Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 719 A Unique Blessing

Chapter 719 A Unique Blessing

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen said in surprise when he heard the news, "Li Dingguo solved the three tribes in Mobei?"

In the original countermeasure, the cavalry led by Li Dingguo marched westward to prevent Wacha and Tsarist Russia from colluding, which would pose a threat to the northwest of Ming Dynasty.Unexpectedly, Li Dingguo not only sent back news from the Western Regions, but also led troops to raid Khalkha Mongolia, which had already allied with Wacha, in response to the current situation, which was equivalent to solving the hidden dangers in the north for the imperial court.

For Emperor Chongzhen, this was simply a surprise!

The second assistant, Sun Chuanting, also had a rare smile on his face, and passed the memorial to the rotating eunuch Fang Zhenghua with both hands, and at the same time replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "Although the leaders of the three tribes in Mobei escaped, they lost their foundation, so there is nothing to worry about! "

After a pause, he then added: "And moved the three tribes of Mobei to Guihua City. The imperial court developed the Hetao Plain to have enough population. In addition, the imperial court can have at least [-] to [-] cavalry troops. For next year Sweeping Eastern Mongolia, or attacking Liaodong, there will be enough troops available!"

If you want to form a cavalry army of [-] to [-], if you only rely on the pass, the price you pay is definitely a huge number.However, the cavalry army composed of Mongolian herdsmen only needs the court to pay the military salary and ordnance, which is similar to the court paying the price of an infantry army. It can be said to be a big profit!

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help laughing, and immediately commented: "That's right, that's right, I went out with more than [-] cavalry, and the result was not only more and more fighting, but also the herds and population of the three tribes in Mobei, You really deserve to be a capable man of the two famous kings!"

"???" Sun Chuanting was puzzled when he heard it, and with a question mark on his head, he asked a little bit puzzled, "Your Majesty, what is the name of the two famous kings?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless when he heard it. He was so happy that he slipped his words!
When he came back to his senses, he immediately asked in a serious manner: "What I mean, he knocked away all the sweaters in Mobei in one go. It's pretty amazing."

After finishing speaking, he looked down at the memorial.

Sun Chuanting still couldn't understand Emperor Chongzhen's explanation.

Intuition told him that this explanation was nonsense.

However, the emperor is talking nonsense, he is a courtier, and it is not a critical question, and there is no way, or in other words, there is no need to chase after the emperor to ask.

However, he has a feeling that Li Dingguo is indeed a highly appreciated height in the emperor's heart.

After reading the memorial, Emperor Chongzhen immediately raised his head and said: "Relocate first in Guihua City, and if it can't be accommodated, move south to northern Shaanxi and Xuanda. After this winter, move back to Hetao Plain."

After a pause, he added: "Decree to Governor Xuanda and Governor Yansui to order the local cement factories to speed up the construction of houses, the kind that use coal to heat the kang. As for the reward for military exploits, it will wait for Li Dingguo to return. Officially report the victory document!"

Sun Chuanting naturally had no objection to this. He sent this memorial because he still had something to ask Emperor Chongzhen.

No, I heard him play to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the governor of Yunnan played again, saying that Dongwu please surrender, and he is willing to sacrifice Li Zicheng and other bandits, so that the Ming Dynasty will be honored forever in the future!"

On Dongwu's side, they were hoarded on the border by the Ming border army, showing their arms at every turn, so Dongwu had to gather all the troops from across the country to fight.After a long time, even if the fight is not started, it will be too much.

Dongwu King Talong's many years of recuperation, and the accumulated food, grass and materials were quickly consumed.This made him realize that King Long could not go on like this, so he asked to surrender again.

After Sun Chuanting finished speaking, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen did not speak immediately, he opened his mouth again and said, "The focus of the imperial court next year will still be in eastern Mongolia, Liaodong, and North Korea. As for the southwest, Dongwu has already been subdued, so it is better to take advantage of the trend to end the matter of Dongwu." , dispatch troops to Guangxi, which can be used to recover Annan."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "To deliver the decree to Yunnan, unless King Long is willing to accept the title of the imperial court, move to the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth, and Dongwu to return to Daming Dongwu Province, otherwise nothing will be discussed!"

The implication is that I still don't agree, and I must win Dongwu.

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting frowned slightly and said, "Your Majesty, King Talong will definitely not accept such conditions."

"If you don't accept it, you won't accept it. Anyway, Dongwu is my decision!" Emperor Chongzhen listened, and said indifferently, "As for Annan, I have other arrangements. Maybe I can take it back without fighting!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting was a little curious, and when he was about to ask a question, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him first: "Sun Qing, let's prepare to rectify the matter of the newly attached Prairie Cavalry Army!"

This time, it is estimated that there will be [-] to [-] Mongolian cavalry troops attached. There are indeed many things to register, allocate troops, equip, and train.

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting had no choice but to ignore other things and agreed.

After he left, Emperor Chongzhen contacted Liu Weichao and told about Li Dingguo's Battle of Mobei, and then said with emotion: "It is gold, and it will shine after all. I originally thought that changing history also changed him." Unexpectedly, he proved himself in another way."

Half of Li Dingguo's title was due to luck, he picked up Aixinjueluo Azig, and the other half was awarded by Emperor Chongzhen for Li Dingguo's loyalty to Daming in the original history.In the end, this conferment was out of affection, not a real display of Li Dingguo's ability.

Unexpectedly, Li Dingguo's performance on the grassland gave Emperor Chongzhen an unexpected joy.

In the Battle of Mobei, there were no hard battles or tough battles, and there were not many losses, but the profits were so huge. This kind of war is definitely not something that ordinary generals can do.

Judging the situation and adapting to changing circumstances are indispensable!

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "He can achieve such a miracle. In the final analysis, it is also the reason why you are behind him. If it weren't for the grassland strategy you gave, if it weren't for you being able to settle so many herdsmen, he would be It couldn’t have behaved like this.”

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was very helpful, so he also said to Liu Weichao: "In this way, the credit is also due to you. If you hadn't helped me click on the technology tree, the productivity has been greatly improved. It would be impossible to have so many materials, and there would be no such confidence to come up with this grassland strategy. By the way, even this strategy of converting animal husbandry to locals was actually suggested by you."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your help to me is really great!"

Liu Weichao also laughed when he heard this.

After a while, he said: "Okay, we don't have to flatter each other! That's right!"

Speaking of this, Liu Weichao paused and said: "I thought about it, I'm getting married during the Chinese New Year, what's the best gift you can give me!"

"What gift?" Emperor Chongzhen had been entangled in this matter for a long time, and it was very troublesome. Hearing his words at this time, he was overjoyed and asked quickly, "Hurry up and see if I can do it." ?”

After hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and said to him: "I hope that when I get married, I can get blessings from you and your celebrities at the end of Ming Dynasty."

At this point, he realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he quickly changed his words and said, "I just hope to get the blessings of famous people in your era. As for the list, I will give you one. What do you think?"

Liu Weichao thought about it. When he got married, if he could get their blessings from Emperor Chongzhen, Empress Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui, Chen Yuanyuan, Qin Liangyu, Sun Chuanting, Zhou Yuji, etc., then this gift is absolutely unique!
Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard this, and after he came back to his senses, he was very excited, and said immediately: "Okay, this is no problem, you give me the list, if you are far away, I will send a fast horse, eight hundred Riga hastened to summon them back!"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it, and immediately said a little embarrassedly, "It's unnecessary to expedite it by eight hundred miles, it's too exaggerated!"

Expedited [-] miles is the highest level of communication, unless the matter is really urgent, it will be urgently used [-] miles.

As far as Liu Weichao knows, that is, in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the Emperor Chongzhen used [-] miles to send an urgent order to those celebrities to save the country and survive.

But now, it's just that he's getting married, so he hastened it by [-] miles, and then those famous celebrities in the late Ming Dynasty rushed to the capital with all their might, just to give themselves a wedding blessing?
Just thinking about it like this makes me feel a little embarrassed!
But who knows, when Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he said very seriously: "Why is it unnecessary? This is one of the most important things in your life! As far as your contribution to the Ming Dynasty is concerned, I will go to the sky to pick up the stars. It should be!"

If it wasn't for Liu Weichao, at this time, his bones would be cold, his wife and children would all be dead, and his country would be finished!Everything that is currently there no longer exists.

Not only him, but also those famous ministers and generals have also experienced scenes of tragedies, or have died in battle, or are about to die in battle, and how many tens of millions of people will die in the Ming Dynasty!

And all this changed because of Liu Weichao.Such a great feat is just to recall them back to the capital in a hurry and give Liu Weichao a wedding blessing. If you don't even do this, then you will be really sorry for Liu Weichao!

When Emperor Chongzhen thought this way, Liu Weichao was still there and said: "But some of them hold important positions, and it's not a big deal for them to guard one side. It's not easy to let them come back?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said without hesitation: "Then let their deputies take over first! For Zhen, for Daming, giving you the blessing of marriage is a big deal!"

Speaking of this, he continued in a tone that could not be refuted: "Okay, it's settled! Don't be verbose, give me a list!"

(End of this chapter)

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