Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 720 Take refuge

Chapter 720 Take refuge
On the grassland, under the heavy snow, there was a vast expanse of whiteness.

Although it is said that the heavy snow has just started to fall, there is already a relatively thick snow on the ground, enough to submerge people's insteps.And looking at this trend, the snow has not stopped, and it is estimated that it will be the same as in previous years, it will be thick and thick.

Under normal circumstances, when there is heavy snow on the grassland, as long as they are human, they will get up to avoid the severe cold.

But now, around the Zhungeer Basin, there are still about [-] cavalry troops trekking hard in the heavy snow.This scene is particularly conspicuous in Snow White World.

I don't know which corner, there was a sudden movement, and a few riders rushed over immediately, yelling loudly which tribe it was from?
Afterwards, I saw Kuaiqi riding away galloping through the snowflakes.

"What?" Durbert Khan was taken aback when he heard the report, and asked in disbelief, "Zhasaktu Khan and Tuxie Tuhan led the troops here at this time, how many soldiers and horses did they bring?"

This is absolutely not normal, even leading troops here on such a date, what the hell are the two of them doing?Could it be that their tribe couldn't survive the winter, so they wanted to come and grab their own?Are they going to tear up the contract again regardless of the signed code?
At this moment, Durbert Khan was very nervous.

"There are only about [-] riders, and there are still a lot of people injured. It looks like... It seems that they are remnants of defeated soldiers who have come to join us."

"Ah?" Duerbert Khan was even more shocked when he heard this, even more surprised than just now, "What's going on? Who beat them? They are in Mobei. There are at least eight people from the two clans combined. Ninety thousand cavalry, what's going on?"

"They didn't want to say anything, they just asked us to report to Da Khan, saying that we would know when we saw Da Khan!"

Durbert Khan was quite surprised when he heard this. After thinking about it for a while, he still ordered: "Send the order, assemble the army, just go to the left, and follow me to meet!"

The wintering grounds of Duerbert's department are also divided into several places. The king's tent has the largest population. He can gather tens of thousands of cavalry, so he is not afraid of the [-] cavalry of Zasaktuhan and Tuxietuhan. What can be done.

In this winter, when it was still snowing heavily, men would gather with weapons, which made everyone in Duerbert's department panic.No one wants to go out in this weather.But since he is going out, it must be a big deal!
The same is true, what happens next is extraordinarily eye-catching.

In the end, Durbert Khan led an army of tens of thousands of cavalry, braved the wind and snow, and greeted Zasaktu Khan and Tuxietu Khan.Just meeting, Durbert Khan was shocked.

Sure enough, he was right when he scouted the horse. Looking at Zasaktuhan and Tuxietuhan, he knew that they must have experienced a big defeat to show such a decadent performance, as well as those wounded.As far as what I saw before my eyes, it was really impossible to pretend.

This time, after seeing it with his own eyes, Durbert Khan was even more shocked: Whether it was Zasaktu Khan or Tuxietu Khan, their tribal strength was stronger than his western Durbert tribe. powerful.It's really unimaginable!

Shocked, he quickly asked after this meeting, "What's going on?"

After hearing this, Zasaktuhan sighed heavily and said, "Being attacked by the Ming army, both of us lost our tribe, so we can only come to seek refuge with you!"

After Tuxietu Khan's troops were attacked by the Ming army, the two of them fled with their troops. When they were still in shock, they found that the Ming army continued to sweep eastward.

At this time, Duerbert Khan was shocked when he heard Zasaktu Khan's words: "Ambush by the Ming army? How many troops did the Ming army come, [-]? The Qing Empire formed an alliance with the Wa Kingdom, and the Ming Kingdom had no time to deal with it, so how could it be possible to separate so many people and go to Mobei..."

He really couldn't figure it out, chattering, asking non-stop like a cannonball.

"Can I have something to eat first?" Tushetuhan interrupted his question with a wry smile, "We haven't eaten for a few days!"

Under the heavy snow, birds and beasts disappeared, and the group of them still killed horses to satisfy their hunger, but just like this, they almost couldn't reach Duerbert's department.This situation is really a bit miserable.

When Duerbert Khan heard this, he was dumbfounded for a moment, and then came back to his senses, and hurriedly welcomed the defeated army back to the winter field before talking.

His subordinates, the other members of the Duerbert tribe, were equally astonished and shocked when they saw the miserable situation of the people of these two tribes.They were all trying to find out, what was it that caused two tribes that were stronger than theirs to become like this?
It can be said that what happened to the Zasaktu Khan tribe and the Tushetu Khan tribe became the topic of most concern to everyone in the Durbert tribe.

In the king's tent, Durbert Khan entertained two down-and-out Khan kings, and began to ask about the specific situation.

Zasaktu Khan, also known as Subadi, knew that it would be impossible to explain clearly, so he said to Durbert Khan: "There are more than [-] cavalry troops in the Ming Dynasty, and the banner is Li. I haven't heard of it before. They attacked my tribe first, and then I don’t know what demagogic means they used to turn my people into theirs, almost non-stop, after sweeping my tribe, they turned... "

Having said that, he paused for a moment, glanced at Tushetuhan with an annoyed expression on his face, and then continued: "His tribe suffered similarly to mine. When we withdrew to your side, The Ming army went to attack the Chechen Khans again. Hey, it is estimated that the Chechen Khans are also in danger! The Ming army has more people from our two tribes, a total of [-] to [-] cavalry troops. What can the Chechen Khans do to stop them? ?”

Durbert Khan was surprised, and said in a tone of disbelief: "How is this possible? Are you crazy? How could the Ming army do it?"

At this point, he felt that it was not enough to express his surprise, so he added: "Oh, the Ming army killed and robbed all the people in your tribe, and there is still the power to force your people to surrender, and then go to fight other people. Tribes? Are they not afraid of stabbing a knife in the back? I have never heard of such a method of warfare!"

Hearing this, Tuxie Tuhan explained: "No, the Ming army did not kill or plunder, and the herdsmen of our tribe have all moved to the south!"

"Then the Ming army is more than [-]?" Durbert Khan thought he had discovered the problem, and corrected his words, "You should also count the troops of the Ming army escorting them south!"

After hearing this, Zhasaktuhan smiled wryly and said, "The cavalry of the Ming Dynasty are all used to attack our tribe, and there is no extra force to escort our tribe to the south."

After his tribe was defeated by the Ming cavalry, some of the cavalry who fled in all directions met the herdsmen who went south and asked about the situation, so some joined the team going south, and some were unwilling to join and were persuaded not to join. If he didn't return, he had no choice but to continue looking for Zasak Tuhan to report the situation.

Therefore, Zasak Tuhan knew the general situation, but he was defeated by the Ming army, fled to Tuxie Tuhan himself, and was defeated by the Ming army. He had no time and no troops to pursue him. If you want to go back to their tribe, you have no choice but to come to join Waci.

Durbert Khan was a little stunned when he heard the detailed introduction of the two Khan kings.

Ming country is really prosperous, even more prosperous than he imagined, and it can support so many tribes?

If this is the case, then it is no wonder that the people from Mobei ran to join the Ming Kingdom.Of course, the premise is that what the two Khans said is true.

Seeing him like this, Zasaktuhan and Tushetuhan glanced at each other, and then Zasaktuhan, who had the best relationship with Wacha, said to Durbert Khan: "Over there in Guihua City, Absolutely hoarding countless food and supplies, we should unite with your Wacha ministries and the Tsarist Russian Empire as soon as possible to fight together!"

Hearing this, Durbert Khan came back to his senses, but ignored the two of them, but immediately sent an order: "Quickly, order to go on, the tribesmen are not allowed to inquire about the news in private!"

Although the living conditions here in Wacha are not as difficult as in Mobei, the temperature in these years has been very cold, making Wacha's life difficult.

Durbert Khan was a little worried. If his herdsmen heard that the Ming Kingdom was so prosperous and would take in the herdsmen who went to seek refuge, he was afraid that some of his subordinates would flee to the Ming Kingdom.

Hearing his words, Zasak Tuhan and Tuxie Tuhan glanced at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

This move of the Ming Dynasty is a conspiracy, it is too difficult to stop!

While they were thinking about it, Durbert Khan had already turned his head, looked at the two of them and said, "How is the fighting strength of the Ming cavalry army? Is it very strong?"

Obviously, he wanted to know more.

Regarding this, Zasaktuhan didn't want to hide it either. After all, he was going to attack the Ming country later, so he told him everything he saw.

After he finished speaking, Tuxietuhan added: "Those Ming generals are crazy, as if they are not fighting, but grabbing credit, I have never seen this kind of lifeless before." style of play!"

This is also their bad luck, they just met the rogue generals who are beckoning, all of them are eager to make military exploits.

After finishing speaking, they proposed again that they should unite earlier and attack Guihua City in the same way, so as to teach the Ming army a lesson.

After hearing this, Durbert Khan said with some embarrassment: "The snow is so heavy now, and there is no way to contact other tribes. Let's talk about it after this winter!"

After hearing this, Zhasaktu Khan felt a little reconciled and wanted to talk again, but Durbert Khan didn't give them a chance, but ordered his subordinates to take them down to rest.

The two Khan kings felt a little helpless, and felt that Durbert Khan must be afraid, otherwise, they could all come in the snow, so why couldn't Durbert Khan contact other tribes in the snow?

(End of this chapter)

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