Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 717 You Induced It

Chapter 717 You Induced It

Hearing the shouts of the galloping horses, the assembled Mongols were a little confused.

There are so many people gathered here, and they are attacked by the enemy before they go to fight others?

The Mongols in the various yurts, whether they were ordinary herdsmen recruited or standing cavalry, immediately looked for their own bows, arrows, knives and guns, and their war horses, and they immediately became chaotic.

However, no matter how chaotic it was, they still had some confidence at this time. After all, all the main forces of the Tushetu Khan Department had gathered here.

Seeing this scene, Subadi was also a little dazed, and confirmed to Tushe Tuhan: "It shouldn't be, the enemy at this time, except for the Ming army, should have no enemies!"

Among the other grassland tribes, the main enemies of the Mobei tribes are Wacha.But more than ten years ago, the two sides signed the "Khalka-Oirat Law Code", which not only shook hands and made peace, but also formed an offensive and defensive alliance.Nor, as far as they knew, could there be any sign of Vathorn tearing up the Codex.

If you say it's not Wacha, then it's the Ming army.

However, the Ming army only had more than [-] riders. They plundered the Zasaktu Khan tribe. Even if they killed everyone, wouldn't they not want those cattle and sheep?They don't want it, but they want to attack the Tushetu Khan who is already prepared. What are they trying to do?
For a while, Tuxietuhan was confused by Subadi's question and couldn't answer the question.

But right now is not the time to figure out this issue, he hastily ordered the whole army to assemble and prepare to meet the enemy.

At this moment, the galloping Tanma finally arrived at Wang Qi's place, panting, rolled off the saddle, and told Tuxietu Khan, "Khan, the Ming army is here..."

Sure enough, it was the Ming army. This was within their expectation. Tuxietuhan and Subadhi heard this, and glanced at each other, meaning that it was as expected. Before they could say anything, Tanma continued to report: "... ...There are forty to fifty thousand Ming troops, many, many, and they are here to kill them!"

"What?" Tuxietuhan was so frightened that he almost fell down, and asked quickly, "How many? How many troops does the Ming army have?"

Didn't they just say more than [-], where did the [-] to [-] Ming troops come from?

"[-] to [-] Ming troops are rushing towards us..."

Suba was the first to hear it, and cut off Tan Ma's report: "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! If the Ming army had [-] to [-] troops, it would be impossible for them to attack me with so few people, unless... "

What he wanted to say was that unless there were reinforcements in the future of the Ming Dynasty.

However, before he finished speaking, Tan Ma stared at him with hatred and said loudly: "The regular cavalry in the Ming Kingdom is about [-] to [-], and the rest of the cavalry are all from your clan. "

Speaking of this, Tanma immediately turned his head to look at Tuxietu Khan, and said anxiously: "Khan, this is the idea of ​​Zasaktuhan colluding with the Ming army to attack our tribe!"

Although in the eyes of outsiders, the Mongols dress similarly, it is difficult to tell which tribe they belong to.But in the eyes of the Mongols themselves, they can clearly distinguish this point.After these scouts discovered the enemy's situation, they quickly distinguished which tribe the Mongols who fought with the Ming army belonged to.

"..." As soon as Tan Ma's words came out, no matter whether it was Subadhi or Tuxietuhan, they were a little dumbfounded.

Of course, the dumbfoundedness of the two of them was somewhat different.

For Tuxietu Khan, he was shocked by Subadi, and even colluded with the Ming army, and then pretended to be attacked by the Ming army, and ran to him, this is to catch him all!
For Subadi, it feels like this is absolutely impossible.He was attacked by the Ming army and fled. How could he collude with the Ming army again!

Thinking of this, looking at Tushetuhan's expression and the expressions of those around him, Subadi came back to his senses and quickly argued: "How is it possible, nothing! Absolutely impossible! Really, I……"

He can't do without justifying, otherwise, Tushetuhan will kill him, this is his territory.

His son, Norbu Bixilu Tuhan, and other big and small leaders who followed him also defended themselves.

"... If I really have to collude with the Ming army, am I stupid, and I still come here myself?" Subadi hurriedly explained, "I don't want to die?"

Hearing this, it seems that this is indeed the truth.

Tuxietuhan, who came back to his senses, felt that Tanma might have made a mistake, so he was about to say something.

But at this moment, a line appeared on the horizon in the distance of the grassland.

"Let's not talk about this first, prepare to meet the enemy!" Tushetuhan saw him, and immediately ordered.

The army must gather and move forward, and the place where it is stationed cannot be used as a battlefield, otherwise even if it wins, it will lose cattle, sheep and people.

There is no need to explain, in order to prevent accidents, ordinary herdsmen immediately started to drive away the herds, trying to stay away.

The troops of the Tuxietuhan tribe that have been assembled are indeed the largest among the three tribes in Mobei.In terms of numbers, it is about the same as the invading enemy.

However, Tuxie Tuhan felt a little uneasy.He himself knew the approximate combat strength of his army.If the timing is wrong, you can only escape first.

Thinking of this in his heart, he stared carefully at the line of soldiers approaching slowly in the distance, and became a little nervous.

Although I still can't see the specific situation clearly, the Ming army is very conspicuous in wearing red battle jackets.

Tuxietuhan only observed the difference in color, and he found that the number of the Ming army was almost [-]!
And the Ming cavalry can appear here, it is definitely elite, and it is impossible to make up the number of miscellaneous cards!

Thinking of this, Tushetuhan felt a little bit retreated.

When he was thinking about it, the people beside him shouted: "Khan, Khan, they are from their clan, and those who came to attack us with the Ming army are people from their clan!"

Upon hearing this, Tushetuhan immediately turned his attention to those cavalrymen who were not wearing the Ming military uniform.

Sure enough, it could be vaguely distinguished, as if it was indeed from the Zasaktu Khan tribe.

Before he could turn his head to question, Norbu Bixi Le Tuhan had already said in an incredible tone: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, it must be a fake, it must be a fake..."

Subadi's eyesight was poorer, and he was able to tell the difference a little later. Suddenly, he couldn't figure it out, why did his men go to the Ming army?The most important thing is, not just one or two, but tens of thousands!

How is this going?

Tushetuhan's face was already very gloomy, he turned his head to look at Subadhi, and shouted sharply, "What's going on?"

Without Subadi's permission, it would be absolutely impossible for his men to defect to the Ming army, and there are still so many of them!At least in his whole life, he has never heard of such a thing!

Seeing Subadi's expression of astonishment, and seeing that he was definitely not pretending, Tushetuhan thought of another possibility: that is, some of Subadi's seven sons had defected to the Ming army.

He never thought that one day, the Ming army would only kill the headmen, but buy the low-level herdsmen.

You know, in the eyes of people in this era, no matter whether it is the herdsmen at the bottom or the people at the bottom of the Central Plains, they are all consumables, just a number.Dealing with, buying, etc., all these communication partners must be bosses, masters and the like!
Tuxietu Khan's side still didn't know what was going on, but the Ming army's side, ignoring the enemy with comparable strength in front of them, had already begun to slowly increase their horse speed.

All the generals, including Li Dingguo himself, were on the front line of the cavalry.

The front lines of the Ming army, like red arrows one by one, began to shoot at the army of Tuxietu Khan.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes became more and more urgent.

Seeing the indomitable momentum of the Ming army, normally speaking, Tuxietu Khan's side should speed up and start a hedge.Otherwise, once the momentum is lost, it will have a great impact on the morale of the army.

However, at this time, not many people on Tuxietu Khan's side dared to conflict at all, and even Wang Qi's side did not send a signal to charge.

Whether you can beat it depends on the situation in front of you, and you probably know it psychologically.

Tuxietuhan did not believe that Subadi led the Ming army here, but the fact that the Ming army could come here is definitely related to Subadi.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes was like the king of Hades urging him to order. He no longer cared how far the herds and people behind him fled, and immediately pointed at Subadhi and said, "You killed me!"

After complaining unwillingly, he turned his horse's head and ran away.

Seeing Wang Qi's direction, the other members of the Tuxietuhan tribe immediately ran away without saying a word.

For the people on the grassland, fleeing if they can't fight is engraved in their bones, and there is no shame at all.

"Kneel down and surrender without killing! Kneel up and surrender without killing..."

As soon as the enemy in front of them showed signs of retreating, a huge noise erupted in the formation of the Ming army.

Some soldiers of the Ming army were shouting, and some people from the Zhasaktu Khan tribe were shouting.

To be honest, at the beginning, the people of Zasaktu Khan's tribe were actually a little bit drummed in their hearts. They didn't know if they would survive this battle and go back to see their relatives.

However, when they saw that the elites of the Ming Dynasty were the first to charge and did not drive them to charge first, and the Tuxietu Khan did not dare to block the Ming army's attack and turned around to run away, they became excited and shouted very loudly.

This battle, it can be said that there is no danger, basically won!

This taste of victory seems to be very good!

The battle that took place in Tushetu Khan's tribe, although there were formations to meet the enemy, it was not a fierce battle at all, but more of a chasing battle.

From the Ming army's decision to the Tuxietu Khan's tribe, and the Tuxietu Khan's tribe did not escape in advance, it is basically doomed to the end!

During the pursuit, the recruits of Zasaktu Khan played a huge role.

(End of this chapter)

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