier for him to believe if it was said that Waci broke the contract and came to attack them in Mobei Mongolia.Because the two of them used to fight each other often.

Subadi understood his surprise. In fact, until now, he was still a little confused: Shouldn't the Ming army concentrate its forces to deal with the pressure of the Qing and Japanese coalition forces?Why did he still have the strength to kill Mo Bei? He was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses!
Thinking of this in his heart, he replied to Tushetuhan, "Do you think I'm just joking?"

His son Nuoerbu Bixilutuhan hurriedly urged at the side: "Hurry up, gather your troops immediately, and fight back together, we must let those smart dogs know that if you dare to come to Mobei, you will tell them not to come back! "

After hearing this, Tuxietuhan asked again: "Then how many troops are in the Ming army and the specific situation, I must also know about it?"

After a pause, he asked again: "Also, did you ask Wacha for help? We have set up the law code, Chechen Khan, or I will also send someone to send a letter, so that he can gather troops and dare to come to help the battle." Bar?"

Tuxietuhan is not stupid. If he sends troops, even if he wins, it is impossible to get great benefits.Unless Subadi's strength has been defeated by the Ming army, otherwise if Subadi's strength is still strong, he is the leader and has a good relationship with the Zhungeer tribe. It is impossible for Tuxie Tuhan to annex Zasak The ability of the Ministry of Tuhan.

Besides, the severe cold is coming soon. Using knives and guns at this time will consume a lot of supplies. For the Tushetu Khan tribe, who are already in difficult conditions, the winter will become even more difficult.

Therefore, Tuxietuhan didn't want his family to face the Ming cavalry!

Hearing what he said, Subadi didn't know what he was thinking, so he quickly said to him: "The Ming army raided my tribe, and it happened at this time that the herds and population fell into their hands. , The harvest is very rich. At this time, they should escort their spoils back to the Ming Dynasty. If they go late, let them escape!"

After a pause, he continued to persuade: "Ming army will definitely not come to Mobei many times, probably only tens of thousands of riders. The main reason why I will defeat is that I did not expect the Ming army to come to Mobei. Now they I have to escort my tribe with so many people and herds, and the troops must be scattered. At this time, I don’t need too many troops. Maybe as soon as we show up, my people will rebel and turn defeat into victory directly! It's not time to come!"

Upon hearing this, Tushetuhan was a little moved.

Because he basically agrees with Subadhi's explanation, which is in line with his cognition.

Seeing that Tushetuhan still didn't agree immediately, Subadi knew what he was thinking, so he gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you help me defeat the Ming army, I will give you five thousand sheep and one thousand horses. How about all the equipment I own, how about it?"

"Okay, since Da Khan has said so, naturally I can't stand by and watch, so it's settled!" Tushetuhan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately agreed.

Sheep and horses are on the one hand, and on the other hand, he took a fancy to the equipment of the Ming army.

Whether the tribes on the grassland are strong or not depends on the size of their standing army, besides the size of their population.

The size of the standing army depends not only on the number of people the tribe can support, but also on armaments and equipment.

As far as the Tuxietu Khan tribe is concerned, the population is the largest among the three tribes in Mobei, but it is also the most deficient in supplies.Many of the subordinates of the Tuxietu Khan tribe used bone spears and arrows for grazing, and several yurts shared an iron pot.No way, poor!
Therefore, Tuxie Tuhan also valued the equipment captured from the Ming army, which would make him even stronger!

However, although he agreed, it was impossible to fight back immediately.

Because his tribe was scattered all over the place to graze, at this time, although they all began to migrate to the pre-selected wintering grounds, there were also many places, and it took time for him to gather his men.

Seeing that he had ordered the tribe to assemble, Subadi breathed a sigh of relief.

The surprise attack by the Ming army caused him heavy losses, which made him feel very distressed, and he was even more determined to go back to the customs and robbed him fiercely.

No, at the banquet, he said to Tushetuhan: "Joining forces with Tsarist Russia, the attack on the Ming Kingdom can no longer be delayed. We should be decisive. If we enter the Ming Kingdom earlier, the Ming army will not run away." Come to Mobei!"

Tushetuhan listened and nodded, deeply convinced.

This time, fortunately, the Ming army raided other tribes first, otherwise, if they raided his tribe first, it is basically certain that they would suffer the same.

I only heard him answer Subadhi: "Tsarist Russia's firearms are powerful, but their army hasn't come here yet. Even if we agree, it will have to wait until next year at least?"

After hearing this, Subadi nodded and said: "Tsarist Russia is indeed a little far away from the Ming Dynasty, but as long as there are benefits to be gained, they can reach no matter how far away. The most important point, I think it is better to go to the Ming Dynasty first." Don't worry about it so much, let's talk about it after defeating the Ming country, otherwise, the debate will drag on for a long time!"

So many tribes all have their own interests, how to eat such a big piece of fat in the Ming Dynasty is a problem.

For powerful tribes, they may not care about how to eat this piece of fat in advance, but for weaker tribes, they are more concerned about whether to divide this piece of fat in advance, otherwise, they really have to wait until the meat is eaten. When people are powerful, it will be a big trouble if they don't give them points.

Based on this, all the tribes have found many reasons to get the maximum benefit from this feast.

Even if Tuxie Tuhan is relatively strong, he has a large population. If he leaves the bitter cold land in Mobei and gets enough supplies, his strength will be greatly improved.

Thinking in this way, and adding the example of the Zasaktu Khan being raided by the Ming army this time, he also agreed with Subadi's point of view, thinking that it is time to unite with Tsarist Russia and Wacha as soon as possible to destroy the Ming country first.

About five days later, the Tuxietu Khan's side had successively assembled troops. Together with the remnant army led by Subadi, the strength reached more than [-], and it was still increasing.

"Hehe, now we have formed an absolute superiority in strength over the Ming army!" Tushetuhan said to Subadhi with a smile, "And the Ming army still has to escort so many spoils, so its strength will definitely not be concentrated. This time Basically, there will be no suspense!"

After hearing this, Subadi immediately nodded and said in agreement: "That's right, now we're waiting for Tanma to report back the position of the Ming army!"

Just as he was finishing his words, he suddenly saw movement. To the west, dozens of riders were appearing in his field of vision, galloping towards him.

"Look, there must be news from Tanma!" After hearing this, Subadi pointed to the group of knights galloping in the distance and said.

After hearing this, Tushetuhan turned his head and saw the group of galloping knights. He was delighted at first and nodded, but then he said with some doubts: "No, the scout horse I sent out , is going to the southwest, why did they come from the west? Could it be that the Ming army never went south and returned to the Ming country?"

Hearing this, Subadi was also a little puzzled. Just as he was thinking, the galloping knights were getting closer, and vaguely, he seemed to hear the shout: "The enemy attacked... Raid..."

(End of this chapter)

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