Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 721 Thicker Thighs

Chapter 721 Thicker Thighs

Zasaktu Khan and Tushe Tu Khan really guessed right. After Durbert Khan figured out their situation, he was really scared!

Because he thought, what if the Ming army did not go to fight against the three tribes of Mobei, but went west to attack his Duerbert tribe?
As far as the strength of the tribe is concerned, the strength of the Duerbert tribe cannot be compared with the three tribes of Mobei.

Back in the day, when the four major tribes of Waci united, they couldn't defeat the three tribes of Mobei.It is also because the weather has suddenly become colder over the years, making the Mobei side even more bitterly cold.In addition, on Wacha's side, there are capable people like Gushi Khan, so they have won the three tribes in Mobei in recent years, thus laying the foundation for the signing of the code of law between the two parties.

But now, Gushi Khan has taken the elite of the Heshuote tribe to Qinghai-Tibet, and the Turghut tribe, one of the four major tribes, has moved westward to the Volga River Basin far away.It can be said that the current Wacha, that is, the Zhungeer Department, is relatively strong.

However, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot compare with the three tribes of Mobei.

Now, according to the meaning of these two kings of Khan, the three tribes in Mobei were directly swept away by the Ming army, so with the current Wacha, if the Ming army came to attack...

Durbert Khan will inevitably think of this layer, and how can he not be afraid of the result!

Not to mention, in the past, traces of the Ming army had actually been found in the west, and a small tribe, the Huite Department, was brought over.After receiving the news at that time, Durbert Khan was really nervous for a while, and he packed up and prepared to move west.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Ming army did not continue to fight west, but ran to Mobei instead.

As a tribal leader who is not strong enough, Durbert Khan can be said to have always walked on thin ice when dealing with affairs.

Those who are not strong enough on the grassland will eventually become the prey of others!

After sending away Zasaktu Khan and Tushetu Khan, Durbert Khan inevitably thought, what should he do next?
The first thing he thought of was that he wanted to report to the Zhungeer Ministry immediately. After all, the person in charge of the current Wacha is Zhungeer Khan.

However, it is indeed snowing heavily now, and I don't know if it will continue to snow heavily in the next few days. It is also dangerous to contact the Zhungeer Department.

At that time, it's really hard to say what Zhun Geerhan will have in mind.

According to Duerbert Khan's own estimation, at least in terms of the current strength of Wacha, he probably would not dare to go east to attack Guihua City.

well!Thinking of this, Durbert Khan couldn't help sighing heavily: How did Ming become so powerful again?
It's not that Wachi hasn't dealt with Ming Kingdom before, and they know each other well.However, Durbert Khan never expected that today's Ming army, with only more than [-] people, would be able to sweep Mobei!The most important thing is that it turned out to be such a weird way, sweeping Mobei in a way that has never been seen before!
Durbert Khan still has self-knowledge, he knows that he will not be better than Zasaktu Khan, nor Tushetu Khan.They all ended up like this, so once he encounters the Ming army's attack, he will probably be no exception!

Thinking of this, Durbert Khan sighed heavily again!


The situation is really too difficult!
After the beginning of spring next year, the Ming army will have no worries about Mobei, so it is very likely that they will come to beat him!
Durbert Khan sighed countless times, and came up with a countermeasure. Otherwise, he should move westward and leave the Ming Kingdom far away.That way, at least if the Ming army marches westward again, Duerbert's department won't be the first to suffer.

After thinking of this method, Durbert Khan breathed a sigh of relief, but then, after thinking about it deeply, he couldn't help patting and rubbing his forehead again, as if he was very troubled.

Because he thought that the grasslands in the west are all owned.The most fertile grasslands are now in the Zhungeer tribe.In order to prevent conflicts with the Zhungeer tribe, the Torghut tribe was annexed by the Junggar tribe, and moved westward to the Volga River Basin.

If the Duerbert tribe wanted to move westward, it had to move farther west than the Torghut tribe.

However, when he heard that the Turghut tribe had moved to the Volga River Basin, he was bullied by Tsarist Russia twice in three days.If Duerbert moved to the west, it would be closer to Tsarist Russia, wouldn't it be easier to be bullied by Tsarist Russia?

What kind of virtues are those Tsarist Russians? As the Great Khan of Durbert's Department, he has naturally heard of it.

Even if there is an envoy from the Qing Dynasty to coordinate and the two sides form an alliance, if there is no conflict with each other, then troops will be sent to fight against the Ming Dynasty.

And the current strength of Ming country...

Thinking of this, Durbert Khan's head hurt even more: the prospect of this road is really hopeless!

How to do?
This is a very important question before him!This will be related to the survival of the tribe!
And the time to solve this problem may only be this winter!

After thinking about it, Durbert Khan couldn't help sighing heavily again: Alas!

At this moment, his subordinates came over and reported: "Khan, the people have settled down. And there are soldiers watching, they have no chance to go out and talk nonsense."

Durbert Khan listened, nodded, and waved his hand a little bit uninterestedly to show that he understood.

The affairs of the three tribes in Mobei should not be known to those ordinary herdsmen, otherwise, what if they sneak away to join the Ming Kingdom?
As soon as he thought of this, suddenly, as if enlightened, an idea popped up in his mind.

Those ordinary herdsmen can run to join the Ming country, why can't they themselves?

Aren't Zhasake Tuhan and Tuxie Tuhan in his own hands?Using the two of them as bargaining chips, sending people to negotiate with the Ming Kingdom might be a way out!

The strength of the tribe is not strong. If you want to hug your thigh, why don't you hug the thickest thigh?
Thinking about it this way, Durbert Khan seemed to have opened a new skylight, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this road would be brighter!
In the past, it wasn't that there were no tribes that belonged to the Ming Kingdom!

Now that there is no way out, instead of being the same as the Mobei tribe, it is better to take the initiative to contact the Ming country. If you take the initiative to join, can you get a better return?
Durbert Khan thought about it, and felt that this idea could be possible.

After thinking over and over again, he secretly sent his cronies to discuss the future of the tribe together, and finally decided to send someone to the Ming country to communicate in the snow to see if this road would work!

Guihua City, also known as Hohhot in later generations, usually starts to snow in the eleventh month of the lunar calendar. If it snows heavily, it may be delayed by another month.

However, during this little ice age, in November, heavy snow had already begun.

Just when the first heavy snow began to fall, Li Dingguo led the cavalry and drove the herds back to Guihua City with the herdsmen of the Chechen Khan.

This Guihua City was presided over by Altan Khan and his wife San Niangzi, and it is the largest city on the grassland.However, when Huang Taiji defeated Lin Danhan, he burned Guihua City.

Later, the Tumote tribe was divided into left and right banners by Jianlu, and they were divided and ruled; they dared not rebuild the Guihua City ordered to be burned by Huang Taiji.Of course, they don't have the manpower and material resources to build it.

However, Guihua City at this time has not only been repaired, but its scale is far larger than before it was burned down.

I saw that outside Guihua City, there are also houses being built here and there, scattered and orderly.

Knowing that Li Dingguo also led the herdsmen from the Chechen Khan tribe to the south, and that there were also new cavalry troops from various tribes who went south together, the governor of Yansui was ordered to personally go to Guihua City to preside over the overall situation.

For the herdsmen of the Zasaktu Khan tribe and the Tuxietu Khan tribe who had arrived before, those who had military affiliation certificates in their hands were allocated new houses in Guihua City.As for the ordinary herdsmen, they are arranged to move into the customs;

Therefore, when Li Dingguo led his troops to arrive, the newly joined soldiers who went out with him saw at a glance that their families had their own houses to spend the winter, instead of living in yurts and worrying about the heavy snow that would overwhelm the yurts. up.

Needless to say, they were of course very happy about this situation.It's true, after being attached to Daming, the family's life has improved!

It's just that as soon as they arrive in Guihua City, let these new cavalry soldiers return to Daming immediately.

Then the officials of the Ming Dynasty announced that the calculation and distribution of their military achievements would have to wait until the spring of next year, and they also believed in it.

On the walls, there are various paintings and slogans left by the people from the Department of Political Science and Communications. They are all simple and easy to understand, and you can know what these mean at a glance.

It probably means that Ming Dynasty will never treat any people of Ming Dynasty badly, and treat them equally; also, there is also a plan for Guihua City, where there will be several times the housing construction plan of the original Guihua City, and there will be a railway leading here. Guihua Mansion, grain fields, pastures, etc., are all there.

Anyone who sees these paintings and slogans can have a clearer understanding of the future of Guihua City, or their future.Naturally, for ordinary herdsmen in Mobei, the future of Guihua City is no less than the paradise in the eyes of some people in later generations.

In particular, if you make military achievements for Ming Dynasty, you can gain a foothold here and even get more benefits. Needless to say, this greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of these ordinary herdsmen in Mobei.

Not to mention the ordinary herdsmen who had already joined the army, even the ordinary herdsmen who had concerns before and did not join the army, after arriving in Guihua City, they all wanted to join the army and make more military exploits.

When Li Dingguo left, it wasn't like this here.Now that I came back and saw this scene, I had a high opinion of the people in the Department of Political Affairs and Communications.I didn't expect that a yamen run by a woman could bring so many benefits, it's really amazing!
He was thinking about it, when he suddenly heard Governor Yansui mention his name: "The capital has [-] miles to rush..."

(End of this chapter)

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