Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 730 Submission

Chapter 730 Submission
Is this being too honest?
Li Dingguo was a little speechless, but he didn't care, and agreed to their request.

Of course, these people have all been searched, and Li Dingguo's personal guards are watching, so I'm not afraid that they will make trouble.

After the meeting, the envoy of Duerbert's department asked Li Dingguo straight to the point, what kind of treatment would the Duerbert's department receive if it were to belong to Ming Dynasty?
Regarding this issue, the imperial court has a clear purpose, and Li Dingguo naturally gave explanations one by one.

The Mongolian tribe was not captured, but really returned, just like the Southwest chieftain, given three options:

[-]. The leader moved to the capital and was given a corresponding title according to the size and strength of the tribe. He would have no power in the future and enjoy the glory and wealth;

Second, the leader leaves the tribe and can go to other places to be an official. He has power, but he does not have a title. What happens in the future depends on his own efforts;

Third, if the leader joins the army, some of the former tribesmen can be included, and the imperial court will rectify and expand the territory for the imperial court.

As for ordinary people, they are all the same. After being attached to Ming Dynasty, they will be ordinary people of Ming Dynasty.What the people of the Ming Dynasty enjoyed, so did the newly surrendered Mongolian people; what obligations did the Ming people undertake, so did the newly surrendered Mongolian people;
This one is voluntarily attached, and there are also those who are captured, so the treatment will be worse.

For example, if the three tribes in Mobei were enemies with Daming, the leaders of the three tribes in Mobei would be killed without mercy if they did not surrender. If they were captured, they would also be convicted.


Li Dingguo would not explain it himself, his own subordinates were explaining; while he was observing, he suddenly discovered a situation.That is, every time when explaining something more important, such as the choice of the tribal leader, there are always a few people in the Dulbert department who will look at an older person standing in the middle.

Obviously the person in the lead should be the middle-aged man standing in the front, but why did those few people finally see the older one?
After Li Dingguo discovered this situation, he knew it was weird, and he had a guess in his heart; but he remained calm and pretended not to know.

After the Ming army introduced the court policy, the envoy at the head pretended to twist his neck, but actually looked at the old man behind him, then turned around and said earnestly to Li Dingguo: "My lord, can you allow us to discuss it, after all? This is related to the fate of the tribe!"

Li Dingguo noticed his small movements, and he knew it in his heart, so he said lightly: "Nowadays, the imperial court attaches great importance to military merits, and this commander will not hide it from you. The soldiers in the army are all eager to make military merits. Thinking that you can make military achievements, you can exchange for herds, land, houses, etc. If your Duerbert department is attached, although the soldiers will lose a lot of military achievements, the court will still fulfill the promise after all. If you don’t If you are satisfied with the policy of the imperial court, that's okay, the commander will let you go, and the soldiers in the army are happy to go back and see you in the west!"

What he said made the faces of those in Duerbert's department a little ugly.As for Gao Yigong and the others standing beside them, they were all eager to fight.It's not that exaggerated, but that's what it means.This made the faces of these Dulbert men even more ugly.

But before they had time to say anything, Li Dingguo calmed down a little and said, "Before you come to Guihua City to inquire about the imperial court's policy, I will give you three days to walk around Guihua City casually. You can talk to anyone to see if what I said is not true."

Hearing this, he found that several people's expressions seemed to be the kind that wanted to agree, but in the end, after the older man coughed a little, the envoy in the lead thanked Li Dingguo for his kindness and said that he would definitely agree. Use these three days to think about it.

After they went out, Li Guo immediately said to Li Dingguo: "Master Hou, the older man standing among these Duerbert's men seems to be their leader!"

"Why don't you just take him down for interrogation, he is definitely not a good person!" Li Laiheng immediately suggested after hearing this.

After hearing this, Li Dingguo shook his hand and said, "No matter who he is, it doesn't matter to us. If they are willing to submit, that's the best; if they don't want to submit, and perfunctory us, that's okay. With the current strength of Huacheng, there is no problem in sweeping up the tiles in the west, let alone annihilating them, expelling them."

Speaking of this, he paused, and added: "Of course, it's better to join, this will affect other tribes in Wacha, and the western side is not a concern; maybe we can catch up with the war against Liaodong."

After everyone heard this, they didn't say anything else. They just waited three days later to see what the people in Dulbert's department would choose.

After everyone dispersed, Li Dingguo himself was still thinking about things on the Mongolian grassland.

Right now, he still has one thing that he is more concerned about, and that is the follow-up issue of Mobei Mongolia.

At the end of last year, taking advantage of the approaching winter, Li Dingguo led an army to raid the wintering grounds of the three tribes in Mobei. Although the results were very fruitful, there were also many tribes in Mobei who defeated and fled.Especially the Mobei Mongolian nobles who were the leader, they basically escaped by them.

This is also something that can’t be helped, after all, the grassland is vast, and they are more familiar with the terrain, so they can’t chase and intercept them, so it’s normal to escape.

Without ordinary herdsmen and herds, Mobei can no longer pose a threat to Daming as a whole; however, the escaped Mobei tribes will become an organized group because the noble heads are still there. Horse thief; if you don't guard against it at all, it won't work.

But if all the noble heads of the three tribes in Mobei were wiped out, it would be a mess. Those Mongols who escaped could only become servants of other tribes, or they would go south and surrender to the court;

Based on this idea, Li Dingguo is still considering whether to wait until the beginning of spring to organize a force and sweep Mobei again to see if he can attack those remnants of the enemy again?
However, he was still not sure about this.After all, today's remnant enemies in Mobei will no longer be affected by the winter field, who knows where they will be!
Li Dingguo was thinking about this matter. After the people from Duerbert's department arrived at the house where they were housed, someone stood guard at the door immediately, and other people discussed things in the house.

As Li Guo expected, in the house at this time, the people from Dulbert's department were mainly the older man, talking around him.

From their titles, we can know that this older man is none other than Durbert Khan.

Earlier, he had already learned some things from Tuxie Tuhan and others.However, these things exceeded his impression of the Ming country; whether it was the strength of the Ming army or their way of doing things, it was the same.

As for coming from the east to inquire about the situation in the Ming Kingdom, it was related to the fate of the tribe. In the end, Durbert Khan decided to come here in person, so that he could not worry about it.

At this time, he already knew about the Ming Dynasty's new policy on grassland tribes, so he told his subordinates that since the Marquis of the Ming army had agreed, he should not be polite, split up his staff, and go to various places to inquire about the situation.

Even he himself couldn't sit still and decided to go out and have a look.

So, in the next few days, these people from the Duerbert tribe went to the streets one after another, asking for information from ordinary herdsmen, the three Mobei tribes, the original Tumed tribe, etc. Some people even went to observe the barracks of the Ming army to estimate the situation of the Ming army. In short, they were really impolite and asked everywhere.

Not surprisingly, the people from Duerbert's department saw the various paintings and slogans left by the original staff of the Department of Political Affairs and Communications on the walls.

These paintings and slogans were originally intended for the herdsmen who belonged to the three tribes in Mobei.At this time, it is also suitable for the people in Duerbert's department to see.

Ever since, they also saw from these posters that Daming would never treat any Daming people badly and treated them equally; also, there was also a plan for Guihua City, where there would be several times the housing construction plan of the original Guihua City, And there is a railway leading here, and the imperial court will set up Guihua Mansion, grain fields, pastures and so on.

It can be said that the future of the grassland can basically be understood.

Of course, these people from Dulbert's department don't understand what a railway is.But as long as you ask casually, the most shocking things in this era, such as steam trains, will definitely spread the word immediately.The herdsmen of the three ethnic groups in Mobei who just arrived a few years ago, even if they have never met, they can still talk about it.

Under such circumstances, it was only the next day that Durbert Khan had already made a decision.

Therefore, he asked to see Ning Yuanhou again.

This time, as soon as they met, Durbert Khan walked to the front desk and stood at the front, apologizing to Li Dingguo and revealing his identity.

Li Dingguo was a little surprised by this.Although he knew that this old man had a relatively high status, he never thought that it would be Durbert Khan.

At the same time, there was no need for Durbert Khan to speak. He also knew that since Durbert Khan took the initiative to reveal his identity, it was self-evident what their attitude was!
But what Li Dingguo didn't expect was that he heard Durbert Khan say to him: "My Durbert department is willing to take the initiative to join Daming, and for this, I can offer a generous gift. It's just a request, the young people of our tribe can join the army, but I am old and want to go to the capital."

In the past two days, he heard people from Guihua City talking about the prosperity of the capital.In particular, Li Dingguo and others had just returned from the capital, and what they brought back attracted the attention of the people of Guihua City. Naturally, they were heard by everyone in Duerbert's department.

In his life, he has never entered the customs; hearing what they said was exaggerated, it was a miracle that he really wanted to see the Great Ming capital.

(End of this chapter)

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